CLASS net/minecraft/class_1352 net/minecraft/entity/ai/goal/Goal FIELD field_6451 controls Ljava/util/EnumSet; METHOD method_38846 shouldRunEveryTick ()Z COMMENT {@return if the goal should run every tick or not} COMMENT COMMENT

This returns {@code false} by default. If this returns false, COMMENT the goal will tick once after the entity is spawned, and will tick COMMENT every other tick. COMMENT COMMENT @see #getTickCount(int) METHOD method_38847 getTickCount (I)I COMMENT {@return how many times a goal can tick in the given {@param ticks} at most} ARG 1 ticks METHOD method_38848 toGoalTicks (I)I ARG 0 serverTicks METHOD method_6264 canStart ()Z METHOD method_6265 setControls (Ljava/util/EnumSet;)V ARG 1 controls METHOD method_6266 shouldContinue ()Z METHOD method_6267 canStop ()Z METHOD method_6268 tick ()V METHOD method_6269 start ()V METHOD method_6270 stop ()V METHOD method_6271 getControls ()Ljava/util/EnumSet; CLASS class_4134 Control