CLASS net/minecraft/class_1330 net/minecraft/entity/ai/control/BodyControl COMMENT The body control ensures a mob's head and body yaws are kept up with each other. FIELD field_30194 BODY_KEEP_UP_THRESHOLD I FIELD field_30195 ROTATE_BODY_START_TICK I FIELD field_30196 ROTATION_INCREMENTS I FIELD field_6354 lastHeadYaw F FIELD field_6355 bodyAdjustTicks I FIELD field_6356 entity Lnet/minecraft/class_1308; METHOD (Lnet/minecraft/class_1308;)V ARG 1 entity METHOD method_20243 keepUpBody ()V COMMENT Keeps up the body yaw by ensuring it is within the {@linkplain COMMENT MobEntity#getMaxHeadRotation max head rotation} from the head yaw. METHOD method_20244 keepUpHead ()V COMMENT Keeps up the head yaw by ensuring it is within the {@linkplain COMMENT MobEntity#getMaxHeadRotation max head rotation} from the body yaw. METHOD method_20245 slowlyAdjustBody ()V COMMENT Gradually adjusts the body yaw toward the head yaw, starting after 10 ticks of COMMENT {@linkplain #bodyAdjustTicks wait} and finishes by the 20th tick. METHOD method_20246 isIndependent ()Z METHOD method_20247 isMoving ()Z METHOD method_6224 tick ()V COMMENT Ticks the body control. COMMENT COMMENT @implSpec If the entity {@linkplain #isMoving() has moved}, its body yaw COMMENT adjusts to its head yaw. Otherwise, if the entity is {@linkplain COMMENT #isIndependent() not steered}, its head yaw adjusts to its body yaw.