CLASS net/minecraft/class_2275 net/minecraft/block/AbstractCauldronBlock COMMENT The base class for all cauldrons. COMMENT COMMENT

Interaction with cauldrons is controlled by {@linkplain CauldronBehavior COMMENT cauldron behaviors}. COMMENT COMMENT @see CauldronBlock empty cauldrons COMMENT @see LavaCauldronBlock cauldrons filled with lava COMMENT @see LeveledCauldronBlock cauldrons with varying levels of contents COMMENT @see PowderSnowCauldronBlock cauldrons filled with powder snow FIELD field_10746 OUTLINE_SHAPE Lnet/minecraft/class_265; FIELD field_10747 RAYCAST_SHAPE Lnet/minecraft/class_265; FIELD field_27084 behaviorMap Lnet/minecraft/class_5620$class_8821; METHOD (Lnet/minecraft/class_4970$class_2251;Lnet/minecraft/class_5620$class_8821;)V COMMENT Constructs a cauldron block. COMMENT COMMENT

The behavior map must match {@link CauldronBehavior#createMap} by providing COMMENT a nonnull value for all items. ARG 1 settings METHOD method_31615 getFluidHeight (Lnet/minecraft/class_2680;)D ARG 1 state METHOD method_31616 isEntityTouchingFluid (Lnet/minecraft/class_2680;Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;Lnet/minecraft/class_1297;)Z ARG 1 state ARG 2 pos ARG 3 entity METHOD method_32764 fillFromDripstone (Lnet/minecraft/class_2680;Lnet/minecraft/class_1937;Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;Lnet/minecraft/class_3611;)V COMMENT Fills a cauldron with one level of the specified fluid if possible. ARG 1 state COMMENT the current cauldron state ARG 2 world COMMENT the world where the cauldron is located ARG 3 pos COMMENT the cauldron's position ARG 4 fluid COMMENT the fluid to fill the cauldron with METHOD method_32765 canBeFilledByDripstone (Lnet/minecraft/class_3611;)Z COMMENT Checks if this cauldron block can be filled with the specified fluid by dripstone. COMMENT COMMENT @return {@code true} if this block can be filled, {@code false} otherwise ARG 1 fluid COMMENT the fluid to check METHOD method_32766 isFull (Lnet/minecraft/class_2680;)Z COMMENT {@return {@code true} if the specified cauldron state is completely full, COMMENT {@code false} otherwise} ARG 1 state COMMENT the cauldron state to check