CLASS net/minecraft/class_350 net/minecraft/client/gui/widget/EntryListWidget FIELD field_19085 top I FIELD field_19086 bottom I FIELD field_19087 right I FIELD field_19088 left I FIELD field_22739 children Ljava/util/List; FIELD field_22740 client Lnet/minecraft/class_310; FIELD field_22741 itemHeight I FIELD field_22742 width I FIELD field_22743 height I FIELD field_22744 centerListVertically Z FIELD field_22746 renderSelection Z FIELD field_22747 renderHeader Z FIELD field_22748 headerHeight I FIELD field_22749 scrollAmount D FIELD field_22750 scrolling Z FIELD field_22751 selected Lnet/minecraft/class_350$class_351; METHOD (Lnet/minecraft/class_310;IIIII)V ARG 1 client ARG 2 width ARG 3 height ARG 4 top ARG 5 bottom ARG 6 itemHeight METHOD method_25307 setScrollAmount (D)V ARG 1 amount METHOD method_25308 getEntryAtPosition (DD)Lnet/minecraft/class_350$class_351; ARG 1 x ARG 3 y METHOD method_25309 scroll (I)V ARG 1 amount METHOD method_25310 clickedHeader (II)V ARG 1 x ARG 2 y METHOD method_25311 renderList (Lnet/minecraft/class_4587;IIIIF)V ARG 1 matrices ARG 2 x ARG 3 y ARG 4 mouseX ARG 5 mouseY ARG 6 delta METHOD method_25312 renderHeader (Lnet/minecraft/class_4587;IILnet/minecraft/class_289;)V ARG 1 matrices ARG 2 x ARG 3 y METHOD method_25313 setSelected (Lnet/minecraft/class_350$class_351;)V ARG 1 entry METHOD method_25314 replaceEntries (Ljava/util/Collection;)V ARG 1 newEntries METHOD method_25315 setRenderHeader (ZI)V ARG 1 renderHeader ARG 2 headerHeight METHOD method_25316 isFocused ()Z METHOD method_25317 getMaxPosition ()I METHOD method_25318 updateScrollingState (DDI)V ARG 1 mouseX ARG 3 mouseY ARG 5 button METHOD method_25319 getRowBottom (I)I ARG 1 index METHOD method_25320 renderDecorations (Lnet/minecraft/class_4587;II)V METHOD method_25321 addEntry (Lnet/minecraft/class_350$class_351;)I ARG 1 entry METHOD method_25322 getRowWidth ()I METHOD method_25323 updateSize (IIII)V ARG 1 width ARG 2 height ARG 3 top ARG 4 bottom METHOD method_25324 centerScrollOn (Lnet/minecraft/class_350$class_351;)V ARG 1 entry METHOD method_25325 renderBackground (Lnet/minecraft/class_4587;)V ARG 1 matrices METHOD method_25326 getEntry (I)Lnet/minecraft/class_350$class_351; ARG 1 index METHOD method_25328 ensureVisible (Lnet/minecraft/class_350$class_351;)V ARG 1 entry METHOD method_25329 getScrollbarPositionX ()I METHOD method_25330 removeEntry (Lnet/minecraft/class_350$class_351;)Z ARG 1 entry METHOD method_25331 getMaxScroll ()I METHOD method_25332 isSelectedItem (I)Z ARG 1 index METHOD method_25333 setLeftPos (I)V ARG 1 left METHOD method_25334 getSelected ()Lnet/minecraft/class_350$class_351; METHOD method_25335 moveSelection (Lnet/minecraft/class_350$class_5403;)V ARG 1 direction METHOD method_25337 getRowTop (I)I ARG 1 index METHOD method_25338 remove (I)Lnet/minecraft/class_350$class_351; ARG 1 index METHOD method_25339 clearEntries ()V METHOD method_25340 getItemCount ()I METHOD method_25341 getScrollAmount ()D METHOD method_25342 getRowLeft ()I METHOD method_29344 setRenderSelection (Z)V ARG 1 renderSelection METHOD method_30013 moveSelectionIf (Lnet/minecraft/class_350$class_5403;Ljava/util/function/Predicate;)V COMMENT Moves the selection in the specified direction until the predicate returns true. ARG 1 direction COMMENT The direction to move the selection. METHOD method_30014 (Lnet/minecraft/class_350$class_351;)Z ARG 0 entry CLASS class_351 Entry FIELD field_22752 list Lnet/minecraft/class_350; METHOD method_25343 render (Lnet/minecraft/class_4587;IIIIIIIZF)V ARG 1 matrices ARG 2 index ARG 3 y ARG 4 x ARG 5 entryWidth ARG 6 entryHeight ARG 7 mouseX ARG 8 mouseY ARG 9 hovered ARG 10 tickDelta CLASS class_352 Entries FIELD field_2146 entries Ljava/util/List; METHOD add (ILjava/lang/Object;)V ARG 1 index ARG 2 entry METHOD get (I)Ljava/lang/Object; ARG 1 index METHOD remove (I)Ljava/lang/Object; ARG 1 index METHOD set (ILjava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; ARG 1 index ARG 2 entry CLASS class_5403 MoveDirection COMMENT Represents the direction in which the selection is moved. FIELD field_25661 UP Lnet/minecraft/class_350$class_5403; FIELD field_25662 DOWN Lnet/minecraft/class_350$class_5403;