CLASS net/minecraft/class_289 net/minecraft/client/render/Tessellator COMMENT Holding a single instance of {@link BufferBuilder}. COMMENT COMMENT

This class reuses the buffer builder so a buffer doesn't have to be COMMENT allocated every time. FIELD field_1573 INSTANCE Lnet/minecraft/class_289; FIELD field_1574 buffer Lnet/minecraft/class_287; FIELD field_32052 DEFAULT_BUFFER_CAPACITY I METHOD (I)V ARG 1 bufferCapacity METHOD method_1348 getInstance ()Lnet/minecraft/class_289; METHOD method_1349 getBuffer ()Lnet/minecraft/class_287; METHOD method_1350 draw ()V COMMENT Draws the contents of the buffer builder using the shader specified with COMMENT {@link COMMENT RenderSystem#setShader}.