CLASS net/minecraft/class_287 net/minecraft/client/render/BufferBuilder COMMENT Builds a buffer of primitives and optionally sorts them by the distance COMMENT from the camera. COMMENT COMMENT

This builder can sort quad primitives. It sorts them by the distance COMMENT between the camera position and the center of the quad. Sorting is COMMENT required when drawing translucent objects because they have to be drawn COMMENT in back-to-front order. See COMMENT COMMENT Transparency Sorting - OpenGL Wiki. COMMENT COMMENT

For {@link VertexFormat.DrawMode#LINES LINES} and {@link COMMENT VertexFormat.DrawMode#LINE_STRIP LINE_STRIP} draw modes, this builder COMMENT duplicates every vertex in a line to produce a quad with zero area. See COMMENT {@link GameRenderer#getRenderTypeLinesShader}. FIELD field_1553 currentElementId I FIELD field_1554 vertexCount I FIELD field_1555 buffer Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer; FIELD field_1556 building Z FIELD field_1557 LOGGER Lorg/slf4j/Logger; FIELD field_1558 currentElement Lnet/minecraft/class_296; FIELD field_1565 format Lnet/minecraft/class_293; FIELD field_1567 drawMode Lnet/minecraft/class_293$class_5596; FIELD field_20884 elementOffset I FIELD field_21594 canSkipElementChecks Z COMMENT Whether this builder is aware of the vertex format and can skip checks COMMENT for the current target element while building a vertex in {@link COMMENT #vertex(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, int, int, float, float, float)}. FIELD field_21595 hasOverlay Z FIELD field_27348 sortingPrimitiveCenters [Lorg/joml/Vector3f; FIELD field_27349 sortingCameraX F FIELD field_27350 sortingCameraY F FIELD field_27351 sortingCameraZ F FIELD field_27352 hasNoVertexBuffer Z FIELD field_32050 ROUND_SIZE_CHANGE I COMMENT An integer a size change of a buffer must be a COMMENT multiple of FIELD field_39061 builtBufferCount I FIELD field_39062 batchOffset I METHOD (I)V ARG 1 initialCapacity METHOD method_1324 beginSortedIndexBuffer (Lnet/minecraft/class_287$class_5594;)V ARG 1 state METHOD method_1326 end ()Lnet/minecraft/class_287$class_7433; COMMENT Builds a buffer from the current batch and resets the building state. COMMENT COMMENT

Unlike {@link #endNullable()}, this always builds a buffer even if COMMENT there are no vertices in the current batch. COMMENT COMMENT @throws IllegalStateException if this builder has not begun building COMMENT COMMENT @return the buffer built from the current batch METHOD method_1328 begin (Lnet/minecraft/class_293$class_5596;Lnet/minecraft/class_293;)V ARG 1 drawMode ARG 2 format METHOD method_1334 getSortingData ()Lnet/minecraft/class_287$class_5594; METHOD method_1335 grow (I)V ARG 1 size METHOD method_1343 clear ()V METHOD method_16005 roundBufferSize (I)I ARG 0 amount METHOD method_22625 ([FII)I ARG 1 a ARG 2 b METHOD method_22892 grow ()V METHOD method_22893 isBuilding ()Z METHOD method_23477 reset ()V METHOD method_23918 setFormat (Lnet/minecraft/class_293;)V ARG 1 format METHOD method_31948 sortFrom (FFF)V ARG 1 cameraX ARG 2 cameraY ARG 3 cameraZ METHOD method_31949 getIndexConsumer (ILnet/minecraft/class_293$class_5595;)Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/ints/IntConsumer; ARG 1 offset ARG 2 indexType METHOD method_31950 writeSortedIndices (Lnet/minecraft/class_293$class_5595;)V ARG 1 indexType METHOD method_31951 (Lorg/apache/commons/lang3/mutable/MutableInt;I)V ARG 2 index METHOD method_31952 (Lorg/apache/commons/lang3/mutable/MutableInt;I)V ARG 2 index METHOD method_31953 (Lorg/apache/commons/lang3/mutable/MutableInt;I)V ARG 2 index METHOD method_31954 buildPrimitiveCenters ()[Lorg/joml/Vector3f; METHOD method_43574 isBatchEmpty ()Z METHOD method_43575 endNullable ()Lnet/minecraft/class_287$class_7433; COMMENT Builds a buffer if there are vertices in the current batch and resets COMMENT the building state. COMMENT COMMENT @throws IllegalStateException if this builder has not begun building COMMENT COMMENT @return the built buffer if there are vertices, otherwise {@code null} COMMENT COMMENT @see #end() METHOD method_43576 slice (II)Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer; ARG 1 start ARG 2 end METHOD method_43577 ensureBuilding ()V METHOD method_43578 build ()Lnet/minecraft/class_287$class_7433; METHOD method_43579 resetBuilding ()V METHOD method_43580 releaseBuiltBuffer ()V CLASS class_4574 DrawParameters METHOD method_31957 getVertexBufferSize ()I METHOD method_31958 getBufferSize ()I COMMENT {@return the total size of the index buffer and the vertex buffer COMMENT combined} METHOD method_31961 getIndexBufferSize ()I METHOD method_43429 getVertexBufferStart ()I METHOD method_43430 getVertexBufferEnd ()I METHOD method_43431 getIndexBufferStart ()I METHOD method_43432 getIndexBufferEnd ()I CLASS class_5594 TransparentSortingData FIELD field_27358 drawMode Lnet/minecraft/class_293$class_5596; FIELD field_27359 vertexCount I FIELD field_27360 primitiveCenters [Lorg/joml/Vector3f; FIELD field_27361 cameraX F FIELD field_27362 cameraY F FIELD field_27363 cameraZ F METHOD (Lnet/minecraft/class_293$class_5596;I[Lorg/joml/Vector3f;FFF)V ARG 1 drawMode ARG 2 vertexCount ARG 3 primitiveCenters ARG 4 cameraX ARG 5 cameraY ARG 6 cameraZ CLASS class_7433 BuiltBuffer COMMENT An output of {@link BufferBuilder}. It contains a {@link ByteBuffer} of COMMENT vertices, a {@code ByteBuffer} of indices if sorting has been done, and COMMENT some information necessary to draw these data. FIELD field_39064 batchOffset I FIELD field_39065 parameters Lnet/minecraft/class_287$class_4574; FIELD field_39066 released Z METHOD (Lnet/minecraft/class_287;ILnet/minecraft/class_287$class_4574;)V ARG 2 batchOffset ARG 3 parameters METHOD method_43581 getVertexBuffer ()Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer; METHOD method_43582 getIndexBuffer ()Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer; METHOD method_43583 getParameters ()Lnet/minecraft/class_287$class_4574; METHOD method_43584 isEmpty ()Z METHOD method_43585 release ()V