CLASS net/minecraft/class_7610 net/minecraft/network/message/MessageChain COMMENT A class for handling the "message chain". COMMENT COMMENT

{@link MessageHeader} includes the signature of the last message the client has seen. COMMENT This can be used to verify the legitimacy of a chain of messages, since if the chain COMMENT is valid, the last message's "previous signature" should be able to verify the preceding COMMENT message. COMMENT COMMENT

Clients signing a message with its preceding message's signature is called COMMENT "packing", and the server creating a signed message with its preceding message's COMMENT signature is called "unpacking". Unpacked messages can then be verified to check the COMMENT chain's legitimacy. METHOD method_44874 getUnpacker (Lnet/minecraft/class_7428;)Lnet/minecraft/class_7610$class_7611; METHOD method_44880 getPacker (Lnet/minecraft/class_7501;)Lnet/minecraft/class_7610$class_7612; CLASS class_7611 Unpacker COMMENT Unpacker creates a signed message on the server with the server's preceding message COMMENT signature when they receive a message. Unpacked messages can then be verified to check COMMENT the message chain's legitimacy. COMMENT COMMENT

Messages must be unpacked in the order of the message's reception, as it affects COMMENT the resulting signed message. COMMENT COMMENT @see MessageChain#getUnpacker CLASS class_7612 Packer COMMENT Packers sign a message on the client with its preceding message's signature. COMMENT COMMENT @see MessageChain#getPacker