CLASS net/minecraft/class_1332 net/minecraft/entity/ai/control/YawAdjustingLookControl COMMENT The yaw adjusting look control adjusts the entity's body yaw to be close to the COMMENT head yaw. In vanilla, this is used by entities that cannot rotate their heads COMMENT easily, such as axolotl and dolphin. FIELD field_30200 ADDED_PITCH I FIELD field_30201 ADDED_YAW I FIELD field_6357 yawAdjustThreshold I METHOD (Lnet/minecraft/class_1308;I)V ARG 1 entity ARG 2 yawAdjustThreshold METHOD method_37357 (Ljava/lang/Float;)V ARG 1 pitch METHOD method_37358 (Ljava/lang/Float;)V ARG 1 yaw