CLASS net/minecraft/class_1887 net/minecraft/enchantment/Enchantment FIELD field_9083 type Lnet/minecraft/class_1886; FIELD field_9084 translationKey Ljava/lang/String; FIELD field_9085 rarity Lnet/minecraft/class_1887$class_1888; FIELD field_9086 slotTypes [Lnet/minecraft/class_1304; METHOD (Lnet/minecraft/class_1887$class_1888;Lnet/minecraft/class_1886;[Lnet/minecraft/class_1304;)V ARG 1 weight ARG 2 type ARG 3 slotTypes METHOD method_20742 getMaxPower (I)I ARG 1 level METHOD method_25949 isAvailableForEnchantedBookOffer ()Z COMMENT Returns whether this enchantment will appear in the enchanted book trade COMMENT offers of librarian villagers. METHOD method_25950 isAvailableForRandomSelection ()Z COMMENT Returns whether this enchantment will appear in the enchanting table or COMMENT loots with random enchant function. METHOD method_8178 onUserDamaged (Lnet/minecraft/class_1309;Lnet/minecraft/class_1297;I)V ARG 1 user ARG 2 attacker ARG 3 level METHOD method_8179 getName (I)Lnet/minecraft/class_2561; ARG 1 level METHOD method_8180 canAccept (Lnet/minecraft/class_1887;)Z COMMENT Returns whether this enchantment can exist on an item stack with the COMMENT {@code other} enchantment. ARG 1 other METHOD method_8181 getProtectionAmount (ILnet/minecraft/class_1282;)I ARG 1 level ARG 2 source METHOD method_8182 getMinPower (I)I ARG 1 level METHOD method_8183 getMaxLevel ()I METHOD method_8184 getTranslationKey ()Ljava/lang/String; METHOD method_8185 getEquipment (Lnet/minecraft/class_1309;)Ljava/util/Map; ARG 1 entity METHOD method_8186 getRarity ()Lnet/minecraft/class_1887$class_1888; METHOD method_8187 getMinLevel ()I METHOD method_8188 canCombine (Lnet/minecraft/class_1887;)Z COMMENT Returns whether this enchantment can exist on an item stack with the COMMENT {@code other} enchantment and the {@code other} enchantment can exist COMMENT with this enchantment. ARG 1 other METHOD method_8189 onTargetDamaged (Lnet/minecraft/class_1309;Lnet/minecraft/class_1297;I)V ARG 1 user ARG 2 target ARG 3 level METHOD method_8190 getOrCreateTranslationKey ()Ljava/lang/String; METHOD method_8191 byRawId (I)Lnet/minecraft/class_1887; ARG 0 id METHOD method_8192 isAcceptableItem (Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;)Z ARG 1 stack METHOD method_8193 isTreasure ()Z METHOD method_8195 isCursed ()Z METHOD method_8196 getAttackDamage (ILnet/minecraft/class_1309;)F ARG 1 level CLASS class_1888 Rarity COMMENT The rarity is an attribute of an enchantment. COMMENT COMMENT

It affects the chance of getting an enchantment from enchanting or COMMENT loots as well as the combination cost in anvil. FIELD field_9089 weight I METHOD (Ljava/lang/String;II)V ARG 3 weight METHOD method_8197 getWeight ()I COMMENT Returns the weight of an enchantment in weighted pickers.