CLASS net/minecraft/class_6382 net/minecraft/client/gui/screen/narration/NarrationMessageBuilder COMMENT A builder for narration messages. COMMENT COMMENT

Narration messages consist of multiple sections known as COMMENT {@linkplain NarrationPart parts}. Each narration message can COMMENT contain only one narration per part. COMMENT COMMENT

You can create a submessage by calling {@link #nextMessage()}. COMMENT Each submessage can have its own set of narrations for the different COMMENT narration parts. COMMENT COMMENT

The narrations added to a message will be ordered by their part COMMENT first, in {@link NarrationPart}'s natural ordering. If there are multiple COMMENT narrations for a part added through submessages, they will be ordered earliest COMMENT submessage first. METHOD method_37031 nextMessage ()Lnet/minecraft/class_6382; COMMENT Creates a narration message builder for a submessage. COMMENT COMMENT

Submessages can have their own set of narrations for the narration parts, COMMENT which are merged with the "parent" message's narrations COMMENT as described above. COMMENT COMMENT @apiNote All returned builder instances are equivalent and refer to the same COMMENT submessage. If you want to add yet another set of narrations, call this method COMMENT again on the first submessage builder to obtain a "nested" submessage builder. COMMENT COMMENT @return the created builder METHOD method_37032 put (Lnet/minecraft/class_6381;Lnet/minecraft/class_6384;)V COMMENT Adds a narration to this message builder. COMMENT COMMENT

If a narration already exists for the specified narration part, COMMENT it is replaced by the new narration. COMMENT COMMENT @see #put(NarrationPart, Text) COMMENT @see #put(NarrationPart, String) COMMENT @see #put(NarrationPart, Text...) ARG 1 part ARG 2 narration METHOD method_37033 put (Lnet/minecraft/class_6381;Ljava/lang/String;)V COMMENT Adds a string narration to this message builder. COMMENT COMMENT

If a narration already exists for the specified narration part, COMMENT it is replaced by the new narration. ARG 1 part ARG 2 string COMMENT the message for the narration METHOD method_37034 put (Lnet/minecraft/class_6381;Lnet/minecraft/class_2561;)V COMMENT Adds a {@link Text} narration to this message builder. COMMENT COMMENT

If a narration already exists for the specified narration part, COMMENT it is replaced by the new narration. COMMENT COMMENT @implSpec The default implementation behaves like COMMENT {@code put(part, text.getString())}. ARG 1 part ARG 2 text COMMENT the message for the narration METHOD method_37035 put (Lnet/minecraft/class_6381;[Lnet/minecraft/class_2561;)V COMMENT Adds an array of {@link Text} narrations to this message builder. COMMENT COMMENT

Each {@link Text} in the input array will be its own sentence COMMENT as described in {@link Narration#texts}. COMMENT COMMENT

If a narration already exists for the specified narration part, COMMENT it is replaced by the new narration. COMMENT COMMENT @implSpec The default implementation creates a {@link Narration} for the COMMENT texts using {@link Narration#texts}. ARG 1 part ARG 2 texts COMMENT the messages for the narration