CLASS net/minecraft/class_765 net/minecraft/client/render/LightmapTextureManager COMMENT The lightmap texture manager maintains a texture containing the RGBA overlay for each of the 16×16 sky and block light combinations. COMMENT

COMMENT Also contains some utilities to pack and unpack lightmap coordinates from sky and block light values, COMMENT and some lightmap coordinates constants. FIELD field_21528 flickerIntensity F FIELD field_32767 MAX_LIGHT_COORDINATE I COMMENT Represents the maximum lightmap coordinate, where both sky light and block light equals {@code 15}. COMMENT The value of this maximum lightmap coordinate is {@value}. FIELD field_32768 MAX_SKY_LIGHT_COORDINATE I COMMENT Represents the maximum sky-light-wise lightmap coordinate whose value is {@value}. COMMENT This is equivalent to a {@code 15} sky light and {@code 0} block light. FIELD field_32769 MAX_BLOCK_LIGHT_COORDINATE I COMMENT Represents the maximum block-light-wise lightmap coordinate whose value is {@value}. COMMENT This is equivalent to a {@code 0} sky light and {@code 15} block light. FIELD field_4133 image Lnet/minecraft/class_1011; FIELD field_4134 renderer Lnet/minecraft/class_757; FIELD field_4135 dirty Z FIELD field_4136 textureIdentifier Lnet/minecraft/class_2960; FIELD field_4137 client Lnet/minecraft/class_310; FIELD field_4138 texture Lnet/minecraft/class_1043; METHOD (Lnet/minecraft/class_757;Lnet/minecraft/class_310;)V ARG 1 renderer ARG 2 client METHOD method_23284 getBrightness (Lnet/minecraft/class_2874;I)F METHOD method_23687 pack (II)I ARG 0 block ARG 1 sky METHOD method_23795 easeOutQuart (F)F COMMENT Represents an easing function. COMMENT

COMMENT In this class, it's also used to brighten colors, COMMENT then the result is used to lerp between the normal and brightened color COMMENT with the gamma value. COMMENT COMMENT @see ARG 1 x COMMENT represents the absolute progress of the animation in the bounds of 0 (beginning of the animation) and 1 (end of animation) METHOD method_24186 getBlockLightCoordinates (I)I ARG 0 light METHOD method_24187 getSkyLightCoordinates (I)I ARG 0 light METHOD method_3313 update (F)V ARG 1 delta METHOD method_3314 tick ()V METHOD method_3315 disable ()V METHOD method_3316 enable ()V METHOD method_42596 getDarkness (Lnet/minecraft/class_1309;FF)F METHOD method_42597 getDarknessFactor (F)F