CLASS net/minecraft/class_1569 net/minecraft/entity/mob/Monster COMMENT This interface marks that an entity class belongs to monsters, including COMMENT hostile mobs like zombies. It also contains constants to be used for COMMENT setting {@link MobEntity#experiencePoints}. COMMENT COMMENT @see net.minecraft.entity.SpawnGroup#MONSTER FIELD field_30464 ZERO_XP I COMMENT @apiNote This is used for mobs that do not drop experience. FIELD field_30465 SMALL_MONSTER_XP I COMMENT @apiNote This is used for monsters such as COMMENT {@linkplain EndermiteEntity endermites} and COMMENT {@linkplain VexEntity vexes}. FIELD field_30466 NORMAL_MONSTER_XP I COMMENT @apiNote This is used for most of the monsters, such as COMMENT {@linkplain ZombieEntity zombies} and COMMENT {@linkplain SkeletonEntity skeletons}. FIELD field_30467 STRONG_MONSTER_XP I COMMENT @apiNote This is used for monsters such as COMMENT {@linkplain BlazeEntity blazes} and COMMENT {@linkplain GuardianEntity guardians}. FIELD field_30468 STRONGER_MONSTER_XP I COMMENT @apiNote This is used for {@linkplain PiglinBruteEntity piglin brutes} COMMENT and {@linkplain RavagerEntity ravagers}. FIELD field_30469 WITHER_XP I COMMENT @apiNote This is used for COMMENT {@linkplain net.minecraft.entity.boss.WitherEntity withers}.