CLASS net/minecraft/class_2797 net/minecraft/network/packet/c2s/play/ChatMessageC2SPacket COMMENT A packet used to send a chat message to the server. COMMENT COMMENT

This truncates the message to at most {@value #MAX_LENGTH} characters COMMENT before sending to the server on the client. If the server receives the COMMENT message longer than {@value #MAX_LENGTH} characters, it will reject COMMENT the message and disconnect the client. COMMENT COMMENT

If the message contains an invalid character (see {@link COMMENT net.minecraft.SharedConstants#isValidChar isValidChar}), the server will COMMENT reject the message and disconnect the client. COMMENT COMMENT @see COMMENT @see FIELD field_12764 chatMessage Ljava/lang/String; FIELD field_33359 MAX_LENGTH I METHOD (Ljava/lang/String;)V ARG 1 chatMessage METHOD (Lnet/minecraft/class_2540;)V ARG 1 buf METHOD method_12114 getChatMessage ()Ljava/lang/String;