CLASS net/minecraft/class_6880 net/minecraft/util/registry/RegistryEntry COMMENT An object holding a value that can be registered in a registry. In most cases, the COMMENT value is already registered in a registry ("reference entry"), hence the name; COMMENT however, it is possible to create a registry entry by direct reference COMMENT ("direct entry"). This is useful for data packs, as they can define COMMENT one-time use values directly without having to register them every time. COMMENT COMMENT

Registry entries do not define {@code equals} method. Instead, compare the result COMMENT of {@link #getKeyOrValue}. COMMENT COMMENT

Reference registry entries also hold their {@linkplain TagKey tags}. For more COMMENT information on type-specific behaviors, including "intrusive" and "stand-alone" COMMENT reference registry entries, see the respective class documentations. COMMENT COMMENT

A registry entry is sometimes referred to as a "holder" in error messages. COMMENT COMMENT @see RegistryEntry.Direct COMMENT @see RegistryEntry.Reference COMMENT @see Registry#entryOf COMMENT @see Registry#getEntry METHOD method_40220 isIn (Lnet/minecraft/class_6862;)Z COMMENT {@return whether this entry is in {@code tag}} COMMENT COMMENT

This always returns {@code false} for direct entries, since tags are managed by COMMENT a registry. ARG 1 tag METHOD method_40223 of (Ljava/lang/Object;)Lnet/minecraft/class_6880; COMMENT {@return a new direct registry entry of {@code value}} ARG 0 value METHOD method_40224 matches (Ljava/util/function/Predicate;)Z COMMENT {@return whether this entry's key matches {@code predicate}} COMMENT COMMENT

This always returns {@code false} for direct entries. ARG 1 predicate METHOD method_40225 matchesKey (Lnet/minecraft/class_5321;)Z COMMENT {@return whether the registry key of this entry is {@code key}} COMMENT COMMENT

This always returns {@code false} for direct entries. ARG 1 key METHOD method_40226 matchesId (Lnet/minecraft/class_2960;)Z COMMENT {@return whether the ID of this entry is {@code id}} COMMENT COMMENT

This always returns {@code false} for direct entries. ARG 1 id METHOD method_40227 hasKeyAndValue ()Z METHOD method_40228 streamTags ()Ljava/util/stream/Stream; COMMENT {@return a stream of the tags of this entry, or an empty stream if this is a direct entry} METHOD method_40229 getKeyOrValue ()Lcom/mojang/datafixers/util/Either; COMMENT {@return the object that identifies this registry key} COMMENT COMMENT

For direct entries, this is the held value, and for reference entries, this is the COMMENT key of the entry. METHOD method_40230 getKey ()Ljava/util/Optional; COMMENT {@return the registry key of this entry, or an empty optional if this is a direct entry} METHOD method_40231 getType ()Lnet/minecraft/class_6880$class_6882; COMMENT {@return the type (direct or reference) of this registry entry} COMMENT COMMENT

This is different from the types of reference registry entries, i.e. COMMENT stand-alone or intrusive. METHOD method_46745 ownerEquals (Lnet/minecraft/class_7876;)Z ARG 1 owner CLASS class_6881 Direct COMMENT A direct registry entry holds the value directly. The value does not have to be COMMENT registered in a registry. Therefore, they receive no ID or registry key, and they COMMENT cannot be tagged. COMMENT COMMENT

This is most often used in data packs to inline one-time use values directly. CLASS class_6882 Type COMMENT The types of registry entries. COMMENT COMMENT @see RegistryEntry CLASS class_6883 Reference COMMENT A reference registry entry holds the value by reference. The value is previously COMMENT registered in a registry, so they can be referred to by their registry keys. COMMENT This object also holds the entry's tags. COMMENT COMMENT

There are two types of reference registry entries. COMMENT COMMENT


Therefore, it is very important to construct any intrusive-entry type object COMMENT and register at the same time. For example, a mod that conditionally registers an COMMENT {@link net.minecraft.item.Item} has to create an instance only if the condition is met. COMMENT (See {@link Registry} for a code example.) COMMENT COMMENT

When a reference registry entry is first instantiated, it only has either the key COMMENT or the value (depending on the type). They are later filled when registering the COMMENT entry. Attempting to call methods before those fields are filled COMMENT can cause a crash. Note that if you are just getting the entry from a registry, this COMMENT should not be a problem. COMMENT COMMENT @see Registry#entryOf COMMENT @see Registry#getEntry FIELD field_36450 tags Ljava/util/Set; FIELD field_36451 referenceType Lnet/minecraft/class_6880$class_6883$class_6884; FIELD field_36452 registryKey Lnet/minecraft/class_5321; FIELD field_36453 value Ljava/lang/Object; FIELD field_40930 owner Lnet/minecraft/class_7876; METHOD (Lnet/minecraft/class_6880$class_6883$class_6884;Lnet/minecraft/class_7876;Lnet/minecraft/class_5321;Ljava/lang/Object;)V ARG 1 referenceType ARG 2 owner ARG 3 registryKey ARG 4 value METHOD method_40233 intrusive (Lnet/minecraft/class_7876;Ljava/lang/Object;)Lnet/minecraft/class_6880$class_6883; COMMENT {@return a new intrusive registry entry} COMMENT COMMENT

This should not be called manually. Call {@link Registry#entryOf} or COMMENT {@link Registry#getEntry} instead. COMMENT COMMENT

Callers are responsible for filling the key later by calling {@link COMMENT #setRegistryKey}. COMMENT COMMENT @deprecated Intrusive holders exist for legacy reasons only. ARG 0 owner ARG 1 value METHOD method_40234 standAlone (Lnet/minecraft/class_7876;Lnet/minecraft/class_5321;)Lnet/minecraft/class_6880$class_6883; COMMENT {@return a new stand-alone registry entry} COMMENT COMMENT

This should not be called manually. Call {@link Registry#entryOf} or COMMENT {@link Registry#getEntry} instead. COMMENT COMMENT

Callers are responsible for filling the value later by calling {@link COMMENT #setValue}. ARG 0 owner ARG 1 registryKey METHOD method_40235 setTags (Ljava/util/Collection;)V ARG 1 tags METHOD method_40237 registryKey ()Lnet/minecraft/class_5321; COMMENT {@return the registry key of this entry} COMMENT COMMENT @throws IllegalStateException if this is an intrusive entry and it is not initialized yet METHOD method_45917 setRegistryKey (Lnet/minecraft/class_5321;)V ARG 1 registryKey METHOD method_45918 setValue (Ljava/lang/Object;)V ARG 1 value CLASS class_6884 Type COMMENT The types of reference registry entries. COMMENT COMMENT @see RegistryEntry.Reference