CLASS net/minecraft/class_1662 net/minecraft/recipe/RecipeMatcher COMMENT Matching class that matches a recipe to its required resources. COMMENT This specifically does not check patterns (See {@link ShapedRecipe} for that). FIELD field_7550 inputs Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/ints/Int2IntMap; METHOD method_20478 addInput (Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;I)V COMMENT Adds an item stack to the pool of available resources. ARG 1 stack ARG 2 maxCount METHOD method_7400 addInput (Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;)V COMMENT Adds a full item stack to the pool of available resources. COMMENT COMMENT

This is equivalent to calling {@code addInput(stack, Item.DEFAULT_MAX_COUNT)}.

ARG 1 stack METHOD method_7401 addInput (II)V COMMENT Adds an input to be used for recipe matching. ARG 1 itemId COMMENT the raw ID of the item to match ARG 2 count COMMENT the item's count METHOD method_7402 match (Lnet/minecraft/class_1860;Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/ints/IntList;)Z COMMENT Attempts to match the recipe against the collected inputs. COMMENT Assumes only one output is required. ARG 1 recipe COMMENT the recipe to match against ARG 2 output COMMENT optional output list of item ids that were matched whilst evaluating the recipe conditions METHOD method_7403 countCrafts (Lnet/minecraft/class_8786;ILit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/ints/IntList;)I COMMENT Determines the number of crafts that can be produced for a recipe using the COMMENT collected resources available to this crafter. ARG 1 recipe ARG 2 limit ARG 3 output COMMENT optional output list of item ids that were matched whilst evaluating the recipe conditions METHOD method_7404 addUnenchantedInput (Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;)V COMMENT Adds a full item stack to the pool of available resources. COMMENT COMMENT

This is equivalent to calling {@code addInput(stack, Item.DEFAULT_MAX_COUNT)}.

ARG 1 stack METHOD method_7405 getStackFromId (I)Lnet/minecraft/class_1799; ARG 0 itemId METHOD method_7406 match (Lnet/minecraft/class_1860;Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/ints/IntList;I)Z COMMENT Attempts to match the recipe against the collected inputs. Will only succeed if there has been enough COMMENT resources gathered to produce the requested number of outputs. ARG 1 recipe COMMENT the recipe to match against ARG 2 output COMMENT optional output list of item ids that were matched whilst evaluating the recipe conditions ARG 3 multiplier COMMENT the number of expected outputs METHOD method_7407 countCrafts (Lnet/minecraft/class_8786;Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/ints/IntList;)I COMMENT Determines the number of crafts that can be produced for a recipe using the COMMENT collected resources available to this crafter. ARG 1 recipe ARG 2 output COMMENT optional output list of item ids that were matched whilst evaluating the recipe conditions METHOD method_7408 getItemId (Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;)I ARG 0 stack METHOD method_7409 clear ()V METHOD method_7410 contains (I)Z COMMENT Determines whether a raw item id is present in the pool of crafting resources. ARG 1 itemId METHOD method_7411 consume (II)I COMMENT Consumes a resource from the pool of available items. ARG 1 itemId COMMENT the raw id of the item being consumed ARG 2 count COMMENT the number of times that item must be consumed CLASS class_1663 Matcher FIELD field_7551 requiredItems [I FIELD field_7552 ingredients Ljava/util/List; FIELD field_7553 totalRequiredItems I FIELD field_7555 recipe Lnet/minecraft/class_1860; FIELD field_7556 totalIngredients I FIELD field_7557 ingredientItemLookup Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/ints/IntList; FIELD field_7558 requirementsMatrix Ljava/util/BitSet; METHOD (Lnet/minecraft/class_1662;Lnet/minecraft/class_1860;)V ARG 2 recipe METHOD method_7413 addRequirement (ZI)V ARG 1 reversed ARG 2 itemId METHOD method_7414 flipRequirement (ZII)V ARG 1 reversed ARG 2 itemIndex ARG 3 ingredientIndex METHOD method_7415 getMaximumCrafts ()I METHOD method_7416 getRequirement (I)Z ARG 1 itemId METHOD method_7417 match (ILit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/ints/IntList;)Z ARG 1 multiplier ARG 2 output METHOD method_7418 needsRequirement (ZII)Z ARG 1 reversed ARG 2 itemIndex ARG 3 ingredientIndex METHOD method_7419 getRequirementIndex (I)I ARG 1 itemId METHOD method_7420 getRequirementIndex (ZII)I ARG 1 reversed ARG 2 itemIndex ARG 3 ingredientIndex METHOD method_7421 unfulfillRequirement (I)V ARG 1 itemId METHOD method_7422 createItemRequirementList ()[I METHOD method_7423 checkRequirements (I)Z ARG 1 multiplier METHOD method_7424 getRequirementIndex (ZI)I ARG 1 reversed ARG 2 itemId METHOD method_7425 checkRequirement (ZII)Z ARG 1 reversed ARG 2 itemIndex ARG 3 ingredientIndex METHOD method_7426 isRequirementUnfulfilled (ZI)Z ARG 1 reversed ARG 2 itemId METHOD method_7427 countCrafts (ILit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/ints/IntList;)I ARG 1 minimum ARG 2 output