CLASS net/minecraft/class_3298 net/minecraft/resource/Resource COMMENT A resource of binary data. COMMENT COMMENT

The resource must be closed before disposal to avoid resource leaks. COMMENT COMMENT @see ResourceFactory#getResource(Identifier) COMMENT @see ResourceManager#getAllResources(Identifier) FIELD field_38685 inputSupplier Lnet/minecraft/class_7367; FIELD field_38686 metadataSupplier Lnet/minecraft/class_7367; FIELD field_38687 metadata Lnet/minecraft/class_7368; METHOD (Lnet/minecraft/class_3262;Lnet/minecraft/class_7367;)V ARG 2 inputSupplier METHOD (Lnet/minecraft/class_3262;Lnet/minecraft/class_7367;Lnet/minecraft/class_7367;)V ARG 2 inputSupplier ARG 3 metadataSupplier METHOD method_14480 getResourcePackName ()Ljava/lang/String; COMMENT Returns the user-friendly name of the pack this resource is from. METHOD method_14481 getMetadata ()Lnet/minecraft/class_7368; COMMENT {@return the metadata for the resource} COMMENT COMMENT

The metadata must then be decoded using COMMENT {@link ResourceMetadata#decode(ResourceMetadataReader)} before using. METHOD method_14482 getInputStream ()Ljava/io/InputStream; COMMENT Returns the input stream of this resource. COMMENT COMMENT

This input stream is closed when this resource is closed. METHOD method_43039 getReader ()Ljava/io/BufferedReader;