CLASS net/minecraft/class_2965 net/minecraft/block/dispenser/ProjectileDispenserBehavior COMMENT A dispenser behavior that spawns a projectile with velocity in front of the dispenser. METHOD method_12844 createProjectile (Lnet/minecraft/class_1937;Lnet/minecraft/class_2374;Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;)Lnet/minecraft/class_1676; COMMENT Creates the entity that will be spawned in front of the dispenser. COMMENT COMMENT @return the created projectile ARG 1 world COMMENT the world the projectile will spawn in ARG 2 position COMMENT the output location of the dispenser ARG 3 stack COMMENT the stack that the dispenser will consume METHOD method_12845 getVariation ()F COMMENT {@return the variation of a projectile's velocity when spawned} METHOD method_12846 getForce ()F COMMENT {@return the force of a projectile's velocity when spawned}