CLASS com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem METHOD _setShaderColor (FFFF)V ARG 0 red ARG 1 green ARG 2 blue ARG 3 alpha METHOD _setShaderTexture (II)V ARG 0 texture ARG 1 glId METHOD _setShaderTexture (ILnet/minecraft/class_2960;)V ARG 0 texture ARG 1 id METHOD activeTexture (I)V ARG 0 texture METHOD bindTexture (I)V ARG 0 texture METHOD bindTextureForSetup (I)V ARG 0 id METHOD blendEquation (I)V ARG 0 mode METHOD blendFunc (II)V ARG 0 srcFactor ARG 1 dstFactor METHOD blendFunc (Lcom/mojang/blaze3d/platform/GlStateManager$class_4535;Lcom/mojang/blaze3d/platform/GlStateManager$class_4534;)V ARG 0 srcFactor ARG 1 dstFactor METHOD blendFuncSeparate (IIII)V ARG 0 srcFactorRGB ARG 1 dstFactorRGB ARG 2 srcFactorAlpha ARG 3 dstFactorAlpha METHOD blendFuncSeparate (Lcom/mojang/blaze3d/platform/GlStateManager$class_4535;Lcom/mojang/blaze3d/platform/GlStateManager$class_4534;Lcom/mojang/blaze3d/platform/GlStateManager$class_4535;Lcom/mojang/blaze3d/platform/GlStateManager$class_4534;)V ARG 0 srcFactor ARG 1 dstFactor ARG 2 srcAlpha ARG 3 dstAlpha METHOD clear (IZ)V ARG 0 mask ARG 1 getError METHOD clearColor (FFFF)V ARG 0 red ARG 1 green ARG 2 blue ARG 3 alpha METHOD clearDepth (D)V ARG 0 depth METHOD clearStencil (I)V ARG 0 stencil METHOD colorMask (ZZZZ)V ARG 0 red ARG 1 green ARG 2 blue ARG 3 alpha METHOD deleteTexture (I)V ARG 0 texture METHOD depthFunc (I)V ARG 0 func METHOD depthMask (Z)V ARG 0 mask METHOD drawElements (III)V ARG 0 mode ARG 1 count ARG 2 type METHOD enableScissor (IIII)V ARG 0 x ARG 1 y ARG 2 width ARG 3 height METHOD flipFrame (J)V ARG 0 window METHOD getSequentialBuffer (Lnet/minecraft/class_293$class_5596;)Lcom/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem$class_5590; ARG 0 drawMode METHOD getShaderTexture (I)I ARG 0 texture METHOD getString (ILjava/util/function/Consumer;)V ARG 0 name ARG 1 consumer METHOD glBindBuffer (II)V ARG 0 target ARG 1 buffer METHOD glBindVertexArray (I)V ARG 0 array METHOD glBufferData (ILjava/nio/ByteBuffer;I)V ARG 0 target ARG 1 data ARG 2 usage METHOD glDeleteBuffers (I)V ARG 0 buffer METHOD glDeleteVertexArrays (I)V ARG 0 array METHOD glGenBuffers (Ljava/util/function/Consumer;)V ARG 0 consumer METHOD glGenVertexArrays (Ljava/util/function/Consumer;)V ARG 0 consumer METHOD glUniform1 (ILjava/nio/FloatBuffer;)V ARG 0 location ARG 1 value METHOD glUniform1 (ILjava/nio/IntBuffer;)V ARG 0 location ARG 1 value METHOD glUniform1i (II)V ARG 0 location ARG 1 value METHOD glUniform2 (ILjava/nio/FloatBuffer;)V ARG 0 location ARG 1 value METHOD glUniform2 (ILjava/nio/IntBuffer;)V ARG 0 location ARG 1 value METHOD glUniform3 (ILjava/nio/FloatBuffer;)V ARG 0 location ARG 1 value METHOD glUniform3 (ILjava/nio/IntBuffer;)V ARG 0 location ARG 1 value METHOD glUniform4 (ILjava/nio/FloatBuffer;)V ARG 0 location ARG 1 value METHOD glUniform4 (ILjava/nio/IntBuffer;)V ARG 0 location ARG 1 value METHOD glUniformMatrix2 (IZLjava/nio/FloatBuffer;)V ARG 0 location ARG 1 transpose ARG 2 value METHOD glUniformMatrix3 (IZLjava/nio/FloatBuffer;)V ARG 0 location ARG 1 transpose ARG 2 value METHOD glUniformMatrix4 (IZLjava/nio/FloatBuffer;)V ARG 0 location ARG 1 transpose ARG 2 value METHOD initRenderer (IZ)V ARG 0 debugVerbosity ARG 1 debugSync METHOD lambda$static$0 (Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/ints/IntConsumer;I)V ARG 0 indexConsumer ARG 1 firstVertexIndex METHOD lambda$static$1 (Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/ints/IntConsumer;I)V ARG 0 indexConsumer ARG 1 firstVertexIndex METHOD limitDisplayFPS (I)V ARG 0 fps METHOD lineWidth (F)V ARG 0 width METHOD logicOp (Lcom/mojang/blaze3d/platform/GlStateManager$class_1030;)V ARG 0 op METHOD pixelStore (II)V ARG 0 pname ARG 1 param METHOD polygonMode (II)V ARG 0 face ARG 1 mode METHOD polygonOffset (FF)V ARG 0 factor ARG 1 units METHOD readPixels (IIIIIILjava/nio/ByteBuffer;)V ARG 0 x ARG 1 y ARG 2 width ARG 3 height ARG 4 format ARG 5 type ARG 6 pixels METHOD recordRenderCall (Lnet/minecraft/class_4573;)V ARG 0 renderCall METHOD renderCrosshair (I)V ARG 0 size METHOD runAsFancy (Ljava/lang/Runnable;)V ARG 0 runnable METHOD setErrorCallback (Lorg/lwjgl/glfw/GLFWErrorCallbackI;)V ARG 0 callback METHOD setProjectionMatrix (Lorg/joml/Matrix4f;Lnet/minecraft/class_8251;)V ARG 0 projectionMatrix ARG 1 vertexSorting METHOD setShader (Ljava/util/function/Supplier;)V COMMENT Sets the {@code RenderSystem}'s global shader program. COMMENT COMMENT

Note that this sets both the vertex shader and the fragment shader COMMENT indirectly through the given shader program. The name of this method is COMMENT not obfuscated and is kept as is. ARG 0 program METHOD setShaderColor (FFFF)V ARG 0 red ARG 1 green ARG 2 blue ARG 3 alpha METHOD setShaderFogColor (FFF)V ARG 0 red ARG 1 green ARG 2 blue METHOD setShaderFogColor (FFFF)V ARG 0 red ARG 1 green ARG 2 blue ARG 3 alpha METHOD setShaderFogEnd (F)V ARG 0 shaderFogEnd METHOD setShaderFogShape (Lnet/minecraft/class_6854;)V ARG 0 shaderFogShape METHOD setShaderFogStart (F)V ARG 0 shaderFogStart METHOD setShaderGameTime (JF)V ARG 0 time ARG 2 tickDelta METHOD setShaderTexture (II)V ARG 0 texture ARG 1 glId METHOD setShaderTexture (ILnet/minecraft/class_2960;)V ARG 0 texture ARG 1 id METHOD setTextureMatrix (Lorg/joml/Matrix4f;)V ARG 0 textureMatrix METHOD setupDefaultState (IIII)V ARG 0 x ARG 1 y ARG 2 width ARG 3 height METHOD setupOverlayColor (II)V ARG 0 texture ARG 1 size METHOD setupShaderLights (Lnet/minecraft/class_5944;)V ARG 0 shader METHOD stencilFunc (III)V ARG 0 func ARG 1 ref ARG 2 mask METHOD stencilMask (I)V ARG 0 mask METHOD stencilOp (III)V ARG 0 sfail ARG 1 dpfail ARG 2 dppass METHOD texParameter (III)V ARG 0 target ARG 1 pname ARG 2 param METHOD viewport (IIII)V ARG 0 x ARG 1 y ARG 2 width ARG 3 height CLASS class_5590 ShapeIndexBuffer COMMENT An index buffer that holds a pre-made indices for a specific shape. If COMMENT this buffer is not large enough for the required number of indices when COMMENT this buffer is bound, it automatically grows and fills indices using a COMMENT given {@code triangulator}. FIELD field_27332 vertexCountInShape I FIELD field_27333 vertexCountInTriangulated I FIELD field_27334 triangulator Lcom/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem$class_5590$class_5591; FIELD field_27335 id I FIELD field_27336 indexType Lnet/minecraft/class_293$class_5595; FIELD field_27337 size I METHOD (IILcom/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem$class_5590$class_5591;)V ARG 1 vertexCountInShape COMMENT the number of vertices in a shape ARG 2 vertexCountInTriangulated COMMENT the number of vertices in the triangles decomposed from the shape ARG 3 triangulator COMMENT a function that decomposes a shape into triangles METHOD method_31920 grow (I)V ARG 1 requiredSize METHOD method_31922 getIndexConsumer (Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;)Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/ints/IntConsumer; ARG 1 indexBuffer METHOD method_31923 (Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;I)V ARG 1 index METHOD method_31924 getIndexType ()Lnet/minecraft/class_293$class_5595; METHOD method_43409 isLargeEnough (I)Z ARG 1 requiredSize METHOD method_43410 bindAndGrow (I)V COMMENT Binds this buffer as a current index buffer. If necessary, it grows this COMMENT buffer in size and uploads indices to the corresponding buffer in GPU. ARG 1 requiredSize CLASS class_5591 Triangulator COMMENT A functional interface that decomposes a shape into triangles. COMMENT COMMENT

The input shape is represented by the index of the first vertex in COMMENT the shape. An output triangle is represented by the indices of the COMMENT vertices in the triangle. COMMENT COMMENT @see Polygon triangulation - Wikipedia METHOD accept (Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/ints/IntConsumer;I)V COMMENT Decomposes a shape into triangles. ARG 1 indexConsumer COMMENT the consumer that accepts triangles ARG 2 firstVertexIndex COMMENT the index of the first vertex in the input shape