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CLASS net/minecraft/class_1510 net/minecraft/entity/boss/dragon/EnderDragonEntity
FIELD field_18120 CLOSE_PLAYER_PREDICATE Lnet/minecraft/class_4051;
FIELD field_20865 yawAcceleration F
FIELD field_30428 MAX_HEALTH I
COMMENT The damage the dragon can take before it takes off, represented as a ratio to the full health.
FIELD field_33910 DRAGON_DEATH_TIME_KEY Ljava/lang/String;
FIELD field_33911 DRAGON_PHASE_KEY Ljava/lang/String;
FIELD field_7008 pathHeap Lnet/minecraft/class_5;
FIELD field_7009 tail2 Lnet/minecraft/class_1508;
FIELD field_7010 latestSegment I
FIELD field_7011 neck Lnet/minecraft/class_1508;
FIELD field_7012 pathNodes [Lnet/minecraft/class_9;
COMMENT The first 12 path nodes are used for end crystals; the others are not tied to them.
FIELD field_7013 PHASE_TYPE Lnet/minecraft/class_2940;
FIELD field_7014 leftWing Lnet/minecraft/class_1508;
FIELD field_7015 rightWing Lnet/minecraft/class_1508;
FIELD field_7016 fight Lnet/minecraft/class_2881;
FIELD field_7017 head Lnet/minecraft/class_1508;
FIELD field_7018 ticksUntilNextGrowl I
FIELD field_7019 prevWingPosition F
FIELD field_7020 tail1 Lnet/minecraft/class_1508;
FIELD field_7021 LOGGER Lorg/slf4j/Logger;
FIELD field_7022 tail3 Lnet/minecraft/class_1508;
FIELD field_7023 body Lnet/minecraft/class_1508;
FIELD field_7024 connectedCrystal Lnet/minecraft/class_1511;
FIELD field_7025 pathNodeConnections [I
COMMENT An array of 24 bitflags, where node #i leads to #j if and only if
COMMENT {@code (pathNodeConnections[i] & (1 << j)) != 0}.
FIELD field_7026 segmentCircularBuffer [[D
COMMENT (yaw, y, ?)
FIELD field_7027 slowedDownByBlock Z
FIELD field_7028 phaseManager Lnet/minecraft/class_1526;
FIELD field_7029 damageDuringSitting F
FIELD field_7030 wingPosition F
FIELD field_7031 ticksSinceDeath I
FIELD field_7032 parts [Lnet/minecraft/class_1508;
METHOD method_22863 movePart (Lnet/minecraft/class_1508;DDD)V
ARG 1 enderDragonPart
ARG 2 dx
ARG 4 dy
ARG 6 dz
METHOD method_26903 createEnderDragonAttributes ()Lnet/minecraft/class_5132$class_5133;
METHOD method_5690 getBodyParts ()[Lnet/minecraft/class_1508;
METHOD method_6816 damagePart (Lnet/minecraft/class_1508;Lnet/minecraft/class_1282;F)Z
ARG 1 part
ARG 2 source
ARG 3 amount
METHOD method_6817 getSegmentProperties (IF)[D
ARG 1 segmentNumber
ARG 2 tickDelta
METHOD method_6818 getNearestPathNodeIndex ()I
METHOD method_6819 parentDamage (Lnet/minecraft/class_1282;F)Z
ARG 1 source
ARG 2 amount
METHOD method_6820 getHeadVerticalMovement ()F
METHOD method_6821 destroyBlocks (Lnet/minecraft/class_238;)Z
ARG 1 box
METHOD method_6822 getNearestPathNodeIndex (DDD)I
ARG 1 x
ARG 3 y
ARG 5 z
METHOD method_6823 getChangeInNeckPitch (I[D[D)F
ARG 1 segmentOffset
ARG 2 segment1
ARG 3 segment2
METHOD method_6825 launchLivingEntities (Ljava/util/List;)V
ARG 1 entities
METHOD method_6826 getPathOfAllPredecessors (Lnet/minecraft/class_9;Lnet/minecraft/class_9;)Lnet/minecraft/class_11;
ARG 1 unused
ARG 2 node
METHOD method_6827 damageLivingEntities (Ljava/util/List;)V
ARG 1 entities
METHOD method_6828 crystalDestroyed (Lnet/minecraft/class_1511;Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;Lnet/minecraft/class_1282;)V
ARG 1 endCrystal
ARG 2 pos
ARG 3 source
METHOD method_6829 getFight ()Lnet/minecraft/class_2881;
METHOD method_6830 tickWithEndCrystals ()V
COMMENT Things to do every tick related to end crystals. The Ender Dragon:
COMMENT * Disconnects from its crystal if it is removed
COMMENT * If it is connected to a crystal, then heals every 10 ticks
COMMENT * With a 1 in 10 chance each tick, searches for the nearest crystal and connects to it if present
METHOD method_6831 getPhaseManager ()Lnet/minecraft/class_1526;
METHOD method_6832 wrapYawChange (D)F
ARG 1 yawDegrees
METHOD method_6833 findPath (IILnet/minecraft/class_9;)Lnet/minecraft/class_11;
ARG 1 from
ARG 2 to
ARG 3 pathNode
METHOD method_6834 getRotationVectorFromPhase (F)Lnet/minecraft/class_243;
ARG 1 tickDelta