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CLASS net/minecraft/class_3215 net/minecraft/server/world/ServerChunkManager
FIELD field_13921 lightingProvider Lnet/minecraft/class_3227;
FIELD field_13928 lastMobSpawningTime J
FIELD field_13929 spawnMonsters Z
FIELD field_13934 CHUNK_STATUSES Ljava/util/List;
FIELD field_13941 spawnAnimals Z
FIELD field_13945 world Lnet/minecraft/class_3218;
FIELD field_17252 ticketManager Lnet/minecraft/class_3204;
FIELD field_17253 serverThread Ljava/lang/Thread;
FIELD field_17254 chunkLoadingManager Lnet/minecraft/class_3898;
FIELD field_17708 persistentStateManager Lnet/minecraft/class_26;
FIELD field_18809 mainThreadExecutor Lnet/minecraft/class_3215$class_4212;
FIELD field_19335 chunkPosCache [J
FIELD field_19336 chunkStatusCache [Lnet/minecraft/class_2806;
FIELD field_19337 chunkCache [Lnet/minecraft/class_2791;
FIELD field_24455 spawnInfo Lnet/minecraft/class_1948$class_5262;
FIELD field_29766 CACHE_SIZE I
METHOD <init> (Lnet/minecraft/class_3218;Lnet/minecraft/class_32$class_5143;Lcom/mojang/datafixers/DataFixer;Lnet/minecraft/class_3485;Ljava/util/concurrent/Executor;Lnet/minecraft/class_2794;IIZLnet/minecraft/class_3949;Lnet/minecraft/class_5567;Ljava/util/function/Supplier;)V
ARG 1 world
ARG 2 session
ARG 3 dataFixer
ARG 4 structureTemplateManager
ARG 5 workerExecutor
ARG 6 chunkGenerator
ARG 7 viewDistance
ARG 8 simulationDistance
ARG 9 dsync
ARG 10 worldGenerationProgressListener
ARG 11 chunkStatusChangeListener
ARG 12 persistentStateManagerFactory
METHOD method_12129 getChunkGenerator ()Lnet/minecraft/class_2794;
METHOD method_14096 updatePosition (Lnet/minecraft/class_3222;)V
COMMENT Updates the chunk section position of the {@code player}. This can either be a
COMMENT result of the player's movement or its camera entity's movement.
COMMENT <p>This updates the section position player's client is currently watching and
COMMENT the player's position in its entity tracker.
ARG 1 player
METHOD method_14128 markForUpdate (Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;)V
ARG 1 pos
METHOD method_14131 getChunkHolder (J)Lnet/minecraft/class_3193;
ARG 1 pos
METHOD method_14134 getChunkFuture (IILnet/minecraft/class_2806;Z)Ljava/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture;
ARG 1 chunkX
ARG 2 chunkZ
ARG 3 leastStatus
ARG 4 create
METHOD method_14144 applyViewDistance (I)V
ARG 1 watchDistance
METHOD method_14159 (Ljava/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture;)Ljava/util/concurrent/CompletionStage;
ARG 0 future
METHOD method_14161 tickChunks ()V
METHOD method_16155 updateChunks ()Z
COMMENT Update expected chunk loading states by updating {@code PLAYER} tickets and {@code Future}s.
METHOD method_17297 addTicket (Lnet/minecraft/class_3230;Lnet/minecraft/class_1923;ILjava/lang/Object;)V
COMMENT Adds a chunk ticket to the ticket manager.
COMMENT <p>Addition of a ticket may load chunk(s) at some point in the future depending on the loading level in the ticket's vicinity.
ARG 1 ticketType
ARG 2 pos
ARG 3 radius
ARG 4 argument
METHOD method_17298 save (Z)V
ARG 1 flush
METHOD method_17299 getChunkFutureSyncOnMainThread (IILnet/minecraft/class_2806;Z)Ljava/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture;
ARG 1 chunkX
ARG 2 chunkZ
ARG 3 leastStatus
ARG 4 create
METHOD method_17300 removeTicket (Lnet/minecraft/class_3230;Lnet/minecraft/class_1923;ILjava/lang/Object;)V
COMMENT Removes a chunk ticket from the ticket manager.
COMMENT <p>Removal of a ticket may unload chunk(s) at some point in the future depending on the loading levels in the ticket's vicinity after removal.
ARG 1 ticketType
ARG 2 pos
ARG 3 radius
ARG 4 argument
METHOD method_17301 getTotalChunksLoadedCount ()I
METHOD method_17981 getPersistentStateManager ()Lnet/minecraft/class_26;
METHOD method_18751 sendToNearbyPlayers (Lnet/minecraft/class_1297;Lnet/minecraft/class_2596;)V
ARG 1 entity
ARG 2 packet
METHOD method_18752 isMissingForLevel (Lnet/minecraft/class_3193;I)Z
ARG 1 holder
ARG 2 maxLevel
METHOD method_18753 unloadEntity (Lnet/minecraft/class_1297;)V
ARG 1 entity
METHOD method_18754 sendToOtherNearbyPlayers (Lnet/minecraft/class_1297;Lnet/minecraft/class_2596;)V
ARG 1 entity
ARG 2 packet
METHOD method_18755 loadEntity (Lnet/minecraft/class_1297;)V
ARG 1 entity
METHOD method_19492 executeQueuedTasks ()Z
METHOD method_19493 getPointOfInterestStorage ()Lnet/minecraft/class_4153;
METHOD method_20587 initChunkCaches ()V
METHOD method_21694 getPendingTasks ()I
METHOD method_21738 putInCache (JLnet/minecraft/class_2791;Lnet/minecraft/class_2806;)V
ARG 1 pos
ARG 3 chunk
ARG 4 status
METHOD method_23273 getChunkLoadingDebugInfo (Lnet/minecraft/class_1923;)Ljava/lang/String;
ARG 1 pos
METHOD method_27907 ifChunkLoaded (JLjava/util/function/Consumer;)V
ARG 1 pos
ARG 3 chunkConsumer
METHOD method_27908 getSpawnInfo ()Lnet/minecraft/class_1948$class_5262;
METHOD method_37114 isTickingFutureReady (J)Z
ARG 1 pos
METHOD method_38634 applySimulationDistance (I)V
ARG 1 simulationDistance
METHOD method_38784 (Lnet/minecraft/class_3215$class_6635;)V
ARG 0 chunk
METHOD method_39777 getChunkIoWorker ()Lnet/minecraft/class_6830;
METHOD method_39997 removePersistentTickets ()V
METHOD method_41248 getNoiseConfig ()Lnet/minecraft/class_7138;
METHOD method_46642 getStructurePlacementCalculator ()Lnet/minecraft/class_7869;
CLASS class_4212 MainThreadExecutor
METHOD <init> (Lnet/minecraft/class_3215;Lnet/minecraft/class_1937;)V
ARG 2 world
CLASS class_6635 ChunkWithHolder