
21 lines
831 B

CLASS net/minecraft/class_6626 net/minecraft/structure/StructurePiecesCollector
COMMENT A collector of structure pieces to be added to a structure start.
COMMENT @see StructurePiecesList
FIELD field_34944 pieces Ljava/util/List;
METHOD method_38714 toList ()Lnet/minecraft/class_6624;
METHOD method_38715 shift (I)V
ARG 1 y
METHOD method_38716 shiftInto (IILnet/minecraft/class_5819;I)V
COMMENT Somewhat like {@code shiftInto(random, bottomY, topY - topPenalty)}.
ARG 1 topY
ARG 2 bottomY
ARG 4 topPenalty
METHOD method_38718 shiftInto (Lnet/minecraft/class_5819;II)V
COMMENT Shifts all pieces so they lie within {@code [baseY, topY]} vertically.
ARG 2 baseY
ARG 3 topY
METHOD method_38719 clear ()V
METHOD method_38720 isEmpty ()Z
METHOD method_38721 getBoundingBox ()Lnet/minecraft/class_3341;