
37 lines
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CLASS net/minecraft/class_5817 net/minecraft/world/gen/StructureWeightSampler
COMMENT Applies weights to noise values if they are near structures, placing terrain under them and hollowing out the space above them.
FIELD field_28744 pieceIterator Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/objects/ObjectListIterator;
FIELD field_28745 junctionIterator Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/objects/ObjectListIterator;
METHOD <init> (Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/objects/ObjectListIterator;Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/objects/ObjectListIterator;)V
ARG 1 pieceIterator
ARG 2 junctionIterator
METHOD method_33640 ([F)V
ARG 0 array
METHOD method_33641 getStructureWeight (IIII)D
COMMENT Gets the structure weight from the array from the given position, or 0 if the position is out of bounds.
ARG 0 x
ARG 1 y
ARG 2 z
METHOD method_33642 calculateStructureWeight (III)D
COMMENT Calculates the structure weight for the given position.
COMMENT <p>The weight increases as x and z approach {@code (0, 0)}, and positive y values make the weight negative while negative y values make the weight positive.
ARG 0 x
ARG 1 y
ARG 2 z
METHOD method_33832 getMagnitudeWeight (III)D
ARG 0 x
ARG 1 y
ARG 2 z
METHOD method_42694 (Lnet/minecraft/class_1923;Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/objects/ObjectList;IILit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/objects/ObjectList;Lnet/minecraft/class_3449;)V
ARG 0 pos
ARG 2 startX
ARG 3 startZ
ARG 5 start
METHOD method_42695 createStructureWeightSampler (Lnet/minecraft/class_5138;Lnet/minecraft/class_1923;)Lnet/minecraft/class_5817;
ARG 0 world
ARG 1 pos
METHOD method_42696 (Lnet/minecraft/class_3195;)Z
ARG 0 structure
CLASS class_7301 Piece