
21 lines
944 B

CLASS net/minecraft/class_1320 net/minecraft/entity/attribute/EntityAttribute
COMMENT Represents a type of double-valued attribute that a living entity may have.
COMMENT <p>An attribute is a tracked double value stored on an entity.
COMMENT An attribute has a default value on which attribute modifiers operate.
FIELD field_23697 fallback D
FIELD field_23698 tracked Z
FIELD field_23699 translationKey Ljava/lang/String;
METHOD <init> (Ljava/lang/String;D)V
ARG 1 translationKey
ARG 2 fallback
METHOD method_26829 setTracked (Z)Lnet/minecraft/class_1320;
COMMENT Sets all instances of this attribute to synchronize their values to clients.
ARG 1 tracked
METHOD method_26830 getTranslationKey ()Ljava/lang/String;
METHOD method_6165 clamp (D)D
ARG 1 value
METHOD method_6168 isTracked ()Z
COMMENT Checks if instances of this attribute should synchronize values to clients.
METHOD method_6169 getDefaultValue ()D