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CLASS net/minecraft/class_2869 net/minecraft/world/dimension/Dimension
FIELD field_13053 lightLevelToBrightness [F
FIELD field_13054 backgroundColor [F
FIELD field_13055 type Lnet/minecraft/class_2874;
FIELD field_13056 isNether Z
FIELD field_13057 waterVaporizes Z
FIELD field_13058 world Lnet/minecraft/class_1937;
METHOD <init> (Lnet/minecraft/class_1937;Lnet/minecraft/class_2874;F)V
ARG 1 world
ARG 2 type
METHOD method_12443 createChunkGenerator ()Lnet/minecraft/class_2794;
METHOD method_12444 getTopSpawningBlockPosition (IIZ)Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;
ARG 1 x
ARG 2 z
ARG 3 checkMobSpawnValidity
METHOD method_12445 modifyFogColor (Lnet/minecraft/class_243;F)Lnet/minecraft/class_243;
COMMENT Modify the fog color offered (usually by the biome).
COMMENT <p>The overworld slightly whiteshifts and blueshifts this color; the
COMMENT nether doesn't touch it; the end significantly blackshifts this color.
ARG 2 tickDelta
METHOD method_12446 getBackgroundColor (FF)[F
ARG 1 skyAngle
ARG 2 tickDelta
METHOD method_12448 canPlayersSleep ()Z
METHOD method_12449 hasGround ()Z
METHOD method_12450 saveWorldData (Lnet/minecraft/class_5268;)V
METHOD method_12451 hasSkyLight ()Z
METHOD method_12452 getSpawningBlockInChunk (Lnet/minecraft/class_1923;Z)Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;
ARG 1 chunkPos
ARG 2 checkMobSpawnValidity
METHOD method_12453 isFogThick (II)Z
ARG 1 x
ARG 2 z
METHOD method_12454 getMoonPhase (J)I
ARG 1 time
METHOD method_12455 getCloudHeight ()F
METHOD method_12459 getHorizonShadingRatio ()D
METHOD method_12460 getType ()Lnet/minecraft/class_2874;
METHOD method_12461 update ()V
METHOD method_12462 hasVisibleSky ()Z
METHOD method_12463 createWorldBorder ()Lnet/minecraft/class_2784;
METHOD method_12464 getSkyAngle (JF)F
ARG 1 timeOfDay
ARG 3 tickDelta
METHOD method_12465 doesWaterVaporize ()Z
METHOD method_12466 getForcedSpawnPoint ()Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;
METHOD method_12467 isNether ()Z
METHOD method_23759 getBrightness (I)F
ARG 1 lightLevel