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CLASS net/minecraft/class_3940 net/minecraft/client/particle/BillboardParticle
COMMENT A {@link Particle} which renders a camera-facing sprite with a target texture scale.
FIELD field_17867 scale F
METHOD method_18132 getSize (F)F
COMMENT @return the draw scale of this particle, which is used while rendering in {@link BillboardParticle#buildGeometry}
ARG 1 tickDelta
METHOD method_18133 getMinU ()F
COMMENT @return the lower U coordinate of the UV coordinates used to draw this particle
METHOD method_18134 getMaxU ()F
COMMENT @return the upper U coordinate of the UV coordinates used to draw this particle
METHOD method_18135 getMinV ()F
COMMENT @return the lower V coordinate of the UV coordinates used to draw this particle
METHOD method_18136 getMaxV ()F
COMMENT @return the upper V coordinate of the UV coordinates used to draw this particle
METHOD method_3087 (F)Lnet/minecraft/class_703;
COMMENT Scales the size of this particle by the given {@code scale} amount.
COMMENT @return this {@link Particle}