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CLASS net/minecraft/class_5818 net/minecraft/world/gen/NoiseColumnSampler
COMMENT Samples noise values for use in chunk generation.
COMMENT Table of weights used to weight faraway biomes less than nearby biomes.
FIELD field_28750 biomeSource Lnet/minecraft/class_1966;
FIELD field_28751 horizontalNoiseResolution I
FIELD field_28752 verticalNoiseResolution I
FIELD field_28753 noiseSizeY I
FIELD field_28754 config Lnet/minecraft/class_5309;
FIELD field_28755 noise Lnet/minecraft/class_5822;
FIELD field_28756 islandNoise Lnet/minecraft/class_3541;
FIELD field_28757 densityNoise Lnet/minecraft/class_3537;
FIELD field_28758 topSlideTarget D
FIELD field_28759 topSlideSize D
FIELD field_28760 topSlideOffset D
FIELD field_28761 bottomSlideTarget D
FIELD field_28762 bottomSlideSize D
FIELD field_28763 bottomSlideOffset D
FIELD field_28764 densityFactor D
FIELD field_28765 densityOffset D
METHOD <init> (Lnet/minecraft/class_1966;IIILnet/minecraft/class_5309;Lnet/minecraft/class_5822;Lnet/minecraft/class_3541;Lnet/minecraft/class_3537;)V
ARG 1 biomeSource
ARG 2 horizontalNoiseResolution
ARG 3 verticalNoiseResolution
ARG 4 noiseSizeY
ARG 5 config
ARG 6 noise
ARG 7 islandNoise
ARG 8 densityNoise
METHOD method_33645 applySlides (DI)D
COMMENT Interpolates the noise at the top and bottom of the world.
ARG 1 noise
ARG 3 y
METHOD method_33646 getOffset (IDDD)D
COMMENT Calculates an offset for the noise.
COMMENT <p>For example in the overworld, this makes lower y values solid while making higher y values air.</p>
ARG 1 y
ARG 2 depth
ARG 4 scale
ARG 6 randomDensityOffset
METHOD method_33647 getDensityNoise (II)D
COMMENT Applies a random change to the density to subtly vary the height of the terrain.
ARG 1 x
ARG 2 z
METHOD method_33648 sampleNoiseColumn ([DIILnet/minecraft/class_5309;III)V
COMMENT Samples the noise for the given column and stores it in the buffer parameter.
ARG 1 buffer
ARG 2 x
ARG 3 z
ARG 4 config
ARG 5 seaLevel
ARG 6 minY
ARG 7 noiseSizeY
METHOD method_33649 ([F)V
ARG 0 array