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CLASS net/minecraft/class_2248 net/minecraft/block/Block
COMMENT A block is a voxel in a {@linkplain World world}. {@link AbstractBlock},
COMMENT this class, and its subclasses define all logic for those voxels.
COMMENT <p>There is exactly one instance for every type of block. Every stone
COMMENT block for example in a world shares the same block instance. Each block
COMMENT instance is registered under {@link net.minecraft.util.registry.Registry#BLOCK}.
COMMENT See {@link Blocks} for examples of block instances.
COMMENT <p>An item corresponding to a block is not automatically created. You
COMMENT may create your own {@link net.minecraft.item.BlockItem} and register it
COMMENT under {@link net.minecraft.util.registry.Registry#ITEM}.
COMMENT <p>The translation key for the block name is determined by {@link
COMMENT #getTranslationKey}.
COMMENT <p>In the world, the actual voxels are not stored as blocks, but as
COMMENT {@linkplain BlockState block states}. The possible states of the block
COMMENT are defined by {@link #appendProperties}.
COMMENT @see AbstractBlock
COMMENT @see BlockState
FIELD field_10638 LOGGER Lorg/slf4j/Logger;
FIELD field_10642 translationKey Ljava/lang/String;
FIELD field_10646 defaultState Lnet/minecraft/class_2680;
FIELD field_10647 stateManager Lnet/minecraft/class_2689;
FIELD field_10649 FACE_CULL_MAP Ljava/lang/ThreadLocal;
FIELD field_10651 STATE_IDS Lnet/minecraft/class_2361;
FIELD field_17562 cachedItem Lnet/minecraft/class_1792;
FIELD field_19312 FULL_CUBE_SHAPE_CACHE Lcom/google/common/cache/LoadingCache;
COMMENT Sends a neighbor update event to surrounding blocks.
COMMENT Notifies listeners and clients who need to react when the block changes.
FIELD field_31029 NO_REDRAW I
COMMENT Used in conjunction with {@link #NOTIFY_LISTENERS} to suppress the render pass on clients.
COMMENT Forces a synchronous redraw on clients.
COMMENT Bypass virtual block state changes and forces the passed state to be stored as-is.
FIELD field_31032 SKIP_DROPS I
COMMENT Prevents the previous block (container) from dropping items when destroyed.
FIELD field_31033 MOVED I
COMMENT Signals that the current block is being moved to a different location, usually because of a piston.
COMMENT Signals that lighting updates should be skipped.
FIELD field_31036 NOTIFY_ALL I
COMMENT The default setBlockState behavior. Same as {@code NOTIFY_NEIGHBORS | NOTIFY_LISTENERS}.
FIELD field_36404 registryEntry Lnet/minecraft/class_6880$class_6883;
METHOD method_16361 hasTopRim (Lnet/minecraft/class_1922;Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;)Z
ARG 0 world
ARG 1 pos
METHOD method_20044 sideCoversSmallSquare (Lnet/minecraft/class_4538;Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;Lnet/minecraft/class_2350;)Z
ARG 0 world
ARG 1 pos
ARG 2 side
METHOD method_23349 getVelocityMultiplier ()F
METHOD method_23350 getJumpVelocityMultiplier ()F
METHOD method_30094 replace (Lnet/minecraft/class_2680;Lnet/minecraft/class_2680;Lnet/minecraft/class_1936;Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;I)V
COMMENT Replaces the {@code state} with the {@code newState} at the {@code pos}.
COMMENT <p>If the two state objects are identical, this method does nothing.
COMMENT <p>If the new state {@linkplain BlockState#isAir() is air},
COMMENT breaks the block at the position instead.
ARG 0 state
COMMENT the existing block state
ARG 1 newState
COMMENT the new block state
ARG 2 world
COMMENT the world
ARG 3 pos
COMMENT the position of the replaced block state
ARG 4 flags
COMMENT the bitwise flags for {@link net.minecraft.world.ModifiableWorld#setBlockState(BlockPos, BlockState, int, int)}
METHOD method_33614 spawnBreakParticles (Lnet/minecraft/class_1937;Lnet/minecraft/class_1657;Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;Lnet/minecraft/class_2680;)V
ARG 1 world
ARG 2 player
ARG 3 pos
ARG 4 state
METHOD method_33615 getShapesForStates (Ljava/util/function/Function;)Lcom/google/common/collect/ImmutableMap;
ARG 1 stateToShape
METHOD method_34724 copyProperty (Lnet/minecraft/class_2680;Lnet/minecraft/class_2680;Lnet/minecraft/class_2769;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2680;
ARG 0 source
ARG 1 target
ARG 2 property
METHOD method_34725 getStateWithProperties (Lnet/minecraft/class_2680;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2680;
COMMENT Gets a block state with all properties that both this block and the source block state have.
ARG 1 state
METHOD method_35257 (Lnet/minecraft/class_3218;Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;)V
ARG 2 stack
METHOD method_35258 dropStacks (Lnet/minecraft/class_2680;Lnet/minecraft/class_47$class_48;)V
ARG 0 state
ARG 1 lootContext
METHOD method_36992 dropStack (Lnet/minecraft/class_1937;Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;Lnet/minecraft/class_2350;Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;)V
ARG 0 world
ARG 1 pos
ARG 2 direction
ARG 3 stack
METHOD method_36993 dropStack (Lnet/minecraft/class_1937;Ljava/util/function/Supplier;Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;)V
ARG 0 world
ARG 1 itemEntitySupplier
ARG 2 stack
METHOD method_40142 getRegistryEntry ()Lnet/minecraft/class_6880$class_6883;
METHOD method_41420 dropExperienceWhenMined (Lnet/minecraft/class_3218;Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;Lnet/minecraft/class_6017;)V
ARG 1 world
ARG 2 pos
ARG 3 tool
ARG 4 experience
METHOD method_9496 randomDisplayTick (Lnet/minecraft/class_2680;Lnet/minecraft/class_1937;Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;Lnet/minecraft/class_5819;)V
ARG 1 state
ARG 2 world
ARG 3 pos
ARG 4 random
METHOD method_9497 dropStacks (Lnet/minecraft/class_2680;Lnet/minecraft/class_1937;Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;)V
ARG 0 state
ARG 1 world
ARG 2 pos
METHOD method_9499 getSlipperiness ()F
METHOD method_9501 isFaceFullSquare (Lnet/minecraft/class_265;Lnet/minecraft/class_2350;)Z
ARG 0 shape
ARG 1 side
METHOD method_9502 onEntityLand (Lnet/minecraft/class_1922;Lnet/minecraft/class_1297;)V
ARG 1 world
ARG 2 entity
METHOD method_9503 getBlockFromItem (Lnet/minecraft/class_1792;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2248;
ARG 0 item
METHOD method_9504 precipitationTick (Lnet/minecraft/class_2680;Lnet/minecraft/class_1937;Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;Lnet/minecraft/class_1959$class_1963;)V
ARG 1 state
ARG 2 world
ARG 3 pos
ARG 4 precipitation
METHOD method_9507 getRawIdFromState (Lnet/minecraft/class_2680;)I
ARG 0 state
METHOD method_9510 postProcessState (Lnet/minecraft/class_2680;Lnet/minecraft/class_1936;Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2680;
ARG 0 state
ARG 1 world
ARG 2 pos
METHOD method_9511 dropStacks (Lnet/minecraft/class_2680;Lnet/minecraft/class_1937;Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;Lnet/minecraft/class_2586;Lnet/minecraft/class_1297;Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;)V
ARG 0 state
ARG 1 world
ARG 2 pos
ARG 3 blockEntity
ARG 4 entity
ARG 5 stack
METHOD method_9515 appendProperties (Lnet/minecraft/class_2689$class_2690;)V
ARG 1 builder
METHOD method_9518 getName ()Lnet/minecraft/class_5250;
METHOD method_9520 getBlastResistance ()F
METHOD method_9531 getStateFromRawId (I)Lnet/minecraft/class_2680;
ARG 0 stateId
METHOD method_9533 shouldDropItemsOnExplosion (Lnet/minecraft/class_1927;)Z
ARG 1 explosion
METHOD method_9538 canMobSpawnInside ()Z
METHOD method_9539 getTranslationKey ()Ljava/lang/String;
COMMENT {@return the translation key for the name of this block}
COMMENT <p>By default, it returns {@code block.namespace.path} where {@code
COMMENT namespace} and {@code path} are of the identifier used for registering
COMMENT this block, but {@code /} in {@code path} is replaced with {@code .}.
COMMENT If the block is not registered, it returns {@code block.unregistered_sadface}.
METHOD method_9541 createCuboidShape (DDDDDD)Lnet/minecraft/class_265;
ARG 0 minX
ARG 2 minY
ARG 4 minZ
ARG 6 maxX
ARG 8 maxY
ARG 10 maxZ
METHOD method_9542 hasRandomTicks (Lnet/minecraft/class_2680;)Z
ARG 1 state
METHOD method_9543 hasDynamicBounds ()Z
METHOD method_9544 (Lnet/minecraft/class_1937;Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;)V
ARG 2 stack
METHOD method_9554 onLandedUpon (Lnet/minecraft/class_1937;Lnet/minecraft/class_2680;Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;Lnet/minecraft/class_1297;F)V
ARG 1 world
ARG 2 state
ARG 3 pos
ARG 4 entity
ARG 5 fallDistance
METHOD method_9556 afterBreak (Lnet/minecraft/class_1937;Lnet/minecraft/class_1657;Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;Lnet/minecraft/class_2680;Lnet/minecraft/class_2586;Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;)V
ARG 1 world
ARG 2 player
ARG 3 pos
ARG 4 state
ARG 5 blockEntity
ARG 6 stack
METHOD method_9562 getDroppedStacks (Lnet/minecraft/class_2680;Lnet/minecraft/class_3218;Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;Lnet/minecraft/class_2586;)Ljava/util/List;
ARG 0 state
ARG 1 world
ARG 2 pos
ARG 3 blockEntity
METHOD method_9564 getDefaultState ()Lnet/minecraft/class_2680;
METHOD method_9567 onPlaced (Lnet/minecraft/class_1937;Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;Lnet/minecraft/class_2680;Lnet/minecraft/class_1309;Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;)V
ARG 1 world
ARG 2 pos
ARG 3 state
ARG 4 placer
ARG 5 itemStack
METHOD method_9568 appendTooltip (Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;Lnet/minecraft/class_1922;Ljava/util/List;Lnet/minecraft/class_1836;)V
ARG 1 stack
ARG 2 world
ARG 3 tooltip
ARG 4 options
METHOD method_9573 getSoundGroup (Lnet/minecraft/class_2680;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2498;
ARG 1 state
METHOD method_9574 getPickStack (Lnet/minecraft/class_1922;Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;Lnet/minecraft/class_2680;)Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;
ARG 1 world
ARG 2 pos
ARG 3 state
METHOD method_9576 onBreak (Lnet/minecraft/class_1937;Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;Lnet/minecraft/class_2680;Lnet/minecraft/class_1657;)V
ARG 1 world
ARG 2 pos
ARG 3 state
ARG 4 player
METHOD method_9577 dropStack (Lnet/minecraft/class_1937;Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;)V
ARG 0 world
ARG 1 pos
ARG 2 stack
METHOD method_9578 appendStacks (Lnet/minecraft/class_1761;Lnet/minecraft/class_2371;)V
COMMENT Appends the stacks of this block shown in the item group to the list.
COMMENT @see net.minecraft.item.BlockItem#appendStacks(ItemGroup, DefaultedList)
ARG 1 group
ARG 2 stacks
METHOD method_9579 isTranslucent (Lnet/minecraft/class_2680;Lnet/minecraft/class_1922;Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;)Z
ARG 1 state
ARG 2 world
ARG 3 pos
METHOD method_9581 cannotConnect (Lnet/minecraft/class_2680;)Z
ARG 0 state
METHOD method_9582 pushEntitiesUpBeforeBlockChange (Lnet/minecraft/class_2680;Lnet/minecraft/class_2680;Lnet/minecraft/class_1936;Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2680;
ARG 0 from
ARG 1 to
ARG 2 world
ARG 3 pos
METHOD method_9583 dropExperience (Lnet/minecraft/class_3218;Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;I)V
ARG 1 world
ARG 2 pos
ARG 3 size
METHOD method_9585 onBroken (Lnet/minecraft/class_1936;Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;Lnet/minecraft/class_2680;)V
ARG 1 world
ARG 2 pos
ARG 3 state
METHOD method_9586 onDestroyedByExplosion (Lnet/minecraft/class_1937;Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;Lnet/minecraft/class_1927;)V
COMMENT Called when this block is destroyed by an explosion.
ARG 1 world
ARG 2 pos
ARG 3 explosion
METHOD method_9587 (Lnet/minecraft/class_1937;Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;)V
ARG 2 stack
METHOD method_9590 setDefaultState (Lnet/minecraft/class_2680;)V
ARG 1 state
METHOD method_9591 onSteppedOn (Lnet/minecraft/class_1937;Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;Lnet/minecraft/class_2680;Lnet/minecraft/class_1297;)V
COMMENT Called when an entity steps on this block.
ARG 1 world
ARG 2 pos
ARG 3 state
ARG 4 entity
METHOD method_9595 getStateManager ()Lnet/minecraft/class_2689;
METHOD method_9596 (Lnet/minecraft/class_1936;Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;)V
ARG 2 stack
METHOD method_9605 getPlacementState (Lnet/minecraft/class_1750;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2680;
ARG 1 ctx
METHOD method_9607 shouldDrawSide (Lnet/minecraft/class_2680;Lnet/minecraft/class_1922;Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;Lnet/minecraft/class_2350;Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;)Z
ARG 0 state
ARG 1 world
ARG 2 pos
ARG 3 side
ARG 4 otherPos
METHOD method_9609 getDroppedStacks (Lnet/minecraft/class_2680;Lnet/minecraft/class_3218;Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;Lnet/minecraft/class_2586;Lnet/minecraft/class_1297;Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;)Ljava/util/List;
ARG 0 state
ARG 1 world
ARG 2 pos
ARG 3 blockEntity
ARG 4 entity
ARG 5 stack
METHOD method_9610 dropStacks (Lnet/minecraft/class_2680;Lnet/minecraft/class_1936;Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;Lnet/minecraft/class_2586;)V
ARG 0 state
ARG 1 world
ARG 2 pos
ARG 3 blockEntity
METHOD method_9611 replace (Lnet/minecraft/class_2680;Lnet/minecraft/class_2680;Lnet/minecraft/class_1936;Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;II)V
COMMENT Replaces the {@code state} with the {@code newState} at the {@code pos}.
COMMENT <p>If the two state objects are identical, this method does nothing.
COMMENT <p>If the new state {@linkplain BlockState#isAir() is air},
COMMENT breaks the block at the position instead.
ARG 0 state
COMMENT the existing block state
ARG 1 newState
COMMENT the new block state
ARG 2 world
COMMENT the world
ARG 3 pos
COMMENT the position of the replaced block state
ARG 4 flags
COMMENT the bitwise flags for {@link net.minecraft.world.ModifiableWorld#setBlockState(BlockPos, BlockState, int, int)}
ARG 5 maxUpdateDepth
COMMENT the limit for the cascading block updates
METHOD method_9614 isShapeFullCube (Lnet/minecraft/class_265;)Z
ARG 0 shape
METHOD load (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
ARG 1 shape
METHOD rehash (I)V
ARG 1 newN
CLASS class_2249 NeighborGroup
FIELD field_10652 self Lnet/minecraft/class_2680;
FIELD field_10653 facing Lnet/minecraft/class_2350;
FIELD field_10654 other Lnet/minecraft/class_2680;
METHOD <init> (Lnet/minecraft/class_2680;Lnet/minecraft/class_2680;Lnet/minecraft/class_2350;)V
ARG 1 self
ARG 2 other
ARG 3 facing
METHOD equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
ARG 1 o