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CLASS net/minecraft/class_6490 net/minecraft/util/collection/PaletteStorage
COMMENT A storage whose values are raw IDs held by palettes.
METHOD method_15210 set (II)V
COMMENT Sets {@code value} to {@code index} in this storage.
ARG 1 index
COMMENT the index
ARG 2 value
COMMENT the value to set
METHOD method_15211 get (I)I
COMMENT {@return the value at {@code index} in this storage}
ARG 1 index
COMMENT the index
METHOD method_15212 getData ()[J
COMMENT {@return the backing data of this storage}
METHOD method_15214 swap (II)I
COMMENT Sets {@code value} to {@code index} and returns the previous value in
COMMENT this storage.
COMMENT @return the previous value
ARG 1 index
COMMENT the index
ARG 2 value
COMMENT the value to set
METHOD method_15215 getSize ()I
COMMENT {@return the size of, or the number of elements in, this storage}
METHOD method_21739 forEach (Ljava/util/function/IntConsumer;)V
COMMENT Executes an {@code action} on all values in this storage, sequentially.
ARG 1 action
METHOD method_34896 getElementBits ()I
COMMENT {@return the number of bits each element in this storage uses}