Adrian Siekierka bf62f29ddf update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
AdvancementUpdateClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
BlockActionClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
BlockBreakingProgressClientPacket.mapping Map ALL the packets! 2018-12-14 19:20:08 +01:00
BlockEntityUpdateClientPacket.mapping Map ALL the packets! 2018-12-14 19:20:08 +01:00
BlockUpdateClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
BossBarClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
ChatMessageClientPacket.mapping Map ALL the packets! 2018-12-14 19:20:08 +01:00
ChunkDataClientPacket.mapping Map ALL the packets! 2018-12-14 19:20:08 +01:00
ChunkDeltaUpdateClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
CombatEventClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
CommandSuggestionsClientPacket.mapping Map ALL the packets! 2018-12-14 19:20:08 +01:00
CommandTreeClientPacket.mapping Map ALL the packets! 2018-12-14 19:20:08 +01:00
CooldownUpdateClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
CraftResponseClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
CustomPayloadClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
DifficultyClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
DisconnectClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
EntitiesDestroyClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
EntityAnimationClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
EntityAttachClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
EntityAttributesClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
EntityClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
EntityEquipmentUpdateClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
EntityPassengersSetClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
EntityPositionClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
EntityPotionEffectClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
EntitySetHeadYawClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
EntitySpawnClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
EntitySpawnGlobalClientPacket.mapping Map ALL the packets! 2018-12-14 19:20:08 +01:00
EntityStatusClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
EntityTrackerUpdateClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
EntityVelocityUpdateClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
ExperienceBarUpdateClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
ExperienceOrbSpawnClientPacket.mapping Map ALL the packets! 2018-12-14 19:20:08 +01:00
ExplosionClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
GameJoinClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
GameStateChangeClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
GuiActionConfirmClientPacket.mapping Map ALL the packets! 2018-12-14 19:20:08 +01:00
GuiCloseClientPacket.mapping Map ALL the packets! 2018-12-14 19:20:08 +01:00
GuiOpenClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
GuiSlotUpdateClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
GuiUpdateClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
HealthUpdateClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
HeldItemChangeClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
InventoryClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
ItemPickupAnimationClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
KeepAliveClientPacket.mapping Map ALL the packets! 2018-12-14 19:20:08 +01:00
LightUpdateClientPacket.mapping Map ALL the packets! 2018-12-14 19:20:08 +01:00
LookAtClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
MapUpdateClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
MobSpawnClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
OpenWrittenBookClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
PaintingSpawnClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
ParticleClientPacket.mapping Map ALL the packets! 2018-12-14 19:20:08 +01:00
PlaySoundClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
PlaySoundFromEntityClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
PlaySoundIdClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
PlayerAbilitiesClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
PlayerListClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
PlayerListHeaderClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
PlayerPositionLookClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
PlayerRespawnClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
PlayerSpawnClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
PlayerSpawnPositionClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
PlayerUseBedClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
QueryPongClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
QueryResponseClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
RemoveEntityEffectClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
ResourcePackSendClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
ScoreboardDisplayClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
ScoreboardObjectiveUpdateClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
ScoreboardPlayerUpdateClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
SelectAdvancementTabClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
SetCameraEntityClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
SignEditorOpenClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
StatisticsClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
StopSoundClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
SynchronizeRecipesClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
SynchronizeTagsClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
TagQueryResponseClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
TeamClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
TitleClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
UnloadChunkClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
UnlockRecipesClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
VehicleMoveClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
WorldBorderClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00
WorldEventClientPacket.mapping Map ALL the packets! 2018-12-14 19:20:08 +01:00
WorldTimeUpdateClientPacket.mapping update to 19w02a 2019-01-09 18:20:38 +01:00