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CLASS net/minecraft/class_1860 net/minecraft/recipe/Recipe
METHOD method_17447 createIcon ()Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;
COMMENT Creates the stack that is displayed on the recipe book tab containing this recipe, and on a toast when a recipe of this type is unlocked.
COMMENT Used in conjunction with {@link #getGroup()}.
METHOD method_17716 getType ()Lnet/minecraft/class_3956;
METHOD method_31583 (Lnet/minecraft/class_1856;)Z
ARG 0 ingredient
METHOD method_31584 isEmpty ()Z
METHOD method_8110 getOutput ()Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;
METHOD method_8111 getRemainder (Lnet/minecraft/class_1263;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2371;
COMMENT Returns the remaining stacks to be left in the crafting grid after crafting is complete.
COMMENT Should return the same number of items as the input grid contains in the same order they're expected
COMMENT to appear in that grid.
COMMENT @implSpec Default implementation simply returns a grid of all empty stacks where all stacks from the
COMMENT input grid have been replaced with the result of calling {@link net.minecraft.item.Item#getRecipeRemainder()} on them.
ARG 1 inventory
METHOD method_8112 getGroup ()Ljava/lang/String;
COMMENT Optional group this recipe belongs in. Used to group recipes into different categories by the recipe book.
METHOD method_8113 fits (II)Z
COMMENT Determines whether this recipe's pattern will fit into the available crafting area.
ARG 1 width
ARG 2 height
METHOD method_8114 getId ()Lnet/minecraft/class_2960;
METHOD method_8115 matches (Lnet/minecraft/class_1263;Lnet/minecraft/class_1937;)Z
COMMENT Determines whether this recipe matches the contents currently placed inside the available crafting grid.
ARG 1 inventory
ARG 2 world
METHOD method_8116 craft (Lnet/minecraft/class_1263;)Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;
COMMENT Crafts this recipe.
COMMENT <p>This method may perform side effects on the {@code inventory} argument.</p>
COMMENT <p>This method should return a new item stack on each call.</p>
COMMENT @return the resulting item stack
ARG 1 inventory
METHOD method_8117 getIngredients ()Lnet/minecraft/class_2371;
COMMENT The ingredients accepted as inputs for this recipe. Used by the recipe book
COMMENT when displaying a ghost form of this recipe on the crafting grid as well as for
COMMENT previewing the possible inputs in the book itself.
METHOD method_8118 isIgnoredInRecipeBook ()Z
METHOD method_8119 getSerializer ()Lnet/minecraft/class_1865;