AlexIIL dd60a9b973
BlockEntity tick and creation (#1836)
* Minor BlockEntity ticking names.

* And some more.

* More.

* More.

* Map a lot more BlockEntity.tick methods.

* World mappings.

* Javadoc for BlockWithEntity.checkTYpe.

* Name params.

* Map BlockEntityType.class_5559 as BlockEntityCreator

* Rename BeehiveBlockEntity.tick to tickServer as it's not used on the client.

* WorldChunk.emptyBlockEntityTicker -> EMPTY_BLOCK_ENTITY_TICKER

* tickServer -> serverTick and tickClient -> clientTick

* WorldChunk.method_31718 -> wrapTicker (rather than createTicker, as this is more accurate).

* Map WorldChunk.method_31715 as canTickBlockEntities.

* DirectBlockEntityTicker -> BlockEntitytTickInvoker

* "ChunkBlockEntityTicker" -> "BlockEntityTickInvoker".

* Bring back "direct" instead of "impl".

* "null*" -> "empty*"

* BlockEntityCreator -> BlockEntityFactory.

* CampfireBlockEntity: tickUnlit/tickLit -> unlitServerTick/litServerTick

* creator/supplier -> factory in BlockEntityType.
2020-11-06 12:49:58 +00:00
com/mojang/blaze3d 20w45a 2020-11-04 20:44:22 +00:00
net/minecraft BlockEntity tick and creation (#1836) 2020-11-06 12:49:58 +00:00