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CLASS net/minecraft/class_5577 net/minecraft/world/entity/EntityLookup
COMMENT An interface for looking up entities.
COMMENT <p>It supports iteration, accessing by ID, or by intersection with boxes.
COMMENT @param <T> the type of indexed entity
METHOD method_31803 iterate ()Ljava/lang/Iterable;
COMMENT Returns an unmodifiable iterable over all entities in this lookup.
METHOD method_31804 get (I)Lnet/minecraft/class_5568;
COMMENT Returns an entity by its network ID, or {@code null} if none is found.
ARG 1 id
METHOD method_31805 forEachIntersects (Lnet/minecraft/class_5575;Lnet/minecraft/class_238;Lnet/minecraft/class_7927;)V
ARG 1 filter
ARG 2 box
METHOD method_31806 forEach (Lnet/minecraft/class_5575;Lnet/minecraft/class_7927;)V
COMMENT Performs an {@code action} on each entity of type {@code U} within this
COMMENT lookup.
COMMENT @param <U> the type of entity to perform action on
ARG 1 filter
COMMENT specifies the desired type of entity
METHOD method_31807 forEachIntersects (Lnet/minecraft/class_238;Ljava/util/function/Consumer;)V
ARG 1 box
ARG 2 action
METHOD method_31808 get (Ljava/util/UUID;)Lnet/minecraft/class_5568;
COMMENT Returns an entity by its UUID, or {@code null} if none is found.
ARG 1 uuid