
382 lines
17 KiB

CLASS net/minecraft/class_1799 net/minecraft/item/ItemStack
COMMENT Represents a stack of items.
COMMENT <h2 id="nbt-operations">NBT operations</h2>
COMMENT <h3>NBT serialization</h3>
COMMENT An Item Stack can be serialized with {@link #writeNbt(NbtCompound)}, and deserialized with {@link #fromNbt(NbtCompound)}.
COMMENT <div class="fabric">
COMMENT <table border=1>
COMMENT <caption>Serialized NBT Structure</caption>
COMMENT <th>Key</th><th>Type</th><th>Purpose</th>
COMMENT <td>{@code id}</td><td>{@link net.minecraft.nbt.NbtString}</td><td>The identifier of the item.</td>
COMMENT <td>{@code Count}</td><td>{@link net.minecraft.nbt.NbtByte}</td><td>The count of items in the stack.</td>
COMMENT <td>{@code tag}</td><td>{@link NbtCompound}</td><td>The item stack's custom NBT.</td>
COMMENT </table>
COMMENT </div>
COMMENT <h3>Custom NBT</h3>
COMMENT The item stack's custom NBT may be used to store extra information,
COMMENT like the block entity data for shulker boxes,
COMMENT or the damage of a damageable item, etc.
COMMENT Various methods are available to interact with the custom NBT, some methods might refer to a "sub NBT",
COMMENT a sub NBT is a child element of the custom NBT.
COMMENT <div class="fabric">
COMMENT <table border=1>
COMMENT <caption>Custom NBT operations</caption>
COMMENT <th>Category</th><th>Method</th><th>Summary</th>
COMMENT <td>Custom NBT</td><td>{@link #hasNbt()}</td><td>Returns whether the item stack has custom NBT.</td>
COMMENT <td>Custom NBT</td><td>{@link #getNbt()}</td><td>Returns the custom NBT of the item stack.</td>
COMMENT <td>Custom NBT</td><td>{@link #getOrCreateNbt()}</td><td>Returns the custom NBT of the item stack, or creates one if absent.</td>
COMMENT <td>Custom NBT</td><td>{@link #setNbt(NbtCompound)}</td><td>Sets the custom NBT of the item stack.</td>
COMMENT <td>Sub Custom NBT</td><td>{@link #getSubNbt(String)}</td><td>Returns the sub NBT compound at the specified key.</td>
COMMENT <td>Sub Custom NBT</td><td>{@link #getOrCreateSubNbt(String)}</td><td>Returns the sub NBT compound at the specified key, or create one if absent.</td>
COMMENT <td>Sub Custom NBT</td><td>{@link #removeSubNbt(String)}</td><td>Removes the sub NBT element at the specified key.</td>
COMMENT <td>Sub Custom NBT</td><td>{@link #setSubNbt(String, NbtElement)}</td><td>Sets the sub NBT element at the specified key.</td>
COMMENT </table>
COMMENT </div>
FIELD field_24092 LORE_STYLE Lnet/minecraft/class_2583;
FIELD field_24093 holder Lnet/minecraft/class_1297;
FIELD field_24671 CODEC Lcom/mojang/serialization/Codec;
FIELD field_30890 ENCHANTMENTS_KEY Ljava/lang/String;
COMMENT The key of the enchantments in an item stack's custom NBT, whose value is {@value}.
FIELD field_30893 DISPLAY_KEY Ljava/lang/String;
COMMENT The key of the display NBT in an item stack's custom NBT, whose value is {@value}.
FIELD field_30894 NAME_KEY Ljava/lang/String;
COMMENT The key of the item stack's name in the {@linkplain #DISPLAY_KEY display NBT}, whose value is {@value}.
FIELD field_30895 LORE_KEY Ljava/lang/String;
COMMENT The key of the item stack's lore in the {@linkplain #DISPLAY_KEY display NBT}, whose value is {@value}.
FIELD field_30896 DAMAGE_KEY Ljava/lang/String;
COMMENT The key of the damage in an item stack's custom NBT, whose value is {@value}.
FIELD field_30897 COLOR_KEY Ljava/lang/String;
COMMENT The key of the item's color in the {@linkplain #DISPLAY_KEY display NBT}, whose value is {@value}.
FIELD field_30898 UNBREAKABLE_KEY Ljava/lang/String;
COMMENT The key of the unbreakable boolean in an item stack's custom NBT, whose value is {@value}.
FIELD field_30899 REPAIR_COST_KEY Ljava/lang/String;
COMMENT The key of the repair cost in an item stack's custom NBT, whose value is {@value}.
FIELD field_30900 CAN_DESTROY_KEY Ljava/lang/String;
FIELD field_30901 CAN_PLACE_ON_KEY Ljava/lang/String;
FIELD field_30902 HIDE_FLAGS_KEY Ljava/lang/String;
FIELD field_34453 destroyChecker Lnet/minecraft/class_6538;
FIELD field_34454 placeChecker Lnet/minecraft/class_6538;
FIELD field_8029 MODIFIER_FORMAT Ljava/text/DecimalFormat;
FIELD field_8030 bobbingAnimationTime I
FIELD field_8031 count I
FIELD field_8033 LOGGER Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger;
FIELD field_8036 empty Z
FIELD field_8037 EMPTY Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;
FIELD field_8038 item Lnet/minecraft/class_1792;
FIELD field_8040 nbt Lnet/minecraft/class_2487;
COMMENT Repesents the item stack's custom NBT.
COMMENT Stored at the key {@code tag} in the serialized item stack NBT.
COMMENT @see <a href="nbt-operations">Item Stack NBT Operations</a>
METHOD <init> (Lnet/minecraft/class_1935;)V
ARG 1 item
METHOD <init> (Lnet/minecraft/class_1935;I)V
ARG 1 item
ARG 2 count
METHOD <init> (Lnet/minecraft/class_1935;ILjava/util/Optional;)V
ARG 1 item
ARG 2 count
ARG 3 nbt
METHOD <init> (Lnet/minecraft/class_2487;)V
ARG 1 nbt
METHOD method_17869 (Ljava/util/List;Lnet/minecraft/class_2487;Lnet/minecraft/class_1887;)V
ARG 2 e
METHOD method_17870 appendEnchantments (Ljava/util/List;Lnet/minecraft/class_2499;)V
ARG 0 tooltip
ARG 1 enchantments
METHOD method_19267 isFood ()Z
METHOD method_21832 getDrinkSound ()Lnet/minecraft/class_3414;
METHOD method_21833 getEatSound ()Lnet/minecraft/class_3414;
METHOD method_26963 (Ljava/text/DecimalFormat;)V
ARG 0 decimalFormat
METHOD method_27319 getHolder ()Lnet/minecraft/class_1297;
METHOD method_27320 setHolder (Lnet/minecraft/class_1297;)V
ARG 1 holder
METHOD method_28376 (Lcom/mojang/serialization/codecs/RecordCodecBuilder$Instance;)Lcom/mojang/datafixers/kinds/App;
ARG 0 instance
METHOD method_28377 (Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;)Ljava/util/Optional;
ARG 0 stack
METHOD method_28378 (Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;)Ljava/lang/Integer;
ARG 0 stack
METHOD method_28379 (Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;)Lnet/minecraft/class_1792;
ARG 0 stack
METHOD method_30266 getHideFlags ()I
METHOD method_30267 isSectionVisible (ILnet/minecraft/class_1799$class_5422;)Z
COMMENT Determines whether the given tooltip section will be visible according to the given flags.
ARG 0 flags
ARG 1 tooltipSection
METHOD method_30268 addHideFlag (Lnet/minecraft/class_1799$class_5422;)V
ARG 1 tooltipSection
METHOD method_31572 getEquipSound ()Lnet/minecraft/class_3414;
METHOD method_31573 isIn (Lnet/minecraft/class_3494;)Z
ARG 1 tag
METHOD method_31574 isOf (Lnet/minecraft/class_1792;)Z
ARG 1 item
METHOD method_31575 onStackClicked (Lnet/minecraft/class_1735;Lnet/minecraft/class_5536;Lnet/minecraft/class_1657;)Z
ARG 1 slot
ARG 2 clickType
ARG 3 player
METHOD method_31576 onClicked (Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;Lnet/minecraft/class_1735;Lnet/minecraft/class_5536;Lnet/minecraft/class_1657;Lnet/minecraft/class_5630;)Z
ARG 1 stack
ARG 2 slot
ARG 3 clickType
ARG 4 player
ARG 5 cursorStackReference
METHOD method_31577 canCombine (Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;)Z
ARG 0 stack
ARG 1 otherStack
METHOD method_31578 isItemBarVisible ()Z
METHOD method_31579 getItemBarStep ()I
COMMENT {@return the length of the filled section of the durability bar in pixels (out of 13)}
METHOD method_31580 getItemBarColor ()I
COMMENT {@return the color of the filled section of the durability bar}
METHOD method_32347 getTooltipData ()Ljava/util/Optional;
METHOD method_33262 onItemEntityDestroyed (Lnet/minecraft/class_1542;)V
ARG 1 entity
METHOD method_7909 getItem ()Lnet/minecraft/class_1792;
METHOD method_7910 finishUsing (Lnet/minecraft/class_1937;Lnet/minecraft/class_1309;)Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;
ARG 1 world
ARG 2 user
METHOD method_7911 getOrCreateSubNbt (Ljava/lang/String;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2487;
COMMENT {@return the compound NBT at the specified key in this item stack's NBT, or a new compound if absent}
COMMENT @see <a href="#nbt-operations">Item Stack NBT Operations</a>
ARG 1 key
METHOD method_7912 setBobbingAnimationTime (I)V
ARG 1 bobbingAnimationTime
METHOD method_7913 use (Lnet/minecraft/class_1937;Lnet/minecraft/class_1657;Lnet/minecraft/class_1268;)Lnet/minecraft/class_1271;
ARG 1 world
ARG 2 user
ARG 3 hand
METHOD method_7914 getMaxCount ()I
METHOD method_7915 fromNbt (Lnet/minecraft/class_2487;)Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;
COMMENT Deserializes an item stack from NBT.
COMMENT @see <a href="#nbt-operations">Item Stack NBT Operations</a>
ARG 0 nbt
METHOD method_7916 addAttributeModifier (Lnet/minecraft/class_1320;Lnet/minecraft/class_1322;Lnet/minecraft/class_1304;)V
ARG 1 attribute
ARG 2 modifier
ARG 3 slot
METHOD method_7917 inventoryTick (Lnet/minecraft/class_1937;Lnet/minecraft/class_1297;IZ)V
ARG 1 world
ARG 2 entity
ARG 3 slot
ARG 4 selected
METHOD method_7919 getDamage ()I
METHOD method_7920 useOnEntity (Lnet/minecraft/class_1657;Lnet/minecraft/class_1309;Lnet/minecraft/class_1268;)Lnet/minecraft/class_1269;
ARG 1 user
ARG 2 entity
ARG 3 hand
METHOD method_7921 getEnchantments ()Lnet/minecraft/class_2499;
METHOD method_7922 getTranslationKey ()Ljava/lang/String;
METHOD method_7923 isEnchantable ()Z
METHOD method_7924 getMiningSpeedMultiplier (Lnet/minecraft/class_2680;)F
ARG 1 state
METHOD method_7925 removeCustomName ()V
METHOD method_7926 getAttributeModifiers (Lnet/minecraft/class_1304;)Lcom/google/common/collect/Multimap;
ARG 1 slot
METHOD method_7927 setRepairCost (I)V
ARG 1 repairCost
METHOD method_7928 getRepairCost ()I
METHOD method_7929 isItemEqual (Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;)Z
ARG 1 stack
METHOD method_7930 onStoppedUsing (Lnet/minecraft/class_1937;Lnet/minecraft/class_1309;I)V
ARG 1 world
ARG 2 user
ARG 3 remainingUseTicks
METHOD method_7932 getRarity ()Lnet/minecraft/class_1814;
METHOD method_7933 increment (I)V
COMMENT Increments the count of items in this item stack.
ARG 1 amount
COMMENT the amount to increment
METHOD method_7934 decrement (I)V
COMMENT Decrements the count of items in this item stack.
ARG 1 amount
COMMENT the amount to decrement
METHOD method_7935 getMaxUseTime ()I
METHOD method_7936 getMaxDamage ()I
METHOD method_7937 parseBlockTag (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/Collection;
ARG 0 tag
METHOD method_7938 hasCustomName ()Z
METHOD method_7939 setCount (I)V
COMMENT Sets the count of items in this item stack.
ARG 1 count
COMMENT the count of items
METHOD method_7940 canDestroy (Lnet/minecraft/class_5415;Lnet/minecraft/class_2694;)Z
ARG 1 tagManager
ARG 2 pos
METHOD method_7941 getSubNbt (Ljava/lang/String;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2487;
COMMENT {@return the NBT compound at the specified key in this item stack's custom NBT, may be {@code null}}
COMMENT @see <a href="#nbt-operations">Item Stack NBT Operations</a>
ARG 1 key
METHOD method_7942 hasEnchantments ()Z
METHOD method_7944 canPlaceOn (Lnet/minecraft/class_5415;Lnet/minecraft/class_2694;)Z
ARG 1 tagManager
ARG 2 pos
METHOD method_7945 getFrame ()Lnet/minecraft/class_1533;
METHOD method_7946 isStackable ()Z
METHOD method_7947 getCount ()I
COMMENT {@return the count of items in this item stack}
METHOD method_7948 getOrCreateNbt ()Lnet/minecraft/class_2487;
COMMENT Returns the custom NBT of this item stack, or creates the custom NBT if the item stack did not have a custom NBT previously.
COMMENT @return the custom NBT of this item stack
COMMENT @see <a href="#nbt-operations">Item Stack NBT Operations</a>
METHOD method_7949 usageTick (Lnet/minecraft/class_1937;Lnet/minecraft/class_1309;I)V
ARG 1 world
ARG 2 user
ARG 3 remainingUseTicks
METHOD method_7950 getTooltip (Lnet/minecraft/class_1657;Lnet/minecraft/class_1836;)Ljava/util/List;
ARG 1 player
ARG 2 context
METHOD method_7951 isSuitableFor (Lnet/minecraft/class_2680;)Z
COMMENT Determines whether this item can be used as a suitable tool for mining the specified block.
COMMENT Depending on block implementation, when combined together, the correct item and block may achieve a better mining speed and yield
COMMENT drops that would not be obtained when mining otherwise.
COMMENT @return values consistent with calls to {@link Item#isSuitableFor}
COMMENT @see Item#isSuitableFor(BlockState)
ARG 1 state
METHOD method_7952 postMine (Lnet/minecraft/class_1937;Lnet/minecraft/class_2680;Lnet/minecraft/class_2338;Lnet/minecraft/class_1657;)V
ARG 1 world
ARG 2 state
ARG 3 pos
ARG 4 miner
METHOD method_7953 writeNbt (Lnet/minecraft/class_2487;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2487;
COMMENT Writes the serialized item stack into the given {@link NbtCompound}.
COMMENT @return the written NBT compound
COMMENT @see <a href="#nbt-operations">Item Stack NBT Operations</a>
ARG 1 nbt
COMMENT the NBT compound to write to
METHOD method_7954 toHoverableText ()Lnet/minecraft/class_2561;
METHOD method_7955 (Lnet/minecraft/class_5250;)Lnet/minecraft/class_5250;
ARG 0 text
METHOD method_7956 damage (ILnet/minecraft/class_1309;Ljava/util/function/Consumer;)V
ARG 1 amount
ARG 2 entity
ARG 3 breakCallback
METHOD method_7957 updateEmptyState ()V
METHOD method_7958 hasGlint ()Z
METHOD method_7959 setSubNbt (Ljava/lang/String;Lnet/minecraft/class_2520;)V
COMMENT Sets the given NBT element in the item stack's custom NBT at the specified key.
COMMENT @see <a href="#nbt-operations">Item Stack NBT Operations</a>
ARG 1 key
COMMENT the key where to put the given {@link NbtElement}
ARG 2 element
COMMENT the NBT element to put
METHOD method_7960 isEmpty ()Z
COMMENT {@return whether this item stack is empty}
METHOD method_7961 isInFrame ()Z
METHOD method_7962 isItemEqualIgnoreDamage (Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;)Z
ARG 1 stack
METHOD method_7963 isDamageable ()Z
METHOD method_7964 getName ()Lnet/minecraft/class_2561;
METHOD method_7965 getBobbingAnimationTime ()I
METHOD method_7966 (Lnet/minecraft/class_2583;)Lnet/minecraft/class_2583;
ARG 1 style
METHOD method_7967 isUsedOnRelease ()Z
METHOD method_7968 isEqual (Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;)Z
ARG 1 stack
METHOD method_7969 getNbt ()Lnet/minecraft/class_2487;
COMMENT {@return the custom NBT of this item stack, may be {@code null}}
COMMENT @see <a href="#nbt-operations">Item Stack NBT Operations</a>
METHOD method_7970 damage (ILjava/util/Random;Lnet/minecraft/class_3222;)Z
ARG 1 amount
ARG 2 random
ARG 3 player
METHOD method_7971 split (I)Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;
ARG 1 amount
METHOD method_7972 copy ()Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;
COMMENT Creates and returns a copy of this item stack.
METHOD method_7973 areEqual (Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;)Z
ARG 0 left
ARG 1 right
METHOD method_7974 setDamage (I)V
ARG 1 damage
METHOD method_7975 areNbtEqual (Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;)Z
COMMENT {@return whether the given item stacks have equivalent custom NBT}
ARG 0 left
ARG 1 right
METHOD method_7976 getUseAction ()Lnet/minecraft/class_1839;
METHOD method_7977 setCustomName (Lnet/minecraft/class_2561;)Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;
ARG 1 name
METHOD method_7978 addEnchantment (Lnet/minecraft/class_1887;I)V
ARG 1 enchantment
ARG 2 level
METHOD method_7979 postHit (Lnet/minecraft/class_1309;Lnet/minecraft/class_1657;)V
ARG 1 target
ARG 2 attacker
METHOD method_7980 setNbt (Lnet/minecraft/class_2487;)V
COMMENT Sets the custom NBT of this item stack.
COMMENT @see <a href="#nbt-operations">Item Stack NBT Operations</a>
ARG 1 nbt
COMMENT the custom NBT compound, may be {@code null} to reset
METHOD method_7981 useOnBlock (Lnet/minecraft/class_1838;)Lnet/minecraft/class_1269;
ARG 1 context
METHOD method_7982 onCraft (Lnet/minecraft/class_1937;Lnet/minecraft/class_1657;I)V
ARG 1 world
ARG 2 player
ARG 3 amount
METHOD method_7983 removeSubNbt (Ljava/lang/String;)V
COMMENT Removes the sub NBT element at the specified key in this item stack's custom NBT.
COMMENT @see <a href="#nbt-operations">Item Stack NBT Operations</a>
ARG 1 key
METHOD method_7984 areItemsEqualIgnoreDamage (Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;)Z
ARG 0 left
ARG 1 right
METHOD method_7985 hasNbt ()Z
COMMENT {@return whether this item stack has custom NBT}
COMMENT @see <a href="#nbt-operations">Item Stack NBT Operations</a>
METHOD method_7986 isDamaged ()Z
METHOD method_7987 areItemsEqual (Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;Lnet/minecraft/class_1799;)Z
ARG 0 left
ARG 1 right
CLASS class_5422 TooltipSection
FIELD field_25775 flag I
METHOD method_30269 getFlag ()I