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You will need to add rustc-serialize to your Cargo.toml in order to use this crate.

How to use

There is a complete example in examples/claims.rs but here's a quick one.


// encode<T: Part>(claims: T, secret: String, algorithm: Algorithm) -> Result<String, Error>
let token = encode::<Claims>(my_claims, "secret".to_owned(), Algorithm::HS256);

In that example, my_claims is an instance of the Claims struct.
The struct you are using for your claims should derive RustcEncodable and RustcDecodable.


// decode<T: Part>(token: String, secret: String, algorithm: Algorithm) -> Result<T, Error>
let claims = decode::<Claims>(token.to_owned(), "secret".to_owned(), Algorithm::HS256);

In addition to the normal base64/json decoding errors, decode can return two custom errors:

  • InvalidToken: if the token is not a valid JWT
  • InvalidSignature: if the signature doesn't match
  • WrongAlgorithmHeader: if the alg in the header doesn't match the one given to decode


Right now, only SHA family is supported: SHA256, SHA384 and SHA512.


The header is currently not customisable and therefore does not support things like kid right now.


On my thinkpad 440s for a 2 claims struct using SHA256:

test bench_decode ... bench:       7,106 ns/iter (+/- 5,354)
test bench_encode ... bench:       3,453 ns/iter (+/- 140)