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Safe navigation postfix operator (?)


Introduce syntax to navigate through nil values, or short-circuit with nil if it was encountered.


nil values are very common in Lua, and take care to prevent runtime errors.

Currently, attempting to index while caring for dog being nil requires some form of the following:

local dogName = nil
if dog ~= nil then
    dogName =

...or the unusual to read...

local dogName = dog and

...which will return false if dog is false, instead of throwing an error because of the index of

Luau provides the if...else expression making this turn into:

local dogName = if dog == nil then nil else

...but this is fairly clunky for such a common expression.


The safe navigation operator will make all of these smooth, by supporting x?.y to safely index nil values. dog?.name would resolve to nil if dog was nil, or the name otherwise.

The previous example turns into local dogName = dog?.name (or just using dog?.name elsewhere).

Failing the nil-safety check early would make the entire expression nil, for instance dog?.body.legs would resolve to nil if dog is nil, rather than resolve dog?.body into nil, then turning into nil.legs.

dog?.name --[[ is the same as ]] if dog == nil then nil else

The short-circuiting is limited within the expression.

dog? -- This will return nil if `dog` is nil
(dog?.owner).name -- `(dog?.owner)` resolves to nil, of which `name` is then indexed. This will error at runtime if `dog` is nil.

dog?.legs + 3 -- `dog?.legs` is resolved on its own, meaning this will error at runtime if it is nil (`nil + 3`)

The operator must be used in the context of either a call or an index, and so:

local value = x?

...would be invalid syntax.

This syntax would be based on expressions, and not identifiers, meaning that (x or y)?.call() would be valid syntax.


If the expression is typed as an optional, then the resulting type would be the final expression, also optional. Otherwise, it'll just be the resulting type if ? wasn't used.

local optionalObject: { name: string }?
local optionalObjectName = optionalObject?.name -- resolves to `string?`

local nonOptionalObject: { name: string }
local nonOptionalObjectName = nonOptionalObject?.name -- resolves to `string`


This RFC only specifies x?.y as an index method. x?:y() is currently unspecified, and x?.y(args) as a syntax will be reserved (will error if you try to use it).

While being able to support dog?.getName() is useful, it provides some logistical issues for the language.

x?.y(args) will be reserved both so that this can potentially be resolved later down the line if something comes up, but also because it would be a guaranteed runtime error under this RFC: dog?.getName() will first index dog?.getName, which will return nil, then will attempt to call it.


x?.y = z is not supported, and will be reported as a syntax error.


As with all syntax additions, this adds complexity to the parsing of expressions, and the execution of cancelling the rest of the expression could prove challenging.

Furthermore, with the proposed syntax, it might lock off other uses of ? within code (and not types) for the future as being ambiguous.


Doing nothing is an option, as current standard if-checks already work, as well as the and trick in other use cases, but as shown before this can create some hard to read code, and nil values are common enough that the safe navigation operator is welcome.

Supporting optional calls/indexes, such as x?[1] and x?(), while not out of scope, are likely too fringe to support, while adding on a significant amount of parsing difficulty, especially in the case of shorthand function calls, such as x?{} and x?"".

It is possible to make x?.y = z resolve to only setting x.y if x is nil, but assignments silently failing can be seen as surprising.