
434 lines
18 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
<project name="LWJGL" default="compile" basedir=".">
2003-11-13 18:16:58 -05:00
<!-- ================================================================== -->
<!-- Global properties for build -->
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
<!-- ================================================================== -->
<property name="lwjgl.src" value="./src" />
<property name="lwjgl.src.headers" value="${lwjgl.src}/native/common" />
<property name="lwjgl.src.native" value="./src/native" />
<property name="lwjgl.bin" value="./bin" />
<property name="lwjgl.lib" value="./libs" />
<property name="lwjgl.dist" value="./dist" />
<property name="lwjgl.docs" value="./doc" />
<property name="lwjgl.temp" value="./temp" />
<property name="lwjgl.res" value="./res" />
2004-10-24 07:19:08 -04:00
<property name="lwjgl.version" value="0.93" />
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
<!-- ================================================================== -->
2003-11-13 18:16:58 -05:00
<!-- Filesets used for targets -->
<!-- ================================================================== -->
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
2003-11-13 18:16:58 -05:00
<!-- Files to include in the lwjgl.jar file -->
<fileset id="lwjgl.fileset" dir="${lwjgl.bin}">
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
<include name="**" />
<exclude name="**.*" />
<exclude name="org/lwjgl/fmod3/**" />
<exclude name="org/lwjgl/test/**" />
<exclude name="org/lwjgl/util/**" />
<exclude name="org/lwjgl/examples/**" />
2003-11-13 18:16:58 -05:00
<!-- Files to include in the lwjgl_test.jar file -->
<fileset id="lwjgl_test.fileset" dir="${lwjgl.bin}">
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
<exclude name="**.*" />
<include name="org/lwjgl/test/**" />
<include name="org/lwjgl/examples/**" />
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
<!-- Files to include in the lwjgl_util.jar file -->
<fileset id="lwjgl_util.fileset" dir="${lwjgl.bin}">
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
<exclude name="**.*" />
<include name="org/lwjgl/util/**" />
2004-09-06 12:36:08 -04:00
2004-06-09 16:02:10 -04:00
<!-- Files to include in the lwjgl_fmod3.jar file -->
<fileset id="lwjgl_fmod3.fileset" dir="${lwjgl.bin}">
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
<exclude name="**.*" />
<include name="org/lwjgl/fmod3/**" />
<!-- Files to include in the lwjgl_devil.jar file -->
<fileset id="lwjgl_devil.fileset" dir="${lwjgl.bin}">
<exclude name="**.*"/>
<include name="org/lwjgl/devil/**"/>
2003-11-13 18:16:58 -05:00
<!-- Files to make Javadoc from -->
<fileset id="lwjgl.javadoc.fileset" dir="${lwjgl.src}/java">
<include name="**/*.java" />
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
<exclude name="org/lwjgl/test/**" />
2003-11-13 18:16:58 -05:00
<!-- Files to include in common package -->
<patternset id="lwjgl-common.fileset">
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
<include name="*.jar" />
<include name="CREDITS" />
<include name="LICENSE" />
<include name="README" />
2003-11-13 18:16:58 -05:00
<!-- Files to include in win32 package -->
<patternset id="lwjgl-win32.fileset">
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
<patternset refid="lwjgl-common.fileset" />
<include name="lwjgl.dll" />
<include name="lwjgl-fmod3.dll" />
<include name="lwjglaudio.dll" />
2003-11-13 18:16:58 -05:00
<!-- Files to include in linux, glibc2.3 package -->
2003-11-25 17:34:07 -05:00
<patternset id="lwjgl-linux.fileset">
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
<patternset refid="lwjgl-common.fileset" />
<include name="liblwjgl.so" />
<include name="liblwjgl-fmod3.so" />
<include name="libopenal.so" />
2003-11-13 18:16:58 -05:00
<!-- Files to include in mac os x package -->
<patternset id="lwjgl-macosx.fileset">
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
<patternset refid="lwjgl-common.fileset" />
<include name="liblwjgl.jnilib" />
<include name="liblwjgl-fmod3.jnilib" />
<include name="openal.dylib" />
2003-11-13 18:16:58 -05:00
<!-- Files to include in source distribution -->
<fileset id="lwjgl.source.fileset" dir=".">
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
<include name="build.xml" />
<include name="src/**" />
<include name="platform_build/**" />
<exclude name="**/*CVS*" />
<exclude name="native/projb/**" />
2003-11-13 18:16:58 -05:00
<!-- Files to include in media distribution -->
<fileset id="lwjgl.media.fileset" dir="${lwjgl.res}">
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
<include name="**" />
<exclude name="**/*CVS*" />
2003-11-13 18:16:58 -05:00
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
<!-- ================================================================== -->
2003-11-13 18:16:58 -05:00
<!-- Everything below this line is targets. -->
<!-- Do not modify, unless you know what you're doing -->
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
<!-- ================================================================== -->
<!-- ================================================================== -->
2003-11-22 17:30:37 -05:00
<!-- Initialize build -->
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
<!-- ================================================================== -->
2004-09-06 12:36:08 -04:00
<target name="-initialize">
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
<mkdir dir="${lwjgl.bin}" taskname="initialiazing bin folder" />
<mkdir dir="${lwjgl.lib}" taskname="initialiazing lib folder" />
<mkdir dir="${lwjgl.dist}" taskname="initialiazing dist folder" />
<mkdir dir="${lwjgl.docs}/javadoc" taskname="initialiazing docs folder" />
<mkdir dir="${lwjgl.res}" taskname="initialiazing res folder" />
<mkdir dir="${lwjgl.temp}" taskname="initialiazing temp folder" />
2003-11-22 17:30:37 -05:00
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
2003-11-13 18:16:58 -05:00
<!-- Performs all the tasks needed for a distribution of LWJGL -->
2004-09-06 12:36:08 -04:00
<target name="all" description="Compile. Make jars. Javadoc and distribute">
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
<!-- Though we perform all targets, we do it in somewhat mixed. -->
<!-- This is because we want the 'distribution_application' target to be -->
<!-- executed as soon as possible, since this target is most likely to fail. -->
<!-- That way we don't spend time doing javadocs, if the 'distribution_application' -->
<!-- target is going to fail anyway. However we cannot call the 'distribution' before -->
<!-- the javadoc target, since the 'distribution' target will try to create the javadoc -->
<!-- archive. -->
<antcall target="clean" />
<antcall target="-initialize" />
<antcall target="compile" />
<antcall target="compile_native" />
<antcall target="-jars" />
<antcall target="-distribution_application" />
<antcall target="javadoc" />
<antcall target="-distribution_javadoc" />
<antcall target="-distribution_source" />
<antcall target="-internal_clean" />
2003-11-13 18:16:58 -05:00
<!-- Performs all the tasks needed for a distribution of LWJGL -->
<target name="non-javadoc-build" description="Compile. Make jars. Javadoc and distribute">
<!-- Though we perform all targets, we do it in somewhat mixed. -->
<!-- This is because we want the 'distribution_application' target to be -->
<!-- executed as soon as possible, since this target is most likely to fail. -->
<!-- That way we don't spend time doing javadocs, if the 'distribution_application' -->
<!-- target is going to fail anyway. However we cannot call the 'distribution' before -->
<!-- the javadoc target, since the 'distribution' target will try to create the javadoc -->
<!-- archive. -->
<antcall target="clean"/>
<antcall target="-initialize"/>
2004-10-22 22:32:40 -04:00
<antcall target="compile"/>
<antcall target="compile_native"/>
<antcall target="-jars"/>
<antcall target="-distribution_application"/>
2003-11-13 18:16:58 -05:00
<!-- Cleans up any files created during the execution of this script -->
2004-09-06 12:36:08 -04:00
<target name="clean" description="Cleans the diectories controlled by this ant script">
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
<delete dir="${lwjgl.temp}" quiet="true" failonerror="false" taskname="cleaning temp folder" />
<delete dir="${lwjgl.dist}" quiet="true" failonerror="false" taskname="cleaning dist folder" />
<delete dir="${lwjgl.docs}/javadoc" quiet="true" failonerror="false" taskname="cleaning javadoc folder" />
<delete dir="${lwjgl.bin}/org" quiet="true" failonerror="false" taskname="cleaning bin folder" />
2003-11-25 17:34:07 -05:00
<delete taskname="cleaning bin folder" failonerror="false">
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
<fileset dir="${lwjgl.bin}" includes="*.class" />
2003-11-13 18:16:58 -05:00
2003-11-13 18:16:58 -05:00
<!-- Compiles the Java source code -->
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
<target name="compile" description="Compiles the java source code">
<javac srcdir="${lwjgl.src}/java/" destdir="${lwjgl.bin}" includes="org/lwjgl/**.java" source="1.4" target="1.4" taskname="lwjgl" />
<javac srcdir="${lwjgl.src}/java/" destdir="${lwjgl.bin}" includes="org/lwjgl/input/**" source="1.4" target="1.4" taskname="input" />
<javac srcdir="${lwjgl.src}/java/" destdir="${lwjgl.bin}" includes="org/lwjgl/openal/**" source="1.4" target="1.4" taskname="openal" />
<javac srcdir="${lwjgl.src}/java/" destdir="${lwjgl.bin}" includes="org/lwjgl/opengl/**" source="1.4" target="1.4" taskname="opengl" />
<javac srcdir="${lwjgl.src}/java/" destdir="${lwjgl.bin}" includes="org/lwjgl/test/**" source="1.4" target="1.4" taskname="test" />
<javac srcdir="${lwjgl.src}/java/" destdir="${lwjgl.bin}" includes="org/lwjgl/examples/**" source="1.4" target="1.4" taskname="examples" />
<javac srcdir="${lwjgl.src}/java/" destdir="${lwjgl.bin}" includes="org/lwjgl/util/**" source="1.4" target="1.4" taskname="util" />
<javac srcdir="${lwjgl.src}/java/" destdir="${lwjgl.bin}" includes="org/lwjgl/fmod3/**" source="1.4" target="1.4" taskname="fmod" />
<javac srcdir="${lwjgl.src}/java/" destdir="${lwjgl.bin}" includes="org/lwjgl/devil/**" source="1.4" target="1.4" taskname="devil" debug="on"/>
2003-11-13 18:16:58 -05:00
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
2003-11-13 18:16:58 -05:00
<!-- Compiles the native files -->
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
<target name="compile_native" depends="headers" description="Compiles the native files">
2003-11-13 18:16:58 -05:00
<!-- check each platform, and run their build target -->
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
<condition property="lwjgl.platform.windows">
<os family="windows" />
<antcall target="-compile_native_win32" />
<condition property="lwjgl.platform.linux">
<os name="Linux" />
<antcall target="-compile_native_linux" />
<condition property="lwjgl.platform.mac">
<os name="Mac OS X" />
<antcall target="-compile_native_mac" />
2003-11-13 18:16:58 -05:00
<!-- Compiles LWJGL on Win32 platforms -->
2004-09-06 12:36:08 -04:00
<target name="-compile_native_win32" if="lwjgl.platform.windows">
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
<echo>Compiling Win32 LWJGL version</echo>
2004-09-06 12:36:08 -04:00
<!-- build main -->
<exec dir="platform_build/win32_ms_cmdline" executable="cmd.exe" failonerror="true">
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
<arg line="/c build.bat" />
2004-09-06 12:36:08 -04:00
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
2004-09-06 12:36:08 -04:00
<!-- build fmod -->
<exec dir="platform_build/win32_ms_cmdline" executable="cmd.exe" failonerror="true">
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
<arg line="/c build-fmod.bat" />
2004-09-06 12:36:08 -04:00
<!-- build devil -->
<exec dir="platform_build/win32_ms_cmdline" executable="cmd.exe" failonerror="true">
<arg line="/c build-devil.bat"/>
2004-09-06 12:36:08 -04:00
<!-- optimize using upx -->
<!-- <exec dir="${lwjgl.lib}" executable="upx">
<arg line="-9 -f win32/*.dll"/>
</exec> -->
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
2004-09-06 12:36:08 -04:00
<!-- copy to libs -->
<move file="platform_build/win32_ms_cmdline/lwjgl.dll" tofile="${lwjgl.lib}/lwjgl.dll"/>
<move file="platform_build/win32_ms_cmdline/lwjgl-fmod3.dll" tofile="${lwjgl.lib}/lwjgl-fmod3.dll"/>
<move file="platform_build/win32_ms_cmdline/lwjgl-devil.dll" tofile="${lwjgl.lib}/lwjgl-devil.dll"/>
2004-09-06 12:36:08 -04:00
<!-- Compiles LWJGL on Linux platforms -->
<target name="-compile_native_linux" if="lwjgl.platform.linux">
2003-11-13 18:16:58 -05:00
<echo>Compiling Linux LWJGL version</echo>
2003-11-25 17:34:07 -05:00
<apply executable="sh" dir="${lwjgl.src.native}">
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
<fileset dir="${lwjgl.src.native}">
<include name="build.sh" />
2003-11-25 17:34:07 -05:00
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
<move file="${lwjgl.src.native}/.libs/liblwjgl.0.0.0" tofile="${lwjgl.lib}/liblwjgl.so" />
2003-11-13 18:16:58 -05:00
<!-- Compiles LWJGL on Mac OS X platforms -->
2004-09-06 12:36:08 -04:00
<target name="-compile_native_mac" if="lwjgl.platform.mac">
2003-11-13 18:16:58 -05:00
<echo>Compiling Mac OS X LWJGL version</echo>
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
<exec dir="platform_build/mac_xcode" executable="xcodebuild" failonerror="true" />
<move file="platform_build/mac_xcode/build/liblwjgl.jnilib" tofile="${lwjgl.lib}/liblwjgl.jnilib" />
<!-- Packages the java files -->
2004-09-06 12:36:08 -04:00
<target name="-jars">
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
<!-- Create lwjgl.jar -->
2003-11-13 18:16:58 -05:00
<jar destfile="${lwjgl.lib}/lwjgl.jar" taskname="lwjgl.jar">
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
<fileset refid="lwjgl.fileset" />
2003-11-13 18:16:58 -05:00
<!-- Create lwjgl.jar -->
<jar destfile="${lwjgl.lib}/lwjgl_devil.jar" taskname="lwjgl_devil.jar">
<fileset refid="lwjgl_devil.fileset"/>
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
2003-11-13 18:16:58 -05:00
<!-- Create lwjgl_test.jar -->
<jar destfile="${lwjgl.lib}/lwjgl_test.jar" taskname="lwjgl_test.jar">
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
<fileset refid="lwjgl_test.fileset" />
2003-11-13 18:16:58 -05:00
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
<!-- Create lwjgl_util.jar -->
<jar destfile="${lwjgl.lib}/lwjgl_util.jar" taskname="lwjgl_util.jar">
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
<fileset refid="lwjgl_util.fileset" />
<!-- Create lwjgl_fmod.jar -->
2004-06-09 16:02:10 -04:00
<jar destfile="${lwjgl.lib}/lwjgl_fmod3.jar" taskname="lwjgl_fmod3.jar">
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
<fileset refid="lwjgl_fmod3.fileset" />
2004-09-06 16:08:26 -04:00
<!-- Create lwjgl_media.jar -->
<jar destfile="${lwjgl.lib}/lwjgl_media.jar" taskname="lwjgl_media.jar">
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
<fileset refid="lwjgl.media.fileset" />
2003-11-13 18:16:58 -05:00
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
2003-11-13 18:16:58 -05:00
<!-- Creates the Javadoc -->
<target name="javadoc" description="Creates javadoc from java source code">
<javadoc destdir="${lwjgl.docs}/javadoc" author="true" version="true" use="true" source="1.4" windowtitle="LWJGL API">
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
<fileset refid="lwjgl.javadoc.fileset" />
2003-11-13 18:16:58 -05:00
<doctitle><![CDATA[<h1>Lightweight Java Game Toolkit</h1>]]></doctitle>
2004-09-06 12:36:08 -04:00
<bottom><![CDATA[<i>Copyright &#169; 2002-2004 lwjgl.org. All Rights Reserved.</i>]]></bottom>
2003-11-13 18:16:58 -05:00
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
2003-11-13 18:16:58 -05:00
<!-- Creates a distribution from the compiled files -->
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
<target name="-distribution" depends="-jars">
<antcall target="-distribution_application" />
<antcall target="-distribution_javadoc" />
<antcall target="-distribution_source" />
<antcall target="-distribution_resources" />
<antcall target="-internal_clean" />
2003-11-13 18:16:58 -05:00
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
2003-11-13 18:16:58 -05:00
<!-- Creates a build of LWJGL directly from CVS -->
2004-09-06 12:36:08 -04:00
<target name="cvsbuild" description="Builds lwjgl from cvs">
2003-11-13 18:16:58 -05:00
<!-- Check that files do not exist BEFORE doing the CVS build -->
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
<available file="LWJGL/build.xml" property="lwjgl.preexistingfiles" />
<available file="${lwjgl.src}/java/org/lwjgl/Sys.java" property="lwjgl.preexistingfiles" />
<fail if="lwjgl.preexistingfiles" message="Cannot perform webbuild from nonempty folder" />
2003-11-13 18:16:58 -05:00
<!-- checkout files and build using checked out buildfiles 'all' target -->
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
<cvs command="export -D 'now'" compressionlevel="3" cvsRoot=":pserver:anonymous@cvs.sf.net:/cvsroot/java-game-lib" package="LWJGL/build.xml" dest="." />
<cvs command="export -D 'now'" compressionlevel="3" cvsRoot=":pserver:anonymous@cvs.sf.net:/cvsroot/java-game-lib" package="LWJGL/src" dest="." />
<cvs command="export -D 'now'" compressionlevel="3" cvsRoot=":pserver:anonymous@cvs.sf.net:/cvsroot/java-game-lib" package="LWJGL/doc" dest="." />
<ant dir="LWJGL" target="all" />
2003-11-13 18:16:58 -05:00
<!-- Generates the native headers from source files -->
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
<target name="headers" description="invokes javah on java classes" depends="compile">
<!-- lwjgl -->
2003-11-13 18:16:58 -05:00
<javah classpath="${lwjgl.bin}" destdir="${lwjgl.src.headers}" force="yes">
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
<class name="org.lwjgl.Sys" />
<class name="org.lwjgl.input.Controller" />
<class name="org.lwjgl.input.Cursor" />
<class name="org.lwjgl.input.Keyboard" />
<class name="org.lwjgl.input.Mouse" />
<class name="org.lwjgl.openal.ALC" />
<class name="org.lwjgl.openal.AL" />
<class name="org.lwjgl.openal.eax.EAX" />
<class name="org.lwjgl.openal.eax.EAX20" />
<class name="org.lwjgl.openal.eax.EAXBufferProperties" />
<class name="org.lwjgl.openal.eax.EAXListenerProperties" />
<class name="org.lwjgl.opengl.GLContext" />
<class name="org.lwjgl.opengl.Display" />
<class name="org.lwjgl.opengl.Pbuffer" />
2004-09-06 12:36:08 -04:00
<!-- fmod -->
2004-06-09 16:02:10 -04:00
<javah classpath="${lwjgl.bin}" destdir="${lwjgl.src.headers}/fmod3" force="yes">
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
<class name="org.lwjgl.fmod3.FMOD" />
<class name="org.lwjgl.fmod3.FMusic" />
<class name="org.lwjgl.fmod3.FSound" />
<!-- devil -->
<javah classpath="${lwjgl.bin}" destdir="${lwjgl.src.headers}/devil" force="yes">
<class name="org.lwjgl.devil.IL"/>
2003-11-13 18:16:58 -05:00
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
2003-11-13 18:16:58 -05:00
<!-- Creates a versioned distribution for all supported platforms -->
2004-09-06 12:36:08 -04:00
<target name="-distribution_application">
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
<!-- check each platform, and run their copy target -->
<antcall target="-distribute_win32" />
<antcall target="-distribute_linux" />
<antcall target="-distribute_macosx" />
2003-11-13 18:16:58 -05:00
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
2003-11-13 18:16:58 -05:00
<!-- Distributes win32 files -->
2004-09-06 15:51:11 -04:00
<target name="-distribute_win32">
2003-11-13 18:16:58 -05:00
<!-- copy files from lib/platform to temp -->
<copy todir="${lwjgl.temp}/lwjgl-win32-${lwjgl.version}">
<fileset dir="${lwjgl.lib}">
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
<patternset refid="lwjgl-win32.fileset" />
<patternset refid="lwjgl-common.fileset" />
2003-11-13 18:16:58 -05:00
<fileset dir="${lwjgl.docs}">
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
<patternset refid="lwjgl-common.fileset" />
2003-11-13 18:16:58 -05:00
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
<zip destfile="${lwjgl.dist}/lwjgl-win32-${lwjgl.version}.zip" basedir="${lwjgl.temp}" includes="lwjgl-win32-${lwjgl.version}/**" />
2003-11-13 18:16:58 -05:00
<!-- Distributes linux files -->
2004-09-06 15:51:11 -04:00
<target name="-distribute_linux">
2003-11-13 18:16:58 -05:00
<!-- copy files from lib/platform to temp -->
<copy todir="${lwjgl.temp}/lwjgl-linux-${lwjgl.version}">
<fileset dir="${lwjgl.lib}">
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
<patternset refid="lwjgl-linux.fileset" />
<patternset refid="lwjgl-common.fileset" />
2003-11-13 18:16:58 -05:00
<fileset dir="${lwjgl.docs}">
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
<patternset refid="lwjgl-common.fileset" />
2003-11-13 18:16:58 -05:00
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
<zip destfile="${lwjgl.dist}/lwjgl-linux-${lwjgl.version}.zip" basedir="${lwjgl.temp}" includes="lwjgl-linux-${lwjgl.version}/**" />
2003-11-13 18:16:58 -05:00
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
2003-11-13 18:16:58 -05:00
<!-- Distributes macosx files -->
2004-09-06 15:51:11 -04:00
<target name="-distribute_macosx">
2003-11-13 18:16:58 -05:00
<!-- copy files from lib/platform to temp -->
<copy todir="${lwjgl.temp}/lwjgl-macosx-${lwjgl.version}">
<fileset dir="${lwjgl.lib}">
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
<patternset refid="lwjgl-macosx.fileset" />
<patternset refid="lwjgl-common.fileset" />
2003-11-13 18:16:58 -05:00
<fileset dir="${lwjgl.docs}">
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
<patternset refid="lwjgl-common.fileset" />
2003-11-13 18:16:58 -05:00
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
<zip destfile="${lwjgl.dist}/lwjgl-macosx-${lwjgl.version}.zip" basedir="${lwjgl.temp}" includes="lwjgl-macosx-${lwjgl.version}/**" />
2003-11-13 18:16:58 -05:00
<!-- Creates a versioned distribution of javadocs -->
2004-09-06 12:36:08 -04:00
<target name="-distribution_javadoc">
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
<zip destfile="${lwjgl.dist}/lwjgl-docs-${lwjgl.version}.zip" basedir="${lwjgl.docs}" includes="javadoc/**" />
2003-11-13 18:16:58 -05:00
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
2003-11-13 18:16:58 -05:00
<!-- Creates a versioned distribution of the source code -->
2004-09-06 12:36:08 -04:00
<target name="-distribution_source">
2003-11-13 18:16:58 -05:00
<zip destfile="${lwjgl.dist}/lwjgl-source-${lwjgl.version}.zip">
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
<fileset refid="lwjgl.source.fileset" />
2003-11-13 18:16:58 -05:00
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
2003-11-13 18:16:58 -05:00
<!-- Creates a versioned distribution of the resource files -->
2004-09-06 12:36:08 -04:00
<target name="-distribution_resources">
2003-11-13 18:16:58 -05:00
<zip destfile="${lwjgl.dist}/lwjgl-media-${lwjgl.version}.zip">
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
<fileset refid="lwjgl.media.fileset" />
2003-11-13 18:16:58 -05:00
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
<!-- clean internal temporary directories -->
2004-09-06 12:36:08 -04:00
<target name="-internal_clean">
2004-10-17 17:16:40 -04:00
<delete dir="${lwjgl.temp}" taskname="cleanup" />
2003-11-13 18:16:58 -05:00
2003-12-15 07:18:15 -05:00