Automatic code reformatting.

Nothing to see here, just a cleanup so that subsequent commits are cleaner.
This commit is contained in:
Ioannis Tsakpinis 2014-09-14 17:16:51 +03:00
parent 774bd17ece
commit 59323ff03f
28 changed files with 3122 additions and 3176 deletions

View File

@ -43,85 +43,85 @@ import javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror;
public class FieldsGenerator {
private static void validateField(VariableElement field) {
// Check if field is "public static final"
Set<Modifier> modifiers = field.getModifiers();
if (modifiers.size() != 3
|| !modifiers.contains(Modifier.PUBLIC)
|| !modifiers.contains(Modifier.STATIC)
|| !modifiers.contains(Modifier.FINAL)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Field " + field.getSimpleName() + " is not declared public static final");
private static void validateField(VariableElement field) {
// Check if field is "public static final"
Set<Modifier> modifiers = field.getModifiers();
if ( modifiers.size() != 3
|| !modifiers.contains(Modifier.PUBLIC)
|| !modifiers.contains(Modifier.STATIC)
|| !modifiers.contains(Modifier.FINAL) ) {
throw new RuntimeException("Field " + field.getSimpleName() + " is not declared public static final");
// Check suported types (int, long, float, String)
TypeMirror field_type = field.asType();
if ("java.lang.String".equals(field_type.toString())) {
} else if (field_type instanceof PrimitiveType) {
PrimitiveType field_type_prim = (PrimitiveType) field_type;
TypeKind field_kind = field_type_prim.getKind();
if (field_kind != TypeKind.INT
&& field_kind != TypeKind.LONG
&& field_kind != TypeKind.FLOAT
&& field_kind != TypeKind.BYTE) {
throw new RuntimeException("Field " + field.getSimpleName() + " is not of type 'int', 'long', 'float' or 'byte' " + field_kind.toString());
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Field " + field.getSimpleName() + " is not a primitive type or String");
// Check suported types (int, long, float, String)
TypeMirror field_type = field.asType();
if ( "java.lang.String".equals(field_type.toString()) ) {
} else if ( field_type instanceof PrimitiveType ) {
PrimitiveType field_type_prim = (PrimitiveType)field_type;
TypeKind field_kind = field_type_prim.getKind();
if ( field_kind != TypeKind.INT
&& field_kind != TypeKind.LONG
&& field_kind != TypeKind.FLOAT
&& field_kind != TypeKind.BYTE ) {
throw new RuntimeException("Field " + field.getSimpleName() + " is not of type 'int', 'long', 'float' or 'byte' " + field_kind.toString());
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Field " + field.getSimpleName() + " is not a primitive type or String");
Object field_value = field.getConstantValue();
if (field_value == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Field " + field.getSimpleName() + " has no initial value");
Object field_value = field.getConstantValue();
if ( field_value == null ) {
throw new RuntimeException("Field " + field.getSimpleName() + " has no initial value");
private static void generateField(PrintWriter writer, VariableElement field, VariableElement prev_field, ProcessingEnvironment env) {
private static void generateField(PrintWriter writer, VariableElement field, VariableElement prev_field, ProcessingEnvironment env) {
Object value = field.getConstantValue();
String field_value_string;
Class field_value_class = value.getClass();
if (field_value_class.equals(Integer.class)) {
field_value_string = "0x" + Integer.toHexString((Integer) field.getConstantValue()).toUpperCase();
} else if (field_value_class.equals(Long.class)) {
field_value_string = "0x" + Long.toHexString((Long) field.getConstantValue()).toUpperCase() + 'L';
} else if (field_value_class.equals(Float.class)) {
field_value_string = field.getConstantValue() + "f";
} else if (value.getClass().equals(Byte.class)) {
field_value_string = "0x" + Integer.toHexString((Byte) field.getConstantValue()).toUpperCase();
} else if (field_value_class.equals(String.class)) {
field_value_string = "\"" + field.getConstantValue() + "\"";
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Field is of unexpected type. This means there is a bug in validateField().");
Object value = field.getConstantValue();
String field_value_string;
Class field_value_class = value.getClass();
if ( field_value_class.equals(Integer.class) ) {
field_value_string = "0x" + Integer.toHexString((Integer)field.getConstantValue()).toUpperCase();
} else if ( field_value_class.equals(Long.class) ) {
field_value_string = "0x" + Long.toHexString((Long)field.getConstantValue()).toUpperCase() + 'L';
} else if ( field_value_class.equals(Float.class) ) {
field_value_string = field.getConstantValue() + "f";
} else if ( value.getClass().equals(Byte.class) ) {
field_value_string = "0x" + Integer.toHexString((Byte)field.getConstantValue()).toUpperCase();
} else if ( field_value_class.equals(String.class) ) {
field_value_string = "\"" + field.getConstantValue() + "\"";
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Field is of unexpected type. This means there is a bug in validateField().");
boolean hadDoc = prev_field != null && env.getElementUtils().getDocComment(prev_field) != null;
boolean hasDoc = env.getElementUtils().getDocComment(field) != null;
boolean newBatch = prev_field == null || !prev_field.asType().equals(field.asType()) || (!hadDoc && env.getElementUtils().getDocComment(field) != null) || (hadDoc && hasDoc && !env.getElementUtils().getDocComment(prev_field).equals(env.getElementUtils().getDocComment(field)));
boolean hadDoc = prev_field != null && env.getElementUtils().getDocComment(prev_field) != null;
boolean hasDoc = env.getElementUtils().getDocComment(field) != null;
boolean newBatch = prev_field == null || !prev_field.asType().equals(field.asType()) || (!hadDoc && env.getElementUtils().getDocComment(field) != null) || (hadDoc && hasDoc && !env.getElementUtils().getDocComment(prev_field).equals(env.getElementUtils().getDocComment(field)));
// Print field declaration
if (newBatch) {
if (prev_field != null) {
// Print field declaration
if ( newBatch ) {
if ( prev_field != null ) {
Utils.printDocComment(writer, field, env);
writer.print("\tpublic static final " + field.asType().toString() + " " + field.getSimpleName() + " = " + field_value_string);
} else {
writer.print(",\n\t\t" + field.getSimpleName() + " = " + field_value_string);
Utils.printDocComment(writer, field, env);
writer.print("\tpublic static final " + field.asType().toString() + " " + field.getSimpleName() + " = " + field_value_string);
} else {
writer.print(",\n\t\t" + field.getSimpleName() + " = " + field_value_string);
public static void generateFields(ProcessingEnvironment env, PrintWriter writer, Collection<? extends VariableElement> fields) {
if (0 < fields.size()) {
VariableElement prev_field = null;
for (VariableElement field : fields) {
generateField(writer, field, prev_field, env);
prev_field = field;
public static void generateFields(ProcessingEnvironment env, PrintWriter writer, Collection<? extends VariableElement> fields) {
if ( 0 < fields.size() ) {
VariableElement prev_field = null;
for ( VariableElement field : fields ) {
generateField(writer, field, prev_field, env);
prev_field = field;

View File

@ -36,11 +36,7 @@ import;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.annotation.processing.AbstractProcessor;
import javax.annotation.processing.RoundEnvironment;
import javax.annotation.processing.SupportedAnnotationTypes;
import javax.annotation.processing.SupportedOptions;
import javax.annotation.processing.SupportedSourceVersion;
import javax.annotation.processing.*;
import javax.lang.model.SourceVersion;
import javax.lang.model.element.Element;
import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement;
@ -54,92 +50,92 @@ import;
* @author elias_naur <>
* @version $Revision$ $Id$
@SupportedAnnotationTypes({ "*" })
@SupportedOptions({"binpath", "typemap", "generatechecks", "contextspecific"})
@SupportedOptions({ "binpath", "typemap", "generatechecks", "contextspecific" })
public class GeneratorProcessor extends AbstractProcessor {
private static boolean first_round = true;
private static boolean first_round = true;
public boolean process(Set<? extends TypeElement> annotations, RoundEnvironment roundEnv) {
if (roundEnv.processingOver() || !first_round) {
return true;
Map<String, String> options = processingEnv.getOptions();
String typemap_classname = options.get("typemap");
String bin_path = options.get("binpath");
boolean generate_error_checks = options.containsKey("generatechecks");
boolean context_specific = options.containsKey("contextspecific");
if (bin_path == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("No path specified for the bin directory with -Abinpath=<path>");
public boolean process(Set<? extends TypeElement> annotations, RoundEnvironment roundEnv) {
if ( roundEnv.processingOver() || !first_round ) {
return true;
Map<String, String> options = processingEnv.getOptions();
String typemap_classname = options.get("typemap");
String bin_path = options.get("binpath");
boolean generate_error_checks = options.containsKey("generatechecks");
boolean context_specific = options.containsKey("contextspecific");
if ( bin_path == null ) {
throw new RuntimeException("No path specified for the bin directory with -Abinpath=<path>");
if (typemap_classname == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("No TypeMap class name specified with -Atypemap=<class-name>");
if ( typemap_classname == null ) {
throw new RuntimeException("No TypeMap class name specified with -Atypemap=<class-name>");
Element lastFile = null;
processingEnv.getMessager().printMessage(Diagnostic.Kind.NOTE, "annotations " + annotations.toString());
try {
long generatorLM = getGeneratorLastModified(bin_path);
TypeMap type_map = (TypeMap) (Class.forName(typemap_classname).newInstance());
for (Iterator<TypeElement> it = ElementFilter.typesIn(roundEnv.getRootElements()).iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
lastFile =;
lastFile.accept(new GeneratorVisitor(processingEnv, type_map, generate_error_checks, context_specific, generatorLM), null);
first_round = false;
return true;
} catch (ClassNotFoundException | IllegalAccessException | InstantiationException e) {
if (lastFile == null) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("\n-- Failed to process template: " + lastFile.asType().toString() + " --", e);
Element lastFile = null;
processingEnv.getMessager().printMessage(Diagnostic.Kind.NOTE, "annotations " + annotations.toString());
try {
long generatorLM = getGeneratorLastModified(bin_path);
TypeMap type_map = (TypeMap)(Class.forName(typemap_classname).newInstance());
for ( Iterator<TypeElement> it = ElementFilter.typesIn(roundEnv.getRootElements()).iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
lastFile =;
lastFile.accept(new GeneratorVisitor(processingEnv, type_map, generate_error_checks, context_specific, generatorLM), null);
first_round = false;
return true;
} catch (ClassNotFoundException | IllegalAccessException | InstantiationException e) {
if ( lastFile == null ) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("\n-- Failed to process template: " + lastFile.asType().toString() + " --", e);
* Gets the time of the latest change on the Generator classes.
* @return time of the latest change
private static long getGeneratorLastModified(final String bin_path) {
long lastModified = getDirectoryLastModified(bin_path, "/org/lwjgl/util/generator");
lastModified = Math.max(lastModified, getDirectoryLastModified(bin_path, "/org/lwjgl/util/generator/openal"));
lastModified = Math.max(lastModified, getDirectoryLastModified(bin_path, "/org/lwjgl/util/generator/opengl"));
lastModified = Math.max(lastModified, getDirectoryLastModified(bin_path, "/org/lwjgl/util/generator/opencl"));
* Gets the time of the latest change on the Generator classes.
* @return time of the latest change
private static long getGeneratorLastModified(final String bin_path) {
long lastModified = getDirectoryLastModified(bin_path, "/org/lwjgl/util/generator");
lastModified = Math.max(lastModified, getDirectoryLastModified(bin_path, "/org/lwjgl/util/generator/openal"));
lastModified = Math.max(lastModified, getDirectoryLastModified(bin_path, "/org/lwjgl/util/generator/opengl"));
lastModified = Math.max(lastModified, getDirectoryLastModified(bin_path, "/org/lwjgl/util/generator/opencl"));
return lastModified;
return lastModified;
private static long getDirectoryLastModified(final String bin_path, final String path) {
final File pck = new File(bin_path + path);
if (!pck.exists() || !pck.isDirectory()) {
return Long.MAX_VALUE;
private static long getDirectoryLastModified(final String bin_path, final String path) {
final File pck = new File(bin_path + path);
if ( !pck.exists() || !pck.isDirectory() ) {
return Long.MAX_VALUE;
final File[] classes = pck.listFiles(new FileFilter() {
public boolean accept(final File pathname) {
return pathname.isFile() && pathname.getName().endsWith(".class");
final File[] classes = pck.listFiles(new FileFilter() {
public boolean accept(final File pathname) {
return pathname.isFile() && pathname.getName().endsWith(".class");
if (classes == null || classes.length == 0) {
return Long.MAX_VALUE;
if ( classes == null || classes.length == 0 ) {
return Long.MAX_VALUE;
long lastModified = 0;
long lastModified = 0;
for (File clazz : classes) {
long lm = clazz.lastModified();
if (lastModified < lm) {
lastModified = lm;
for ( File clazz : classes ) {
long lm = clazz.lastModified();
if ( lastModified < lm ) {
lastModified = lm;
return lastModified;
return lastModified;

View File

@ -31,19 +31,18 @@
package org.lwjgl.util.generator;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.nio.*;
import java.nio.Buffer;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import javax.annotation.processing.ProcessingEnvironment;
import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationMirror;
import javax.lang.model.element.ElementKind;
import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.Modifier;
import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.VariableElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.*;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror;
import javax.lang.model.util.ElementKindVisitor7;
@ -53,7 +52,6 @@ import;
* Generator visitor for the generator tool
* @author elias_naur <>
@ -61,335 +59,335 @@ import;
public class GeneratorVisitor extends ElementKindVisitor7<Void, Void> {
private final ProcessingEnvironment env;
private final TypeMap type_map;
private final boolean generate_error_checks;
private final boolean context_specific;
private final long generatorLM;
private final ProcessingEnvironment env;
private final TypeMap type_map;
private final boolean generate_error_checks;
private final boolean context_specific;
private final long generatorLM;
public GeneratorVisitor(ProcessingEnvironment env, TypeMap type_map, boolean generate_error_checks, boolean context_specific, long generatorLM) {
this.env = env;
this.type_map = type_map;
this.generate_error_checks = generate_error_checks;
this.context_specific = context_specific;
this.generatorLM = generatorLM;
public GeneratorVisitor(ProcessingEnvironment env, TypeMap type_map, boolean generate_error_checks, boolean context_specific, long generatorLM) {
this.env = env;
this.type_map = type_map;
this.generate_error_checks = generate_error_checks;
this.context_specific = context_specific;
this.generatorLM = generatorLM;
private void validateMethod(ExecutableElement method) {
if (method.isVarArgs()) {
throw new RuntimeException("Method " + method.getSimpleName() + " is variadic");
Collection<Modifier> modifiers = method.getModifiers();
if (!modifiers.contains(Modifier.PUBLIC)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Method " + method.getSimpleName() + " is not public");
if (method.getThrownTypes().size() > 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("Method " + method.getSimpleName() + " throws checked exceptions");
StripPostfix strip_annotation = method.getAnnotation(StripPostfix.class);
if (strip_annotation != null && method.getAnnotation(Alternate.class) == null) {
String postfix_param_name = strip_annotation.value();
VariableElement postfix_param = Utils.findParameter(method, postfix_param_name);
if (Utils.isParameterMultiTyped(postfix_param)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Postfix parameter can't be the same as a multityped parameter in method " + method);
if (Utils.getNIOBufferType(postfix_param.asType()) == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Postfix parameter type must be a nio Buffer");
if (Utils.getResultParameter(method) != null && !method.getReturnType().equals(env.getTypeUtils().getNoType(TypeKind.VOID))) {
throw new RuntimeException(method + " return type is not void but a parameter is annotated with Result");
if (method.getAnnotation(CachedResult.class) != null) {
if (Utils.getNIOBufferType(Utils.getMethodReturnType(method)) == null) {
throw new RuntimeException(method + " return type is not a Buffer, but is annotated with CachedResult");
if (method.getAnnotation(AutoSize.class) == null) {
throw new RuntimeException(method + " is annotated with CachedResult but misses an AutoSize annotation");
validateTypes(method, method.getAnnotationMirrors(), method.getReturnType());
private void validateMethod(ExecutableElement method) {
if ( method.isVarArgs() ) {
throw new RuntimeException("Method " + method.getSimpleName() + " is variadic");
Collection<Modifier> modifiers = method.getModifiers();
if ( !modifiers.contains(Modifier.PUBLIC) ) {
throw new RuntimeException("Method " + method.getSimpleName() + " is not public");
if ( method.getThrownTypes().size() > 0 ) {
throw new RuntimeException("Method " + method.getSimpleName() + " throws checked exceptions");
StripPostfix strip_annotation = method.getAnnotation(StripPostfix.class);
if ( strip_annotation != null && method.getAnnotation(Alternate.class) == null ) {
String postfix_param_name = strip_annotation.value();
VariableElement postfix_param = Utils.findParameter(method, postfix_param_name);
if ( Utils.isParameterMultiTyped(postfix_param) ) {
throw new RuntimeException("Postfix parameter can't be the same as a multityped parameter in method " + method);
if ( Utils.getNIOBufferType(postfix_param.asType()) == null ) {
throw new RuntimeException("Postfix parameter type must be a nio Buffer");
if ( Utils.getResultParameter(method) != null && !method.getReturnType().equals(env.getTypeUtils().getNoType(TypeKind.VOID)) ) {
throw new RuntimeException(method + " return type is not void but a parameter is annotated with Result");
if ( method.getAnnotation(CachedResult.class) != null ) {
if ( Utils.getNIOBufferType(Utils.getMethodReturnType(method)) == null ) {
throw new RuntimeException(method + " return type is not a Buffer, but is annotated with CachedResult");
if ( method.getAnnotation(AutoSize.class) == null ) {
throw new RuntimeException(method + " is annotated with CachedResult but misses an AutoSize annotation");
validateTypes(method, method.getAnnotationMirrors(), method.getReturnType());
private void validateType(ExecutableElement method, Class<? extends Annotation> annotation_type, Class type) {
Class[] valid_types = type_map.getValidAnnotationTypes(type);
for (Class valid_type : valid_types) {
if (valid_type.equals(annotation_type)) {
throw new RuntimeException(type + " is annotated with invalid native type " + annotation_type
+ " in method " + method);
private void validateType(ExecutableElement method, Class<? extends Annotation> annotation_type, Class type) {
Class[] valid_types = type_map.getValidAnnotationTypes(type);
for ( Class valid_type : valid_types ) {
if ( valid_type.equals(annotation_type) ) {
throw new RuntimeException(type + " is annotated with invalid native type " + annotation_type
+ " in method " + method);
private void validateTypes(ExecutableElement method, List<? extends AnnotationMirror> annotations, TypeMirror type_mirror) {
for (AnnotationMirror annotation : annotations) {
NativeType native_type_annotation = NativeTypeTranslator.getAnnotation(annotation, NativeType.class);
if (native_type_annotation != null) {
Class<? extends Annotation> annotation_type = NativeTypeTranslator.getClassFromType(annotation.getAnnotationType());
Class type = Utils.getJavaType(type_mirror);
if (Buffer.class.equals(type)) {
validateType(method, annotation_type, type);
private void validateTypes(ExecutableElement method, List<? extends AnnotationMirror> annotations, TypeMirror type_mirror) {
for ( AnnotationMirror annotation : annotations ) {
NativeType native_type_annotation = NativeTypeTranslator.getAnnotation(annotation, NativeType.class);
if ( native_type_annotation != null ) {
Class<? extends Annotation> annotation_type = NativeTypeTranslator.getClassFromType(annotation.getAnnotationType());
Class type = Utils.getJavaType(type_mirror);
if ( Buffer.class.equals(type) ) {
validateType(method, annotation_type, type);
private void validateParameters(ExecutableElement method) {
for (VariableElement param : method.getParameters()) {
validateTypes(method, param.getAnnotationMirrors(), param.asType());
Class<?> param_type = Utils.getJavaType(param.asType());
if (Utils.getNIOBufferType(param.asType()) != null && param_type != CharSequence.class && param_type != CharSequence[].class) {
Check parameter_check_annotation = param.getAnnotation(Check.class);
NullTerminated null_terminated_annotation = param.getAnnotation(NullTerminated.class);
if (parameter_check_annotation == null && null_terminated_annotation == null) {
boolean found_auto_size_param = false;
for (VariableElement inner_param : method.getParameters()) {
AutoSize auto_size_annotation = inner_param.getAnnotation(AutoSize.class);
if (auto_size_annotation != null
&& auto_size_annotation.value().equals(param.getSimpleName().toString())) {
found_auto_size_param = true;
if (!found_auto_size_param
&& param.getAnnotation(Result.class) == null
&& param.getAnnotation(Constant.class) == null
&& !Utils.isReturnParameter(method, param)) {
throw new RuntimeException(param + " has no Check, Result nor Constant annotation, is not the return parameter and no other parameter has"
+ " an @AutoSize annotation on it in method " + method);
if (param.getAnnotation(CachedReference.class) != null && param.getAnnotation(Result.class) != null) {
throw new RuntimeException(param + " can't be annotated with both CachedReference and Result");
if (param.getAnnotation(BufferObject.class) != null && param.getAnnotation(Result.class) != null) {
throw new RuntimeException(param + " can't be annotated with both BufferObject and Result");
//if (param.getAnnotation(Constant.class) != null)
//throw new RuntimeException("Buffer parameter " + param + " cannot be Constant");
} else {
if (param.getAnnotation(BufferObject.class) != null) {
throw new RuntimeException(param + " type is not a buffer, but annotated as a BufferObject");
if (param.getAnnotation(CachedReference.class) != null) {
throw new RuntimeException(param + " type is not a buffer, but annotated as a CachedReference");
private void validateParameters(ExecutableElement method) {
for ( VariableElement param : method.getParameters() ) {
validateTypes(method, param.getAnnotationMirrors(), param.asType());
Class<?> param_type = Utils.getJavaType(param.asType());
if ( Utils.getNIOBufferType(param.asType()) != null && param_type != CharSequence.class && param_type != CharSequence[].class ) {
Check parameter_check_annotation = param.getAnnotation(Check.class);
NullTerminated null_terminated_annotation = param.getAnnotation(NullTerminated.class);
if ( parameter_check_annotation == null && null_terminated_annotation == null ) {
boolean found_auto_size_param = false;
for ( VariableElement inner_param : method.getParameters() ) {
AutoSize auto_size_annotation = inner_param.getAnnotation(AutoSize.class);
if ( auto_size_annotation != null
&& auto_size_annotation.value().equals(param.getSimpleName().toString()) ) {
found_auto_size_param = true;
if ( !found_auto_size_param
&& param.getAnnotation(Result.class) == null
&& param.getAnnotation(Constant.class) == null
&& !Utils.isReturnParameter(method, param) ) {
throw new RuntimeException(param + " has no Check, Result nor Constant annotation, is not the return parameter and no other parameter has"
+ " an @AutoSize annotation on it in method " + method);
if ( param.getAnnotation(CachedReference.class) != null && param.getAnnotation(Result.class) != null ) {
throw new RuntimeException(param + " can't be annotated with both CachedReference and Result");
if ( param.getAnnotation(BufferObject.class) != null && param.getAnnotation(Result.class) != null ) {
throw new RuntimeException(param + " can't be annotated with both BufferObject and Result");
//if (param.getAnnotation(Constant.class) != null)
//throw new RuntimeException("Buffer parameter " + param + " cannot be Constant");
} else {
if ( param.getAnnotation(BufferObject.class) != null ) {
throw new RuntimeException(param + " type is not a buffer, but annotated as a BufferObject");
if ( param.getAnnotation(CachedReference.class) != null ) {
throw new RuntimeException(param + " type is not a buffer, but annotated as a CachedReference");
private static void generateMethodsNativePointers(PrintWriter writer, Collection<? extends ExecutableElement> methods) {
for (ExecutableElement method : methods) {
if (method.getAnnotation(Alternate.class) == null) {
generateMethodNativePointers(writer, method);
private static void generateMethodsNativePointers(PrintWriter writer, Collection<? extends ExecutableElement> methods) {
for ( ExecutableElement method : methods ) {
if ( method.getAnnotation(Alternate.class) == null ) {
generateMethodNativePointers(writer, method);
private static void generateMethodNativePointers(PrintWriter writer, ExecutableElement method) {
if (method.getAnnotation(Extern.class) == null) {
writer.print("static ");
writer.println(Utils.getTypedefName(method) + " " + method.getSimpleName() + ";");
private static void generateMethodNativePointers(PrintWriter writer, ExecutableElement method) {
if ( method.getAnnotation(Extern.class) == null ) {
writer.print("static ");
writer.println(Utils.getTypedefName(method) + " " + method.getSimpleName() + ";");
private void generateJavaSource(TypeElement d, PrintWriter java_writer) throws IOException {
java_writer.println("/* MACHINE GENERATED FILE, DO NOT EDIT */");
java_writer.println("package " + env.getElementUtils().getPackageOf(d).getQualifiedName().toString() + ";");
java_writer.println("import org.lwjgl.*;");
java_writer.println("import java.nio.*;");
Imports imports = d.getAnnotation(Imports.class);
if (imports != null) {
for (String i : imports.value()) {
java_writer.println("import " + i + ";");
Utils.printDocComment(java_writer, d, env);
if (d.getAnnotation(Private.class) == null) {
java_writer.print("public ");
boolean is_final = Utils.isFinal(d);
if (is_final) {
java_writer.write("final ");
java_writer.print("class " + Utils.getSimpleClassName(d));
List<? extends TypeMirror> super_interfaces = d.getInterfaces();
if (super_interfaces.size() > 1) {
throw new RuntimeException(d + " extends more than one interface");
if (super_interfaces.size() == 1) {
TypeMirror super_interface = super_interfaces.iterator().next();
java_writer.print(" extends " + Utils.getSimpleClassName(env.getElementUtils().getTypeElement(super_interface.toString())));
java_writer.println(" {");
FieldsGenerator.generateFields(env, java_writer, Utils.getFields(d));
if (is_final) {
// Write private constructor to avoid instantiation
java_writer.println("\tprivate " + Utils.getSimpleClassName(d) + "() {}");
if (Utils.getMethods(d).size() > 0 && !context_specific) {
java_writer.println("\tstatic native void " + Utils.STUB_INITIALIZER_NAME + "() throws LWJGLException;");
JavaMethodsGenerator.generateMethodsJava(env, type_map, java_writer, d, generate_error_checks, context_specific);
String qualified_interface_name = Utils.getQualifiedClassName(d);
env.getMessager().printMessage(Diagnostic.Kind.NOTE, "Generated class " + qualified_interface_name);
private void generateJavaSource(TypeElement d, PrintWriter java_writer) throws IOException {
java_writer.println("/* MACHINE GENERATED FILE, DO NOT EDIT */");
java_writer.println("package " + env.getElementUtils().getPackageOf(d).getQualifiedName().toString() + ";");
java_writer.println("import org.lwjgl.*;");
java_writer.println("import java.nio.*;");
Imports imports = d.getAnnotation(Imports.class);
if ( imports != null ) {
for ( String i : imports.value() ) {
java_writer.println("import " + i + ";");
Utils.printDocComment(java_writer, d, env);
if ( d.getAnnotation(Private.class) == null ) {
java_writer.print("public ");
boolean is_final = Utils.isFinal(d);
if ( is_final ) {
java_writer.write("final ");
java_writer.print("class " + Utils.getSimpleClassName(d));
List<? extends TypeMirror> super_interfaces = d.getInterfaces();
if ( super_interfaces.size() > 1 ) {
throw new RuntimeException(d + " extends more than one interface");
if ( super_interfaces.size() == 1 ) {
TypeMirror super_interface = super_interfaces.iterator().next();
java_writer.print(" extends " + Utils.getSimpleClassName(env.getElementUtils().getTypeElement(super_interface.toString())));
java_writer.println(" {");
FieldsGenerator.generateFields(env, java_writer, Utils.getFields(d));
if ( is_final ) {
// Write private constructor to avoid instantiation
java_writer.println("\tprivate " + Utils.getSimpleClassName(d) + "() {}");
if ( Utils.getMethods(d).size() > 0 && !context_specific ) {
java_writer.println("\tstatic native void " + Utils.STUB_INITIALIZER_NAME + "() throws LWJGLException;");
JavaMethodsGenerator.generateMethodsJava(env, type_map, java_writer, d, generate_error_checks, context_specific);
String qualified_interface_name = Utils.getQualifiedClassName(d);
env.getMessager().printMessage(Diagnostic.Kind.NOTE, "Generated class " + qualified_interface_name);
private void generateNativeSource(TypeElement d) throws IOException {
if (d.getKind().equals(ElementKind.ANNOTATION_TYPE)) {
String qualified_interface_name = Utils.getQualifiedClassName(d);
String qualified_native_name = Utils.getNativeQualifiedName(qualified_interface_name) + ".c";
PrintWriter native_writer = new PrintWriter(env.getFiler().createResource(StandardLocation.CLASS_OUTPUT, "", qualified_native_name).openWriter());
native_writer.println("/* MACHINE GENERATED FILE, DO NOT EDIT */");
native_writer.println("#include <jni.h>");
TypedefsGenerator.generateNativeTypedefs(type_map, native_writer, Utils.getMethods(d));
if (!context_specific) {
generateMethodsNativePointers(native_writer, Utils.getMethods(d));
NativeMethodStubsGenerator.generateNativeMethodStubs(env, type_map, native_writer, d, generate_error_checks, context_specific);
if (!context_specific) {
native_writer.print("JNIEXPORT void JNICALL " + Utils.getQualifiedNativeMethodName(qualified_interface_name, Utils.STUB_INITIALIZER_NAME));
native_writer.println("(JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz) {");
native_writer.println("\tJavaMethodAndExtFunction functions[] = {");
RegisterStubsGenerator.generateMethodsNativeStubBind(env, native_writer, d, generate_error_checks, context_specific);
native_writer.println("\tint num_functions = NUMFUNCTIONS(functions);");
native_writer.println("(env, clazz, num_functions, functions);");
env.getMessager().printMessage(Kind.NOTE, "Generated C source " + qualified_interface_name);
private void generateNativeSource(TypeElement d) throws IOException {
if ( d.getKind().equals(ElementKind.ANNOTATION_TYPE) ) {
String qualified_interface_name = Utils.getQualifiedClassName(d);
String qualified_native_name = Utils.getNativeQualifiedName(qualified_interface_name) + ".c";
PrintWriter native_writer = new PrintWriter(env.getFiler().createResource(StandardLocation.CLASS_OUTPUT, "", qualified_native_name).openWriter());
native_writer.println("/* MACHINE GENERATED FILE, DO NOT EDIT */");
native_writer.println("#include <jni.h>");
TypedefsGenerator.generateNativeTypedefs(type_map, native_writer, Utils.getMethods(d));
if ( !context_specific ) {
generateMethodsNativePointers(native_writer, Utils.getMethods(d));
NativeMethodStubsGenerator.generateNativeMethodStubs(env, type_map, native_writer, d, generate_error_checks, context_specific);
if ( !context_specific ) {
native_writer.print("JNIEXPORT void JNICALL " + Utils.getQualifiedNativeMethodName(qualified_interface_name, Utils.STUB_INITIALIZER_NAME));
native_writer.println("(JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz) {");
native_writer.println("\tJavaMethodAndExtFunction functions[] = {");
RegisterStubsGenerator.generateMethodsNativeStubBind(env, native_writer, d, generate_error_checks, context_specific);
native_writer.println("\tint num_functions = NUMFUNCTIONS(functions);");
native_writer.println("(env, clazz, num_functions, functions);");
env.getMessager().printMessage(Kind.NOTE, "Generated C source " + qualified_interface_name);
public Void visitTypeAsInterface(TypeElement e, Void p) {
PrintWriter java_writer = null;
try {
final Collection<? extends ExecutableElement> methods = Utils.getMethods(e);
if (methods.isEmpty() && Utils.getFields(e).isEmpty()) {
env.getMessager().printMessage(Kind.NOTE, "methods count : " + Utils.getMethods(e).size() + " fields count : " + Utils.getFields(e).size(), e);
for (final ExecutableElement method : methods) {
java_writer = new PrintWriter(env.getFiler().createSourceFile(Utils.getQualifiedClassName(e), env.getElementUtils().getPackageOf(e)).openWriter());
generateJavaSource(e, java_writer);
public Void visitTypeAsInterface(TypeElement e, Void p) {
PrintWriter java_writer = null;
try {
final Collection<? extends ExecutableElement> methods = Utils.getMethods(e);
if ( methods.isEmpty() && Utils.getFields(e).isEmpty() ) {
env.getMessager().printMessage(Kind.NOTE, "methods count : " + Utils.getMethods(e).size() + " fields count : " + Utils.getFields(e).size(), e);
for ( final ExecutableElement method : methods ) {
java_writer = new PrintWriter(env.getFiler().createSourceFile(Utils.getQualifiedClassName(e), env.getElementUtils().getPackageOf(e)).openWriter());
generateJavaSource(e, java_writer);
if (methods.size() > 0) {
boolean noNative = true;
for (final ExecutableElement method : methods) {
Alternate alt_annotation = method.getAnnotation(Alternate.class);
if ((alt_annotation == null || alt_annotation.nativeAlt()) && method.getAnnotation(Reuse.class) == null) {
noNative = false;
if (noNative) {
if ( methods.size() > 0 ) {
boolean noNative = true;
for ( final ExecutableElement method : methods ) {
Alternate alt_annotation = method.getAnnotation(Alternate.class);
if ( (alt_annotation == null || alt_annotation.nativeAlt()) && method.getAnnotation(Reuse.class) == null ) {
noNative = false;
if ( noNative ) {
boolean outputNativeExists = true, outputBackupExists = true;
File outputNative = null, outputBackup = null;
try {
final FileObject fo_outputNative = env.getFiler().getResource(StandardLocation.CLASS_OUTPUT, "", Utils.getNativeQualifiedName(Utils.getQualifiedClassName(e)).replace(".", "/") + ".c");
outputNative = new File(fo_outputNative.toUri());
outputNativeExists = outputNative.exists();
final FileObject fo_outputBackup = env.getFiler().getResource(StandardLocation.CLASS_OUTPUT, "", Utils.getNativeQualifiedName(Utils.getQualifiedClassName(e)).replace(".", "/") + "_backup.c");
outputBackup = new File(fo_outputBackup.toUri());
outputBackupExists = outputBackup.exists();
} catch (IOException ex) {
if (outputNative == null) {
outputNativeExists = false;
if (outputBackup == null) {
outputBackupExists = false;
} finally {
// If the native file exists, rename.
final ByteBuffer nativeBefore;
if (outputNativeExists) {
nativeBefore = readFile(outputNative);
if (outputBackupExists) {
} else {
nativeBefore = null;
try {
boolean outputNativeExists = true, outputBackupExists = true;
File outputNative = null, outputBackup = null;
try {
final FileObject fo_outputNative = env.getFiler().getResource(StandardLocation.CLASS_OUTPUT, "", Utils.getNativeQualifiedName(Utils.getQualifiedClassName(e)).replace(".", "/") + ".c");
outputNative = new File(fo_outputNative.toUri());
outputNativeExists = outputNative.exists();
final FileObject fo_outputBackup = env.getFiler().getResource(StandardLocation.CLASS_OUTPUT, "", Utils.getNativeQualifiedName(Utils.getQualifiedClassName(e)).replace(".", "/") + "_backup.c");
outputBackup = new File(fo_outputBackup.toUri());
outputBackupExists = outputBackup.exists();
} catch (IOException ex) {
if ( outputNative == null ) {
outputNativeExists = false;
if ( outputBackup == null ) {
outputBackupExists = false;
} finally {
// If the native file exists, rename.
final ByteBuffer nativeBefore;
if ( outputNativeExists ) {
nativeBefore = readFile(outputNative);
if ( outputBackupExists ) {
} else {
nativeBefore = null;
try {
// If the native file did exist, compare with the new file. If they're the same,
// reset the last modified time to avoid ridiculous C compilation times.
if (nativeBefore != null && outputNative.length() == nativeBefore.capacity()) {
final ByteBuffer nativeAfter = readFile(outputNative);
boolean same = true;
for (int i = nativeBefore.position(); i < nativeBefore.limit(); i++) {
if (nativeBefore.get(i) != nativeAfter.get(i)) {
same = false;
// If the native file did exist, compare with the new file. If they're the same,
// reset the last modified time to avoid ridiculous C compilation times.
if ( nativeBefore != null && outputNative.length() == nativeBefore.capacity() ) {
final ByteBuffer nativeAfter = readFile(outputNative);
boolean same = true;
for ( int i = nativeBefore.position(); i < nativeBefore.limit(); i++ ) {
if ( nativeBefore.get(i) != nativeAfter.get(i) ) {
same = false;
if (same) {
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
} finally {
if (outputBackup.exists()) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
// If anything goes wrong mid-gen, delete output to allow regen next time we run.
if (java_writer != null) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
if ( same ) {
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
} finally {
if ( outputBackup.exists() ) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
// If anything goes wrong mid-gen, delete output to allow regen next time we run.
if ( java_writer != null ) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex);
private static ByteBuffer readFile(final File file) throws IOException {
final FileChannel channel = new FileInputStream(file).getChannel();
private static ByteBuffer readFile(final File file) throws IOException {
final FileChannel channel = new FileInputStream(file).getChannel();
final long bytesTotal = channel.size();
final ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect((int) bytesTotal);
final long bytesTotal = channel.size();
final ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect((int)bytesTotal);
long bytesRead = 0;
do {
bytesRead +=;
} while (bytesRead < bytesTotal);
long bytesRead = 0;
do {
bytesRead +=;
} while ( bytesRead < bytesTotal );
return buffer;
return buffer;

View File

@ -32,22 +32,22 @@
package org.lwjgl.util.generator;
import org.lwjgl.PointerBuffer;
import java.nio.Buffer;
import javax.lang.model.type.ArrayType;
import javax.lang.model.type.DeclaredType;
import javax.lang.model.type.NoType;
import javax.lang.model.type.PrimitiveType;
import javax.lang.model.util.SimpleTypeVisitor6;
import org.lwjgl.PointerBuffer;
* A TypeVisitor that translates TypeMirrors to JNI
* type strings.
* @author elias_naur <>
* @version $Revision$
* $Id$
* $Id$
public class JNITypeTranslator extends SimpleTypeVisitor6<Void, Void> {
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ public class JNITypeTranslator extends SimpleTypeVisitor6<Void, Void> {
return objectReturn ? "jobject" : signature.toString();
public Void visitArray(ArrayType t, Void o) {
final String className = t.getComponentType().toString();
if ( "java.lang.CharSequence".equals(className) )
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ public class JNITypeTranslator extends SimpleTypeVisitor6<Void, Void> {
throw new RuntimeException(t + " is not allowed");
private void visitClassType(DeclaredType t) {
@ -86,17 +86,17 @@ public class JNITypeTranslator extends SimpleTypeVisitor6<Void, Void> {
public Void visitDeclared(DeclaredType t, Void o) {
if ( t.asElement().getKind().isClass() )
public Void visitPrimitive(PrimitiveType t, Void o) {
String type;
switch (t.getKind()) {
switch ( t.getKind() ) {
case LONG:
type = "jlong";
@ -122,13 +122,13 @@ public class JNITypeTranslator extends SimpleTypeVisitor6<Void, Void> {
throw new RuntimeException(t + " is not allowed");
public Void visitNoType(NoType t, Void o) {

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -32,19 +32,7 @@
package org.lwjgl.util.generator;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.lang.model.type.ArrayType;
import javax.lang.model.type.DeclaredType;
import javax.lang.model.type.NoType;
import javax.lang.model.type.PrimitiveType;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind;
import static javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind.BOOLEAN;
import static javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind.BYTE;
import static javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind.DOUBLE;
import static javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind.FLOAT;
import static javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind.INT;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror;
import javax.lang.model.type.*;
import javax.lang.model.util.SimpleTypeVisitor6;
@ -56,106 +44,106 @@ import javax.lang.model.util.SimpleTypeVisitor6;
public class JavaTypeTranslator extends SimpleTypeVisitor6<Void, Void> {
private Class type;
private Class type;
public Class getType() {
return type;
public Class getType() {
return type;
public Void visitArray(ArrayType t, Void o) {
final TypeMirror componentType = t.getComponentType();
try {
final Class c = Class.forName(t.getComponentType().toString());
if (CharSequence.class.isAssignableFrom(c) || ByteBuffer.class.isAssignableFrom(c) || org.lwjgl.PointerWrapper.class.isAssignableFrom(c)) {
type = Class.forName("[L" + t.getComponentType() + ";");
} catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
type = null;
} finally {
if (type == null) {
if (componentType instanceof PrimitiveType) {
type = getPrimitiveArrayClassFromKind(((PrimitiveType) componentType).getKind());
} else {
throw new RuntimeException(t + " is not allowed");
public Void visitArray(ArrayType t, Void o) {
final TypeMirror componentType = t.getComponentType();
try {
final Class c = Class.forName(t.getComponentType().toString());
if ( CharSequence.class.isAssignableFrom(c) || ByteBuffer.class.isAssignableFrom(c) || org.lwjgl.PointerWrapper.class.isAssignableFrom(c) ) {
type = Class.forName("[L" + t.getComponentType() + ";");
} catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
type = null;
} finally {
if ( type == null ) {
if ( componentType instanceof PrimitiveType ) {
type = getPrimitiveArrayClassFromKind(((PrimitiveType)componentType).getKind());
} else {
throw new RuntimeException(t + " is not allowed");
public static Class getPrimitiveClassFromKind(TypeKind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case LONG:
return long.class;
case INT:
return int.class;
case DOUBLE:
return double.class;
case FLOAT:
return float.class;
case SHORT:
return short.class;
case BYTE:
return byte.class;
return boolean.class;
throw new RuntimeException(kind + " is not allowed");
public static Class getPrimitiveClassFromKind(TypeKind kind) {
switch ( kind ) {
case LONG:
return long.class;
case INT:
return int.class;
case DOUBLE:
return double.class;
case FLOAT:
return float.class;
case SHORT:
return short.class;
case BYTE:
return byte.class;
return boolean.class;
throw new RuntimeException(kind + " is not allowed");
private static Class getPrimitiveArrayClassFromKind(TypeKind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case LONG:
return long[].class;
case INT:
return int[].class;
case DOUBLE:
return double[].class;
case FLOAT:
return float[].class;
case SHORT:
return short[].class;
case BYTE:
return byte[].class;
return boolean[].class;
throw new RuntimeException(kind + " is not allowed");
private static Class getPrimitiveArrayClassFromKind(TypeKind kind) {
switch ( kind ) {
case LONG:
return long[].class;
case INT:
return int[].class;
case DOUBLE:
return double[].class;
case FLOAT:
return float[].class;
case SHORT:
return short[].class;
case BYTE:
return byte[].class;
return boolean[].class;
throw new RuntimeException(kind + " is not allowed");
public Void visitPrimitive(PrimitiveType t, Void p) {
type = getPrimitiveClassFromKind(t.getKind());
public Void visitPrimitive(PrimitiveType t, Void p) {
type = getPrimitiveClassFromKind(t.getKind());
public Void visitDeclared(DeclaredType t, Void o) {
if (t.asElement().getKind().isClass()) {
} else if (t.asElement().getKind().isInterface()) {
} else {
throw new RuntimeException(t.asElement().getKind() + " is not allowed");
public Void visitDeclared(DeclaredType t, Void o) {
if ( t.asElement().getKind().isClass() ) {
} else if ( t.asElement().getKind().isInterface() ) {
} else {
throw new RuntimeException(t.asElement().getKind() + " is not allowed");
private void visitClassType(DeclaredType t) {
type = NativeTypeTranslator.getClassFromType(t);
private void visitClassType(DeclaredType t) {
type = NativeTypeTranslator.getClassFromType(t);
private void visitInterfaceType(DeclaredType t) {
type = NativeTypeTranslator.getClassFromType(t);
private void visitInterfaceType(DeclaredType t) {
type = NativeTypeTranslator.getClassFromType(t);
public Void visitNoType(NoType t, Void p) {
type = void.class;
public Void visitNoType(NoType t, Void p) {
type = void.class;

View File

@ -41,9 +41,11 @@ package org.lwjgl.util.generator;
* $Id$
import java.nio.*;
import java.util.*;
import org.lwjgl.PointerBuffer;
import java.nio.Buffer;
import java.util.List;
import javax.annotation.processing.ProcessingEnvironment;
import javax.lang.model.element.Element;
import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement;
@ -51,27 +53,26 @@ import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.VariableElement;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror;
import org.lwjgl.PointerBuffer;
public class NativeMethodStubsGenerator {
private static final String BUFFER_ADDRESS_POSTFIX = "_address";
public static final String BUFFER_POSITION_POSTFIX = "_position";
private static final String STRING_LIST_NAME = "_str";
private static final String POINTER_LIST_NAME = "_ptr";
private static final String BUFFER_ADDRESS_POSTFIX = "_address";
public static final String BUFFER_POSITION_POSTFIX = "_position";
private static final String STRING_LIST_NAME = "_str";
private static final String POINTER_LIST_NAME = "_ptr";
public static void generateNativeMethodStubs(ProcessingEnvironment env, TypeMap type_map, PrintWriter writer, TypeElement d, boolean generate_error_checks, boolean context_specific) {
for (ExecutableElement method : Utils.getMethods( d)) {
for ( ExecutableElement method : Utils.getMethods(d) ) {
Alternate alt_annotation = method.getAnnotation(Alternate.class);
if ( (alt_annotation != null && (!alt_annotation.nativeAlt() || alt_annotation.skipNative())) || method.getAnnotation(Reuse.class) != null )
generateMethodStub(env, type_map, writer, Utils.getQualifiedClassName(d), method, Mode.NORMAL, generate_error_checks, context_specific);
if (Utils.hasMethodBufferObjectParameter(method))
if ( Utils.hasMethodBufferObjectParameter(method) )
generateMethodStub(env, type_map, writer, Utils.getQualifiedClassName(d), method, Mode.BUFFEROBJECT, generate_error_checks, context_specific);
private static void generateParameters(PrintWriter writer, List<? extends VariableElement> params, Mode mode) {
for (VariableElement param : params) {
for ( VariableElement param : params ) {
if ( param.getAnnotation(Result.class) != null || (param.getAnnotation(Helper.class) != null && !param.getAnnotation(Helper.class).passToNative()) )
final Constant constant_annotation = param.getAnnotation(Constant.class);
@ -82,7 +83,7 @@ public class NativeMethodStubsGenerator {
private static void generateParameter(PrintWriter writer, VariableElement param, Mode mode) {
writer.print(", ");
if (mode == Mode.BUFFEROBJECT && param.getAnnotation(BufferObject.class) != null) {
if ( mode == Mode.BUFFEROBJECT && param.getAnnotation(BufferObject.class) != null ) {
writer.print("jlong " + param.getSimpleName() + Utils.BUFFER_OBJECT_PARAMETER_POSTFIX);
} else if ( param.getAnnotation(PointerWrapper.class) != null ) {
writer.print("jlong " + param.getSimpleName());
@ -113,24 +114,24 @@ public class NativeMethodStubsGenerator {
writer.print(" JNICALL ");
writer.print(Utils.getQualifiedNativeMethodName(interface_name, method, generate_error_checks, context_specific));
if (mode == Mode.BUFFEROBJECT)
if ( mode == Mode.BUFFEROBJECT )
writer.print("(JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz");
generateParameters(writer, method.getParameters(), mode);
if (Utils.getNIOBufferType(result_type) != null) {
if ( Utils.getNIOBufferType(result_type) != null ) {
if ( (cached_result_annotation == null || !cached_result_annotation.isRange()) && (auto_size_annotation == null || !auto_size_annotation.isNative()) )
writer.print(", jlong " + Utils.RESULT_SIZE_NAME);
if (cached_result_annotation != null)
if ( cached_result_annotation != null )
writer.print(", jobject " + Utils.CACHED_BUFFER_NAME);
if (context_specific) {
if ( context_specific ) {
writer.print(", jlong " + Utils.FUNCTION_POINTER_VAR_NAME);
writer.println(") {");
generateBufferParameterAddresses(type_map, writer, method, mode);
Alternate alt_annotation = method.getAnnotation(Alternate.class);
if (context_specific) {
if ( context_specific ) {
String typedef_name = Utils.getTypedefName(method);
writer.print("\t" + typedef_name + " " + (alt_annotation == null ? method.getSimpleName() : alt_annotation.value()));
writer.print(" = (" + typedef_name + ")((intptr_t)");
@ -166,21 +167,21 @@ public class NativeMethodStubsGenerator {
generateStringDeallocations(writer, method.getParameters());
if (!result_type.equals(env.getTypeUtils().getNoType(TypeKind.VOID))) {
if ( !result_type.equals(env.getTypeUtils().getNoType(TypeKind.VOID)) ) {
writer.print("\treturn ");
Class java_result_type = Utils.getJavaType(result_type);
if (Buffer.class.isAssignableFrom(java_result_type)) {
if (cached_result_annotation != null)
if ( Buffer.class.isAssignableFrom(java_result_type) ) {
if ( cached_result_annotation != null )
writer.print("safeNewBufferCached(env, ");
writer.print("safeNewBuffer(env, ");
} else if (String.class.equals(java_result_type)) {
} else if ( String.class.equals(java_result_type) ) {
writer.print("NewStringNativeUnsigned(env, ");
} else if ( method.getAnnotation(PointerWrapper.class) != null ) {
if (Buffer.class.isAssignableFrom(java_result_type)) {
if ( Buffer.class.isAssignableFrom(java_result_type) ) {
final String size_parameter_name;
if ( auto_size_annotation != null && (auto_size_annotation.isNative() || (cached_result_annotation != null && cached_result_annotation.isRange())) )
size_parameter_name = auto_size_annotation.value();
@ -190,8 +191,8 @@ public class NativeMethodStubsGenerator {
writer.print(", ");
Utils.printExtraCallArguments(writer, method, size_parameter_name);
if (Buffer.class.isAssignableFrom(java_result_type) ||
if ( Buffer.class.isAssignableFrom(java_result_type) ||
String.class.equals(java_result_type) )
@ -207,14 +208,14 @@ public class NativeMethodStubsGenerator {
if ( preDeclare )
writer.print(result_translator.getSignature() + " " + Utils.RESULT_VAR_NAME);
if ( preDeclare)
if ( preDeclare )
writer.print(result_param == null ? " = " : ";\n\t");
private static void generateCallParameters(PrintWriter writer, TypeMap type_map, List<? extends VariableElement> params) {
if (params.size() > 0) {
if ( params.size() > 0 ) {
boolean first = true;
for ( VariableElement param : params ) {
if ( param.getAnnotation(Helper.class) != null )
@ -241,7 +242,7 @@ public class NativeMethodStubsGenerator {
boolean is_indirect = param.getAnnotation(Indirect.class) != null;
if (is_indirect || param.getAnnotation(PointerArray.class) != null) {
if ( is_indirect || param.getAnnotation(PointerArray.class) != null ) {
final NativeTypeTranslator translator = new NativeTypeTranslator(type_map, param);
param.asType().accept(translator, null);
@ -250,7 +251,7 @@ public class NativeMethodStubsGenerator {
if ( param.getAnnotation(PointerWrapper.class) != null )
writer.print("(" + param.getAnnotation(PointerWrapper.class).value() + ")(intptr_t)");
if (param.getAnnotation(Result.class) != null || is_indirect)
if ( param.getAnnotation(Result.class) != null || is_indirect )
if ( param.getAnnotation(Result.class) != null ) {
@ -265,11 +266,11 @@ public class NativeMethodStubsGenerator {
private static void generateStringDeallocations(PrintWriter writer, List<? extends VariableElement> params) {
for (VariableElement param : params) {
for ( VariableElement param : params ) {
final Class java_type = Utils.getJavaType(param.asType());
if ( java_type.equals(String.class) && param.getAnnotation(Result.class) == null )
writer.println("\tfree(" + param.getSimpleName() + BUFFER_ADDRESS_POSTFIX + ");");
else if (param.getAnnotation(PointerArray.class) != null ) // Free the string array mem
else if ( param.getAnnotation(PointerArray.class) != null ) // Free the string array mem
writer.println("\tfree(" + param.getSimpleName() + getPointerArrayName(java_type) + ");");
@ -279,8 +280,8 @@ public class NativeMethodStubsGenerator {
ptrLoopDeclared = false;
for ( VariableElement param : method.getParameters() ) {
final Constant constant_annotation = param.getAnnotation(Constant.class);
if ( param.getAnnotation(Result.class) == null && (constant_annotation == null || !constant_annotation.isNative()) && Utils.isAddressableType(param.asType()))
generateBufferParameterAddress(type_map, writer, method, param, mode);
if ( param.getAnnotation(Result.class) == null && (constant_annotation == null || !constant_annotation.isNative()) && Utils.isAddressableType(param.asType()) )
generateBufferParameterAddress(type_map, writer, method, param, mode);
@ -302,12 +303,12 @@ public class NativeMethodStubsGenerator {
if (mode == Mode.BUFFEROBJECT && param.getAnnotation(BufferObject.class) != null) {
if ( mode == Mode.BUFFEROBJECT && param.getAnnotation(BufferObject.class) != null ) {
writer.print("offsetToPointer(" + param.getSimpleName() + Utils.BUFFER_OBJECT_PARAMETER_POSTFIX + ")");
} else {
if (Buffer.class.isAssignableFrom(java_type) || java_type.equals(CharSequence.class) || java_type.equals(CharSequence[].class) || PointerBuffer.class.isAssignableFrom(java_type) ) {
if ( Buffer.class.isAssignableFrom(java_type) || java_type.equals(CharSequence.class) || java_type.equals(CharSequence[].class) || PointerBuffer.class.isAssignableFrom(java_type) ) {
} else if (java_type.equals(String.class)) {
} else if ( java_type.equals(String.class) ) {
writer.print("GetStringNativeChars(env, " + param.getSimpleName() + ")");
} else if ( array_annotation == null )
throw new RuntimeException("Illegal type " + java_type);

View File

@ -39,21 +39,17 @@ package org.lwjgl.util.generator;
* @author elias_naur <>
* @version $Revision$ $Id$
import org.lwjgl.PointerBuffer;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.nio.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import javax.annotation.processing.ProcessingEnvironment;
import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationMirror;
import javax.lang.model.element.Element;
import javax.lang.model.type.ArrayType;
import javax.lang.model.type.DeclaredType;
import javax.lang.model.type.NoType;
import javax.lang.model.type.PrimitiveType;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind;
import javax.lang.model.type.*;
import javax.lang.model.util.SimpleTypeVisitor6;
import org.lwjgl.PointerBuffer;
* $Id$
@ -65,189 +61,189 @@ import org.lwjgl.PointerBuffer;
public class NativeTypeTranslator extends SimpleTypeVisitor6<Void, Void> {
private Collection<Class> native_types;
private boolean is_indirect;
private final Element declaration;
private final TypeMap type_map;
private Collection<Class> native_types;
private boolean is_indirect;
private final Element declaration;
private final TypeMap type_map;
public NativeTypeTranslator(TypeMap type_map, Element declaration) {
this.declaration = declaration;
this.type_map = type_map;
public NativeTypeTranslator(TypeMap type_map, Element declaration) {
this.declaration = declaration;
this.type_map = type_map;
public String getSignature() {
return getSignature(false);
public String getSignature() {
return getSignature(false);
public String getSignature(final boolean skipConst) {
StringBuilder signature = new StringBuilder();
if (!skipConst && declaration.getAnnotation(Const.class) != null) {
signature.append("const ");
public String getSignature(final boolean skipConst) {
StringBuilder signature = new StringBuilder();
if ( !skipConst && declaration.getAnnotation(Const.class) != null ) {
signature.append("const ");
if (declaration.getAnnotation(PointerWrapper.class) != null) {
} else if (declaration.getAnnotation(NativeType.class) != null) {
} else {
// Use the name of the native type annotation as the C type name
if ( declaration.getAnnotation(PointerWrapper.class) != null ) {
} else if ( declaration.getAnnotation(NativeType.class) != null ) {
} else {
// Use the name of the native type annotation as the C type name
if (is_indirect) {
signature.append(" *");
return signature.toString();
if ( is_indirect ) {
signature.append(" *");
return signature.toString();
public Class getAnnotationType() {
if (native_types.size() != 1) {
throw new RuntimeException("Expected only one native type for declaration " + declaration
+ ", but got " + native_types.size());
return native_types.iterator().next();
public Class getAnnotationType() {
if ( native_types.size() != 1 ) {
throw new RuntimeException("Expected only one native type for declaration " + declaration
+ ", but got " + native_types.size());
return native_types.iterator().next();
public Void visitArray(ArrayType t, Void o) {
final Class<?> type = Utils.getJavaType(t).getComponentType();
public Void visitArray(ArrayType t, Void o) {
final Class<?> type = Utils.getJavaType(t).getComponentType();
if (CharSequence.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
is_indirect = true;
native_types = new ArrayList<>();
} else if (Buffer.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
is_indirect = true;
native_types = new ArrayList<>();
} else if (org.lwjgl.PointerWrapper.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
is_indirect = false;
} else {
throw new RuntimeException(t + " is not allowed");
if ( CharSequence.class.isAssignableFrom(type) ) {
is_indirect = true;
native_types = new ArrayList<>();
} else if ( Buffer.class.isAssignableFrom(type) ) {
is_indirect = true;
native_types = new ArrayList<>();
} else if ( org.lwjgl.PointerWrapper.class.isAssignableFrom(type) ) {
is_indirect = false;
} else {
throw new RuntimeException(t + " is not allowed");
public static TypeKind getPrimitiveKindFromBufferClass(Class c) {
if (IntBuffer.class.equals(c)) {
return TypeKind.INT;
} else if (DoubleBuffer.class.equals(c)) {
return TypeKind.DOUBLE;
} else if (ShortBuffer.class.equals(c)) {
return TypeKind.SHORT;
} else if (ByteBuffer.class.equals(c) || PointerBuffer.class.equals(c)) {
return TypeKind.BYTE;
} else if (FloatBuffer.class.equals(c)) {
return TypeKind.FLOAT;
} else if (LongBuffer.class.equals(c)) {
return TypeKind.LONG;
} else {
throw new RuntimeException(c + " is not allowed");
public static TypeKind getPrimitiveKindFromBufferClass(Class c) {
if ( IntBuffer.class.equals(c) ) {
return TypeKind.INT;
} else if ( DoubleBuffer.class.equals(c) ) {
return TypeKind.DOUBLE;
} else if ( ShortBuffer.class.equals(c) ) {
return TypeKind.SHORT;
} else if ( ByteBuffer.class.equals(c) || PointerBuffer.class.equals(c) ) {
return TypeKind.BYTE;
} else if ( FloatBuffer.class.equals(c) ) {
return TypeKind.FLOAT;
} else if ( LongBuffer.class.equals(c) ) {
return TypeKind.LONG;
} else {
throw new RuntimeException(c + " is not allowed");
public static Class<? extends Annotation> getClassFromType(DeclaredType t) {
try {
return (Class<? extends Annotation>) Class.forName(t.toString());
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public static Class<? extends Annotation> getClassFromType(DeclaredType t) {
try {
return (Class<? extends Annotation>)Class.forName(t.toString());
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private void getNativeTypeFromAnnotatedPrimitiveType(TypeKind kind) {
native_types = translateAnnotations();
if (native_types.isEmpty()) {
private void getNativeTypeFromAnnotatedPrimitiveType(TypeKind kind) {
native_types = translateAnnotations();
if ( native_types.isEmpty() ) {
private void visitClassType(DeclaredType t) {
is_indirect = true;
private void visitClassType(DeclaredType t) {
is_indirect = true;
Class<?> c = getClassFromType(t);
if (String.class.equals(c)) {
native_types = new ArrayList<>();
} else if (Buffer.class.equals(c)) {
native_types = new ArrayList<>();
} else if (Buffer.class.isAssignableFrom(c) || PointerBuffer.class.isAssignableFrom(c)) {
TypeKind kind = getPrimitiveKindFromBufferClass(c);
} else if (org.lwjgl.PointerWrapper.class.isAssignableFrom(c)) {
native_types = new ArrayList<>();
Class<?> c = getClassFromType(t);
if ( String.class.equals(c) ) {
native_types = new ArrayList<>();
} else if ( Buffer.class.equals(c) ) {
native_types = new ArrayList<>();
} else if ( Buffer.class.isAssignableFrom(c) || PointerBuffer.class.isAssignableFrom(c) ) {
TypeKind kind = getPrimitiveKindFromBufferClass(c);
} else if ( org.lwjgl.PointerWrapper.class.isAssignableFrom(c) ) {
native_types = new ArrayList<>();
is_indirect = false;
} else {
throw new RuntimeException(t + " is not allowed");
is_indirect = false;
} else {
throw new RuntimeException(t + " is not allowed");
public Void visitPrimitive(PrimitiveType t, Void p) {
public Void visitPrimitive(PrimitiveType t, Void p) {
private void visitInterfaceType(DeclaredType t) {
// See ARB_debug_label.glObjectPtrLabel
Class<?> c = getClassFromType(t);
if (org.lwjgl.PointerWrapper.class.isAssignableFrom(c)) {
native_types = new ArrayList<>();
private void visitInterfaceType(DeclaredType t) {
// See ARB_debug_label.glObjectPtrLabel
Class<?> c = getClassFromType(t);
if ( org.lwjgl.PointerWrapper.class.isAssignableFrom(c) ) {
native_types = new ArrayList<>();
is_indirect = false;
} else {
throw new RuntimeException(t + " is not allowed");
is_indirect = false;
} else {
throw new RuntimeException(t + " is not allowed");
public Void visitDeclared(DeclaredType t, Void p) {
if (t.asElement().getKind().isInterface()) {
} else if (t.asElement().getKind().isClass()) {
public Void visitDeclared(DeclaredType t, Void p) {
if ( t.asElement().getKind().isInterface() ) {
} else if ( t.asElement().getKind().isClass() ) {
/* Check if the annotation is itself annotated with a certain annotation type
* @discuss compare (DeclaredType).getAnnotation(Class) and (Element).getAnnotation(Class), they mean different Annotation's.
public static <T extends Annotation> T getAnnotation(AnnotationMirror annotation, Class<T> type) {
return annotation.getAnnotationType().asElement().getAnnotation(type);
/* Check if the annotation is itself annotated with a certain annotation type
* @discuss compare (DeclaredType).getAnnotation(Class) and (Element).getAnnotation(Class), they mean different Annotation's.
public static <T extends Annotation> T getAnnotation(AnnotationMirror annotation, Class<T> type) {
return annotation.getAnnotationType().asElement().getAnnotation(type);
private static Class translateAnnotation(AnnotationMirror annotation) {
NativeType native_type = getAnnotation(annotation, NativeType.class);
if (native_type != null) {
return getClassFromType(annotation.getAnnotationType());
} else {
return null;
private static Class translateAnnotation(AnnotationMirror annotation) {
NativeType native_type = getAnnotation(annotation, NativeType.class);
if ( native_type != null ) {
return getClassFromType(annotation.getAnnotationType());
} else {
return null;
private List<Class> translateAnnotations() {
List<Class> result = new ArrayList<>();
for (AnnotationMirror annotation : Utils.getSortedAnnotations(declaration.getAnnotationMirrors())) {
Class translated_result = translateAnnotation(annotation);
if (translated_result != null) {
return result;
private List<Class> translateAnnotations() {
List<Class> result = new ArrayList<>();
for ( AnnotationMirror annotation : Utils.getSortedAnnotations(declaration.getAnnotationMirrors()) ) {
Class translated_result = translateAnnotation(annotation);
if ( translated_result != null ) {
return result;
public Void visitNoType(NoType t, Void p) {
native_types = translateAnnotations();
if (native_types.isEmpty()) {
public Void visitNoType(NoType t, Void p) {
native_types = translateAnnotations();
if ( native_types.isEmpty() ) {

View File

@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ import javax.lang.model.type.PrimitiveType;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind;
import javax.lang.model.util.SimpleTypeVisitor6;
public class PostfixTranslator extends SimpleTypeVisitor6<Void,Void> {
public class PostfixTranslator extends SimpleTypeVisitor6<Void, Void> {
private final StringBuilder signature = new StringBuilder();
private final Element declaration;
private final TypeMap type_map;
@ -66,17 +66,17 @@ public class PostfixTranslator extends SimpleTypeVisitor6<Void,Void> {
private static TypeKind getPrimitiveKindFromBufferClass(Class c) {
if (IntBuffer.class.equals(c) || int.class.equals(c) )
if ( IntBuffer.class.equals(c) || int.class.equals(c) )
return TypeKind.INT;
else if (DoubleBuffer.class.equals(c) || double.class.equals(c) )
else if ( DoubleBuffer.class.equals(c) || double.class.equals(c) )
return TypeKind.DOUBLE;
else if (ShortBuffer.class.equals(c) || short.class.equals(c) )
else if ( ShortBuffer.class.equals(c) || short.class.equals(c) )
return TypeKind.SHORT;
else if (ByteBuffer.class.equals(c) || byte.class.equals(c) )
else if ( ByteBuffer.class.equals(c) || byte.class.equals(c) )
return TypeKind.BYTE;
else if (FloatBuffer.class.equals(c) || float.class.equals(c))
else if ( FloatBuffer.class.equals(c) || float.class.equals(c) )
return TypeKind.FLOAT;
else if (LongBuffer.class.equals(c) || long.class.equals(c) )
else if ( LongBuffer.class.equals(c) || long.class.equals(c) )
return TypeKind.LONG;
throw new RuntimeException(c + " is not allowed");
@ -88,16 +88,16 @@ public class PostfixTranslator extends SimpleTypeVisitor6<Void,Void> {
public Void visitDeclared(DeclaredType t, Void o) {
if ( t.asElement().getKind().isClass() )
private boolean translateAnnotation(AnnotationMirror annotation) {
NativeType native_type = NativeTypeTranslator.getAnnotation(annotation, NativeType.class);
if (native_type != null) {
if ( native_type != null ) {
Class<? extends Annotation> annotation_class = NativeTypeTranslator.getClassFromType(annotation.getAnnotationType());
return true;
@ -107,28 +107,28 @@ public class PostfixTranslator extends SimpleTypeVisitor6<Void,Void> {
private boolean translateAnnotations() {
boolean result = false;
for (AnnotationMirror annotation : Utils.getSortedAnnotations(declaration.getAnnotationMirrors()))
if (translateAnnotation(annotation)) {
if (result)
for ( AnnotationMirror annotation : Utils.getSortedAnnotations(declaration.getAnnotationMirrors()) )
if ( translateAnnotation(annotation) ) {
if ( result )
throw new RuntimeException("Multiple native types");
result = true;
return result;
public Void visitPrimitive(PrimitiveType t, Void o) {
private void visitPrimitiveTypeKind(TypeKind kind) {
boolean annotated_translation = translateAnnotations();
if (annotated_translation)
if ( annotated_translation )
// No annotation type was specified, fall back to default
String type;
switch (kind) {
switch ( kind ) {
case INT:
type = "i";

View File

@ -38,8 +38,11 @@ package org.lwjgl.util.generator;
* @author elias_naur <>
* @version $Revision$ $Id$
import java.util.*;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import javax.annotation.processing.ProcessingEnvironment;
import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement;
@ -48,97 +51,97 @@ import javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror;
public class RegisterStubsGenerator {
public static void generateMethodsNativeStubBind(ProcessingEnvironment env, PrintWriter writer, TypeElement d, boolean generate_error_checks, boolean context_specific) {
Iterator<? extends ExecutableElement> it = Utils.getMethods( d).iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
ExecutableElement method =;
Alternate alt_annotation = method.getAnnotation(Alternate.class);
if ((alt_annotation != null && (!alt_annotation.nativeAlt() || alt_annotation.skipNative())) || method.getAnnotation(Reuse.class) != null) {
EnumSet<Platform> platforms;
PlatformDependent platform_annotation = method.getAnnotation(PlatformDependent.class);
if (platform_annotation != null) {
platforms = EnumSet.copyOf(Arrays.asList(platform_annotation.value()));
} else {
platforms = EnumSet.of(Platform.ALL);
for (Platform platform : platforms) {
boolean has_buffer_parameter = Utils.hasMethodBufferObjectParameter(method);
printMethodNativeStubBind(writer, d, method, platform, Mode.NORMAL, it.hasNext() || has_buffer_parameter, generate_error_checks, context_specific);
if (has_buffer_parameter) {
printMethodNativeStubBind(writer, d, method, platform, Mode.BUFFEROBJECT, it.hasNext(), generate_error_checks, context_specific);
public static void generateMethodsNativeStubBind(ProcessingEnvironment env, PrintWriter writer, TypeElement d, boolean generate_error_checks, boolean context_specific) {
Iterator<? extends ExecutableElement> it = Utils.getMethods(d).iterator();
while ( it.hasNext() ) {
ExecutableElement method =;
Alternate alt_annotation = method.getAnnotation(Alternate.class);
if ( (alt_annotation != null && (!alt_annotation.nativeAlt() || alt_annotation.skipNative())) || method.getAnnotation(Reuse.class) != null ) {
EnumSet<Platform> platforms;
PlatformDependent platform_annotation = method.getAnnotation(PlatformDependent.class);
if ( platform_annotation != null ) {
platforms = EnumSet.copyOf(Arrays.asList(platform_annotation.value()));
} else {
platforms = EnumSet.of(Platform.ALL);
for ( Platform platform : platforms ) {
boolean has_buffer_parameter = Utils.hasMethodBufferObjectParameter(method);
printMethodNativeStubBind(writer, d, method, platform, Mode.NORMAL, it.hasNext() || has_buffer_parameter, generate_error_checks, context_specific);
if ( has_buffer_parameter ) {
printMethodNativeStubBind(writer, d, method, platform, Mode.BUFFEROBJECT, it.hasNext(), generate_error_checks, context_specific);
private static String getTypeSignature(TypeMirror type, boolean add_position_signature) {
SignatureTranslator v = new SignatureTranslator(add_position_signature);
type.accept(v, null);
return v.getSignature();
private static String getTypeSignature(TypeMirror type, boolean add_position_signature) {
SignatureTranslator v = new SignatureTranslator(add_position_signature);
type.accept(v, null);
return v.getSignature();
private static String getMethodSignature(ExecutableElement method, Mode mode) {
List<? extends VariableElement> params = method.getParameters();
String signature = "(";
for (VariableElement param : params) {
if (param.getAnnotation(Result.class) != null || (param.getAnnotation(Helper.class) != null && !param.getAnnotation(Helper.class).passToNative())) {
private static String getMethodSignature(ExecutableElement method, Mode mode) {
List<? extends VariableElement> params = method.getParameters();
String signature = "(";
for ( VariableElement param : params ) {
if ( param.getAnnotation(Result.class) != null || (param.getAnnotation(Helper.class) != null && !param.getAnnotation(Helper.class).passToNative()) ) {
final Constant constant_annotation = param.getAnnotation(Constant.class);
if (constant_annotation != null && constant_annotation.isNative()) {
final Constant constant_annotation = param.getAnnotation(Constant.class);
if ( constant_annotation != null && constant_annotation.isNative() ) {
if (mode == Mode.BUFFEROBJECT && param.getAnnotation(BufferObject.class) != null) {
signature += "J";
} else {
signature += getTypeSignature(param.asType(), true);
if ( mode == Mode.BUFFEROBJECT && param.getAnnotation(BufferObject.class) != null ) {
signature += "J";
} else {
signature += getTypeSignature(param.asType(), true);
final TypeMirror result_type = Utils.getMethodReturnType(method);
final CachedResult cached_result_annotation = method.getAnnotation(CachedResult.class);
final AutoSize auto_size_annotation = method.getAnnotation(AutoSize.class);
final TypeMirror result_type = Utils.getMethodReturnType(method);
final CachedResult cached_result_annotation = method.getAnnotation(CachedResult.class);
final AutoSize auto_size_annotation = method.getAnnotation(AutoSize.class);
final boolean isNIOBuffer = Utils.getNIOBufferType(result_type) != null;
if (isNIOBuffer && (auto_size_annotation == null || !auto_size_annotation.isNative())) {
signature += "J";
final boolean isNIOBuffer = Utils.getNIOBufferType(result_type) != null;
if ( isNIOBuffer && (auto_size_annotation == null || !auto_size_annotation.isNative()) ) {
signature += "J";
final String result_type_signature = isNIOBuffer ? "Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;" : getTypeSignature(result_type, false);
if (cached_result_annotation != null) {
signature += result_type_signature;
final String result_type_signature = isNIOBuffer ? "Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;" : getTypeSignature(result_type, false);
if ( cached_result_annotation != null ) {
signature += result_type_signature;
signature += ")";
signature += result_type_signature;
return signature;
signature += ")";
signature += result_type_signature;
return signature;
private static void printMethodNativeStubBind(PrintWriter writer, TypeElement d, ExecutableElement method, Platform platform, Mode mode, boolean has_more, boolean generate_error_checks, boolean context_specific) {
writer.print("\t\t{\"" + Utils.getSimpleNativeMethodName(method, generate_error_checks, context_specific));
if (mode == Mode.BUFFEROBJECT) {
writer.print("\", \"" + getMethodSignature(method, mode) + "\", (void *)&");
writer.print(Utils.getQualifiedNativeMethodName(Utils.getQualifiedClassName(d), method, generate_error_checks, context_specific));
if (mode == Mode.BUFFEROBJECT) {
private static void printMethodNativeStubBind(PrintWriter writer, TypeElement d, ExecutableElement method, Platform platform, Mode mode, boolean has_more, boolean generate_error_checks, boolean context_specific) {
writer.print("\t\t{\"" + Utils.getSimpleNativeMethodName(method, generate_error_checks, context_specific));
if ( mode == Mode.BUFFEROBJECT ) {
writer.print("\", \"" + getMethodSignature(method, mode) + "\", (void *)&");
writer.print(Utils.getQualifiedNativeMethodName(Utils.getQualifiedClassName(d), method, generate_error_checks, context_specific));
if ( mode == Mode.BUFFEROBJECT ) {
final Alternate alt_annotation = method.getAnnotation(Alternate.class);
final String methodName = alt_annotation == null ? method.getSimpleName().toString() : alt_annotation.value();
String opengl_handle_name = methodName.replaceFirst("gl", platform.getPrefix());
writer.print(", \"" + opengl_handle_name + "\", (void *)&" + methodName + ", " + (method.getAnnotation(Optional.class) == null ? "false" : "true") + "}");
if (has_more) {
final Alternate alt_annotation = method.getAnnotation(Alternate.class);
final String methodName = alt_annotation == null ? method.getSimpleName().toString() : alt_annotation.value();
String opengl_handle_name = methodName.replaceFirst("gl", platform.getPrefix());
writer.print(", \"" + opengl_handle_name + "\", (void *)&" + methodName + ", " + (method.getAnnotation(Optional.class) == null ? "false" : "true") + "}");
if ( has_more ) {

View File

@ -41,22 +41,15 @@ package org.lwjgl.util.generator;
* $Id$
import org.lwjgl.PointerBuffer;
import java.nio.*;
import javax.annotation.processing.ProcessingEnvironment;
import java.nio.Buffer;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import javax.lang.model.type.ArrayType;
import javax.lang.model.type.DeclaredType;
import javax.lang.model.type.NoType;
import javax.lang.model.type.PrimitiveType;
import static javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind.BOOLEAN;
import static javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind.BYTE;
import static javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind.DOUBLE;
import static javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind.FLOAT;
import static javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind.INT;
import static javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind.LONG;
import static javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind.SHORT;
import javax.lang.model.util.SimpleTypeVisitor6;
import org.lwjgl.PointerBuffer;
class SignatureTranslator extends SimpleTypeVisitor6<Void, Void> {
private final boolean add_position_signature;
@ -74,7 +67,7 @@ class SignatureTranslator extends SimpleTypeVisitor6<Void, Void> {
return signature.toString();
public Void visitArray(ArrayType t, Void o) {
final Class type = Utils.getJavaType(t.getComponentType());
if ( CharSequence.class.isAssignableFrom(type) )
@ -85,7 +78,7 @@ class SignatureTranslator extends SimpleTypeVisitor6<Void, Void> {
signature.append("[L" + getNativeNameFromClassName(type.getName()) + ";");
throw new RuntimeException(t + " is not allowed");
private void visitClassType(DeclaredType t) {
@ -106,13 +99,13 @@ class SignatureTranslator extends SimpleTypeVisitor6<Void, Void> {
public Void visitDeclared(DeclaredType t, Void o) {
else if(t.asElement().getKind().isInterface())
if ( t.asElement().getKind().isClass() )
else if ( t.asElement().getKind().isInterface() )
private void visitInterfaceType(DeclaredType t) {
@ -123,9 +116,9 @@ class SignatureTranslator extends SimpleTypeVisitor6<Void, Void> {
throw new RuntimeException(t + " is not allowed");
public Void visitPrimitive(PrimitiveType t, Void o) {
switch (t.getKind()) {
switch ( t.getKind() ) {
@ -150,13 +143,13 @@ class SignatureTranslator extends SimpleTypeVisitor6<Void, Void> {
throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported type " + t);
public Void visitNoType(NoType t, Void o) {

View File

@ -39,210 +39,209 @@ package org.lwjgl.util.generator;
* @author elias_naur <>
* @version $Revision$ $Id$
import org.lwjgl.PointerBuffer;
import org.lwjgl.util.generator.opengl.GLvoid;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.nio.*;
import java.util.*;
import javax.annotation.processing.ProcessingEnvironment;
import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationMirror;
import javax.lang.model.element.Element;
import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.VariableElement;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror;
import org.lwjgl.PointerBuffer;
import org.lwjgl.util.generator.opengl.GLvoid;
public class TypeInfo {
public static final String UNSIGNED_PARAMETER_NAME = "unsigned";
public static final String UNSIGNED_PARAMETER_NAME = "unsigned";
private final Signedness signedness;
private final Class type;
private final String auto_type;
private final Signedness signedness;
private final Class type;
private final String auto_type;
private TypeInfo(Class type, Signedness signedness, String auto_type) {
this.type = type;
this.signedness = signedness;
this.auto_type = auto_type;
private TypeInfo(Class type, Signedness signedness, String auto_type) {
this.type = type;
this.signedness = signedness;
this.auto_type = auto_type;
public Class getType() {
return type;
public Class getType() {
return type;
public Signedness getSignedness() {
return signedness;
public Signedness getSignedness() {
return signedness;
public String getAutoType() {
if (auto_type == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("No auto type assigned");
return auto_type;
public String getAutoType() {
if ( auto_type == null ) {
throw new RuntimeException("No auto type assigned");
return auto_type;
private static Class getTypeFromPrimitiveKind(TypeKind kind) {
Class type;
switch (kind) {
case LONG:
type = long.class;
case INT:
type = int.class;
case FLOAT:
type = float.class;
case DOUBLE:
type = double.class;
case SHORT:
type = short.class;
case BYTE:
type = byte.class;
type = boolean.class;
throw new RuntimeException(kind + " is not allowed");
return type;
private static Class getTypeFromPrimitiveKind(TypeKind kind) {
Class type;
switch ( kind ) {
case LONG:
type = long.class;
case INT:
type = int.class;
case FLOAT:
type = float.class;
case DOUBLE:
type = double.class;
case SHORT:
type = short.class;
case BYTE:
type = byte.class;
type = boolean.class;
throw new RuntimeException(kind + " is not allowed");
return type;
private static Class getBufferTypeFromPrimitiveKind(TypeKind kind, AnnotationMirror annotation) {
Class type;
switch (kind) {
case INT:
type = IntBuffer.class;
case FLOAT:
type = FloatBuffer.class;
case DOUBLE:
type = DoubleBuffer.class;
case SHORT:
type = ShortBuffer.class;
case LONG:
if (annotation.getAnnotationType().asElement().getAnnotation(PointerType.class) != null) {
type = PointerBuffer.class;
} else {
type = LongBuffer.class;
case BYTE: /* fall through */
private static Class getBufferTypeFromPrimitiveKind(TypeKind kind, AnnotationMirror annotation) {
Class type;
switch ( kind ) {
case INT:
type = IntBuffer.class;
case FLOAT:
type = FloatBuffer.class;
case DOUBLE:
type = DoubleBuffer.class;
case SHORT:
type = ShortBuffer.class;
case LONG:
if ( annotation.getAnnotationType().asElement().getAnnotation(PointerType.class) != null ) {
type = PointerBuffer.class;
} else {
type = LongBuffer.class;
case BYTE: /* fall through */
type = ByteBuffer.class;
throw new RuntimeException(kind + " is not allowed");
return type;
type = ByteBuffer.class;
throw new RuntimeException(kind + " is not allowed");
return type;
private static TypeInfo getDefaultTypeInfo(TypeMirror t) {
Class java_type = Utils.getJavaType(t);
return new TypeInfo(java_type, Signedness.NONE, null);
private static TypeInfo getDefaultTypeInfo(TypeMirror t) {
Class java_type = Utils.getJavaType(t);
return new TypeInfo(java_type, Signedness.NONE, null);
public static Map<VariableElement, TypeInfo> getDefaultTypeInfoMap(ExecutableElement method) {
Map<VariableElement, TypeInfo> map = new HashMap<>();
for (VariableElement param : method.getParameters()) {
TypeInfo type_info = getDefaultTypeInfo(param.asType());
map.put(param, type_info);
return map;
public static Map<VariableElement, TypeInfo> getDefaultTypeInfoMap(ExecutableElement method) {
Map<VariableElement, TypeInfo> map = new HashMap<>();
for ( VariableElement param : method.getParameters() ) {
TypeInfo type_info = getDefaultTypeInfo(param.asType());
map.put(param, type_info);
return map;
private static Collection<TypeInfo> getTypeInfos(ProcessingEnvironment env, TypeMap type_map, VariableElement param) {
List<? extends AnnotationMirror> annotations = param.getAnnotationMirrors();
GLvoid void_annotation = param.getAnnotation(GLvoid.class);
private static Collection<TypeInfo> getTypeInfos(ProcessingEnvironment env, TypeMap type_map, VariableElement param) {
List<? extends AnnotationMirror> annotations = param.getAnnotationMirrors();
GLvoid void_annotation = param.getAnnotation(GLvoid.class);
Map<Class, TypeInfo> types = new HashMap<>();
Collection<TypeInfo> multityped_result = new ArrayList<>();
boolean add_default_type = true;
for (AnnotationMirror annotation : annotations) {
NativeType native_type_annotation = NativeTypeTranslator.getAnnotation(annotation, NativeType.class);
if (native_type_annotation != null) {
Class<? extends Annotation> annotation_type = NativeTypeTranslator.getClassFromType(annotation.getAnnotationType());
/*env.getMessager().printMessage(Diagnostic.Kind.NOTE, "annotation_type " + annotation_type, param, annotation);*/
Signedness signedness = type_map.getSignednessFromType(annotation_type);
Class inverse_type = type_map.getInverseType(annotation_type);
String auto_type = type_map.getAutoTypeFromAnnotation(annotation);
if (inverse_type != null) {
if (types.containsKey(inverse_type)) {
TypeInfo inverse_type_info = types.get(inverse_type);
String inverse_auto_type = inverse_type_info.getAutoType();
auto_type = signedness == Signedness.UNSIGNED ? auto_type + " : " + inverse_auto_type
: inverse_auto_type + " : " + auto_type;
auto_type = UNSIGNED_PARAMETER_NAME + " ? " + auto_type;
signedness = Signedness.BOTH;
Class type;
TypeKind kind;
kind = void_annotation == null ? type_map.getPrimitiveTypeFromNativeType(annotation_type) : void_annotation.value();
if (Utils.getNIOBufferType(param.asType()) != null) {
type = getBufferTypeFromPrimitiveKind(kind, annotation);
} else {
type = getTypeFromPrimitiveKind(kind);
TypeInfo type_info = new TypeInfo(type, signedness, auto_type);
types.put(annotation_type, type_info);
add_default_type = false;
if (add_default_type) {
TypeInfo default_type_info = getDefaultTypeInfo(param.asType());
Collection<TypeInfo> result = new ArrayList<>();
return result;
} else {
return multityped_result;
Map<Class, TypeInfo> types = new HashMap<>();
Collection<TypeInfo> multityped_result = new ArrayList<>();
boolean add_default_type = true;
for ( AnnotationMirror annotation : annotations ) {
NativeType native_type_annotation = NativeTypeTranslator.getAnnotation(annotation, NativeType.class);
if ( native_type_annotation != null ) {
Class<? extends Annotation> annotation_type = NativeTypeTranslator.getClassFromType(annotation.getAnnotationType());
/*env.getMessager().printMessage(Diagnostic.Kind.NOTE, "annotation_type " + annotation_type, param, annotation);*/
Signedness signedness = type_map.getSignednessFromType(annotation_type);
Class inverse_type = type_map.getInverseType(annotation_type);
String auto_type = type_map.getAutoTypeFromAnnotation(annotation);
if ( inverse_type != null ) {
if ( types.containsKey(inverse_type) ) {
TypeInfo inverse_type_info = types.get(inverse_type);
String inverse_auto_type = inverse_type_info.getAutoType();
auto_type = signedness == Signedness.UNSIGNED ? auto_type + " : " + inverse_auto_type
: inverse_auto_type + " : " + auto_type;
auto_type = UNSIGNED_PARAMETER_NAME + " ? " + auto_type;
signedness = Signedness.BOTH;
Class type;
TypeKind kind;
kind = void_annotation == null ? type_map.getPrimitiveTypeFromNativeType(annotation_type) : void_annotation.value();
if ( Utils.getNIOBufferType(param.asType()) != null ) {
type = getBufferTypeFromPrimitiveKind(kind, annotation);
} else {
type = getTypeFromPrimitiveKind(kind);
TypeInfo type_info = new TypeInfo(type, signedness, auto_type);
types.put(annotation_type, type_info);
add_default_type = false;
if ( add_default_type ) {
TypeInfo default_type_info = getDefaultTypeInfo(param.asType());
Collection<TypeInfo> result = new ArrayList<>();
return result;
} else {
return multityped_result;
private static Map<VariableElement, Collection<TypeInfo>> getTypeInfoMap(ProcessingEnvironment env, TypeMap type_map, ExecutableElement method) {
Map<VariableElement, Collection<TypeInfo>> map = new HashMap<>();
for (VariableElement param : method.getParameters()) {
Collection<TypeInfo> types = getTypeInfos(env, type_map, param);
map.put(param, types);
return map;
private static Map<VariableElement, Collection<TypeInfo>> getTypeInfoMap(ProcessingEnvironment env, TypeMap type_map, ExecutableElement method) {
Map<VariableElement, Collection<TypeInfo>> map = new HashMap<>();
for ( VariableElement param : method.getParameters() ) {
Collection<TypeInfo> types = getTypeInfos(env, type_map, param);
map.put(param, types);
return map;
public static Collection<Map<VariableElement, TypeInfo>> getTypeInfoCrossProduct(ProcessingEnvironment env, TypeMap type_map, ExecutableElement method) {
List<? extends VariableElement> parameter_collection = method.getParameters();
Collection<Map<VariableElement, TypeInfo>> cross_product = new ArrayList<>();
getCrossProductRecursive(0, parameter_collection, getTypeInfoMap(env, type_map, method),
new HashMap<VariableElement, TypeInfo>(), cross_product);
return cross_product;
public static Collection<Map<VariableElement, TypeInfo>> getTypeInfoCrossProduct(ProcessingEnvironment env, TypeMap type_map, ExecutableElement method) {
List<? extends VariableElement> parameter_collection = method.getParameters();
Collection<Map<VariableElement, TypeInfo>> cross_product = new ArrayList<>();
getCrossProductRecursive(0, parameter_collection, getTypeInfoMap(env, type_map, method),
new HashMap<VariableElement, TypeInfo>(), cross_product);
return cross_product;
private static void getCrossProductRecursive(int index, List<? extends VariableElement> parameters, Map<VariableElement, Collection<TypeInfo>> typeinfos_map, Map<VariableElement, TypeInfo> current_instance, Collection<Map<VariableElement, TypeInfo>> cross_product) {
if (index == parameters.size()) {
* the last parameter is treated as multi-type only
VariableElement param = parameters.get(index);
Collection<TypeInfo> typeinfos = typeinfos_map.get(param);
if (typeinfos != null) {
for (TypeInfo typeinfo : typeinfos) {
Map<VariableElement, TypeInfo> instance = new HashMap<>(current_instance);
instance.put(param, typeinfo);
getCrossProductRecursive(index + 1, parameters, typeinfos_map, instance, cross_product);
private static void getCrossProductRecursive(int index, List<? extends VariableElement> parameters, Map<VariableElement, Collection<TypeInfo>> typeinfos_map, Map<VariableElement, TypeInfo> current_instance, Collection<Map<VariableElement, TypeInfo>> cross_product) {
if ( index == parameters.size() ) {
* the last parameter is treated as multi-type only
VariableElement param = parameters.get(index);
Collection<TypeInfo> typeinfos = typeinfos_map.get(param);
if ( typeinfos != null ) {
for ( TypeInfo typeinfo : typeinfos ) {
Map<VariableElement, TypeInfo> instance = new HashMap<>(current_instance);
instance.put(param, typeinfo);
getCrossProductRecursive(index + 1, parameters, typeinfos_map, instance, cross_product);

View File

@ -41,8 +41,7 @@ package org.lwjgl.util.generator;
* $Id$
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationMirror;
import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement;

View File

@ -41,9 +41,8 @@ package org.lwjgl.util.generator;
* $Id$
import java.util.*;
import java.util.Collection;
import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.VariableElement;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror;
@ -64,7 +63,7 @@ public class TypedefsGenerator {
private static void generateNativeTypedefsParameters(TypeMap type_map, PrintWriter writer, Collection<? extends VariableElement> params) {
if (params.size() > 0) {
if ( params.size() > 0 ) {
boolean first = true;
for ( VariableElement param : params ) {
if ( param.getAnnotation(Helper.class) != null )
@ -84,13 +83,13 @@ public class TypedefsGenerator {
NativeTypeTranslator translator = new NativeTypeTranslator(type_map, param);
param.asType().accept(translator, null);
if (param.getAnnotation(Result.class) != null || param.getAnnotation(Indirect.class) != null || param.getAnnotation(PointerArray.class) != null)
if ( param.getAnnotation(Result.class) != null || param.getAnnotation(Indirect.class) != null || param.getAnnotation(PointerArray.class) != null )
writer.print(" " + param.getSimpleName());
public static void generateNativeTypedefs(TypeMap type_map, PrintWriter writer, Collection<? extends ExecutableElement> methods) {
for (ExecutableElement method : methods) {
for ( ExecutableElement method : methods ) {
if ( method.getAnnotation(Alternate.class) == null && method.getAnnotation(Reuse.class) == null )
generateNativeTypedefs(type_map, writer, method);

View File

@ -38,54 +38,50 @@ package org.lwjgl.util.generator;
* @author elias_naur <>
* @version $Revision$ $Id$
import java.nio.Buffer;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.*;
import javax.annotation.processing.ProcessingEnvironment;
import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationMirror;
import javax.lang.model.element.Element;
import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.VariableElement;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeVisitor;
import javax.lang.model.util.ElementFilter;
import org.lwjgl.PointerBuffer;
import org.lwjgl.util.generator.opengl.GLboolean;
import org.lwjgl.util.generator.opengl.GLchar;
import org.lwjgl.util.generator.opengl.GLcharARB;
import org.lwjgl.util.generator.opengl.GLreturn;
import java.nio.Buffer;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.*;
import javax.annotation.processing.ProcessingEnvironment;
import javax.lang.model.element.*;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeVisitor;
import javax.lang.model.util.ElementFilter;
public class Utils {
public static final String TYPEDEF_POSTFIX = "PROC";
public static final String FUNCTION_POINTER_VAR_NAME = "function_pointer";
public static final String FUNCTION_POINTER_POSTFIX = "_pointer";
public static final String CHECKS_CLASS_NAME = "GLChecks";
public static final String CONTEXT_CAPS_CLASS_NAME = "ContextCapabilities";
public static final String STUB_INITIALIZER_NAME = "initNativeStubs";
public static final String BUFFER_OBJECT_METHOD_POSTFIX = "BO";
public static final String BUFFER_OBJECT_PARAMETER_POSTFIX = "_buffer_offset";
public static final String RESULT_SIZE_NAME = "result_size";
public static final String RESULT_VAR_NAME = "__result";
public static final String CACHED_BUFFER_LENGTH_NAME = "length";
public static final String CACHED_BUFFER_NAME = "old_buffer";
private static final String OVERLOADED_METHOD_PREFIX = "n";
public static final String TYPEDEF_POSTFIX = "PROC";
public static final String FUNCTION_POINTER_VAR_NAME = "function_pointer";
public static final String FUNCTION_POINTER_POSTFIX = "_pointer";
public static final String CHECKS_CLASS_NAME = "GLChecks";
public static final String CONTEXT_CAPS_CLASS_NAME = "ContextCapabilities";
public static final String STUB_INITIALIZER_NAME = "initNativeStubs";
public static final String BUFFER_OBJECT_METHOD_POSTFIX = "BO";
public static final String BUFFER_OBJECT_PARAMETER_POSTFIX = "_buffer_offset";
public static final String RESULT_SIZE_NAME = "result_size";
public static final String RESULT_VAR_NAME = "__result";
public static final String CACHED_BUFFER_LENGTH_NAME = "length";
public static final String CACHED_BUFFER_NAME = "old_buffer";
private static final String OVERLOADED_METHOD_PREFIX = "n";
public static String getTypedefName(ExecutableElement method) {
Alternate alt_annotation = method.getAnnotation(Alternate.class);
return (alt_annotation == null ? method.getSimpleName() : alt_annotation.value()) + TYPEDEF_POSTFIX;
public static String getTypedefName(ExecutableElement method) {
Alternate alt_annotation = method.getAnnotation(Alternate.class);
return (alt_annotation == null ? method.getSimpleName() : alt_annotation.value()) + TYPEDEF_POSTFIX;
public static String getFunctionAddressName(TypeElement interface_decl, ExecutableElement method) {
return getFunctionAddressName(interface_decl, method, false);
public static String getFunctionAddressName(TypeElement interface_decl, ExecutableElement method) {
return getFunctionAddressName(interface_decl, method, false);
public static String getFunctionAddressName(TypeElement interface_decl, ExecutableElement method, boolean forceAlt) {
final Alternate alt_annotation = method.getAnnotation(Alternate.class);
public static String getFunctionAddressName(TypeElement interface_decl, ExecutableElement method, boolean forceAlt) {
final Alternate alt_annotation = method.getAnnotation(Alternate.class);
/* Removed prefix so that we can identify reusable entry points, removed postfix because it's not needed and looks nicer.
String interfaceName = interface_decl.getSimpleName(); // If we add this back, we need to fix @Reuse (add a param for the template name)
@ -94,146 +90,146 @@ public class Utils {
return interfaceName + "_" + alt_annotation.value() + FUNCTION_POINTER_POSTFIX;
if (alt_annotation == null || (alt_annotation.nativeAlt() && !forceAlt)) {
return method.getSimpleName().toString();
} else {
return alt_annotation.value();
if ( alt_annotation == null || (alt_annotation.nativeAlt() && !forceAlt) ) {
return method.getSimpleName().toString();
} else {
return alt_annotation.value();
public static boolean isFinal(Element d) {
Extension extension_annotation = d.getAnnotation(Extension.class);
return extension_annotation == null || extension_annotation.isFinal();
public static boolean isFinal(Element d) {
Extension extension_annotation = d.getAnnotation(Extension.class);
return extension_annotation == null || extension_annotation.isFinal();
private static class AnnotationMirrorComparator implements Comparator<AnnotationMirror> {
private static class AnnotationMirrorComparator implements Comparator<AnnotationMirror> {
* Sort annotations.
public int compare(AnnotationMirror a1, AnnotationMirror a2) {
String n1 = a1.getAnnotationType().toString();
String n2 = a2.getAnnotationType().toString();
int result = n1.compareTo(n2);
return result;
* Sort annotations.
public int compare(AnnotationMirror a1, AnnotationMirror a2) {
String n1 = a1.getAnnotationType().toString();
String n2 = a2.getAnnotationType().toString();
int result = n1.compareTo(n2);
return result;
public boolean equals(AnnotationMirror a1, AnnotationMirror a2) {
return compare(a1, a2) == 0;
public boolean equals(AnnotationMirror a1, AnnotationMirror a2) {
return compare(a1, a2) == 0;
public static List<AnnotationMirror> getSortedAnnotations(List<? extends AnnotationMirror> annotations) {
List<AnnotationMirror> annotation_list = new ArrayList<>(annotations);
Collections.sort(annotation_list, new AnnotationMirrorComparator());
return annotation_list;
public static List<AnnotationMirror> getSortedAnnotations(List<? extends AnnotationMirror> annotations) {
List<AnnotationMirror> annotation_list = new ArrayList<>(annotations);
Collections.sort(annotation_list, new AnnotationMirrorComparator());
return annotation_list;
public static String getReferenceName(TypeElement interface_decl, ExecutableElement method, VariableElement param) {
return interface_decl.getSimpleName() + "_" + method.getSimpleName() + "_" + param.getSimpleName();
public static String getReferenceName(TypeElement interface_decl, ExecutableElement method, VariableElement param) {
return interface_decl.getSimpleName() + "_" + method.getSimpleName() + "_" + param.getSimpleName();
public static boolean isAddressableType(TypeMirror type) {
return isAddressableType(getJavaType(type));
public static boolean isAddressableType(TypeMirror type) {
return isAddressableType(getJavaType(type));
public static boolean isAddressableType(Class type) {
if (type.isArray()) {
final Class component_type = type.getComponentType();
return isAddressableTypeImpl(component_type) || org.lwjgl.PointerWrapper.class.isAssignableFrom(component_type);
return isAddressableTypeImpl(type);
public static boolean isAddressableType(Class type) {
if ( type.isArray() ) {
final Class component_type = type.getComponentType();
return isAddressableTypeImpl(component_type) || org.lwjgl.PointerWrapper.class.isAssignableFrom(component_type);
return isAddressableTypeImpl(type);
private static boolean isAddressableTypeImpl(Class type) {
return Buffer.class.isAssignableFrom(type) || PointerBuffer.class.isAssignableFrom(type) || CharSequence.class.isAssignableFrom(type);
private static boolean isAddressableTypeImpl(Class type) {
return Buffer.class.isAssignableFrom(type) || PointerBuffer.class.isAssignableFrom(type) || CharSequence.class.isAssignableFrom(type);
public static Class getJavaType(TypeMirror type_mirror) {
JavaTypeTranslator translator = new JavaTypeTranslator();
type_mirror.accept((TypeVisitor) translator, null);
return translator.getType();
public static Class getJavaType(TypeMirror type_mirror) {
JavaTypeTranslator translator = new JavaTypeTranslator();
type_mirror.accept((TypeVisitor)translator, null);
return translator.getType();
private static boolean hasParameterMultipleTypes(VariableElement param) {
int num_native_annotations = 0;
for (AnnotationMirror annotation : param.getAnnotationMirrors()) {
if (NativeTypeTranslator.getAnnotation(annotation, NativeType.class) != null) {
return num_native_annotations > 1;
private static boolean hasParameterMultipleTypes(VariableElement param) {
int num_native_annotations = 0;
for ( AnnotationMirror annotation : param.getAnnotationMirrors() ) {
if ( NativeTypeTranslator.getAnnotation(annotation, NativeType.class) != null ) {
return num_native_annotations > 1;
public static boolean isParameterMultiTyped(VariableElement param) {
boolean result = Buffer.class.equals(Utils.getJavaType(param.asType()));
if (!result && hasParameterMultipleTypes(param)) {
throw new RuntimeException(param + " not defined as java.nio.Buffer but has multiple types");
return result;
public static boolean isParameterMultiTyped(VariableElement param) {
boolean result = Buffer.class.equals(Utils.getJavaType(param.asType()));
if ( !result && hasParameterMultipleTypes(param) ) {
throw new RuntimeException(param + " not defined as java.nio.Buffer but has multiple types");
return result;
public static VariableElement findParameter(ExecutableElement method, String name) {
for (VariableElement param : method.getParameters()) {
if (param.getSimpleName().toString().equals(name)) {
return param;
throw new RuntimeException("Parameter " + name + " not found");
public static VariableElement findParameter(ExecutableElement method, String name) {
for ( VariableElement param : method.getParameters() ) {
if ( param.getSimpleName().toString().equals(name) ) {
return param;
throw new RuntimeException("Parameter " + name + " not found");
public static void printDocComment(PrintWriter writer, Element decl, ProcessingEnvironment pe) {
final String overloadsComment;
if ((decl instanceof ExecutableElement) && decl.getAnnotation(Alternate.class) != null) {
overloadsComment = "Overloads " + decl.getAnnotation(Alternate.class).value() + ".";
} else {
overloadsComment = null;
public static void printDocComment(PrintWriter writer, Element decl, ProcessingEnvironment pe) {
final String overloadsComment;
if ( (decl instanceof ExecutableElement) && decl.getAnnotation(Alternate.class) != null ) {
overloadsComment = "Overloads " + decl.getAnnotation(Alternate.class).value() + ".";
} else {
overloadsComment = null;
String doc_comment = pe.getElementUtils().getDocComment(decl);
if (doc_comment != null) {
final String tab = (decl instanceof TypeElement) ? "" : "\t";
writer.println(tab + "/**");
String doc_comment = pe.getElementUtils().getDocComment(decl);
if ( doc_comment != null ) {
final String tab = (decl instanceof TypeElement) ? "" : "\t";
writer.println(tab + "/**");
if (overloadsComment != null) {
writer.println("\t * " + overloadsComment);
writer.println("\t * <p>");
if ( overloadsComment != null ) {
writer.println("\t * " + overloadsComment);
writer.println("\t * <p>");
final StringTokenizer doc_lines = new StringTokenizer(doc_comment, "\n", true);
boolean lastWasNL = false;
while (doc_lines.hasMoreTokens()) {
final String t = doc_lines.nextToken();
if ("\n".equals(t)) {
if (lastWasNL) {
writer.println(tab + " * <p>");
lastWasNL = true;
} else {
writer.println(tab + " * " + t);
lastWasNL = false;
final StringTokenizer doc_lines = new StringTokenizer(doc_comment, "\n", true);
boolean lastWasNL = false;
while ( doc_lines.hasMoreTokens() ) {
final String t = doc_lines.nextToken();
if ( "\n".equals(t) ) {
if ( lastWasNL ) {
writer.println(tab + " * <p>");
lastWasNL = true;
} else {
writer.println(tab + " * " + t);
lastWasNL = false;
writer.println(tab + " */");
} else if (overloadsComment != null) {
writer.println("\t/** " + overloadsComment + " */");
writer.println(tab + " */");
} else if ( overloadsComment != null ) {
writer.println("\t/** " + overloadsComment + " */");
public static AnnotationMirror getParameterAutoAnnotation(VariableElement param) {
for (AnnotationMirror annotation : param.getAnnotationMirrors()) {
if (NativeTypeTranslator.getAnnotation(annotation, Auto.class) != null) {
return annotation;
return null;
public static AnnotationMirror getParameterAutoAnnotation(VariableElement param) {
for ( AnnotationMirror annotation : param.getAnnotationMirrors() ) {
if ( NativeTypeTranslator.getAnnotation(annotation, Auto.class) != null ) {
return annotation;
return null;
// DISABLED: We always generate indirect methods. (affects OpenAL only at the time of this change)
public static boolean isMethodIndirect(boolean generate_error_checks, boolean context_specific, ExecutableElement method) {
// DISABLED: We always generate indirect methods. (affects OpenAL only at the time of this change)
public static boolean isMethodIndirect(boolean generate_error_checks, boolean context_specific, ExecutableElement method) {
for (VariableElement param : method.getParameters()) {
if (isAddressableType(param.getType()) || getParameterAutoAnnotation(param) != null ||
param.getAnnotation(Constant.class) != null)
@ -244,266 +240,266 @@ public class Utils {
(generate_error_checks && method.getAnnotation(NoErrorCheck.class) == null) ||
return true;
return true;
public static String getNativeQualifiedName(String qualified_name) {
return qualified_name.replaceAll("\\.", "_");
public static String getNativeQualifiedName(String qualified_name) {
return qualified_name.replaceAll("\\.", "_");
public static String getQualifiedNativeMethodName(String qualified_class_name, String method_name) {
// Escape '_' in method name
if (method_name.indexOf('_') != -1) {
method_name = method_name.replace("_", "_1");
public static String getQualifiedNativeMethodName(String qualified_class_name, String method_name) {
// Escape '_' in method name
if ( method_name.indexOf('_') != -1 ) {
method_name = method_name.replace("_", "_1");
return "Java_" + getNativeQualifiedName(qualified_class_name) + "_" + method_name;
return "Java_" + getNativeQualifiedName(qualified_class_name) + "_" + method_name;
public static String getQualifiedNativeMethodName(String qualified_class_name, ExecutableElement method, boolean generate_error_checks, boolean context_specific) {
String method_name = getSimpleNativeMethodName(method, generate_error_checks, context_specific);
return getQualifiedNativeMethodName(qualified_class_name, method_name);
public static String getQualifiedNativeMethodName(String qualified_class_name, ExecutableElement method, boolean generate_error_checks, boolean context_specific) {
String method_name = getSimpleNativeMethodName(method, generate_error_checks, context_specific);
return getQualifiedNativeMethodName(qualified_class_name, method_name);
public static VariableElement getResultParameter(ExecutableElement method) {
VariableElement result_param = null;
for (VariableElement param : method.getParameters()) {
if (param.getAnnotation(Result.class) != null) {
if (result_param != null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Multiple parameters annotated with Result in method " + method);
result_param = param;
return result_param;
public static VariableElement getResultParameter(ExecutableElement method) {
VariableElement result_param = null;
for ( VariableElement param : method.getParameters() ) {
if ( param.getAnnotation(Result.class) != null ) {
if ( result_param != null ) {
throw new RuntimeException("Multiple parameters annotated with Result in method " + method);
result_param = param;
return result_param;
public static TypeMirror getMethodReturnType(ExecutableElement method) {
TypeMirror result_type;
VariableElement result_param = getResultParameter(method);
if (result_param != null) {
result_type = result_param.asType();
} else {
result_type = method.getReturnType();
return result_type;
public static TypeMirror getMethodReturnType(ExecutableElement method) {
TypeMirror result_type;
VariableElement result_param = getResultParameter(method);
if ( result_param != null ) {
result_type = result_param.asType();
} else {
result_type = method.getReturnType();
return result_type;
public static String getMethodReturnType(ExecutableElement method, GLreturn return_annotation, boolean buffer) {
VariableElement return_param = null;
for (VariableElement param : method.getParameters()) {
if (param.getSimpleName().toString().equals(return_annotation.value())) {
return_param = param;
if (return_param == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("The @GLreturn parameter \"" + return_annotation.value() + "\" could not be found in method: " + method);
public static String getMethodReturnType(ExecutableElement method, GLreturn return_annotation, boolean buffer) {
VariableElement return_param = null;
for ( VariableElement param : method.getParameters() ) {
if ( param.getSimpleName().toString().equals(return_annotation.value()) ) {
return_param = param;
if ( return_param == null ) {
throw new RuntimeException("The @GLreturn parameter \"" + return_annotation.value() + "\" could not be found in method: " + method);
TypeKind kind = NativeTypeTranslator.getPrimitiveKindFromBufferClass(Utils.getJavaType(return_param.asType()));
if (return_param.getAnnotation(GLboolean.class) != null) {
kind = TypeKind.BOOLEAN;
TypeKind kind = NativeTypeTranslator.getPrimitiveKindFromBufferClass(Utils.getJavaType(return_param.asType()));
if ( return_param.getAnnotation(GLboolean.class) != null ) {
kind = TypeKind.BOOLEAN;
if (kind == TypeKind.BYTE && (return_param.getAnnotation(GLchar.class) != null || return_param.getAnnotation(GLcharARB.class) != null)) {
return "String";
} else {
final String type = JavaTypeTranslator.getPrimitiveClassFromKind(kind).getName();
return buffer ? Character.toUpperCase(type.charAt(0)) + type.substring(1) : type;
if ( kind == TypeKind.BYTE && (return_param.getAnnotation(GLchar.class) != null || return_param.getAnnotation(GLcharARB.class) != null) ) {
return "String";
} else {
final String type = JavaTypeTranslator.getPrimitiveClassFromKind(kind).getName();
return buffer ? Character.toUpperCase(type.charAt(0)) + type.substring(1) : type;
public static boolean needResultSize(ExecutableElement method) {
return getNIOBufferType(getMethodReturnType(method)) != null && method.getAnnotation(AutoSize.class) == null;
public static boolean needResultSize(ExecutableElement method) {
return getNIOBufferType(getMethodReturnType(method)) != null && method.getAnnotation(AutoSize.class) == null;
public static void printExtraCallArguments(PrintWriter writer, ExecutableElement method, String size_parameter_name) {
if (method.getAnnotation(CachedResult.class) != null) {
writer.print(", " + CACHED_BUFFER_NAME);
public static void printExtraCallArguments(PrintWriter writer, ExecutableElement method, String size_parameter_name) {
if ( method.getAnnotation(CachedResult.class) != null ) {
writer.print(", " + CACHED_BUFFER_NAME);
private static String getClassName(TypeElement interface_decl, String opengl_name) {
Extension extension_annotation = interface_decl.getAnnotation(Extension.class);
if (extension_annotation != null && !"".equals(extension_annotation.className())) {
return extension_annotation.className();
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < opengl_name.length(); i++) {
int ch = opengl_name.codePointAt(i);
if (ch == '_') {
} else {
return result.toString();
private static String getClassName(TypeElement interface_decl, String opengl_name) {
Extension extension_annotation = interface_decl.getAnnotation(Extension.class);
if ( extension_annotation != null && !"".equals(extension_annotation.className()) ) {
return extension_annotation.className();
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
for ( int i = 0; i < opengl_name.length(); i++ ) {
int ch = opengl_name.codePointAt(i);
if ( ch == '_' ) {
} else {
return result.toString();
public static boolean hasMethodBufferObjectParameter(ExecutableElement method) {
for (VariableElement param : method.getParameters()) {
if (param.getAnnotation(BufferObject.class) != null) {
return true;
return false;
public static boolean hasMethodBufferObjectParameter(ExecutableElement method) {
for ( VariableElement param : method.getParameters() ) {
if ( param.getAnnotation(BufferObject.class) != null ) {
return true;
return false;
public static String getQualifiedClassName(TypeElement interface_decl) {
return interface_decl.getEnclosingElement().asType().toString() + "." + getSimpleClassName(interface_decl);
public static String getQualifiedClassName(TypeElement interface_decl) {
return interface_decl.getEnclosingElement().asType().toString() + "." + getSimpleClassName(interface_decl);
public static String getSimpleClassName(TypeElement interface_decl) {
return getClassName(interface_decl, interface_decl.getSimpleName().toString());
public static String getSimpleClassName(TypeElement interface_decl) {
return getClassName(interface_decl, interface_decl.getSimpleName().toString());
public static Class<?> getNIOBufferType(TypeMirror t) {
Class<?> param_type = getJavaType(t);
if (Buffer.class.isAssignableFrom(param_type)) {
return param_type;
} else if (param_type == CharSequence.class || param_type == CharSequence[].class || param_type == PointerBuffer.class) {
return ByteBuffer.class;
} else {
return null;
public static Class<?> getNIOBufferType(TypeMirror t) {
Class<?> param_type = getJavaType(t);
if ( Buffer.class.isAssignableFrom(param_type) ) {
return param_type;
} else if ( param_type == CharSequence.class || param_type == CharSequence[].class || param_type == PointerBuffer.class ) {
return ByteBuffer.class;
} else {
return null;
public static String getSimpleNativeMethodName(ExecutableElement method, boolean generate_error_checks, boolean context_specific) {
String method_name;
Alternate alt_annotation = method.getAnnotation(Alternate.class);
method_name = alt_annotation == null || alt_annotation.nativeAlt() ? method.getSimpleName().toString() : alt_annotation.value();
if (isMethodIndirect(generate_error_checks, context_specific, method)) {
method_name = OVERLOADED_METHOD_PREFIX + method_name;
return method_name;
public static String getSimpleNativeMethodName(ExecutableElement method, boolean generate_error_checks, boolean context_specific) {
String method_name;
Alternate alt_annotation = method.getAnnotation(Alternate.class);
method_name = alt_annotation == null || alt_annotation.nativeAlt() ? method.getSimpleName().toString() : alt_annotation.value();
if ( isMethodIndirect(generate_error_checks, context_specific, method) ) {
method_name = OVERLOADED_METHOD_PREFIX + method_name;
return method_name;
static boolean isReturnParameter(ExecutableElement method, VariableElement param) {
GLreturn string_annotation = method.getAnnotation(GLreturn.class);
if (string_annotation == null || !string_annotation.value().equals(param.getSimpleName().toString())) {
return false;
static boolean isReturnParameter(ExecutableElement method, VariableElement param) {
GLreturn string_annotation = method.getAnnotation(GLreturn.class);
if ( string_annotation == null || !string_annotation.value().equals(param.getSimpleName().toString()) ) {
return false;
if (param.getAnnotation(OutParameter.class) == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("The parameter specified in @GLreturn is not annotated with @OutParameter in method: " + method);
if ( param.getAnnotation(OutParameter.class) == null ) {
throw new RuntimeException("The parameter specified in @GLreturn is not annotated with @OutParameter in method: " + method);
if (param.getAnnotation(Check.class) != null) {
throw new RuntimeException("The parameter specified in @GLreturn is annotated with @Check in method: " + method);
if ( param.getAnnotation(Check.class) != null ) {
throw new RuntimeException("The parameter specified in @GLreturn is annotated with @Check in method: " + method);
if (param.getAnnotation(GLchar.class) != null && Utils.getJavaType(param.asType()).equals(ByteBuffer.class) && string_annotation.maxLength().length() == 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("The @GLreturn annotation is missing a maxLength parameter in method: " + method);
if ( param.getAnnotation(GLchar.class) != null && Utils.getJavaType(param.asType()).equals(ByteBuffer.class) && string_annotation.maxLength().length() == 0 ) {
throw new RuntimeException("The @GLreturn annotation is missing a maxLength parameter in method: " + method);
return true;
return true;
static String getStringOffset(ExecutableElement method, VariableElement param) {
String offset = null;
for (VariableElement p : method.getParameters()) {
if (param != null && p.getSimpleName().equals(param.getSimpleName())) {
static String getStringOffset(ExecutableElement method, VariableElement param) {
String offset = null;
for ( VariableElement p : method.getParameters() ) {
if ( param != null && p.getSimpleName().equals(param.getSimpleName()) ) {
if (p.getAnnotation(NullTerminated.class) != null) {
if ( p.getAnnotation(NullTerminated.class) != null ) {
final Class type = Utils.getJavaType(p.asType());
if (type.equals(CharSequence.class)) {
if (offset == null) {
offset = p.getSimpleName() + ".length()";
} else {
offset += " + " + p.getSimpleName() + ".length()";
//if ( p.getAnnotation(NullTerminated.class) != null ) offset += " + 1";
} else if (type.equals(CharSequence[].class)) {
if (offset == null) {
offset = "APIUtil.getTotalLength(" + p.getSimpleName() + ")";
} else {
offset += " + APIUtil.getTotalLength(" + p.getSimpleName() + ")";
//if ( p.getAnnotation(NullTerminated.class) != null ) offset += " + " + p.getSimpleName() + ".length";
final Class type = Utils.getJavaType(p.asType());
if ( type.equals(CharSequence.class) ) {
if ( offset == null ) {
offset = p.getSimpleName() + ".length()";
} else {
offset += " + " + p.getSimpleName() + ".length()";
//if ( p.getAnnotation(NullTerminated.class) != null ) offset += " + 1";
} else if ( type.equals(CharSequence[].class) ) {
if ( offset == null ) {
offset = "APIUtil.getTotalLength(" + p.getSimpleName() + ")";
} else {
offset += " + APIUtil.getTotalLength(" + p.getSimpleName() + ")";
//if ( p.getAnnotation(NullTerminated.class) != null ) offset += " + " + p.getSimpleName() + ".length";
return offset;
return offset;
static void printGLReturnPre(PrintWriter writer, ExecutableElement method, GLreturn return_annotation, TypeMap type_map) {
final String return_type = getMethodReturnType(method, return_annotation, true);
static void printGLReturnPre(PrintWriter writer, ExecutableElement method, GLreturn return_annotation, TypeMap type_map) {
final String return_type = getMethodReturnType(method, return_annotation, true);
if ("String".equals(return_type)) {
if (!return_annotation.forceMaxLength()) {
writer.println("IntBuffer " + return_annotation.value() + "_length = APIUtil.getLengths(" + type_map.getAPIUtilParam(false) + ");");
writer.print("ByteBuffer " + return_annotation.value() + " = APIUtil.getBufferByte(" + type_map.getAPIUtilParam(true) + return_annotation.maxLength());
if ( "String".equals(return_type) ) {
if ( !return_annotation.forceMaxLength() ) {
writer.println("IntBuffer " + return_annotation.value() + "_length = APIUtil.getLengths(" + type_map.getAPIUtilParam(false) + ");");
writer.print("ByteBuffer " + return_annotation.value() + " = APIUtil.getBufferByte(" + type_map.getAPIUtilParam(true) + return_annotation.maxLength());
Params that use the return buffer will advance its position while filling it. When we return, the position will be
at the right spot for grabbing the returned string bytes. We only have to make sure that the original buffer was
large enough to hold everything, so that no re-allocations happen while filling.
final String offset = getStringOffset(method, null);
if (offset != null) {
writer.print(" + " + offset);
} else {
final String buffer_type = "Boolean".equals(return_type) ? "Byte" : return_type;
writer.print(buffer_type + "Buffer " + return_annotation.value() + " = APIUtil.getBuffer" + buffer_type + "(" + type_map.getAPIUtilParam(false));
if ("Byte".equals(buffer_type)) {
writer.print((type_map.getAPIUtilParam(false).length() > 0 ? ", " : "") + "1");
final String offset = getStringOffset(method, null);
if ( offset != null ) {
writer.print(" + " + offset);
} else {
final String buffer_type = "Boolean".equals(return_type) ? "Byte" : return_type;
writer.print(buffer_type + "Buffer " + return_annotation.value() + " = APIUtil.getBuffer" + buffer_type + "(" + type_map.getAPIUtilParam(false));
if ( "Byte".equals(buffer_type) ) {
writer.print((type_map.getAPIUtilParam(false).length() > 0 ? ", " : "") + "1");
final Code code_annotation = method.getAnnotation(Code.class);
if (code_annotation != null && code_annotation.tryBlock()) {
writer.println("\t\ttry {");
} else {
final Code code_annotation = method.getAnnotation(Code.class);
if ( code_annotation != null && code_annotation.tryBlock() ) {
writer.println("\t\ttry {");
} else {
static void printGLReturnPost(PrintWriter writer, ExecutableElement method, GLreturn return_annotation, TypeMap type_map) {
final String return_type = getMethodReturnType(method, return_annotation, true);
static void printGLReturnPost(PrintWriter writer, ExecutableElement method, GLreturn return_annotation, TypeMap type_map) {
final String return_type = getMethodReturnType(method, return_annotation, true);
if ("String".equals(return_type)) {
writer.print("\t\t" + return_annotation.value() + ".limit(");
final String offset = getStringOffset(method, null);
if (offset != null) {
writer.print(offset + " + ");
if (return_annotation.forceMaxLength()) {
} else {
writer.print(return_annotation.value() + "_length.get(0)");
writer.println("\t\treturn APIUtil.getString(" + type_map.getAPIUtilParam(true) + return_annotation.value() + ");");
} else {
writer.print("\t\treturn " + return_annotation.value() + ".get(0)");
if ("Boolean".equals(return_type)) {
writer.print(" == 1");
if ( "String".equals(return_type) ) {
writer.print("\t\t" + return_annotation.value() + ".limit(");
final String offset = getStringOffset(method, null);
if ( offset != null ) {
writer.print(offset + " + ");
if ( return_annotation.forceMaxLength() ) {
} else {
writer.print(return_annotation.value() + "_length.get(0)");
writer.println("\t\treturn APIUtil.getString(" + type_map.getAPIUtilParam(true) + return_annotation.value() + ");");
} else {
writer.print("\t\treturn " + return_annotation.value() + ".get(0)");
if ( "Boolean".equals(return_type) ) {
writer.print(" == 1");
public static Collection<VariableElement> getFields(TypeElement d) {
Collection<VariableElement> fields = ElementFilter.fieldsIn(new HashSet(d.getEnclosedElements()));
return fields;
public static Collection<VariableElement> getFields(TypeElement d) {
Collection<VariableElement> fields = ElementFilter.fieldsIn(new HashSet(d.getEnclosedElements()));
return fields;
public static Collection<ExecutableElement> getMethods(TypeElement d) {
Collection<ExecutableElement> fields = ElementFilter.methodsIn(new HashSet(d.getEnclosedElements()));
return fields;
public static Collection<ExecutableElement> getMethods(TypeElement d) {
Collection<ExecutableElement> fields = ElementFilter.methodsIn(new HashSet(d.getEnclosedElements()));
return fields;

View File

@ -41,16 +41,17 @@ package org.lwjgl.util.generator.openal;
* $Id: 2983 2008-04-07 18:36:09Z matzon $
import org.lwjgl.util.generator.Signedness;
import org.lwjgl.util.generator.TypeMap;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.nio.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationMirror;
import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind;
import org.lwjgl.util.generator.Signedness;
import org.lwjgl.util.generator.TypeMap;
public class ALTypeMap implements TypeMap {
private static final Map<Class, TypeKind> native_types_to_primitive;
@ -70,52 +71,52 @@ public class ALTypeMap implements TypeMap {
native_types_to_primitive.put(ALvoid.class, TypeKind.BYTE);
public TypeKind getPrimitiveTypeFromNativeType(Class native_type) {
TypeKind kind = native_types_to_primitive.get(native_type);
if (kind == null)
if ( kind == null )
throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported type " + native_type);
return kind;
public Signedness getSignednessFromType(Class type) {
if (ALuint.class.equals(type))
if ( ALuint.class.equals(type) )
return Signedness.UNSIGNED;
else if (ALint.class.equals(type))
else if ( ALint.class.equals(type) )
return Signedness.SIGNED;
else if (ALshort.class.equals(type))
else if ( ALshort.class.equals(type) )
return Signedness.SIGNED;
else if (ALbyte.class.equals(type))
else if ( ALbyte.class.equals(type) )
return Signedness.SIGNED;
return Signedness.NONE;
public String translateAnnotation(Class annotation_type) {
if (annotation_type.equals(ALuint.class))
if ( annotation_type.equals(ALuint.class) )
return "i";
else if (annotation_type.equals(ALint.class))
else if ( annotation_type.equals(ALint.class) )
return "i";
else if (annotation_type.equals(ALshort.class))
else if ( annotation_type.equals(ALshort.class) )
return "s";
else if (annotation_type.equals(ALbyte.class))
else if ( annotation_type.equals(ALbyte.class) )
return "b";
else if (annotation_type.equals(ALfloat.class))
else if ( annotation_type.equals(ALfloat.class) )
return "f";
else if (annotation_type.equals(ALdouble.class))
else if ( annotation_type.equals(ALdouble.class) )
return "d";
else if (annotation_type.equals(ALboolean.class) || annotation_type.equals(ALvoid.class))
else if ( annotation_type.equals(ALboolean.class) || annotation_type.equals(ALvoid.class) )
return "";
throw new RuntimeException(annotation_type + " is not allowed");
public Class getNativeTypeFromPrimitiveType(TypeKind kind) {
Class type;
switch (kind) {
switch ( kind ) {
case INT:
type = ALint.class;
@ -141,124 +142,124 @@ public class ALTypeMap implements TypeMap {
private static Class[] getValidBufferTypes(Class type) {
if (type.equals(IntBuffer.class))
return new Class[]{ALenum.class, ALint.class, ALsizei.class, ALuint.class};
else if (type.equals(FloatBuffer.class))
return new Class[]{ALfloat.class};
else if (type.equals(ByteBuffer.class))
return new Class[]{ALboolean.class, ALbyte.class, ALvoid.class};
else if (type.equals(ShortBuffer.class))
return new Class[]{ALshort.class};
else if (type.equals(DoubleBuffer.class))
return new Class[]{ALdouble.class};
if ( type.equals(IntBuffer.class) )
return new Class[] { ALenum.class, ALint.class, ALsizei.class, ALuint.class };
else if ( type.equals(FloatBuffer.class) )
return new Class[] { ALfloat.class };
else if ( type.equals(ByteBuffer.class) )
return new Class[] { ALboolean.class, ALbyte.class, ALvoid.class };
else if ( type.equals(ShortBuffer.class) )
return new Class[] { ALshort.class };
else if ( type.equals(DoubleBuffer.class) )
return new Class[] { ALdouble.class };
return new Class[]{};
return new Class[] { };
private static Class[] getValidPrimitiveTypes(Class type) {
if (type.equals(int.class))
return new Class[]{ALenum.class, ALint.class, ALsizei.class, ALuint.class};
else if (type.equals(double.class))
return new Class[]{ALdouble.class};
else if (type.equals(float.class))
return new Class[]{ALfloat.class};
else if (type.equals(short.class))
return new Class[]{ALshort.class};
else if (type.equals(byte.class))
return new Class[]{ALbyte.class};
else if (type.equals(boolean.class))
return new Class[]{ALboolean.class};
else if (type.equals(void.class))
return new Class[]{ALvoid.class};
if ( type.equals(int.class) )
return new Class[] { ALenum.class, ALint.class, ALsizei.class, ALuint.class };
else if ( type.equals(double.class) )
return new Class[] { ALdouble.class };
else if ( type.equals(float.class) )
return new Class[] { ALfloat.class };
else if ( type.equals(short.class) )
return new Class[] { ALshort.class };
else if ( type.equals(byte.class) )
return new Class[] { ALbyte.class };
else if ( type.equals(boolean.class) )
return new Class[] { ALboolean.class };
else if ( type.equals(void.class) )
return new Class[] { ALvoid.class };
return new Class[]{};
return new Class[] { };
public void printCapabilitiesInit(final PrintWriter writer) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public String getCapabilities() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public String getAPIUtilParam(boolean comma) {
return "";
public void printErrorCheckMethod(final PrintWriter writer, final ExecutableElement method, final String tabs) {
writer.println(tabs + "Util.checkALError();");
public String getRegisterNativesFunctionName() {
return "extal_InitializeClass";
public String getTypedefPostfix() {
return "";
public String getFunctionPrefix() {
return "ALAPIENTRY";
public void printNativeIncludes(PrintWriter writer) {
writer.println("#include \"extal.h\"");
public Class<? extends Annotation> getStringElementType() {
public Class<? extends Annotation> getStringElementType() {
return ALubyte.class;
public Class<? extends Annotation> getStringArrayType() {
return ALubyte.class;
public Class<? extends Annotation> getByteBufferArrayType() {
return ALubyte.class;
public Class[] getValidAnnotationTypes(Class type) {
Class[] valid_types;
if (Buffer.class.isAssignableFrom(type))
if ( Buffer.class.isAssignableFrom(type) )
valid_types = getValidBufferTypes(type);
else if (type.isPrimitive())
else if ( type.isPrimitive() )
valid_types = getValidPrimitiveTypes(type);
else if (type.equals(String.class))
valid_types = new Class[]{ALubyte.class};
else if ( type.equals(String.class) )
valid_types = new Class[] { ALubyte.class };
valid_types = new Class[]{};
valid_types = new Class[] { };
return valid_types;
public Class<? extends Annotation> getVoidType() {
return ALvoid.class;
public Class<? extends Annotation> getInverseType(Class type) {
if (ALuint.class.equals(type))
if ( ALuint.class.equals(type) )
return ALint.class;
else if (ALint.class.equals(type))
else if ( ALint.class.equals(type) )
return ALuint.class;
return null;
public String getAutoTypeFromAnnotation(AnnotationMirror annotation) {
return null;

View File

@ -31,13 +31,14 @@
package org.lwjgl.util.generator.opencl;
import org.lwjgl.util.generator.*;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.annotation.processing.ProcessingEnvironment;
import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement;
import org.lwjgl.util.generator.*;
* CLCapabilities generator.
@ -46,125 +47,125 @@ import org.lwjgl.util.generator.*;
public class CLCapabilitiesGenerator {
static void generateClassPrologue(final PrintWriter writer) {
writer.println("public final class " + CLGeneratorProcessor.CLCAPS_CLASS_NAME + " {");
static void generateClassPrologue(final PrintWriter writer) {
writer.println("public final class " + CLGeneratorProcessor.CLCAPS_CLASS_NAME + " {");
static void generateSymbolAddresses(ProcessingEnvironment env, final PrintWriter writer, final TypeElement d) {
if (d.getAnnotation(CLPlatformExtension.class) == null && d.getAnnotation(CLDeviceExtension.class) == null && !d.getSimpleName().toString().startsWith("CL")) {
throw new RuntimeException("An OpenCL extension is missing an extension type annotation: " + d.getSimpleName());
final Alias alias_annotation = d.getAnnotation(Alias.class);
final boolean aliased = alias_annotation != null && alias_annotation.postfix().length() > 0;
static void generateSymbolAddresses(ProcessingEnvironment env, final PrintWriter writer, final TypeElement d) {
if ( d.getAnnotation(CLPlatformExtension.class) == null && d.getAnnotation(CLDeviceExtension.class) == null && !d.getSimpleName().toString().startsWith("CL") ) {
throw new RuntimeException("An OpenCL extension is missing an extension type annotation: " + d.getSimpleName());
final Alias alias_annotation = d.getAnnotation(Alias.class);
final boolean aliased = alias_annotation != null && alias_annotation.postfix().length() > 0;
boolean foundNative = false;
for (final ExecutableElement method : Utils.getMethods( d)) {
if (method.getAnnotation(Alternate.class) != null || method.getAnnotation(Reuse.class) != null) {
boolean foundNative = false;
for ( final ExecutableElement method : Utils.getMethods(d) ) {
if ( method.getAnnotation(Alternate.class) != null || method.getAnnotation(Reuse.class) != null ) {
if (!foundNative) {
//writer.println("\t// " + d.getSimpleName());
writer.println("\tstatic final boolean " + CLGeneratorProcessor.getExtensionName(d.getSimpleName().toString() + ";"));
foundNative = true;
writer.print("\tstatic final long " + Utils.getFunctionAddressName(d, method) + " = CL.getFunctionAddress(");
if ( !foundNative ) {
//writer.println("\t// " + d.getSimpleName());
writer.println("\tstatic final boolean " + CLGeneratorProcessor.getExtensionName(d.getSimpleName().toString() + ";"));
foundNative = true;
writer.print("\tstatic final long " + Utils.getFunctionAddressName(d, method) + " = CL.getFunctionAddress(");
if (aliased) {
writer.println("new String [] {\"" + Utils.getFunctionAddressName(d, method) + "\",\"" + method.getSimpleName() + alias_annotation.postfix() + "\"});");
} else {
writer.println("\"" + Utils.getFunctionAddressName(d, method) + "\");");
if ( aliased ) {
writer.println("new String [] {\"" + Utils.getFunctionAddressName(d, method) + "\",\"" + method.getSimpleName() + alias_annotation.postfix() + "\"});");
} else {
writer.println("\"" + Utils.getFunctionAddressName(d, method) + "\");");
if (foundNative) {
if ( foundNative ) {
static void generateConstructor(ProcessingEnvironment env, final PrintWriter writer, final Set<? extends TypeElement> interface_decls) {
writer.println("\tprivate " + CLGeneratorProcessor.CLCAPS_CLASS_NAME + "() {}");
writer.println("\tstatic {");
static void generateConstructor(ProcessingEnvironment env, final PrintWriter writer, final Set<? extends TypeElement> interface_decls) {
writer.println("\tprivate " + CLGeneratorProcessor.CLCAPS_CLASS_NAME + "() {}");
writer.println("\tstatic {");
for (final TypeElement d : interface_decls) {
if (d.getKind().isInterface()) {
if (Utils.getMethods( d).isEmpty()) {
for ( final TypeElement d : interface_decls ) {
if ( d.getKind().isInterface() ) {
if ( Utils.getMethods(d).isEmpty() ) {
//writer.println("\t\tif ( " + getExtensionSupportedName(d.getSimpleName()) + "() )");
//writer.println("\t\t\t" + SUPPORTED_EXTS + ".add(\"" + CLGeneratorProcessor.getExtensionName(d.getSimpleName()) + "\");");
writer.println("\t\t" + CLGeneratorProcessor.getExtensionName(d.getSimpleName().toString()) + " = " + getExtensionSupportedName(d.getSimpleName().toString()) + "();");
//writer.println("\t\tif ( " + getExtensionSupportedName(d.getSimpleName()) + "() )");
//writer.println("\t\t\t" + SUPPORTED_EXTS + ".add(\"" + CLGeneratorProcessor.getExtensionName(d.getSimpleName()) + "\");");
writer.println("\t\t" + CLGeneratorProcessor.getExtensionName(d.getSimpleName().toString()) + " = " + getExtensionSupportedName(d.getSimpleName().toString()) + "();");
static void generateExtensionChecks(ProcessingEnvironment env, final PrintWriter writer, TypeElement d) {
Iterator<? extends ExecutableElement> methods = Utils.getMethods( d).iterator();
if (!methods.hasNext()) {
static void generateExtensionChecks(ProcessingEnvironment env, final PrintWriter writer, TypeElement d) {
Iterator<? extends ExecutableElement> methods = Utils.getMethods(d).iterator();
if ( !methods.hasNext() ) {
writer.println("\tprivate static boolean " + getExtensionSupportedName(d.getSimpleName().toString()) + "() {");
writer.println("\t\treturn ");
writer.println("\tprivate static boolean " + getExtensionSupportedName(d.getSimpleName().toString()) + "() {");
writer.println("\t\treturn ");
boolean first = true;
while (methods.hasNext()) {
ExecutableElement method =;
if (method.getAnnotation(Alternate.class) != null) {
boolean first = true;
while ( methods.hasNext() ) {
ExecutableElement method =;
if ( method.getAnnotation(Alternate.class) != null ) {
if (!first) {
writer.println(" &");
} else {
first = false;
if ( !first ) {
writer.println(" &");
} else {
first = false;
final boolean optional = method.getAnnotation(Optional.class) != null;
final boolean optional = method.getAnnotation(Optional.class) != null;
if (optional) {
writer.print(Utils.getFunctionAddressName(d, method) + " != 0");
if (optional) {
writer.print(" || true)");
if ( optional ) {
writer.print(Utils.getFunctionAddressName(d, method) + " != 0");
if ( optional ) {
writer.print(" || true)");
private static String getExtensionSupportedName(final String class_name) {
return "is" + class_name + "Supported";
private static String getExtensionSupportedName(final String class_name) {
return "is" + class_name + "Supported";
public static void generateCapabilitiesGetters(final PrintWriter writer) {
writer.println("\tpublic static CLPlatformCapabilities getPlatformCapabilities(final CLPlatform platform) {\n"
+ "\t\tplatform.checkValid();\n"
+ "\n"
+ "\t\tCLPlatformCapabilities caps = (CLPlatformCapabilities)platform.getCapabilities();\n"
+ "\t\tif ( caps == null )\n"
+ "\t\t\tplatform.setCapabilities(caps = new CLPlatformCapabilities(platform));\n"
+ "\n"
+ "\t\treturn caps;\n"
+ "\t}\n");
public static void generateCapabilitiesGetters(final PrintWriter writer) {
writer.println("\tpublic static CLPlatformCapabilities getPlatformCapabilities(final CLPlatform platform) {\n"
+ "\t\tplatform.checkValid();\n"
+ "\n"
+ "\t\tCLPlatformCapabilities caps = (CLPlatformCapabilities)platform.getCapabilities();\n"
+ "\t\tif ( caps == null )\n"
+ "\t\t\tplatform.setCapabilities(caps = new CLPlatformCapabilities(platform));\n"
+ "\n"
+ "\t\treturn caps;\n"
+ "\t}\n");
writer.println("\tpublic static CLDeviceCapabilities getDeviceCapabilities(final CLDevice device) {\n"
+ "\t\tdevice.checkValid();\n"
+ "\n"
+ "\t\tCLDeviceCapabilities caps = (CLDeviceCapabilities)device.getCapabilities();\n"
+ "\t\tif ( caps == null )\n"
+ "\t\t\tdevice.setCapabilities(caps = new CLDeviceCapabilities(device));\n"
+ "\n"
+ "\t\treturn caps;\n"
+ "\t}\n");
writer.println("\tpublic static CLDeviceCapabilities getDeviceCapabilities(final CLDevice device) {\n"
+ "\t\tdevice.checkValid();\n"
+ "\n"
+ "\t\tCLDeviceCapabilities caps = (CLDeviceCapabilities)device.getCapabilities();\n"
+ "\t\tif ( caps == null )\n"
+ "\t\t\tdevice.setCapabilities(caps = new CLDeviceCapabilities(device));\n"
+ "\n"
+ "\t\treturn caps;\n"
+ "\t}\n");

View File

@ -31,125 +31,122 @@
package org.lwjgl.util.generator.opencl;
import org.lwjgl.PointerWrapper;
import org.lwjgl.opencl.CLDevice;
import org.lwjgl.opencl.CLPlatform;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.annotation.processing.AbstractProcessor;
import javax.annotation.processing.RoundEnvironment;
import javax.annotation.processing.SupportedAnnotationTypes;
import javax.annotation.processing.SupportedOptions;
import javax.annotation.processing.SupportedSourceVersion;
import javax.annotation.processing.*;
import javax.lang.model.SourceVersion;
import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement;
import javax.lang.model.util.ElementFilter;
import org.lwjgl.PointerWrapper;
import org.lwjgl.opencl.CLDevice;
import org.lwjgl.opencl.CLPlatform;
* Generator tool for creating the OpenCL capabilities classes
* @author Spasi
@SupportedAnnotationTypes({ "*" })
@SupportedOptions({"generatechecks", "contextspecific"})
@SupportedOptions({ "generatechecks", "contextspecific" })
public class CLGeneratorProcessor extends AbstractProcessor {
public static final String CLCAPS_CLASS_NAME = "CLCapabilities";
public static final String PLATFORM_CAPS_CLASS_NAME = "CLPlatformCapabilities";
public static final String DEVICE_CAPS_CLASS_NAME = "CLDeviceCapabilities";
public static final String CLCAPS_CLASS_NAME = "CLCapabilities";
public static final String PLATFORM_CAPS_CLASS_NAME = "CLPlatformCapabilities";
public static final String DEVICE_CAPS_CLASS_NAME = "CLDeviceCapabilities";
private static final String EXTENSION_PREFIX = "CL_";
private static final String CORE_PREFIX = "Open";
private static final String EXTENSION_PREFIX = "CL_";
private static final String CORE_PREFIX = "Open";
private static boolean first_round = true;
private static boolean first_round = true;
static String getExtensionName(String interface_name) {
if (interface_name.startsWith("CL")) {
return CORE_PREFIX + interface_name;
} else {
return EXTENSION_PREFIX + interface_name;
static String getExtensionName(String interface_name) {
if ( interface_name.startsWith("CL") ) {
return CORE_PREFIX + interface_name;
} else {
return EXTENSION_PREFIX + interface_name;
public boolean process(Set<? extends TypeElement> annotations, RoundEnvironment roundEnv) {
if (roundEnv.processingOver() || !first_round) {
return true;
try {
Set<TypeElement> templates = ElementFilter.typesIn(roundEnv.getRootElements());
* provide the full set of ex-InterfaceDeclaration
* annotated templates elements
generateCLPDCapabilitiesSource(templates, CLPlatformExtension.class, PLATFORM_CAPS_CLASS_NAME, CLPlatform.class, "platform");
generateCLPDCapabilitiesSource(templates, CLDeviceExtension.class, DEVICE_CAPS_CLASS_NAME, CLDevice.class, "device");
first_round = false;
return true;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public boolean process(Set<? extends TypeElement> annotations, RoundEnvironment roundEnv) {
if ( roundEnv.processingOver() || !first_round ) {
return true;
try {
Set<TypeElement> templates = ElementFilter.typesIn(roundEnv.getRootElements());
* provide the full set of ex-InterfaceDeclaration
* annotated templates elements
generateCLPDCapabilitiesSource(templates, CLPlatformExtension.class, PLATFORM_CAPS_CLASS_NAME, CLPlatform.class, "platform");
generateCLPDCapabilitiesSource(templates, CLDeviceExtension.class, DEVICE_CAPS_CLASS_NAME, CLDevice.class, "device");
first_round = false;
return true;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private static void printHeader(final PrintWriter writer) {
writer.println("/* MACHINE GENERATED FILE, DO NOT EDIT */");
writer.println("package org.lwjgl.opencl;");
private static void printHeader(final PrintWriter writer) {
writer.println("/* MACHINE GENERATED FILE, DO NOT EDIT */");
writer.println("package org.lwjgl.opencl;");
private void generateCLCapabilitiesSource(Set<TypeElement> templates) throws IOException {
final PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(processingEnv.getFiler().createSourceFile("org.lwjgl.opencl." + CLCAPS_CLASS_NAME, processingEnv.getElementUtils().getPackageElement("org.lwjgl.opencl")).openWriter());
private void generateCLCapabilitiesSource(Set<TypeElement> templates) throws IOException {
final PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(processingEnv.getFiler().createSourceFile("org.lwjgl.opencl." + CLCAPS_CLASS_NAME, processingEnv.getElementUtils().getPackageElement("org.lwjgl.opencl")).openWriter());
for (TypeElement d : templates) {
if (d.getKind().isInterface()) {
CLCapabilitiesGenerator.generateSymbolAddresses(processingEnv, writer, d);
for ( TypeElement d : templates ) {
if ( d.getKind().isInterface() ) {
CLCapabilitiesGenerator.generateSymbolAddresses(processingEnv, writer, d);
CLCapabilitiesGenerator.generateConstructor(processingEnv, writer, templates);
CLCapabilitiesGenerator.generateConstructor(processingEnv, writer, templates);
for (TypeElement d : templates) {
if (d.getKind().isInterface()) {
CLCapabilitiesGenerator.generateExtensionChecks(processingEnv, writer, d);
for ( TypeElement d : templates ) {
if ( d.getKind().isInterface() ) {
CLCapabilitiesGenerator.generateExtensionChecks(processingEnv, writer, d);
private void generateCLPDCapabilitiesSource(Set<TypeElement> templates, final Class<? extends Annotation> capsType, final String capsName, final Class<? extends PointerWrapper> objectType, final String objectName) throws IOException {
final PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(processingEnv.getFiler().createSourceFile("org.lwjgl.opencl." + capsName, processingEnv.getElementUtils().getPackageElement("org.lwjgl.opencl")).openWriter());
writer.println("import java.util.*;");
private void generateCLPDCapabilitiesSource(Set<TypeElement> templates, final Class<? extends Annotation> capsType, final String capsName, final Class<? extends PointerWrapper> objectType, final String objectName) throws IOException {
final PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(processingEnv.getFiler().createSourceFile("org.lwjgl.opencl." + capsName, processingEnv.getElementUtils().getPackageElement("org.lwjgl.opencl")).openWriter());
writer.println("import java.util.*;");
CLPDCapabilitiesGenerator.generateClassPrologue(writer, capsName);
CLPDCapabilitiesGenerator.generateClassPrologue(writer, capsName);
for (TypeElement t : templates) {
if (t.getKind().isInterface() && t.getAnnotation(capsType) != null) {
CLPDCapabilitiesGenerator.generateExtensions(writer, (TypeElement) t);
for ( TypeElement t : templates ) {
if ( t.getKind().isInterface() && t.getAnnotation(capsType) != null ) {
CLPDCapabilitiesGenerator.generateExtensions(writer, (TypeElement)t);
CLPDCapabilitiesGenerator.generateConstructor(processingEnv, writer, templates, capsType, capsName, objectType, objectName);
CLPDCapabilitiesGenerator.generateConstructor(processingEnv, writer, templates, capsType, capsName, objectType, objectName);
CLPDCapabilitiesGenerator.generateToString(writer, templates, capsType);
CLPDCapabilitiesGenerator.generateToString(writer, templates, capsType);

View File

@ -32,15 +32,16 @@
package org.lwjgl.util.generator.opencl;
import org.lwjgl.PointerWrapper;
import org.lwjgl.util.generator.Extension;
import org.lwjgl.util.generator.Private;
import org.lwjgl.util.generator.Utils;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.annotation.processing.ProcessingEnvironment;
import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement;
import org.lwjgl.PointerWrapper;
import org.lwjgl.util.generator.Extension;
import org.lwjgl.util.generator.Private;
import org.lwjgl.util.generator.Utils;
* CL platform/device capabilities generator.
@ -77,8 +78,8 @@ public class CLPDCapabilitiesGenerator {
static void generateConstructor(ProcessingEnvironment env, final PrintWriter writer, final Set<? extends TypeElement> templates,
final Class<? extends Annotation> capsType, final String capsName,
final Class<? extends PointerWrapper> objectType, final String objectName) {
final Class<? extends Annotation> capsType, final String capsName,
final Class<? extends PointerWrapper> objectType, final String objectName) {
writer.println("\tpublic " + capsName + "(final " + objectType.getSimpleName() + ' ' + objectName + ") {");
writer.println("\t\tfinal String extensionList = " + objectName + ".getInfoString(CL10.CL_" + objectName.toUpperCase() + "_EXTENSIONS);\n" +
@ -114,7 +115,7 @@ public class CLPDCapabilitiesGenerator {
nativeName = ext.nativeName();
writer.print("\t\t" + extName + " = extensions.contains(\"" + nativeName + "\")");
if ( !Utils.getMethods( t).isEmpty() )
if ( !Utils.getMethods(t).isEmpty() )
writer.print(" && CLCapabilities." + extName);
@ -143,7 +144,7 @@ public class CLPDCapabilitiesGenerator {
if ( t.getAnnotation(capsType) == null )
writer.println("\t\tif ( " + CLGeneratorProcessor.getExtensionName(t.getSimpleName().toString()) + " ) buf.append(\"" + CLGeneratorProcessor.getExtensionName(t.getSimpleName().toString()).toLowerCase() + " \");");
writer.println("\t\tif ( " + CLGeneratorProcessor.getExtensionName(t.getSimpleName().toString()) + " ) buf.append(\"" + CLGeneratorProcessor.getExtensionName(t.getSimpleName().toString()).toLowerCase() + " \");");
writer.println("\n\t\treturn buf.toString();");

View File

@ -39,6 +39,10 @@ package org.lwjgl.util.generator.opencl;
* @author Spasi
import org.lwjgl.PointerBuffer;
import org.lwjgl.util.generator.*;
import org.lwjgl.util.generator.opengl.GLreturn;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.nio.*;
@ -48,10 +52,6 @@ import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationMirror;
import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.VariableElement;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind;
import org.lwjgl.PointerBuffer;
import org.lwjgl.util.generator.*;
import org.lwjgl.util.generator.opengl.GLreturn;
public class CLTypeMap implements TypeMap {
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ public class CLTypeMap implements TypeMap {
native_types_to_primitive.put(cl_double.class, TypeKind.DOUBLE);
public TypeKind getPrimitiveTypeFromNativeType(Class native_type) {
TypeKind kind = native_types_to_primitive.get(native_type);
if ( kind == null )
@ -82,21 +82,21 @@ public class CLTypeMap implements TypeMap {
return kind;
public void printCapabilitiesInit(final PrintWriter writer) {
public String getCapabilities() {
return "CLCapabilities";
public String getAPIUtilParam(boolean comma) {
return "";
public void printErrorCheckMethod(final PrintWriter writer, final ExecutableElement method, final String tabs) {
final Check check = method.getAnnotation(Check.class);
if ( check != null ) // Get the error code from an IntBuffer output parameter
@ -119,12 +119,12 @@ public class CLTypeMap implements TypeMap {
public String getRegisterNativesFunctionName() {
return "extcl_InitializeClass";
public Signedness getSignednessFromType(Class type) {
if ( cl_uint.class.equals(type) )
return Signedness.UNSIGNED;
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ public class CLTypeMap implements TypeMap {
return Signedness.NONE;
public String translateAnnotation(Class annotation_type) {
if ( annotation_type.equals(cl_uint.class) || annotation_type.equals(cl_int.class) )
return "i";
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ public class CLTypeMap implements TypeMap {
throw new RuntimeException(annotation_type + " is not allowed");
public Class getNativeTypeFromPrimitiveType(TypeKind kind) {
Class type;
switch ( kind ) {
@ -181,22 +181,22 @@ public class CLTypeMap implements TypeMap {
return type;
public Class<? extends Annotation> getVoidType() {
return cl_void.class;
public Class<? extends Annotation> getStringElementType() {
return cl_char.class;
public Class<? extends Annotation> getStringArrayType() {
return cl_char.class;
public Class<? extends Annotation> getByteBufferArrayType() {
return cl_uchar.class;
@ -241,22 +241,22 @@ public class CLTypeMap implements TypeMap {
return new Class[] { };
public String getTypedefPostfix() {
return "CL_API_ENTRY ";
public String getFunctionPrefix() {
return "CL_API_CALL";
public void printNativeIncludes(PrintWriter writer) {
writer.println("#include \"extcl.h\"");
public Class[] getValidAnnotationTypes(Class type) {
Class[] valid_types;
if ( Buffer.class.isAssignableFrom(type) || PointerBuffer.class.isAssignableFrom(type) )
@ -276,12 +276,12 @@ public class CLTypeMap implements TypeMap {
return valid_types;
public Class<? extends Annotation> getInverseType(Class type) {
return null;
public String getAutoTypeFromAnnotation(AnnotationMirror annotation) {
return null;

View File

@ -32,19 +32,17 @@
package org.lwjgl.util.generator.opengl;
import org.lwjgl.util.generator.*;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import javax.annotation.processing.ProcessingEnvironment;
import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement;
import javax.lang.model.type.DeclaredType;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror;
import org.lwjgl.util.generator.*;
* Generator visitor for the context capabilities generator tool
@ -55,13 +53,13 @@ import org.lwjgl.util.generator.*;
public class GLCapabilitiesGenerator {
private static final String STUBS_LOADED_NAME = "loaded_stubs";
private static final String ALL_INIT_METHOD_NAME = "initAllStubs";
private static final String STUBS_LOADED_NAME = "loaded_stubs";
private static final String ALL_INIT_METHOD_NAME = "initAllStubs";
private static final String POINTER_INITIALIZER_POSTFIX = "_initNativeFunctionAddresses";
private static final String CACHED_EXTS_VAR_NAME = "supported_extensions";
private static final String PROFILE_MASK_VAR_NAME = "profileMask";
private static final String EXTENSION_PREFIX = "GL_";
private static final String CORE_PREFIX = "Open";
private static final String CACHED_EXTS_VAR_NAME = "supported_extensions";
private static final String PROFILE_MASK_VAR_NAME = "profileMask";
private static final String EXTENSION_PREFIX = "GL_";
private static final String CORE_PREFIX = "Open";
public static void generateClassPrologue(PrintWriter writer, boolean context_specific, boolean generate_error_checks) {
writer.println("public class " + Utils.CONTEXT_CAPS_CLASS_NAME + " {");
@ -105,7 +103,7 @@ public class GLCapabilitiesGenerator {
writer.print(CACHED_EXTS_VAR_NAME + ".contains(\"");
writer.print(translated_field_name + "\")");
List<? extends TypeMirror> super_interfaces = d.getInterfaces();
if ( super_interfaces.size() > 1 )
if ( super_interfaces.size() > 1 )
throw new RuntimeException(d + " extends more than one other interface");
if ( super_interfaces.size() == 1 ) {
TypeMirror super_interface = super_interfaces.iterator().next();
@ -166,14 +164,14 @@ public class GLCapabilitiesGenerator {
public static void generateUnloadStubs(ProcessingEnvironment env, PrintWriter writer, TypeElement d) {
if ( Utils.getMethods( d).size() > 0 ) {
if ( Utils.getMethods(d).size() > 0 ) {
writer.print("\t\tGLContext.resetNativeStubs(" + Utils.getSimpleClassName(d));
public static void generateInitStubs(ProcessingEnvironment env, PrintWriter writer, TypeElement d, boolean context_specific) {
if ( Utils.getMethods( d).size() > 0 ) {
if ( Utils.getMethods(d).size() > 0 ) {
if ( context_specific ) {
final Alias alias_annotation = d.getAnnotation(Alias.class);
@ -219,7 +217,7 @@ public class GLCapabilitiesGenerator {
public static void generateAddressesInitializers(ProcessingEnvironment env, PrintWriter writer, TypeElement d) {
Iterator<? extends ExecutableElement> methods = Utils.getMethods( d).iterator();
Iterator<? extends ExecutableElement> methods = Utils.getMethods(d).iterator();
if ( !methods.hasNext() )
@ -313,7 +311,7 @@ public class GLCapabilitiesGenerator {
public static void generateSymbolAddresses(ProcessingEnvironment env, PrintWriter writer, TypeElement d) {
boolean first = true;
for ( final ExecutableElement method : Utils.getMethods( d) ) {
for ( final ExecutableElement method : Utils.getMethods(d) ) {
if ( method.getAnnotation(Alternate.class) != null || method.getAnnotation(Reuse.class) != null )

View File

@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
package org.lwjgl.util.generator.opengl;
import org.lwjgl.util.generator.*;
import java.util.Arrays;
@ -41,9 +42,7 @@ import java.util.List;
import javax.annotation.processing.ProcessingEnvironment;
import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement;
import javax.lang.model.type.DeclaredType;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror;
import org.lwjgl.util.generator.*;
* Generator visitor for the context capabilities generator tool
@ -54,12 +53,12 @@ import org.lwjgl.util.generator.*;
public class GLESCapabilitiesGenerator {
private static final String STUBS_LOADED_NAME = "loaded_stubs";
private static final String ALL_INIT_METHOD_NAME = "initAllStubs";
private static final String STUBS_LOADED_NAME = "loaded_stubs";
private static final String ALL_INIT_METHOD_NAME = "initAllStubs";
private static final String POINTER_INITIALIZER_POSTFIX = "_initNativeFunctionAddresses";
private static final String CACHED_EXTS_VAR_NAME = "supported_extensions";
private static final String EXTENSION_PREFIX = "GL_";
private static final String CORE_PREFIX = "Open";
private static final String CACHED_EXTS_VAR_NAME = "supported_extensions";
private static final String EXTENSION_PREFIX = "GL_";
private static final String CORE_PREFIX = "Open";
public static void generateClassPrologue(PrintWriter writer, boolean context_specific, boolean generate_error_checks) {
writer.println("public class " + Utils.CONTEXT_CAPS_CLASS_NAME + " {");
@ -95,7 +94,7 @@ public class GLESCapabilitiesGenerator {
public static void generateInitializer(PrintWriter writer, TypeElement d,ProcessingEnvironment env) {
public static void generateInitializer(PrintWriter writer, TypeElement d, ProcessingEnvironment env) {
String translated_field_name = translateFieldName(d.getSimpleName().toString());
writer.print("\t\tthis." + translated_field_name + " = ");
writer.print(CACHED_EXTS_VAR_NAME + ".contains(\"");
@ -126,9 +125,9 @@ public class GLESCapabilitiesGenerator {
writer.println("\tprivate Set<String> " + ALL_INIT_METHOD_NAME + "() throws LWJGLException {");
if ( context_specific ) {
// Load the basic pointers we need to detect OpenGL version and supported extensions.
writer.println("\t\tglGetError = GLContext.getFunctionAddress(\"glGetError\");");
writer.println("\t\tglGetString = GLContext.getFunctionAddress(\"glGetString\");");
// Load the basic pointers we need to detect OpenGL version and supported extensions.
writer.println("\t\tglGetError = GLContext.getFunctionAddress(\"glGetError\");");
writer.println("\t\tglGetString = GLContext.getFunctionAddress(\"glGetString\");");
// Get the supported extensions set.
@ -156,14 +155,14 @@ public class GLESCapabilitiesGenerator {
public static void generateUnloadStubs(ProcessingEnvironment env, PrintWriter writer, TypeElement d) {
// TODO: Remove GLES
if (Utils.getMethods( d).size() > 0 && !d.getSimpleName().toString().startsWith("GLES") ) {
if ( Utils.getMethods(d).size() > 0 && !d.getSimpleName().toString().startsWith("GLES") ) {
writer.print("\t\tGLContext.resetNativeStubs(" + Utils.getSimpleClassName(d));
public static void generateInitStubs(ProcessingEnvironment env, PrintWriter writer, TypeElement d, boolean context_specific) {
if ( Utils.getMethods( d).size() > 0 ) {
if ( Utils.getMethods(d).size() > 0 ) {
if ( context_specific ) {
final Alias alias_annotation = d.getAnnotation(Alias.class);
@ -204,7 +203,7 @@ public class GLESCapabilitiesGenerator {
public static void generateAddressesInitializers(ProcessingEnvironment env, PrintWriter writer, TypeElement d) {
Iterator<? extends ExecutableElement> methods = Utils.getMethods( d).iterator();
Iterator<? extends ExecutableElement> methods = Utils.getMethods(d).iterator();
if ( !methods.hasNext() )
@ -290,7 +289,7 @@ public class GLESCapabilitiesGenerator {
public static void generateSymbolAddresses(ProcessingEnvironment env, PrintWriter writer, TypeElement d) {
boolean first = true;
for ( final ExecutableElement method : Utils.getMethods( d) ) {
for ( final ExecutableElement method : Utils.getMethods(d) ) {
if ( method.getAnnotation(Alternate.class) != null || method.getAnnotation(Reuse.class) != null )

View File

@ -31,134 +31,131 @@
package org.lwjgl.util.generator.opengl;
import org.lwjgl.util.generator.Utils;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.annotation.processing.AbstractProcessor;
import javax.annotation.processing.RoundEnvironment;
import javax.annotation.processing.SupportedAnnotationTypes;
import javax.annotation.processing.SupportedOptions;
import javax.annotation.processing.SupportedSourceVersion;
import javax.annotation.processing.*;
import javax.lang.model.SourceVersion;
import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement;
import javax.lang.model.util.ElementFilter;
import org.lwjgl.util.generator.Utils;
* Generator tool for creating the ContexCapabilities class
* @author elias_naur <>
* @version $Revision: 3316 $ $Id: 3316
* 2010-04-09 23:57:40Z spasi $
* 2010-04-09 23:57:40Z spasi $
@SupportedAnnotationTypes({ "*" })
@SupportedOptions({"contextspecific", "generatechecks"})
@SupportedOptions({ "contextspecific", "generatechecks" })
public class GLESGeneratorProcessor extends AbstractProcessor {
private static boolean first_round = true;
private static boolean first_round = true;
public boolean process(Set<? extends TypeElement> annotations, RoundEnvironment roundEnv) {
if (roundEnv.processingOver() || !first_round) {
return true;
Map<String, String> options = processingEnv.getOptions();
boolean generate_error_checks = options.containsKey("generatechecks");
boolean context_specific = options.containsKey("contextspecific");
try {
generateContextCapabilitiesSource(ElementFilter.typesIn(roundEnv.getRootElements()), context_specific, generate_error_checks);
first_round = false;
return true;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public boolean process(Set<? extends TypeElement> annotations, RoundEnvironment roundEnv) {
if ( roundEnv.processingOver() || !first_round ) {
return true;
Map<String, String> options = processingEnv.getOptions();
boolean generate_error_checks = options.containsKey("generatechecks");
boolean context_specific = options.containsKey("contextspecific");
try {
generateContextCapabilitiesSource(ElementFilter.typesIn(roundEnv.getRootElements()), context_specific, generate_error_checks);
first_round = false;
return true;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private void generateContextCapabilitiesSource(Set<TypeElement> templates, boolean context_specific, boolean generate_error_checks) throws IOException {
PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(processingEnv.getFiler().createSourceFile("org.lwjgl.opengles." + Utils.CONTEXT_CAPS_CLASS_NAME, processingEnv.getElementUtils().getPackageElement("org.lwjgl.opengles")).openWriter());
writer.println("/* MACHINE GENERATED FILE, DO NOT EDIT */");
writer.println("package org.lwjgl.opengles;");
writer.println("import org.lwjgl.LWJGLException;");
writer.println("import org.lwjgl.LWJGLUtil;");
writer.println("import java.util.Set;");
writer.println("import java.util.HashSet;");
GLESCapabilitiesGenerator.generateClassPrologue(writer, context_specific, generate_error_checks);
for (TypeElement interface_decl : templates) {
if (interface_decl.getKind().isInterface()) {
if (Utils.isFinal(interface_decl)) {
GLESCapabilitiesGenerator.generateField(writer, interface_decl);
if (context_specific) {
for (TypeElement interface_decl : templates) {
if (interface_decl.getKind().isInterface()) {
GLESCapabilitiesGenerator.generateSymbolAddresses(processingEnv, writer, interface_decl);
for (TypeElement interface_decl : templates) {
if (interface_decl.getKind().isInterface()) {
GLESCapabilitiesGenerator.generateAddressesInitializers(processingEnv, writer, interface_decl);
private void generateContextCapabilitiesSource(Set<TypeElement> templates, boolean context_specific, boolean generate_error_checks) throws IOException {
PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(processingEnv.getFiler().createSourceFile("org.lwjgl.opengles." + Utils.CONTEXT_CAPS_CLASS_NAME, processingEnv.getElementUtils().getPackageElement("org.lwjgl.opengles")).openWriter());
writer.println("/* MACHINE GENERATED FILE, DO NOT EDIT */");
writer.println("package org.lwjgl.opengles;");
writer.println("import org.lwjgl.LWJGLException;");
writer.println("import org.lwjgl.LWJGLUtil;");
writer.println("import java.util.Set;");
writer.println("import java.util.HashSet;");
GLESCapabilitiesGenerator.generateClassPrologue(writer, context_specific, generate_error_checks);
for ( TypeElement interface_decl : templates ) {
if ( interface_decl.getKind().isInterface() ) {
if ( Utils.isFinal(interface_decl) ) {
GLESCapabilitiesGenerator.generateField(writer, interface_decl);
if ( context_specific ) {
for ( TypeElement interface_decl : templates ) {
if ( interface_decl.getKind().isInterface() ) {
GLESCapabilitiesGenerator.generateSymbolAddresses(processingEnv, writer, interface_decl);
for ( TypeElement interface_decl : templates ) {
if ( interface_decl.getKind().isInterface() ) {
GLESCapabilitiesGenerator.generateAddressesInitializers(processingEnv, writer, interface_decl);
if (context_specific) {
writer.println("\tprivate static void remove(Set supported_extensions, String extension) {");
writer.println("\t\tLWJGLUtil.log(extension + \" was reported as available but an entry point is missing\");");
if ( context_specific ) {
writer.println("\tprivate static void remove(Set supported_extensions, String extension) {");
writer.println("\t\tLWJGLUtil.log(extension + \" was reported as available but an entry point is missing\");");
GLESCapabilitiesGenerator.generateInitStubsPrologue(writer, context_specific);
for (TypeElement interface_decl : templates) {
if (interface_decl.getKind().isInterface()) {
GLESCapabilitiesGenerator.generateSuperClassAdds(writer, interface_decl, processingEnv);
for (TypeElement interface_decl : templates) {
if (interface_decl.getKind().isInterface()) {
if ("GLES20".equals(interface_decl.getSimpleName().toString())) {
GLESCapabilitiesGenerator.generateInitStubs(processingEnv, writer, interface_decl, context_specific);
GLESCapabilitiesGenerator.generateInitStubsEpilogue(writer, context_specific);
writer.println("\tstatic void unloadAllStubs() {");
if (!context_specific) {
writer.println("\t\tif (!loaded_stubs)");
for (TypeElement interface_decl : templates) {
if (interface_decl.getKind().isInterface()) {
GLESCapabilitiesGenerator.generateUnloadStubs(processingEnv, writer, interface_decl);
writer.println("\t\tloaded_stubs = false;");
for (TypeElement interface_decl : templates) {
if (interface_decl.getKind().isInterface()) {
if (Utils.isFinal(interface_decl)) {
GLESCapabilitiesGenerator.generateInitializer(writer, interface_decl, processingEnv);
GLESCapabilitiesGenerator.generateInitStubsPrologue(writer, context_specific);
for ( TypeElement interface_decl : templates ) {
if ( interface_decl.getKind().isInterface() ) {
GLESCapabilitiesGenerator.generateSuperClassAdds(writer, interface_decl, processingEnv);
for ( TypeElement interface_decl : templates ) {
if ( interface_decl.getKind().isInterface() ) {
if ( "GLES20".equals(interface_decl.getSimpleName().toString()) ) {
GLESCapabilitiesGenerator.generateInitStubs(processingEnv, writer, interface_decl, context_specific);
GLESCapabilitiesGenerator.generateInitStubsEpilogue(writer, context_specific);
writer.println("\tstatic void unloadAllStubs() {");
if ( !context_specific ) {
writer.println("\t\tif (!loaded_stubs)");
for ( TypeElement interface_decl : templates ) {
if ( interface_decl.getKind().isInterface() ) {
GLESCapabilitiesGenerator.generateUnloadStubs(processingEnv, writer, interface_decl);
writer.println("\t\tloaded_stubs = false;");
for ( TypeElement interface_decl : templates ) {
if ( interface_decl.getKind().isInterface() ) {
if ( Utils.isFinal(interface_decl) ) {
GLESCapabilitiesGenerator.generateInitializer(writer, interface_decl, processingEnv);

View File

@ -41,6 +41,11 @@ package org.lwjgl.util.generator.opengl;
* $Id: 3287 2010-03-14 23:24:40Z spasi $
import org.lwjgl.util.generator.NativeTypeTranslator;
import org.lwjgl.util.generator.PointerWrapper;
import org.lwjgl.util.generator.Signedness;
import org.lwjgl.util.generator.TypeMap;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.nio.*;
@ -49,10 +54,6 @@ import java.util.Map;
import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationMirror;
import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind;
import org.lwjgl.util.generator.NativeTypeTranslator;
import org.lwjgl.util.generator.PointerWrapper;
import org.lwjgl.util.generator.Signedness;
import org.lwjgl.util.generator.TypeMap;
public class GLESTypeMap implements TypeMap {
@ -83,7 +84,7 @@ public class GLESTypeMap implements TypeMap {
native_types_to_primitive.put(GLuint64.class, TypeKind.LONG);
public TypeKind getPrimitiveTypeFromNativeType(Class<? extends Annotation> native_type) {
TypeKind kind = native_types_to_primitive.get(native_type);
if ( kind == null )
@ -91,32 +92,32 @@ public class GLESTypeMap implements TypeMap {
return kind;
public void printCapabilitiesInit(final PrintWriter writer) {
writer.println("\t\tContextCapabilities caps = GLContext.getCapabilities();");
public String getCapabilities() {
return "caps";
public String getAPIUtilParam(boolean comma) {
return "";
public void printErrorCheckMethod(final PrintWriter writer, final ExecutableElement method, final String tabs) {
writer.println(tabs + "Util.checkGLError();");
public String getRegisterNativesFunctionName() {
return "extgl_InitializeClass";
public Signedness getSignednessFromType(Class<? extends Annotation> type) {
if ( GLuint.class.equals(type) )
return Signedness.UNSIGNED;
@ -138,7 +139,7 @@ public class GLESTypeMap implements TypeMap {
return Signedness.NONE;
public String translateAnnotation(Class annotation_type) {
if ( annotation_type.equals(GLuint64.class) || annotation_type.equals(GLint64.class) )
return "i64";
@ -160,7 +161,7 @@ public class GLESTypeMap implements TypeMap {
throw new RuntimeException(annotation_type + " is not allowed");
public Class<? extends Annotation> getNativeTypeFromPrimitiveType(TypeKind kind) {
Class<? extends Annotation> type;
switch ( kind ) {
@ -188,22 +189,22 @@ public class GLESTypeMap implements TypeMap {
return type;
public Class<? extends Annotation> getVoidType() {
return GLvoid.class;
public Class<? extends Annotation> getStringElementType() {
return GLubyte.class;
public Class<? extends Annotation> getStringArrayType() {
return GLchar.class;
public Class<? extends Annotation> getByteBufferArrayType() {
return GLubyte.class;
@ -242,22 +243,22 @@ public class GLESTypeMap implements TypeMap {
return new Class[] { };
public String getTypedefPostfix() {
return "GL_APICALL ";
public String getFunctionPrefix() {
return "GL_APIENTRY";
public void printNativeIncludes(PrintWriter writer) {
writer.println("#include \"extgl.h\"");
public Class[] getValidAnnotationTypes(Class type) {
Class[] valid_types;
if ( Buffer.class.isAssignableFrom(type) )
@ -275,7 +276,7 @@ public class GLESTypeMap implements TypeMap {
return valid_types;
public Class<? extends Annotation> getInverseType(Class<? extends Annotation> type) {
if ( GLuint64.class.equals(type) )
return GLint64.class;
@ -295,7 +296,7 @@ public class GLESTypeMap implements TypeMap {
return null;
public String getAutoTypeFromAnnotation(AnnotationMirror annotation) {
Class annotation_class = NativeTypeTranslator.getClassFromType(annotation.getAnnotationType());
if ( annotation_class.equals(GLint.class) )

View File

@ -31,134 +31,130 @@
package org.lwjgl.util.generator.opengl;
import org.lwjgl.util.generator.Utils;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.annotation.processing.AbstractProcessor;
import javax.annotation.processing.RoundEnvironment;
import javax.annotation.processing.SupportedAnnotationTypes;
import javax.annotation.processing.SupportedOptions;
import javax.annotation.processing.SupportedSourceVersion;
import javax.annotation.processing.*;
import javax.lang.model.SourceVersion;
import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement;
import javax.lang.model.util.ElementFilter;
import org.lwjgl.util.generator.Utils;
* Generator tool for creating the ContexCapabilities class
* @author elias_naur <>
* @version $Revision: 3316 $ $Id: 3316
* 2010-04-09 23:57:40Z spasi $
* 2010-04-09 23:57:40Z spasi $
@SupportedAnnotationTypes({ "*" })
@SupportedOptions({"generatechecks", "contextspecific"})
@SupportedOptions({ "generatechecks", "contextspecific" })
public class GLGeneratorProcessor extends AbstractProcessor {
private static boolean first_round = true;
private static boolean first_round = true;
public boolean process(Set<? extends TypeElement> annotations, RoundEnvironment roundEnv) {
if (roundEnv.processingOver() || !first_round) {
return true;
Map<String, String> options = processingEnv.getOptions();
boolean generate_error_checks = options.containsKey("generatechecks");
boolean context_specific = options.containsKey("contextspecific");
try {
generateContextCapabilitiesSource(ElementFilter.typesIn(roundEnv.getRootElements()), context_specific, generate_error_checks);
first_round = false;
return true;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public boolean process(Set<? extends TypeElement> annotations, RoundEnvironment roundEnv) {
if ( roundEnv.processingOver() || !first_round ) {
return true;
Map<String, String> options = processingEnv.getOptions();
boolean generate_error_checks = options.containsKey("generatechecks");
boolean context_specific = options.containsKey("contextspecific");
try {
generateContextCapabilitiesSource(ElementFilter.typesIn(roundEnv.getRootElements()), context_specific, generate_error_checks);
first_round = false;
return true;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private void generateContextCapabilitiesSource(Set<TypeElement> templates, boolean context_specific, boolean generate_error_checks) throws IOException {
PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(processingEnv.getFiler().createSourceFile("org.lwjgl.opengl." + Utils.CONTEXT_CAPS_CLASS_NAME, processingEnv.getElementUtils().getPackageElement("org.lwjgl.opengl")).openWriter());
writer.println("/* MACHINE GENERATED FILE, DO NOT EDIT */");
writer.println("package org.lwjgl.opengl;");
writer.println("import org.lwjgl.LWJGLException;");
writer.println("import org.lwjgl.LWJGLUtil;");
writer.println("import java.util.Set;");
writer.println("import java.util.HashSet;");
GLCapabilitiesGenerator.generateClassPrologue(writer, context_specific, generate_error_checks);
for (TypeElement interface_decl : templates) {
if (interface_decl.getKind().isInterface()) {
if (Utils.isFinal(interface_decl)) {
GLCapabilitiesGenerator.generateField(writer, interface_decl);
for (TypeElement interface_decl : templates) {
if (interface_decl.getKind().isInterface()) {
GLCapabilitiesGenerator.generateSymbolAddresses(processingEnv, writer, interface_decl);
if (context_specific) {
for (TypeElement interface_decl : templates) {
if (interface_decl.getKind().isInterface()) {
GLCapabilitiesGenerator.generateAddressesInitializers(processingEnv, writer, interface_decl);
private void generateContextCapabilitiesSource(Set<TypeElement> templates, boolean context_specific, boolean generate_error_checks) throws IOException {
PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(processingEnv.getFiler().createSourceFile("org.lwjgl.opengl." + Utils.CONTEXT_CAPS_CLASS_NAME, processingEnv.getElementUtils().getPackageElement("org.lwjgl.opengl")).openWriter());
writer.println("/* MACHINE GENERATED FILE, DO NOT EDIT */");
writer.println("package org.lwjgl.opengl;");
writer.println("import org.lwjgl.LWJGLException;");
writer.println("import org.lwjgl.LWJGLUtil;");
writer.println("import java.util.Set;");
writer.println("import java.util.HashSet;");
GLCapabilitiesGenerator.generateClassPrologue(writer, context_specific, generate_error_checks);
for ( TypeElement interface_decl : templates ) {
if ( interface_decl.getKind().isInterface() ) {
if ( Utils.isFinal(interface_decl) ) {
GLCapabilitiesGenerator.generateField(writer, interface_decl);
for ( TypeElement interface_decl : templates ) {
if ( interface_decl.getKind().isInterface() ) {
GLCapabilitiesGenerator.generateSymbolAddresses(processingEnv, writer, interface_decl);
if ( context_specific ) {
for ( TypeElement interface_decl : templates ) {
if ( interface_decl.getKind().isInterface() ) {
GLCapabilitiesGenerator.generateAddressesInitializers(processingEnv, writer, interface_decl);
writer.println("\tprivate static void remove(Set supported_extensions, String extension) {");
writer.println("\t\tLWJGLUtil.log(extension + \" was reported as available but an entry point is missing\");");
writer.println("\tprivate static void remove(Set supported_extensions, String extension) {");
writer.println("\t\tLWJGLUtil.log(extension + \" was reported as available but an entry point is missing\");");
GLCapabilitiesGenerator.generateInitStubsPrologue(writer, context_specific);
for (TypeElement interface_decl : templates) {
if (interface_decl.getKind().isInterface()) {
GLCapabilitiesGenerator.generateSuperClassAdds(writer, interface_decl, processingEnv);
for (TypeElement interface_decl : templates) {
if (interface_decl.getKind().isInterface()) {
String simple_name = interface_decl.getSimpleName().toString();
if ("GL11".equals(simple_name)) {
GLCapabilitiesGenerator.generateInitStubs(processingEnv, writer, interface_decl, context_specific);
GLCapabilitiesGenerator.generateInitStubsEpilogue(writer, context_specific);
writer.println("\tstatic void unloadAllStubs() {");
if (!context_specific) {
writer.println("\t\tif (!loaded_stubs)");
for (TypeElement interface_decl : templates) {
if (interface_decl.getKind().isInterface()) {
GLCapabilitiesGenerator.generateUnloadStubs(processingEnv, writer, interface_decl);
writer.println("\t\tloaded_stubs = false;");
for (TypeElement interface_decl : templates) {
if (interface_decl.getKind().isInterface()) {
if (Utils.isFinal(interface_decl)) {
GLCapabilitiesGenerator.generateInitializer(writer, interface_decl, processingEnv);
GLCapabilitiesGenerator.generateInitStubsPrologue(writer, context_specific);
for ( TypeElement interface_decl : templates ) {
if ( interface_decl.getKind().isInterface() ) {
GLCapabilitiesGenerator.generateSuperClassAdds(writer, interface_decl, processingEnv);
for ( TypeElement interface_decl : templates ) {
if ( interface_decl.getKind().isInterface() ) {
String simple_name = interface_decl.getSimpleName().toString();
if ( "GL11".equals(simple_name) ) {
GLCapabilitiesGenerator.generateInitStubs(processingEnv, writer, interface_decl, context_specific);
GLCapabilitiesGenerator.generateInitStubsEpilogue(writer, context_specific);
writer.println("\tstatic void unloadAllStubs() {");
if ( !context_specific ) {
writer.println("\t\tif (!loaded_stubs)");
for ( TypeElement interface_decl : templates ) {
if ( interface_decl.getKind().isInterface() ) {
GLCapabilitiesGenerator.generateUnloadStubs(processingEnv, writer, interface_decl);
writer.println("\t\tloaded_stubs = false;");
for ( TypeElement interface_decl : templates ) {
if ( interface_decl.getKind().isInterface() ) {
if ( Utils.isFinal(interface_decl) ) {
GLCapabilitiesGenerator.generateInitializer(writer, interface_decl, processingEnv);

View File

@ -31,161 +31,156 @@
package org.lwjgl.util.generator.opengl;
import org.lwjgl.util.generator.Alternate;
import org.lwjgl.util.generator.CachedReference;
import org.lwjgl.util.generator.Utils;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.annotation.processing.AbstractProcessor;
import javax.annotation.processing.ProcessingEnvironment;
import javax.annotation.processing.RoundEnvironment;
import javax.annotation.processing.SupportedAnnotationTypes;
import javax.annotation.processing.SupportedOptions;
import javax.annotation.processing.SupportedSourceVersion;
import javax.annotation.processing.*;
import javax.lang.model.SourceVersion;
import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.VariableElement;
import javax.lang.model.util.ElementFilter;
import org.lwjgl.util.generator.Alternate;
import org.lwjgl.util.generator.CachedReference;
import org.lwjgl.util.generator.Utils;
* Generator tool for creating the References class
* @author elias_naur <>
* @version $Revision: 3237 $ $Id: 3237
* 2009-09-08 15:07:15Z spasi $
* 2009-09-08 15:07:15Z spasi $
@SupportedAnnotationTypes({ "*" })
@SupportedOptions({"generatechecks", "contextspecific"})
@SupportedOptions({ "generatechecks", "contextspecific" })
public class GLReferencesGeneratorProcessor extends AbstractProcessor {
private static final String REFERENCES_CLASS_NAME = "References";
private static final String REFERENCES_PARAMETER_NAME = "references";
private static final String REFERENCES_CLASS_NAME = "References";
private static final String REFERENCES_PARAMETER_NAME = "references";
private static boolean first_round = true;
private static boolean first_round = true;
public boolean process(Set<? extends TypeElement> annotations, RoundEnvironment roundEnv) {
if (roundEnv.processingOver() || !first_round) {
return true;
try {
generateReferencesSource(processingEnv, ElementFilter.typesIn(roundEnv.getRootElements()));
first_round = false;
return true;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public boolean process(Set<? extends TypeElement> annotations, RoundEnvironment roundEnv) {
if ( roundEnv.processingOver() || !first_round ) {
return true;
try {
generateReferencesSource(processingEnv, ElementFilter.typesIn(roundEnv.getRootElements()));
first_round = false;
return true;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private static void generateClearsFromParameters(PrintWriter writer, TypeElement interface_decl, ExecutableElement method) {
for (VariableElement param : method.getParameters()) {
CachedReference cached_reference_annotation = param.getAnnotation(CachedReference.class);
if (cached_reference_annotation != null && == 0) {
Class nio_type = Utils.getNIOBufferType(param.asType());
String reference_name = Utils.getReferenceName(interface_decl, method, param);
writer.println("\t\tthis." + reference_name + " = null;");
private static void generateClearsFromParameters(PrintWriter writer, TypeElement interface_decl, ExecutableElement method) {
for ( VariableElement param : method.getParameters() ) {
CachedReference cached_reference_annotation = param.getAnnotation(CachedReference.class);
if ( cached_reference_annotation != null && == 0 ) {
Class nio_type = Utils.getNIOBufferType(param.asType());
String reference_name = Utils.getReferenceName(interface_decl, method, param);
writer.println("\t\tthis." + reference_name + " = null;");
private static void generateCopiesFromParameters(PrintWriter writer, TypeElement interface_decl, ExecutableElement method) {
for (VariableElement param : method.getParameters()) {
CachedReference cached_reference_annotation = param.getAnnotation(CachedReference.class);
if (cached_reference_annotation != null && == 0) {
Class nio_type = Utils.getNIOBufferType(param.asType());
String reference_name = Utils.getReferenceName(interface_decl, method, param);
writer.print("\t\t\tthis." + reference_name + " = ");
writer.println(REFERENCES_PARAMETER_NAME + "." + reference_name + ";");
private static void generateCopiesFromParameters(PrintWriter writer, TypeElement interface_decl, ExecutableElement method) {
for ( VariableElement param : method.getParameters() ) {
CachedReference cached_reference_annotation = param.getAnnotation(CachedReference.class);
if ( cached_reference_annotation != null && == 0 ) {
Class nio_type = Utils.getNIOBufferType(param.asType());
String reference_name = Utils.getReferenceName(interface_decl, method, param);
writer.print("\t\t\tthis." + reference_name + " = ");
writer.println(REFERENCES_PARAMETER_NAME + "." + reference_name + ";");
private static void generateClearsFromMethods(ProcessingEnvironment env, PrintWriter writer, TypeElement interface_decl) {
for (ExecutableElement method : Utils.getMethods( interface_decl)) {
if (method.getAnnotation(Alternate.class) != null) {
private static void generateClearsFromMethods(ProcessingEnvironment env, PrintWriter writer, TypeElement interface_decl) {
for ( ExecutableElement method : Utils.getMethods(interface_decl) ) {
if ( method.getAnnotation(Alternate.class) != null ) {
generateClearsFromParameters(writer, interface_decl, method);
generateClearsFromParameters(writer, interface_decl, method);
private static void generateCopiesFromMethods(ProcessingEnvironment env, PrintWriter writer, TypeElement interface_decl) {
for (ExecutableElement method : Utils.getMethods( interface_decl)) {
if (method.getAnnotation(Alternate.class) != null) {
private static void generateCopiesFromMethods(ProcessingEnvironment env, PrintWriter writer, TypeElement interface_decl) {
for ( ExecutableElement method : Utils.getMethods(interface_decl) ) {
if ( method.getAnnotation(Alternate.class) != null ) {
generateCopiesFromParameters(writer, interface_decl, method);
generateCopiesFromParameters(writer, interface_decl, method);
private static void generateReferencesFromParameters(PrintWriter writer, TypeElement interface_decl, ExecutableElement method) {
for (VariableElement param : method.getParameters()) {
CachedReference cached_reference_annotation = param.getAnnotation(CachedReference.class);
if (cached_reference_annotation != null && == 0) {
Class nio_type = Utils.getNIOBufferType(param.asType());
if (nio_type == null) {
throw new RuntimeException(param + " in method " + method + " in " + interface_decl + " is annotated with "
+ cached_reference_annotation.annotationType().getSimpleName() + " but the parameter is not a NIO buffer");
writer.print("\t" + nio_type.getName() + " " + Utils.getReferenceName(interface_decl, method, param));
private static void generateReferencesFromParameters(PrintWriter writer, TypeElement interface_decl, ExecutableElement method) {
for ( VariableElement param : method.getParameters() ) {
CachedReference cached_reference_annotation = param.getAnnotation(CachedReference.class);
if ( cached_reference_annotation != null && == 0 ) {
Class nio_type = Utils.getNIOBufferType(param.asType());
if ( nio_type == null ) {
throw new RuntimeException(param + " in method " + method + " in " + interface_decl + " is annotated with "
+ cached_reference_annotation.annotationType().getSimpleName() + " but the parameter is not a NIO buffer");
writer.print("\t" + nio_type.getName() + " " + Utils.getReferenceName(interface_decl, method, param));
private static void generateReferencesFromMethods(ProcessingEnvironment env, PrintWriter writer, TypeElement interface_decl) {
for (ExecutableElement method : Utils.getMethods( interface_decl)) {
if (method.getAnnotation(Alternate.class) != null) {
private static void generateReferencesFromMethods(ProcessingEnvironment env, PrintWriter writer, TypeElement interface_decl) {
for ( ExecutableElement method : Utils.getMethods(interface_decl) ) {
if ( method.getAnnotation(Alternate.class) != null ) {
generateReferencesFromParameters(writer, interface_decl, method);
generateReferencesFromParameters(writer, interface_decl, method);
private void generateReferencesSource(ProcessingEnvironment env, Set<TypeElement> templates) throws IOException {
PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(processingEnv.getFiler().createSourceFile("org.lwjgl.opengl." + REFERENCES_CLASS_NAME, processingEnv.getElementUtils().getPackageElement("org.lwjgl.opengl")).openWriter());
writer.println("/* MACHINE GENERATED FILE, DO NOT EDIT */");
writer.println("package org.lwjgl.opengl;");
writer.println("class " + REFERENCES_CLASS_NAME + " extends BaseReferences {");
writer.println("\t" + REFERENCES_CLASS_NAME + "(ContextCapabilities caps) {");
for (TypeElement interface_decl : templates) {
if (interface_decl.getKind().isInterface()) {
generateReferencesFromMethods(env, writer, interface_decl);
writer.println("\tvoid copy(" + REFERENCES_CLASS_NAME + " " + REFERENCES_PARAMETER_NAME + ", int mask) {");
writer.println("\t\tsuper.copy(" + REFERENCES_PARAMETER_NAME + ", mask);");
writer.println("\t\tif ( (mask & GL11.GL_CLIENT_VERTEX_ARRAY_BIT) != 0 ) {");
for (TypeElement interface_decl : templates) {
if (interface_decl.getKind().isInterface()) {
generateCopiesFromMethods(processingEnv, writer, interface_decl);
writer.println("\tvoid clear() {");
for (TypeElement interface_decl : templates) {
if (interface_decl.getKind().isInterface()) {
generateClearsFromMethods(processingEnv, writer, interface_decl);
private void generateReferencesSource(ProcessingEnvironment env, Set<TypeElement> templates) throws IOException {
PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(processingEnv.getFiler().createSourceFile("org.lwjgl.opengl." + REFERENCES_CLASS_NAME, processingEnv.getElementUtils().getPackageElement("org.lwjgl.opengl")).openWriter());
writer.println("/* MACHINE GENERATED FILE, DO NOT EDIT */");
writer.println("package org.lwjgl.opengl;");
writer.println("class " + REFERENCES_CLASS_NAME + " extends BaseReferences {");
writer.println("\t" + REFERENCES_CLASS_NAME + "(ContextCapabilities caps) {");
for ( TypeElement interface_decl : templates ) {
if ( interface_decl.getKind().isInterface() ) {
generateReferencesFromMethods(env, writer, interface_decl);
writer.println("\tvoid copy(" + REFERENCES_CLASS_NAME + " " + REFERENCES_PARAMETER_NAME + ", int mask) {");
writer.println("\t\tsuper.copy(" + REFERENCES_PARAMETER_NAME + ", mask);");
writer.println("\t\tif ( (mask & GL11.GL_CLIENT_VERTEX_ARRAY_BIT) != 0 ) {");
for ( TypeElement interface_decl : templates ) {
if ( interface_decl.getKind().isInterface() ) {
generateCopiesFromMethods(processingEnv, writer, interface_decl);
writer.println("\tvoid clear() {");
for ( TypeElement interface_decl : templates ) {
if ( interface_decl.getKind().isInterface() ) {
generateClearsFromMethods(processingEnv, writer, interface_decl);

View File

@ -53,311 +53,304 @@ import java.util.Map;
import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationMirror;
import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind;
import static javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind.BOOLEAN;
import static javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind.BYTE;
import static javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind.DOUBLE;
import static javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind.FLOAT;
import static javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind.INT;
import static javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind.LONG;
import static javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind.SHORT;
public class GLTypeMap implements TypeMap {
private static final Map<Class, TypeKind> native_types_to_primitive;
private static final Map<Class, TypeKind> native_types_to_primitive;
static {
native_types_to_primitive = new HashMap<>();
native_types_to_primitive.put(GLbitfield.class, TypeKind.INT);
native_types_to_primitive.put(GLcharARB.class, TypeKind.BYTE);
native_types_to_primitive.put(GLclampf.class, TypeKind.FLOAT);
native_types_to_primitive.put(GLfloat.class, TypeKind.FLOAT);
native_types_to_primitive.put(GLint.class, TypeKind.INT);
native_types_to_primitive.put(GLshort.class, TypeKind.SHORT);
native_types_to_primitive.put(GLsizeiptr.class, TypeKind.LONG);
native_types_to_primitive.put(GLuint.class, TypeKind.INT);
native_types_to_primitive.put(GLboolean.class, TypeKind.BOOLEAN);
native_types_to_primitive.put(GLchar.class, TypeKind.BYTE);
native_types_to_primitive.put(GLdouble.class, TypeKind.DOUBLE);
native_types_to_primitive.put(GLhalf.class, TypeKind.SHORT);
native_types_to_primitive.put(GLintptrARB.class, TypeKind.LONG);
native_types_to_primitive.put(GLsizei.class, TypeKind.INT);
native_types_to_primitive.put(GLushort.class, TypeKind.SHORT);
native_types_to_primitive.put(GLbyte.class, TypeKind.BYTE);
native_types_to_primitive.put(GLclampd.class, TypeKind.DOUBLE);
native_types_to_primitive.put(GLenum.class, TypeKind.INT);
native_types_to_primitive.put(GLhandleARB.class, TypeKind.INT);
native_types_to_primitive.put(GLintptr.class, TypeKind.LONG);
native_types_to_primitive.put(GLsizeiptrARB.class, TypeKind.LONG);
native_types_to_primitive.put(GLubyte.class, TypeKind.BYTE);
native_types_to_primitive.put(GLvoid.class, TypeKind.BYTE);
native_types_to_primitive.put(GLint64EXT.class, TypeKind.LONG);
native_types_to_primitive.put(GLuint64EXT.class, TypeKind.LONG);
native_types_to_primitive.put(GLint64.class, TypeKind.LONG);
native_types_to_primitive.put(GLuint64.class, TypeKind.LONG);
static {
native_types_to_primitive = new HashMap<>();
native_types_to_primitive.put(GLbitfield.class, TypeKind.INT);
native_types_to_primitive.put(GLcharARB.class, TypeKind.BYTE);
native_types_to_primitive.put(GLclampf.class, TypeKind.FLOAT);
native_types_to_primitive.put(GLfloat.class, TypeKind.FLOAT);
native_types_to_primitive.put(GLint.class, TypeKind.INT);
native_types_to_primitive.put(GLshort.class, TypeKind.SHORT);
native_types_to_primitive.put(GLsizeiptr.class, TypeKind.LONG);
native_types_to_primitive.put(GLuint.class, TypeKind.INT);
native_types_to_primitive.put(GLboolean.class, TypeKind.BOOLEAN);
native_types_to_primitive.put(GLchar.class, TypeKind.BYTE);
native_types_to_primitive.put(GLdouble.class, TypeKind.DOUBLE);
native_types_to_primitive.put(GLhalf.class, TypeKind.SHORT);
native_types_to_primitive.put(GLintptrARB.class, TypeKind.LONG);
native_types_to_primitive.put(GLsizei.class, TypeKind.INT);
native_types_to_primitive.put(GLushort.class, TypeKind.SHORT);
native_types_to_primitive.put(GLbyte.class, TypeKind.BYTE);
native_types_to_primitive.put(GLclampd.class, TypeKind.DOUBLE);
native_types_to_primitive.put(GLenum.class, TypeKind.INT);
native_types_to_primitive.put(GLhandleARB.class, TypeKind.INT);
native_types_to_primitive.put(GLintptr.class, TypeKind.LONG);
native_types_to_primitive.put(GLsizeiptrARB.class, TypeKind.LONG);
native_types_to_primitive.put(GLubyte.class, TypeKind.BYTE);
native_types_to_primitive.put(GLvoid.class, TypeKind.BYTE);
native_types_to_primitive.put(GLint64EXT.class, TypeKind.LONG);
native_types_to_primitive.put(GLuint64EXT.class, TypeKind.LONG);
native_types_to_primitive.put(GLint64.class, TypeKind.LONG);
native_types_to_primitive.put(GLuint64.class, TypeKind.LONG);
public TypeKind getPrimitiveTypeFromNativeType(Class native_type) {
TypeKind kind = native_types_to_primitive.get(native_type);
if (kind == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported type " + native_type);
return kind;
public TypeKind getPrimitiveTypeFromNativeType(Class native_type) {
TypeKind kind = native_types_to_primitive.get(native_type);
if ( kind == null ) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported type " + native_type);
return kind;
public void printCapabilitiesInit(final PrintWriter writer) {
writer.println("\t\tContextCapabilities caps = GLContext.getCapabilities();");
public void printCapabilitiesInit(final PrintWriter writer) {
writer.println("\t\tContextCapabilities caps = GLContext.getCapabilities();");
public String getCapabilities() {
return "caps";
public String getCapabilities() {
return "caps";
public String getAPIUtilParam(boolean comma) {
return comma ? "caps, " : "caps";
public String getAPIUtilParam(boolean comma) {
return comma ? "caps, " : "caps";
public void printErrorCheckMethod(final PrintWriter writer, final ExecutableElement method, final String tabs) {
writer.println(tabs + "Util.checkGLError();");
public void printErrorCheckMethod(final PrintWriter writer, final ExecutableElement method, final String tabs) {
writer.println(tabs + "Util.checkGLError();");
public String getRegisterNativesFunctionName() {
return "extgl_InitializeClass";
public String getRegisterNativesFunctionName() {
return "extgl_InitializeClass";
public Signedness getSignednessFromType(Class type) {
if (GLuint.class.equals(type)) {
return Signedness.UNSIGNED;
} else if (GLint.class.equals(type)) {
return Signedness.SIGNED;
} else if (GLushort.class.equals(type)) {
return Signedness.UNSIGNED;
} else if (GLshort.class.equals(type)) {
return Signedness.SIGNED;
} else if (GLubyte.class.equals(type)) {
return Signedness.UNSIGNED;
} else if (GLbyte.class.equals(type)) {
return Signedness.SIGNED;
} else if (GLuint64EXT.class.equals(type)) {
return Signedness.UNSIGNED;
} else if (GLint64EXT.class.equals(type)) {
return Signedness.SIGNED;
} else if (GLuint64.class.equals(type)) {
return Signedness.UNSIGNED;
} else if (GLint64.class.equals(type)) {
return Signedness.SIGNED;
} else {
return Signedness.NONE;
public Signedness getSignednessFromType(Class type) {
if ( GLuint.class.equals(type) ) {
return Signedness.UNSIGNED;
} else if ( GLint.class.equals(type) ) {
return Signedness.SIGNED;
} else if ( GLushort.class.equals(type) ) {
return Signedness.UNSIGNED;
} else if ( GLshort.class.equals(type) ) {
return Signedness.SIGNED;
} else if ( GLubyte.class.equals(type) ) {
return Signedness.UNSIGNED;
} else if ( GLbyte.class.equals(type) ) {
return Signedness.SIGNED;
} else if ( GLuint64EXT.class.equals(type) ) {
return Signedness.UNSIGNED;
} else if ( GLint64EXT.class.equals(type) ) {
return Signedness.SIGNED;
} else if ( GLuint64.class.equals(type) ) {
return Signedness.UNSIGNED;
} else if ( GLint64.class.equals(type) ) {
return Signedness.SIGNED;
} else {
return Signedness.NONE;
public String translateAnnotation(Class annotation_type) {
if (annotation_type.equals(GLuint.class) || annotation_type.equals(GLint.class)) {
return "i";
} else if (annotation_type.equals(GLushort.class) || annotation_type.equals(GLshort.class)) {
return "s";
} else if (annotation_type.equals(GLubyte.class) || annotation_type.equals(GLbyte.class)) {
return "b";
} else if (annotation_type.equals(GLfloat.class) || annotation_type.equals(GLclampf.class)) {
return "f";
} else if (annotation_type.equals(GLdouble.class) || annotation_type.equals(GLclampd.class)) {
return "d";
} else if (annotation_type.equals(GLhalf.class)) {
return "h";
} else if (annotation_type.equals(GLuint64EXT.class) || annotation_type.equals(GLint64EXT.class) || annotation_type.equals(GLuint64.class) || annotation_type.equals(GLint64.class)) {
return "i64";
} else if (annotation_type.equals(GLboolean.class) || annotation_type.equals(GLvoid.class)) {
return "";
} else {
throw new RuntimeException(annotation_type + " is not allowed");
public String translateAnnotation(Class annotation_type) {
if ( annotation_type.equals(GLuint.class) || annotation_type.equals(GLint.class) ) {
return "i";
} else if ( annotation_type.equals(GLushort.class) || annotation_type.equals(GLshort.class) ) {
return "s";
} else if ( annotation_type.equals(GLubyte.class) || annotation_type.equals(GLbyte.class) ) {
return "b";
} else if ( annotation_type.equals(GLfloat.class) || annotation_type.equals(GLclampf.class) ) {
return "f";
} else if ( annotation_type.equals(GLdouble.class) || annotation_type.equals(GLclampd.class) ) {
return "d";
} else if ( annotation_type.equals(GLhalf.class) ) {
return "h";
} else if ( annotation_type.equals(GLuint64EXT.class) || annotation_type.equals(GLint64EXT.class) || annotation_type.equals(GLuint64.class) || annotation_type.equals(GLint64.class) ) {
return "i64";
} else if ( annotation_type.equals(GLboolean.class) || annotation_type.equals(GLvoid.class) ) {
return "";
} else {
throw new RuntimeException(annotation_type + " is not allowed");
public Class getNativeTypeFromPrimitiveType(TypeKind kind) {
Class type;
switch (kind) {
case INT:
type = GLint.class;
case DOUBLE:
type = GLdouble.class;
case FLOAT:
type = GLfloat.class;
case SHORT:
type = GLshort.class;
case BYTE:
type = GLbyte.class;
case LONG:
type = GLint64EXT.class;
type = GLboolean.class;
throw new RuntimeException(kind + " is not allowed");
return type;
public Class getNativeTypeFromPrimitiveType(TypeKind kind) {
Class type;
switch ( kind ) {
case INT:
type = GLint.class;
case DOUBLE:
type = GLdouble.class;
case FLOAT:
type = GLfloat.class;
case SHORT:
type = GLshort.class;
case BYTE:
type = GLbyte.class;
case LONG:
type = GLint64EXT.class;
type = GLboolean.class;
throw new RuntimeException(kind + " is not allowed");
return type;
public Class<? extends Annotation> getVoidType() {
return GLvoid.class;
public Class<? extends Annotation> getVoidType() {
return GLvoid.class;
public Class<? extends Annotation> getStringElementType() {
return GLubyte.class;
public Class<? extends Annotation> getStringElementType() {
return GLubyte.class;
public Class<? extends Annotation> getStringArrayType() {
return GLchar.class;
public Class<? extends Annotation> getStringArrayType() {
return GLchar.class;
public Class<? extends Annotation> getByteBufferArrayType() {
return GLchar.class;
public Class<? extends Annotation> getByteBufferArrayType() {
return GLchar.class;
private static Class[] getValidBufferTypes(Class type) {
if (type.equals(IntBuffer.class)) {
return new Class[]{GLbitfield.class, GLenum.class, GLhandleARB.class, GLint.class,
GLsizei.class, GLuint.class, GLvoid.class};
} else if (type.equals(FloatBuffer.class)) {
return new Class[]{GLclampf.class, GLfloat.class};
} else if (type.equals(ByteBuffer.class)) {
return new Class[]{GLboolean.class, GLbyte.class, GLcharARB.class, GLchar.class, GLubyte.class, GLvoid.class};
} else if (type.equals(ShortBuffer.class)) {
return new Class[]{GLhalf.class, GLshort.class, GLushort.class};
} else if (type.equals(DoubleBuffer.class)) {
return new Class[]{GLclampd.class, GLdouble.class};
} else if (type.equals(LongBuffer.class)) {
return new Class[]{GLint64EXT.class, GLuint64EXT.class, GLint64.class, GLuint64.class};
} else {
return new Class[]{};
private static Class[] getValidBufferTypes(Class type) {
if ( type.equals(IntBuffer.class) ) {
return new Class[] { GLbitfield.class, GLenum.class, GLhandleARB.class, GLint.class,
GLsizei.class, GLuint.class, GLvoid.class };
} else if ( type.equals(FloatBuffer.class) ) {
return new Class[] { GLclampf.class, GLfloat.class };
} else if ( type.equals(ByteBuffer.class) ) {
return new Class[] { GLboolean.class, GLbyte.class, GLcharARB.class, GLchar.class, GLubyte.class, GLvoid.class };
} else if ( type.equals(ShortBuffer.class) ) {
return new Class[] { GLhalf.class, GLshort.class, GLushort.class };
} else if ( type.equals(DoubleBuffer.class) ) {
return new Class[] { GLclampd.class, GLdouble.class };
} else if ( type.equals(LongBuffer.class) ) {
return new Class[] { GLint64EXT.class, GLuint64EXT.class, GLint64.class, GLuint64.class };
} else {
return new Class[] { };
private static Class[] getValidPrimitiveTypes(Class type) {
if (type.equals(long.class)) {
return new Class[]{GLintptrARB.class, GLuint.class, GLintptr.class, GLsizeiptrARB.class, GLsizeiptr.class, GLint64EXT.class, GLuint64EXT.class, GLint64.class, GLuint64.class};
} else if (type.equals(int.class)) {
return new Class[]{GLbitfield.class, GLenum.class, GLhandleARB.class, GLint.class, GLuint.class,
} else if (type.equals(double.class)) {
return new Class[]{GLclampd.class, GLdouble.class};
} else if (type.equals(float.class)) {
return new Class[]{GLclampf.class, GLfloat.class};
} else if (type.equals(short.class)) {
return new Class[]{GLhalf.class, GLshort.class, GLushort.class};
} else if (type.equals(byte.class)) {
return new Class[]{GLbyte.class, GLcharARB.class, GLchar.class, GLubyte.class};
} else if (type.equals(boolean.class)) {
return new Class[]{GLboolean.class};
} else if (type.equals(void.class)) {
return new Class[]{GLvoid.class, GLreturn.class};
} else {
return new Class[]{};
private static Class[] getValidPrimitiveTypes(Class type) {
if ( type.equals(long.class) ) {
return new Class[] { GLintptrARB.class, GLuint.class, GLintptr.class, GLsizeiptrARB.class, GLsizeiptr.class, GLint64EXT.class, GLuint64EXT.class, GLint64.class, GLuint64.class };
} else if ( type.equals(int.class) ) {
return new Class[] { GLbitfield.class, GLenum.class, GLhandleARB.class, GLint.class, GLuint.class,
GLsizei.class };
} else if ( type.equals(double.class) ) {
return new Class[] { GLclampd.class, GLdouble.class };
} else if ( type.equals(float.class) ) {
return new Class[] { GLclampf.class, GLfloat.class };
} else if ( type.equals(short.class) ) {
return new Class[] { GLhalf.class, GLshort.class, GLushort.class };
} else if ( type.equals(byte.class) ) {
return new Class[] { GLbyte.class, GLcharARB.class, GLchar.class, GLubyte.class };
} else if ( type.equals(boolean.class) ) {
return new Class[] { GLboolean.class };
} else if ( type.equals(void.class) ) {
return new Class[] { GLvoid.class, GLreturn.class };
} else {
return new Class[] { };
public String getTypedefPostfix() {
return "";
public String getTypedefPostfix() {
return "";
public String getFunctionPrefix() {
return "APIENTRY";
public String getFunctionPrefix() {
return "APIENTRY";
public void printNativeIncludes(PrintWriter writer) {
writer.println("#include \"extgl.h\"");
public void printNativeIncludes(PrintWriter writer) {
writer.println("#include \"extgl.h\"");
public Class[] getValidAnnotationTypes(Class type) {
Class[] valid_types;
if (Buffer.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
valid_types = getValidBufferTypes(type);
} else if (type.isPrimitive()) {
valid_types = getValidPrimitiveTypes(type);
} else if (String.class.equals(type)) {
valid_types = new Class[]{GLubyte.class};
} else if (org.lwjgl.PointerWrapper.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
valid_types = new Class[]{PointerWrapper.class};
} else if (void.class.equals(type)) {
valid_types = new Class[]{GLreturn.class};
} else if (PointerBuffer.class.equals(type)) {
valid_types = new Class[]{GLintptr.class, GLintptrARB.class, GLsizeiptr.class, GLsizeiptrARB.class};
} else {
valid_types = new Class[]{};
return valid_types;
public Class[] getValidAnnotationTypes(Class type) {
Class[] valid_types;
if ( Buffer.class.isAssignableFrom(type) ) {
valid_types = getValidBufferTypes(type);
} else if ( type.isPrimitive() ) {
valid_types = getValidPrimitiveTypes(type);
} else if ( String.class.equals(type) ) {
valid_types = new Class[] { GLubyte.class };
} else if ( org.lwjgl.PointerWrapper.class.isAssignableFrom(type) ) {
valid_types = new Class[] { PointerWrapper.class };
} else if ( void.class.equals(type) ) {
valid_types = new Class[] { GLreturn.class };
} else if ( PointerBuffer.class.equals(type) ) {
valid_types = new Class[] { GLintptr.class, GLintptrARB.class, GLsizeiptr.class, GLsizeiptrARB.class };
} else {
valid_types = new Class[] { };
return valid_types;
public Class<? extends Annotation> getInverseType(Class type) {
if (GLuint.class.equals(type)) {
return GLint.class;
} else if (GLint.class.equals(type)) {
return GLuint.class;
} else if (GLushort.class.equals(type)) {
return GLshort.class;
} else if (GLshort.class.equals(type)) {
return GLushort.class;
} else if (GLubyte.class.equals(type)) {
return GLbyte.class;
} else if (GLbyte.class.equals(type)) {
return GLubyte.class;
} else if (GLuint64EXT.class.equals(type)) {
return GLint64EXT.class;
} else if (GLint64EXT.class.equals(type)) {
return GLuint64EXT.class;
} else if (GLuint64.class.equals(type)) {
return GLint64.class;
} else if (GLint64.class.equals(type)) {
return GLuint64.class;
} else {
return null;
public Class<? extends Annotation> getInverseType(Class type) {
if ( GLuint.class.equals(type) ) {
return GLint.class;
} else if ( GLint.class.equals(type) ) {
return GLuint.class;
} else if ( GLushort.class.equals(type) ) {
return GLshort.class;
} else if ( GLshort.class.equals(type) ) {
return GLushort.class;
} else if ( GLubyte.class.equals(type) ) {
return GLbyte.class;
} else if ( GLbyte.class.equals(type) ) {
return GLubyte.class;
} else if ( GLuint64EXT.class.equals(type) ) {
return GLint64EXT.class;
} else if ( GLint64EXT.class.equals(type) ) {
return GLuint64EXT.class;
} else if ( GLuint64.class.equals(type) ) {
return GLint64.class;
} else if ( GLint64.class.equals(type) ) {
return GLuint64.class;
} else {
return null;
public String getAutoTypeFromAnnotation(AnnotationMirror annotation) {
Class annotation_class = NativeTypeTranslator.getClassFromType(annotation.getAnnotationType());
if (annotation_class.equals(GLint.class)) {
return "GL11.GL_INT";
} else if (annotation_class.equals(GLbyte.class)) {
return "GL11.GL_BYTE";
} else if (annotation_class.equals(GLshort.class)) {
return "GL11.GL_SHORT";
if (annotation_class.equals(GLuint.class)) {
return "GL11.GL_UNSIGNED_INT";
} else if (annotation_class.equals(GLubyte.class)) {
} else if (annotation_class.equals(GLushort.class)) {
} else if (annotation_class.equals(GLfloat.class)) {
return "GL11.GL_FLOAT";
} else if (annotation_class.equals(GLdouble.class)) {
return "GL11.GL_DOUBLE";
} else {
return null;
public String getAutoTypeFromAnnotation(AnnotationMirror annotation) {
Class annotation_class = NativeTypeTranslator.getClassFromType(annotation.getAnnotationType());
if ( annotation_class.equals(GLint.class) ) {
return "GL11.GL_INT";
} else if ( annotation_class.equals(GLbyte.class) ) {
return "GL11.GL_BYTE";
} else if ( annotation_class.equals(GLshort.class) ) {
return "GL11.GL_SHORT";
if ( annotation_class.equals(GLuint.class) ) {
return "GL11.GL_UNSIGNED_INT";
} else if ( annotation_class.equals(GLubyte.class) ) {
} else if ( annotation_class.equals(GLushort.class) ) {
} else if ( annotation_class.equals(GLfloat.class) ) {
return "GL11.GL_FLOAT";
} else if ( annotation_class.equals(GLdouble.class) ) {
return "GL11.GL_DOUBLE";
} else {
return null;

View File

@ -40,12 +40,12 @@ package org.lwjgl.util.generator.opengl;
import org.lwjgl.util.generator.NativeType;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind;
@Target({ElementType.PARAMETER, ElementType.METHOD})
@Target({ ElementType.PARAMETER, ElementType.METHOD })
public @interface GLvoid {
TypeKind value() default TypeKind.BYTE;