removing parts of Math

This commit is contained in:
Brian Matzon 2003-07-05 23:59:44 +00:00
parent cb23db8c47
commit 6e0ffd144d
2 changed files with 0 additions and 462 deletions

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@ -1,346 +0,0 @@
//#include <iostream>
#include <jni.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include "MatrixOpCommon.h"
bool Matrix::identicalDataSpaces(Matrix & other)
if (address != other.address)
return JNI_FALSE;
if (stride != other.stride)
return JNI_FALSE;
if ((width * height) != (other.width * other.height))
return JNI_FALSE;
return JNI_TRUE;
bool Matrix::intersectingDataSpaces(Matrix & other)
char * my_max_address = &address[ stride * elements ];
char * other_max_address = &other.address[ other.stride * other.elements];
if (address >= other.address || address <= other_max_address) return JNI_TRUE;
if (other.address >= address || other.address <= my_max_address) return JNI_TRUE;
return JNI_FALSE;
void Matrix::transposeMatrix(float * src, float * dst, int src_width, int src_height)
// square matrix transpose
if (src_width == src_height)
for (int i = 0; i < src_width; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < src_width; j++)
dst[i + src_width * j] = src[j + i * src_width];
// non square matrix transpose
for (int i = 0; i < src_width; i ++)
for (int j = 0; j < src_height; j++)
dst[i + src_height * j] = src[j + i * src_height];
void Matrix::transposeMatrix(float * mat, int src_width, int src_height)
float temp;
// square matrix transpose
if (src_width == src_height)
for (int col = 0; col < src_width; col++)
for (int row = col+1; row < src_height; row++)
// swap the two elements
temp = mat [col * src_height + row];
mat[col * src_height + row] = mat[row * src_width + col];
mat[row * src_width + col] = temp;
// non square matrix transpose
transposeMatrix(mat, transpose_record, src_width, src_height);
memcpy(mat, transpose_record, src_width * src_height * sizeof(float));
MatrixSrc::MatrixSrc ( jint addr, jint s,
jint w, jint h,
jint e, jboolean t):
Matrix(addr, s, e),
record_offset((char *) addr),
record_size (w*h)
if (t) {
width = h;
height = w;
else {
width = w;
height = h;
elements = e;
record = new float[width * height];
// vectors do not need to be transposed
transpose = (t == JNI_TRUE) && (w != 1) && (h != 1);
if (transpose && (width != height))
// only need temp storage for transpose if the matrix is not square
transpose_record = new float[width*height];
transpose_record = 0;
if (elements == 1)
// fool the nextMatrix function into returning a value
elements = 2;
elements = 1;
//cout << "MatrixSrc destructor \n";
delete [] record;
if (transpose_record != 0)
delete [] transpose_record;
float * MatrixSrc::nextMatrix()
if (elements > 1)
//cout << "Elements: " << elements << "\n";
//cout << "Address: " << (unsigned int) (record_offset) << "\n";
// the record is not properly aligned
if ((unsigned int) (record_offset) & FLOAT_ALIGNMENT)
// copy the floats into a buffer so that they are aligned
// on 4 byte margins (not necessary on intel, but a good thing)
memcpy (record, record_offset, record_size * sizeof(float));
if (transpose)
transposeMatrix (record, height, width);
record_offset = &record_offset[stride];
current_record_ptr = record;
// the record is aligned but it has to be transposed
else if (transpose)
transposeMatrix ((float *) (record_offset), record, height, width);
record_offset = &record_offset[stride];
current_record_ptr = record;
// nothing has to be done to the record
// the floats are aligned in memory
current_record_ptr = (float *) record_offset;
record_offset = &record_offset[stride];
return current_record_ptr;
MatrixDst::MatrixDst (jint addr, jint s, jint w, jint h, jint e, jboolean t):
Matrix(addr, s, e)
width = w;
height = h;
record_size = width * height;
record = new float[record_size];
// vectors do not need to be transposed
transpose = (t) && (w != 1) && (h != 1);
if (transpose)
transpose_record = new float[width*height];
transpose_record = 0;
data_buffered = JNI_FALSE;
record_buffered = JNI_FALSE;
record_offset = address - stride;
//cout << "MatrixDst destructor \n";
delete [] record;
if (transpose_record != 0)
delete [] transpose_record;
// copy back any buffered data
if (data_buffered)
char * src = buffer;
char * dest = address;
for (int i = 0; i < elements; i++)
memcpy(dest, src, record_size * sizeof(float));
src += stride;
dest += stride;
delete [] buffer;
void MatrixDst::configureBuffer(MatrixSrc & a, MatrixSrc & b)
if (!a.intersectingDataSpaces(b))
// as long as the output only overlays 1 of the sources, and the other
// source only has 1 matrix in it, only a record_buffer is required
if (a.elements == 1 && identicalDataSpaces(b))
record_buffered = JNI_TRUE;
else if (b.elements == 1 && identicalDataSpaces(a))
record_buffered = JNI_TRUE;
// otherwise all of the output has to be buffered
void MatrixDst::configureBuffer(MatrixSrc & a)
if (identicalDataSpaces(a))
record_buffered = JNI_TRUE;
else if (intersectingDataSpaces(a))
void MatrixDst::createBuffer()
data_buffered = JNI_TRUE;
buffer = new char[ elements * stride ];
record_offset = buffer - stride;
float * MatrixDst::nextMatrix()
record_offset = &record_offset[stride];
int alignment = ((unsigned int)(record_offset)) & FLOAT_ALIGNMENT;
if (transpose || record_buffered || alignment)
last_record_in_temp = JNI_TRUE;
return record;
last_record_in_temp = JNI_FALSE;
return (float *) record_offset;
void MatrixDst::writeComplete()
if (last_record_in_temp)
// 3 reasons why the record would be in temp
// 1. The record is not aligned
// 2. The result will need to be transposed
// 3. Direct Mode where result would overlay an operand
if (((unsigned int)(record_offset)) & FLOAT_ALIGNMENT)
if (transpose)
transposeMatrix(record, width, height);
memcpy (record, record_offset, record_size * sizeof(jfloat));
else if (transpose)
transposeMatrix(record, (float *) &record_offset[0], width, height);
memcpy (record_offset, record, record_size * sizeof(jfloat));
void subMatrix (const float * src, int side, float * dst , int col_omit, int row_omit)
int index = 0;
int src_index = 0;
for (int c = 0; c < side; c++)
if (c == col_omit)
{ src_index += side;
for (int r = 0; r < side; r++)
if (r == row_omit)
{ src_index++;
dst[index++] = src[src_index++];
float determinant (const float * matrix , int side)
// we are assuming for this case that the data is in column major format
float det = 0;
if (side == 2)
// your basic cross product aka 2x2 determinant
det = matrix[0] * matrix[3] - matrix[2] * matrix[1];
// create room to store the sub matrix
int temp_side = side - 1; // the dimensions of the sub matrix
float * temp_matrix = new float[temp_side * temp_side];
// keep the sign (this way we avoid an additional branch in the inner loop)
float sign = 1;
for (int row = 0; row < side; row++)
// get a sub matrix by eliminating the 0th col and the specified row
subMatrix(matrix, side, temp_matrix, 0, row);
// add to the determinant sign * [a]i0 * [M]i0
det += sign * matrix[row] * determinant (temp_matrix, temp_side);
// alternate the sign
sign *= -1;
delete [] temp_matrix;
return det;

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@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
* Matrix.h
* Created by tristan on Sat Aug 24 2002.
* Copyright (c) 2001 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.
// Utility Functions
#define FLOAT_ALIGNMENT 0x00000003
// 23 bit mantisa on a float (we need error for checking if two nums are equal)
// for now use error of 1/2^18, this could be refined up to 1/2^22 if needed
#define FLOATING_POINT_ERROR (1.0f/262144.0f)
// check if two numbers are approximately equal, used when floating point errors
// occur. Should NEVER check to see if two floats are identical
inline bool approxEqual(float a, float b)
a -= b;
a = (a < 0) ? -a: a;
float determinant (const float * matrix , int side);
void subMatrix (const float * src, int side, float * dst , int col_omit, int row_omit);
// Matrix
class Matrix
float * transpose_record; // to use while transposing the record
char * address; // the start of the data
jint stride; // the distance between each record
jint width, // the width of the matrix
height, // the height of the matrix
elements; // the number of matricies
jboolean transpose; // whether this matrix is or will be transposed
Matrix (jint a, jint s, jint e):
address((char *)a), stride(s), elements(e) {}
bool identicalDataSpaces (Matrix & other);
bool intersectingDataSpaces(Matrix & other);
void transposeMatrix(float * src, float * dst, int src_width, int src_height);
void transposeMatrix(float * mat, int src_width, int src_height);
// Src Matrix
class MatrixSrc: public Matrix
char * record_offset; // the offset of this record in memory
float * record; // temporary storage to store a fully aligned and transposed
// copy of the record, if the one in memory is not so
float * current_record_ptr; // the address of the memory containing the record last
// returned by the nextMatrix() function
jint record_size; // the total floats in each record
MatrixSrc ( jint address, jint stride, jint width, jint height, jint elements, jboolean transpose);
void rewind() { record_offset = address; }
float * nextMatrix();
// Dst Matrix
class MatrixDst: public Matrix
char * record_offset; // the offset of the record in memory
jboolean data_buffered; // if all of the data has to be buffered
char * buffer; // a buffer used when data_buffered
jboolean last_record_in_temp;
jboolean record_buffered; // if only a single record is buffered
float * record; // to store data if source is unaligned
jint record_size;
void createBuffer();
MatrixDst (jint address, jint stride, jint width, jint height, jint elements, jboolean transpose);
void configureBuffer(MatrixSrc & a, MatrixSrc & b);
void configureBuffer(MatrixSrc & a);
float * nextMatrix();
void writeComplete();