Finalise implementation of HiDPI mode for OS X

This commit is contained in:
kappaOne 2013-11-12 01:25:06 +00:00
parent eb2e7176b8
commit d20d5546a3
4 changed files with 46 additions and 8 deletions

View File

@ -22,4 +22,7 @@ org.lwjgl.opengl.Window.undecorated
Whether to create an undecorated window (no title bar)
Usually mouse is clamped to 0,0 - setting this to true will cause you to get negative values if dragging outside and below or left of window
Usually mouse is clamped to 0,0 - setting this to true will cause you to get negative values if dragging outside and below or left of window
Enable high DPI mode where available

View File

@ -1358,8 +1358,9 @@ public final class Display {
* not be scaled to match the Display window size.
* OpenGL methods that require pixel dependent values e.g. glViewport, glTexImage2D,
* glReadPixels, etc can convert the scaled Display and Mouse coordinates to the
* correct high resolution value by multiplying them by the pixel scale factor.
* glReadPixels, glScissor, glLineWidth, glRenderbufferStorage, etc can convert the
* scaled Display and Mouse coordinates to the correct high resolution value by
* multiplying them by the pixel scale factor.
* e.g. Display.getWidth() * Display.getPixelScaleFactor() will return the high DPI
* width of the OpenGL frame buffer. Whereas Display.getWidth() will be the same as

View File

@ -91,6 +91,10 @@ final class MacOSXDisplay implements DisplayImplementation {
private boolean updateNativeCursor = false;
private long currentNativeCursor = 0;
private boolean enableHighDPI = false;
private float scaleFactor = 1.0f;
MacOSXDisplay() {
@ -136,7 +140,7 @@ final class MacOSXDisplay implements DisplayImplementation {
// OS X high DPI mode is only available on OS X 10.7+
boolean enableHighDPI = LWJGLUtil.isMacOSXEqualsOrBetterThan(10, 7) && parent == null &&
enableHighDPI = LWJGLUtil.isMacOSXEqualsOrBetterThan(10, 7) && parent == null &&
if (parented) this.canvas = parent;
@ -191,6 +195,12 @@ final class MacOSXDisplay implements DisplayImplementation {
updateNativeCursor = true;
public void setScaleFactor(float scale) {
synchronized (this) {
scaleFactor = scale;
public native void nDestroyCALayer(ByteBuffer peer_info_handle);
@ -624,7 +634,7 @@ final class MacOSXDisplay implements DisplayImplementation {
public float getPixelScaleFactor() {
return 1f;
return (enableHighDPI && !Display.isFullscreen()) ? scaleFactor : 1f;

View File

@ -74,6 +74,9 @@ static NSUInteger lastModifierFlags = 0;
window_info->view = [[MacOSXOpenGLView alloc] initWithFrame:view_rect pixelFormat:peer_info->pixel_format];
[window_info->view setAutoresizingMask:NSViewWidthSizable | NSViewHeightSizable];
// Inform the view of its parent window info;
[window_info->view setParent:window_info];
if (window_info->enableHighDPI) {
// call method using runtime selector as its a 10.7+ api and allows compiling on older SDK's
[window_info->view performSelector:NSSelectorFromString(@"setWantsBestResolutionOpenGLSurface:") withObject:YES];
@ -134,9 +137,6 @@ static NSUInteger lastModifierFlags = 0;
[window_info->view setBoundsSize:newBounds];
// Inform the view of its parent window info;
[window_info->view setParent:window_info];
if (window_info->enableFullscreenModeAPI && window_info->resizable) {
// manually create OS X 10.7+ mask to allow compilation on previous OS X versions
NSUInteger NSWindowCollectionBehaviorFullScreenPrimary = 1 << 7;
@ -499,6 +499,30 @@ static NSUInteger lastModifierFlags = 0;
- (void)viewDidChangeBackingProperties {
JNIEnv *env = attachCurrentThread();
if (env == nil || _parent == nil || _parent->jdisplay == nil) {
jclass display_class = (*env)->GetObjectClass(env, _parent->jdisplay);
jmethodID setScaleFactor_callback = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, display_class, "setScaleFactor", "(F)V");
CGFloat scaleFactor;
// call method using runtime selector as its a 10.7+ api and allows compiling on older SDK's
SEL selector = NSSelectorFromString(@"backingScaleFactor");
// as we are using a runtime selector, we need to use NSInvocations to get a CGFloat value back from it
NSInvocation *invocation = [NSInvocation invocationWithMethodSignature:[[[self window] class] instanceMethodSignatureForSelector:selector]];
[invocation setSelector:selector];
[invocation setTarget:[self window]];
[invocation invoke];
[invocation getReturnValue:&scaleFactor];
(*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, _parent->jdisplay, setScaleFactor_callback, scaleFactor);
-(void)updateTrackingAreas {
if(_trackingArea != nil) {
[self removeTrackingArea:_trackingArea];