MacOS: remove the use of 'Blocks' in the Cocoa native code by switching to 'Selectors', should allow natives to be binary compatible with OS X 10.5 now.

This commit is contained in:
kappa1 2011-11-12 19:01:28 +00:00
parent f15696d84a
commit d58bcf2ee0
1 changed files with 58 additions and 12 deletions

View File

@ -62,6 +62,21 @@
// forward declaration
@interface AttachLayerOnMainThread : NSObject {
MacOSXPeerInfo *peer_info;
JAWT_MacOSXDrawingSurfaceInfo *macosx_dsi;
- (void) attachLayer;
- (MacOSXPeerInfo*) peer_info;
- (JAWT_MacOSXDrawingSurfaceInfo) macosx_dsi;
- (void) setPeer_info: (MacOSXPeerInfo*)input;
- (void) setMacosx_dsi: (JAWT_MacOSXDrawingSurfaceInfo*)input;
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_lwjgl_opengl_MacOSXCanvasPeerInfo_nInitHandle
(JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, jobject lock_buffer_handle, jobject peer_info_handle, jboolean allowCALayer) {
@ -97,18 +112,15 @@ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_lwjgl_opengl_MacOSXCanvasPeerInfo_nInitHandle
if (macosx_dsi != NULL) {
[JNFRunLoop performOnMainThreadWaiting:YES withBlock:^(){
// attach the "root layer" to the AWT Canvas surface layers
id <JAWT_SurfaceLayers> surfaceLayers = (id <JAWT_SurfaceLayers>)macosx_dsi;//dsi->platformInfo;
if(surfaceLayers.layer == NULL) {
PBufferGLLayer *caGLLayer = [[PBufferGLLayer new] autorelease];
caGLLayer.peer_info = peer_info;
caGLLayer.asynchronous = YES;
caGLLayer.needsDisplayOnBoundsChange = YES;
caGLLayer.opaque = YES;
surfaceLayers.layer = caGLLayer;
AttachLayerOnMainThread *attachLayerOnMainThread = [[AttachLayerOnMainThread new] autorelease];
attachLayerOnMainThread.peer_info = peer_info;
attachLayerOnMainThread.macosx_dsi = macosx_dsi;
[JNFRunLoop performOnMainThread:@selector(attachLayer)
[pool release];
@ -122,6 +134,40 @@ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_lwjgl_opengl_MacOSXCanvasPeerInfo_nInitHandle
[pool release];
// Object class to CALayer on AppKit Thread
@implementation AttachLayerOnMainThread
- (void) attachLayer {
// attach the "root layer" to the AWT Canvas surface layers
id <JAWT_SurfaceLayers> surfaceLayers = (id <JAWT_SurfaceLayers>)macosx_dsi;//dsi->platformInfo;
if(surfaceLayers.layer == NULL) {
PBufferGLLayer *caGLLayer = [[PBufferGLLayer new] autorelease];
caGLLayer.peer_info = peer_info;
caGLLayer.asynchronous = YES;
caGLLayer.needsDisplayOnBoundsChange = YES;
caGLLayer.opaque = YES;
surfaceLayers.layer = caGLLayer;
- (MacOSXPeerInfo*) peer_info {
return peer_info;
- (JAWT_MacOSXDrawingSurfaceInfo*) macosx_dsi {
return macosx_dsi;
- (void) setPeer_info: (MacOSXPeerInfo*)input {
peer_info = input;
- (void) setMacosx_dsi: (JAWT_MacOSXDrawingSurfaceInfo*)input {
macosx_dsi = input;
// rotates a red square when asked to draw
@implementation PBufferGLLayer