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2018-12-11 19:38:06 -05:00
// pathfinder/utils/tile-svg/
// Copyright © 2018 The Pathfinder Project Developers.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
extern crate bitflags;
2018-12-12 17:55:53 -05:00
extern crate quickcheck;
extern crate rand;
2018-12-16 14:41:43 -05:00
use clap::{App, Arg};
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
use euclid::{Point2D, Rect, Size2D, Transform2D, Vector2D};
2018-12-14 17:32:53 -05:00
use jemallocator;
2018-12-14 23:34:36 -05:00
use lyon_geom::cubic_bezier::Flattened;
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
use lyon_geom::{CubicBezierSegment, LineSegment, QuadraticBezierSegment};
2018-12-14 17:21:35 -05:00
use lyon_path::PathEvent;
use lyon_path::iterator::PathIter;
use pathfinder_path_utils::stroke::{StrokeStyle, StrokeToFillIter};
2018-12-11 19:38:06 -05:00
use quick_xml::Reader;
use quick_xml::events::Event;
2018-12-13 17:04:17 -05:00
use std::cmp::Ordering;
2018-12-11 19:38:06 -05:00
use std::env;
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
use std::fmt::{self, Debug, Formatter};
2018-12-11 19:38:06 -05:00
use std::mem;
2018-12-14 23:34:36 -05:00
use std::ops::Range;
2018-12-11 19:38:06 -05:00
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::str::FromStr;
2018-12-13 17:04:17 -05:00
use std::time::Instant;
2018-12-11 19:38:06 -05:00
use svgtypes::{Color as SvgColor, PathParser, PathSegment as SvgPathSegment, TransformListParser};
use svgtypes::{TransformListToken};
2018-12-14 17:32:53 -05:00
static ALLOC: jemallocator::Jemalloc = jemallocator::Jemalloc;
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
// TODO(pcwalton): Make this configurable.
const SCALE_FACTOR: f32 = 8.0;
2018-12-14 23:34:36 -05:00
// TODO(pcwalton): Make this configurable.
const FLATTENING_TOLERANCE: f32 = 3.0;
2018-12-11 19:38:06 -05:00
fn main() {
2018-12-16 14:41:43 -05:00
let matches =
.help("Run a benchmark with COUNT runs"))
.arg(Arg::with_name("INPUT").help("Path to the SVG file to render")
.arg(Arg::with_name("OUTPUT").help("Path to the output PF3 data")
let runs: usize = match matches.value_of("runs") {
Some(runs) => runs.parse().unwrap(),
None => 1,
let path = PathBuf::from(matches.value_of("INPUT").unwrap());
2018-12-11 19:38:06 -05:00
let scene = Scene::from_path(&path);
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
println!("bounds: {:?}", scene.bounds);
2018-12-13 17:04:17 -05:00
let start_time = Instant::now();
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
let mut primitives = vec![];
2018-12-16 14:41:43 -05:00
for _ in 0..runs {
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
primitives = scene.generate_tiles();
2018-12-13 18:53:58 -05:00
2018-12-13 17:04:17 -05:00
let elapsed_time = Instant::now() - start_time;
2018-12-13 18:53:58 -05:00
let elapsed_ms = elapsed_time.as_secs() as f64 * 1000.0 +
elapsed_time.subsec_micros() as f64 / 1000.0;
2018-12-16 14:41:43 -05:00
println!("{}ms elapsed", elapsed_ms / runs as f64);
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
println!("{} primitives generated", primitives.len());
2018-12-11 19:38:06 -05:00
struct Scene {
objects: Vec<PathObject>,
styles: Vec<ComputedStyle>,
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
bounds: Rect<f32>,
view_box: Option<Rect<f32>>,
2018-12-11 19:38:06 -05:00
struct PathObject {
outline: Outline,
style: StyleId,
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
name: String,
2018-12-11 19:38:06 -05:00
2018-12-16 14:41:43 -05:00
struct ComputedStyle {
fill_color: Option<SvgColor>,
stroke_width: f32,
stroke_color: Option<SvgColor>,
transform: Transform2D<f32>,
struct GroupStyle {
fill_color: Option<SvgColor>,
stroke_width: Option<f32>,
stroke_color: Option<SvgColor>,
transform: Option<Transform2D<f32>>,
impl ComputedStyle {
fn new() -> ComputedStyle {
ComputedStyle {
fill_color: None,
stroke_width: 1.0,
stroke_color: None,
transform: Transform2D::identity(),
2018-12-11 19:38:06 -05:00
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Debug)]
struct StyleId(u32);
impl Scene {
fn new() -> Scene {
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
Scene { objects: vec![], styles: vec![], bounds: Rect::zero(), view_box: None }
2018-12-11 19:38:06 -05:00
fn from_path(path: &Path) -> Scene {
let mut reader = Reader::from_file(&path).unwrap();
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
let global_transform = Transform2D::create_scale(SCALE_FACTOR, SCALE_FACTOR);
2018-12-11 19:38:06 -05:00
let mut xml_buffer = vec![];
let mut group_styles = vec![];
let mut style = None;
let mut scene = Scene::new();
loop {
match reader.read_event(&mut xml_buffer) {
Ok(Event::Start(ref event)) |
Ok(Event::Empty(ref event)) if == b"path" => {
let attributes = event.attributes();
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
let (mut encoded_path, mut name) = (String::new(), String::new());
2018-12-11 19:38:06 -05:00
for attribute in attributes {
let attribute = attribute.unwrap();
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
if attribute.key == b"d" {
encoded_path = reader.decode(&attribute.value).to_string();
} else if attribute.key == b"id" {
name = reader.decode(&attribute.value).to_string();
2018-12-11 19:38:06 -05:00
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
let style = scene.ensure_style(&mut style, &mut group_styles);
scene.push_svg_path(&encoded_path, style, name);
2018-12-11 19:38:06 -05:00
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
2018-12-11 19:38:06 -05:00
Ok(Event::Start(ref event)) if == b"g" => {
let mut group_style = GroupStyle::default();
let attributes = event.attributes();
for attribute in attributes {
let attribute = attribute.unwrap();
match attribute.key {
b"fill" => {
let value = reader.decode(&attribute.value);
if let Ok(color) = SvgColor::from_str(&value) {
group_style.fill_color = Some(color)
b"stroke" => {
let value = reader.decode(&attribute.value);
if let Ok(color) = SvgColor::from_str(&value) {
group_style.stroke_color = Some(color)
b"transform" => {
let value = reader.decode(&attribute.value);
let mut current_transform = Transform2D::identity();
let transform_list_parser = TransformListParser::from(&*value);
for transform in transform_list_parser {
match transform {
Ok(TransformListToken::Matrix { a, b, c, d, e, f }) => {
let transform: Transform2D<f32> =
Transform2D::row_major(a, b, c, d, e, f).cast();
current_transform = current_transform.pre_mul(&transform)
_ => {}
group_style.transform = Some(current_transform);
b"stroke-width" => {
if let Ok(width) = reader.decode(&attribute.value).parse() {
group_style.stroke_width = Some(width)
_ => {}
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
2018-12-11 19:38:06 -05:00
style = None;
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
Ok(Event::Start(ref event)) if == b"svg" => {
let attributes = event.attributes();
for attribute in attributes {
let attribute = attribute.unwrap();
if attribute.key == b"viewBox" {
let view_box = reader.decode(&attribute.value);
let mut elements = view_box.split_whitespace()
.map(|value| f32::from_str(value).unwrap());
let view_box = Rect::new(Point2D::new(,,
scene.view_box = Some(global_transform.transform_rect(&view_box));
2018-12-11 19:38:06 -05:00
Ok(Event::Eof) | Err(_) => break,
Ok(_) => {}
return scene;
fn ensure_style(&mut self, current_style: &mut Option<StyleId>, group_styles: &[GroupStyle])
-> StyleId {
if let Some(current_style) = *current_style {
return current_style
let mut computed_style = ComputedStyle::new();
for group_style in group_styles {
if let Some(fill_color) = group_style.fill_color {
computed_style.fill_color = Some(fill_color)
if let Some(stroke_width) = group_style.stroke_width {
computed_style.stroke_width = stroke_width
if let Some(stroke_color) = group_style.stroke_color {
computed_style.stroke_color = Some(stroke_color)
if let Some(transform) = group_style.transform {
computed_style.transform = computed_style.transform.pre_mul(&transform)
let id = StyleId(self.styles.len() as u32);
2018-12-11 19:53:57 -05:00
fn get_style(&self, style: StyleId) -> &ComputedStyle {
&self.styles[style.0 as usize]
2018-12-13 17:04:17 -05:00
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
fn generate_tiles(&self) -> Vec<Primitive> {
let mut primitives = vec![];
for (index, object) in self.objects.iter().enumerate() {
//println!("{} ({}): {:?}", index,, object.outline.bounds);
let mut tiler = Tiler::from_outline(&object.outline, &self.view_box, &mut primitives);
2018-12-13 17:04:17 -05:00
// TODO(pcwalton)
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
2018-12-13 17:04:17 -05:00
2018-12-14 17:21:35 -05:00
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
fn push_svg_path(&mut self, value: &str, style: StyleId, name: String) {
2018-12-14 17:21:35 -05:00
if self.get_style(style).stroke_width > 0.0 {
let computed_style = self.get_style(style);
let mut path_parser = PathParser::from(&*value);
let path = SvgPathToPathEvents::new(&mut path_parser);
let path = PathIter::new(path);
let path = StrokeToFillIter::new(path, StrokeStyle::new(computed_style.stroke_width));
let outline = Outline::from_path_events(path, computed_style);
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
self.bounds = self.bounds.union(&outline.bounds);
self.objects.push(PathObject::new(outline, style, name.clone()));
2018-12-14 17:21:35 -05:00
if self.get_style(style).fill_color.is_some() {
let computed_style = self.get_style(style);
let mut path_parser = PathParser::from(&*value);
let path = SvgPathToPathEvents::new(&mut path_parser);
let outline = Outline::from_path_events(path, computed_style);
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
self.bounds = self.bounds.union(&outline.bounds);
self.objects.push(PathObject::new(outline, style, name));
2018-12-14 17:21:35 -05:00
2018-12-11 19:38:06 -05:00
impl PathObject {
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
fn new(outline: Outline, style: StyleId, name: String) -> PathObject {
PathObject { outline, style, name }
2018-12-11 19:38:06 -05:00
// Outlines
struct Outline {
contours: Vec<Contour>,
2018-12-13 17:04:17 -05:00
bounds: Rect<f32>,
2018-12-11 19:38:06 -05:00
struct Contour {
points: Vec<Point2D<f32>>,
flags: Vec<PointFlags>,
bitflags! {
struct PointFlags: u8 {
const CONTROL_POINT_0 = 0x01;
const CONTROL_POINT_1 = 0x02;
impl Outline {
fn new() -> Outline {
Outline {
contours: vec![],
2018-12-13 17:04:17 -05:00
bounds: Rect::zero(),
2018-12-11 19:38:06 -05:00
2018-12-14 17:21:35 -05:00
fn from_path_events<I>(path_events: I, style: &ComputedStyle) -> Outline
where I: Iterator<Item = PathEvent> {
2018-12-11 19:38:06 -05:00
let mut outline = Outline::new();
let mut current_contour = Contour::new();
2018-12-13 17:04:17 -05:00
let mut bounding_points = None;
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
let global_transform = Transform2D::create_scale(SCALE_FACTOR, SCALE_FACTOR);
let transform = global_transform.pre_mul(&style.transform);
2018-12-14 17:21:35 -05:00
for path_event in path_events {
match path_event {
PathEvent::MoveTo(to) => {
2018-12-11 19:38:06 -05:00
if !current_contour.is_empty() {
outline.contours.push(mem::replace(&mut current_contour, Contour::new()))
2018-12-11 19:53:57 -05:00
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
2018-12-13 17:04:17 -05:00
&mut bounding_points);
2018-12-11 19:38:06 -05:00
2018-12-14 17:21:35 -05:00
PathEvent::LineTo(to) => {
2018-12-11 19:53:57 -05:00
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
2018-12-13 17:04:17 -05:00
&mut bounding_points);
2018-12-11 19:38:06 -05:00
2018-12-14 17:21:35 -05:00
PathEvent::QuadraticTo(ctrl, to) => {
2018-12-11 19:53:57 -05:00
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
2018-12-13 17:04:17 -05:00
&mut bounding_points);
2018-12-11 19:53:57 -05:00
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
2018-12-13 17:04:17 -05:00
&mut bounding_points);
2018-12-11 19:38:06 -05:00
2018-12-14 17:21:35 -05:00
PathEvent::CubicTo(ctrl0, ctrl1, to) => {
2018-12-11 19:53:57 -05:00
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
2018-12-13 17:04:17 -05:00
&mut bounding_points);
2018-12-11 19:53:57 -05:00
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
2018-12-13 17:04:17 -05:00
&mut bounding_points);
2018-12-11 19:53:57 -05:00
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
2018-12-13 17:04:17 -05:00
&mut bounding_points);
2018-12-11 19:38:06 -05:00
2018-12-14 17:21:35 -05:00
PathEvent::Close => {
2018-12-11 19:38:06 -05:00
if !current_contour.is_empty() {
outline.contours.push(mem::replace(&mut current_contour, Contour::new()));
2018-12-14 17:21:35 -05:00
PathEvent::Arc(..) => unimplemented!("arcs"),
2018-12-11 19:38:06 -05:00
if !current_contour.is_empty() {
2018-12-13 17:04:17 -05:00
if let Some((upper_left, lower_right)) = bounding_points {
outline.bounds = Rect::from_points([upper_left, lower_right].into_iter())
2018-12-14 17:21:35 -05:00
2018-12-11 19:38:06 -05:00
2018-12-14 17:21:35 -05:00
fn iter(&self) -> OutlineIter {
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
OutlineIter { outline: self, contour_iter: None, contour_index: 0 }
2018-12-11 19:38:06 -05:00
2018-12-13 17:04:17 -05:00
fn segment_after(&self, endpoint_index: PointIndex) -> Segment {
2018-12-16 14:41:43 -05:00
fn get_point(&self, index: PointIndex) -> &Point2D<f32> {
2018-12-11 19:38:06 -05:00
impl Contour {
fn new() -> Contour {
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
Contour { points: vec![], flags: vec![] }
fn iter(&self) -> ContourIter {
ContourIter { contour: self, index: 0 }
2018-12-11 19:38:06 -05:00
fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
2018-12-11 19:53:57 -05:00
fn push_transformed_point(&mut self,
point: &Point2D<f32>,
flags: PointFlags,
2018-12-13 17:04:17 -05:00
transform: &Transform2D<f32>,
bounding_points: &mut Option<(Point2D<f32>, Point2D<f32>)>) {
let point = transform.transform_point(point);
2018-12-11 19:53:57 -05:00
2018-12-13 17:04:17 -05:00
match *bounding_points {
Some((ref mut upper_left, ref mut lower_right)) => {
*upper_left = upper_left.min(point);
*lower_right = lower_right.max(point);
None => *bounding_points = Some((point, point)),
fn segment_after(&self, point_index: usize) -> Segment {
2018-12-13 19:22:06 -05:00
let mut segment = Segment::new();
segment.from = self.points[point_index];
segment.flags |= SegmentFlags::HAS_ENDPOINTS;
2018-12-13 17:04:17 -05:00
let point1_index = self.add_to_point_index(point_index, 1);
if self.point_is_endpoint(point1_index) {
2018-12-13 19:22:06 -05:00 = self.points[point1_index];
} else {
segment.ctrl0 = self.points[point1_index];
segment.flags |= SegmentFlags::HAS_CONTROL_POINT_0;
let point2_index = self.add_to_point_index(point_index, 2);
if self.point_is_endpoint(point2_index) { = self.points[point2_index];
} else {
segment.ctrl1 = self.points[point2_index];
segment.flags |= SegmentFlags::HAS_CONTROL_POINT_1;
let point3_index = self.add_to_point_index(point_index, 3); = self.points[point3_index];
2018-12-13 17:04:17 -05:00
2018-12-13 19:22:06 -05:00
2018-12-13 17:04:17 -05:00
fn point_is_endpoint(&self, point_index: usize) -> bool {
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
!self.flags[point_index].intersects(PointFlags::CONTROL_POINT_0 |
2018-12-13 17:04:17 -05:00
fn add_to_point_index(&self, point_index: usize, addend: usize) -> usize {
2018-12-13 19:22:06 -05:00
let (index, limit) = (point_index + addend, self.points.len());
if index >= limit {
index - limit
} else {
2018-12-13 17:04:17 -05:00
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
impl Debug for Contour {
fn fmt(&self, formatter: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
if formatter.alternate() {
for (index, segment) in self.iter().enumerate() {
if index > 0 {
if formatter.alternate() {
formatter.write_str("\n ")?;
} else {
formatter.write_str(" ")?;
if formatter.alternate() {
2018-12-14 17:21:35 -05:00
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Default)]
2018-12-13 17:04:17 -05:00
struct PointIndex {
contour_index: usize,
point_index: usize,
2018-12-14 17:21:35 -05:00
struct OutlineIter<'a> {
outline: &'a Outline,
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
contour_iter: Option<ContourIter<'a>>,
contour_index: usize,
struct ContourIter<'a> {
contour: &'a Contour,
index: usize,
2018-12-14 17:21:35 -05:00
impl<'a> Iterator for OutlineIter<'a> {
type Item = PathEvent;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<PathEvent> {
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
if let Some(ref mut contour_iter) = self.contour_iter {
match {
Some(event) => return Some(event),
None => {
self.contour_iter = None;
self.contour_index += 1;
if self.contour_index == self.outline.contours.len() {
return None
self.contour_iter = Some(self.outline.contours[self.contour_index].iter());
impl<'a> Iterator for ContourIter<'a> {
type Item = PathEvent;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<PathEvent> {
let contour = self.contour;
if self.index == contour.points.len() + 1 {
2018-12-14 17:21:35 -05:00
return None
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
if self.index == contour.points.len() {
self.index += 1;
2018-12-14 17:21:35 -05:00
return Some(PathEvent::Close)
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
let point0_index = self.index;
2018-12-14 17:21:35 -05:00
let point0 = contour.points[point0_index];
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
self.index += 1;
2018-12-14 17:21:35 -05:00
if point0_index == 0 {
return Some(PathEvent::MoveTo(point0))
if contour.point_is_endpoint(point0_index) {
return Some(PathEvent::LineTo(point0))
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
let point1_index = self.index;
2018-12-14 17:21:35 -05:00
let point1 = contour.points[point1_index];
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
self.index += 1;
2018-12-14 17:21:35 -05:00
if contour.point_is_endpoint(point1_index) {
return Some(PathEvent::QuadraticTo(point0, point1))
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
let point2_index = self.index;
2018-12-14 17:21:35 -05:00
let point2 = contour.points[point2_index];
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
self.index += 1;
2018-12-14 17:21:35 -05:00
Some(PathEvent::CubicTo(point0, point1, point2))
2018-12-13 17:04:17 -05:00
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]
2018-12-13 19:22:06 -05:00
struct Segment {
from: Point2D<f32>,
ctrl0: Point2D<f32>,
ctrl1: Point2D<f32>,
to: Point2D<f32>,
flags: SegmentFlags,
2018-12-13 17:04:17 -05:00
impl Segment {
2018-12-13 19:22:06 -05:00
fn new() -> Segment {
Segment {
from: Point2D::zero(),
ctrl0: Point2D::zero(),
ctrl1: Point2D::zero(),
to: Point2D::zero(),
flags: SegmentFlags::empty(),
fn from_line(line: &LineSegment<f32>) -> Segment {
Segment {
from: line.from,
ctrl0: Point2D::zero(),
ctrl1: Point2D::zero(),
flags: SegmentFlags::HAS_ENDPOINTS,
fn from_quadratic(curve: &QuadraticBezierSegment<f32>) -> Segment {
Segment {
from: curve.from,
ctrl0: curve.ctrl,
ctrl1: Point2D::zero(),
flags: SegmentFlags::HAS_ENDPOINTS | SegmentFlags::HAS_CONTROL_POINT_0
2018-12-13 18:53:58 -05:00
2018-12-13 19:22:06 -05:00
fn from_cubic(curve: &CubicBezierSegment<f32>) -> Segment {
Segment {
from: curve.from,
ctrl0: curve.ctrl1,
ctrl1: curve.ctrl2,
flags: SegmentFlags::HAS_ENDPOINTS | SegmentFlags::HAS_CONTROL_POINT_0 |
2018-12-13 17:04:17 -05:00
2018-12-14 23:34:36 -05:00
fn generate_primitives(&self, range: Range<f32>, primitives: &mut Vec<Primitive>) {
let segment = CubicBezierSegment {
from: self.from,
ctrl1: self.ctrl0,
ctrl2: self.ctrl1,
let flattener = Flattened::new(segment, FLATTENING_TOLERANCE);
let mut from = self.from;
for to in flattener {
2018-12-14 23:40:14 -05:00
if f32::min(from.x, to.x) >= range.start && f32::max(from.x, to.x) <= range.end {
primitives.push(Primitive { from, to });
2018-12-14 23:34:36 -05:00
from = to;
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
2018-12-13 19:22:06 -05:00
fn is_none(&self) -> bool {
2018-12-13 17:04:17 -05:00
// Note: If we convert these to monotonic then we can optimize this method.
// TODO(pcwalton): Consider changing the representation of `Segment` to remove the code
// duplication in the branches here?
fn min_y(&self) -> f32 {
2018-12-13 19:22:06 -05:00
let mut min_y = f32::min(self.from.y,;
if self.flags.contains(SegmentFlags::HAS_CONTROL_POINT_0) {
min_y = f32::min(min_y, self.ctrl0.y)
2018-12-13 17:04:17 -05:00
2018-12-13 19:22:06 -05:00
if self.flags.contains(SegmentFlags::HAS_CONTROL_POINT_1) {
min_y = f32::min(min_y, self.ctrl1.y)
2018-12-13 17:04:17 -05:00
fn clip_y(&self, y: f32) -> ClippedSegments {
2018-12-13 19:22:06 -05:00
if self.from.y < y && < y {
2018-12-13 17:04:17 -05:00
return ClippedSegments { min: Some(*self), max: None }
2018-12-13 19:22:06 -05:00
if self.from.y > y && > y {
2018-12-13 17:04:17 -05:00
return ClippedSegments { min: None, max: Some(*self) }
2018-12-13 19:22:06 -05:00
let (prev, next) = if self.flags.contains(SegmentFlags::HAS_CONTROL_POINT_1) {
let curve = CubicBezierSegment {
from: self.from,
ctrl1: self.ctrl0,
ctrl2: self.ctrl1,
let swapped_curve = CubicBezierSegment {
from: curve.from.yx(),
ctrl1: curve.ctrl1.yx(),
ctrl2: curve.ctrl2.yx(),
let (prev, next) = curve.split(
swapped_curve.assume_monotonic().solve_t_for_x(y, 0.0..1.0, TOLERANCE));
(Segment::from_cubic(&prev), Segment::from_cubic(&next))
} else if self.flags.contains(SegmentFlags::HAS_CONTROL_POINT_0) {
let curve = QuadraticBezierSegment { from: self.from, ctrl: self.ctrl0, to: };
let (prev, next) = curve.split(curve.assume_monotonic().solve_t_for_y(y));
(Segment::from_quadratic(&prev), Segment::from_quadratic(&next))
} else {
let line = LineSegment { from: self.from, to: };
let (prev, next) = line.split(line.solve_t_for_y(y));
(Segment::from_line(&prev), Segment::from_line(&next))
2018-12-13 17:04:17 -05:00
2018-12-13 19:22:06 -05:00
if self.from.y <= {
2018-12-13 17:04:17 -05:00
return ClippedSegments { min: Some(prev), max: Some(next) };
} else {
return ClippedSegments { min: Some(next), max: Some(prev) };
const TOLERANCE: f32 = 0.01;
2018-12-11 19:53:57 -05:00
2018-12-13 17:04:17 -05:00
fn translate(&self, by: &Vector2D<f32>) -> Segment {
2018-12-13 19:22:06 -05:00
let flags = self.flags;
let (from, to) = if flags.contains(SegmentFlags::HAS_ENDPOINTS) {
(self.from + *by, + *by)
} else {
(Point2D::zero(), Point2D::zero())
let ctrl0 = if flags.contains(SegmentFlags::HAS_CONTROL_POINT_0) {
self.ctrl0 + *by
} else {
let ctrl1 = if flags.contains(SegmentFlags::HAS_CONTROL_POINT_1) {
self.ctrl1 + *by
} else {
Segment { from, ctrl0, ctrl1, to, flags }
2018-12-13 17:04:17 -05:00
struct ClippedSegments {
min: Option<Segment>,
max: Option<Segment>,
2018-12-11 19:38:06 -05:00
2018-12-12 17:55:53 -05:00
2018-12-13 19:22:06 -05:00
bitflags! {
struct SegmentFlags: u8 {
const HAS_ENDPOINTS = 0x01;
const HAS_CONTROL_POINT_0 = 0x02;
const HAS_CONTROL_POINT_1 = 0x04;
2018-12-12 17:55:53 -05:00
// Tiling
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
const TILE_WIDTH: f32 = 16.0;
const TILE_HEIGHT: f32 = 16.0;
2018-12-13 17:04:17 -05:00
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
struct Tiler<'o, 'p> {
outline: &'o Outline,
primitives: &'p mut Vec<Primitive>,
view_box: Option<Rect<f32>>,
2018-12-13 18:53:58 -05:00
sorted_edge_indices: Vec<PointIndex>,
active_intervals: Intervals,
active_edges: Vec<Segment>,
2018-12-12 17:55:53 -05:00
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
impl<'o, 'p> Tiler<'o, 'p> {
fn from_outline(outline: &'o Outline,
view_box: &Option<Rect<f32>>,
primitives: &'p mut Vec<Primitive>)
-> Tiler<'o, 'p> {
2018-12-12 17:55:53 -05:00
Tiler {
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
view_box: *view_box,
2018-12-13 18:53:58 -05:00
sorted_edge_indices: vec![],
active_intervals: Intervals::new(0.0),
active_edges: vec![],
2018-12-12 17:55:53 -05:00
2018-12-13 17:04:17 -05:00
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
fn generate_tiles(&mut self) {
2018-12-13 17:04:17 -05:00
// Sort all edge indices.
2018-12-13 18:53:58 -05:00
2018-12-13 17:04:17 -05:00
for contour_index in 0..self.outline.contours.len() {
let contour = &self.outline.contours[contour_index];
for point_index in 0..contour.points.len() {
if contour.point_is_endpoint(point_index) {
2018-12-13 18:53:58 -05:00
self.sorted_edge_indices.push(PointIndex { contour_index, point_index })
2018-12-13 17:04:17 -05:00
2018-12-13 18:53:58 -05:00
let outline = &self.outline;
2018-12-14 23:03:48 -05:00
self.sorted_edge_indices.sort_unstable_by(|edge_index_a, edge_index_b| {
2018-12-13 18:53:58 -05:00
let segment_a = outline.segment_after(*edge_index_a);
let segment_b = outline.segment_after(*edge_index_b);
2018-12-13 17:04:17 -05:00
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
// Guard band clipping...
2018-12-13 17:04:17 -05:00
let bounds = self.outline.bounds;
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
let (mut max_x, mut max_y) = (bounds.max_x(), bounds.max_y());
if let Some(view_box) = self.view_box {
max_x = clamp(max_x, view_box.origin.x, view_box.max_x());
max_y = clamp(max_y, view_box.origin.y, view_box.max_y());
2018-12-13 17:04:17 -05:00
2018-12-13 18:53:58 -05:00
2018-12-13 17:04:17 -05:00
let mut next_edge_index_index = 0;
2018-12-14 23:03:48 -05:00
let mut tile_top = f32::floor(bounds.origin.y / TILE_HEIGHT) * TILE_HEIGHT;
2018-12-13 17:04:17 -05:00
while tile_top < max_y {
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
let tile_extent = Point2D::new(max_x, tile_top + TILE_HEIGHT);
let above_view_box = match self.view_box {
Some(ref view_box) => tile_extent.y <= view_box.origin.y,
None => false,
2018-12-13 17:04:17 -05:00
// TODO(pcwalton): Populate tile strip with active intervals.
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
// Process old active edges.
2018-12-13 18:53:58 -05:00
for active_edge in &mut self.active_edges {
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
let primitives = if above_view_box { None } else { Some(&mut *self.primitives) };
&mut self.active_intervals)
2018-12-13 17:04:17 -05:00
2018-12-13 18:53:58 -05:00
self.active_edges.retain(|edge| !edge.is_none());
2018-12-13 17:04:17 -05:00
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
// Add new active edges.
2018-12-13 18:53:58 -05:00
while next_edge_index_index < self.sorted_edge_indices.len() {
let mut segment =
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
if segment.min_y() > tile_extent.y {
2018-12-13 17:04:17 -05:00
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
let primitives = if above_view_box { None } else { Some(&mut *self.primitives) };
process_active_edge(&mut segment,
&mut self.active_intervals);
2018-12-13 18:53:58 -05:00
if !segment.is_none() {
2018-12-13 17:04:17 -05:00
next_edge_index_index += 1;
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
tile_top = tile_extent.y;
2018-12-13 17:04:17 -05:00
2018-12-13 18:53:58 -05:00
2018-12-13 17:04:17 -05:00
2018-12-13 18:53:58 -05:00
fn process_active_edge(active_edge: &mut Segment,
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
strip_extent: &Point2D<f32>,
primitives: Option<&mut Vec<Primitive>>,
2018-12-13 18:53:58 -05:00
active_intervals: &mut Intervals) {
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
let clipped = active_edge.clip_y(strip_extent.y);
2018-12-13 18:53:58 -05:00
if let Some(upper_segment) = clipped.min {
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
if let Some(primitives) = primitives {
// FIXME(pcwalton): Assumes x-monotonicity!
// FIXME(pcwalton): Don't hardcode a view box left of 0!
let mut min_x = f32::min(upper_segment.from.x,;
let mut max_x = f32::max(upper_segment.from.x,;
min_x = clamp(min_x, 0.0, strip_extent.x);
max_x = clamp(max_x, 0.0, strip_extent.x);
2018-12-14 23:34:36 -05:00
let tile_left = f32::floor(min_x / TILE_WIDTH) * TILE_WIDTH;
2018-12-14 23:40:14 -05:00
let tile_right = f32::ceil(max_x / TILE_WIDTH) * TILE_WIDTH;
active_edge.generate_primitives(tile_left..tile_right, primitives);
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
2018-12-13 18:53:58 -05:00
// FIXME(pcwalton): Assumes x-monotonicity!
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
let mut from_x = f32::max(0.0, f32::min(active_intervals.extent(), upper_segment.from.x));
let mut to_x = f32::max(0.0, f32::min(active_intervals.extent(),;
from_x = clamp(from_x, 0.0, strip_extent.x);
to_x = clamp(to_x, 0.0, strip_extent.x);
2018-12-13 18:53:58 -05:00
if from_x < to_x {
active_intervals.add(IntervalRange::new(from_x, to_x, -1.0))
} else {
active_intervals.add(IntervalRange::new(to_x, from_x, 1.0))
2018-12-13 17:04:17 -05:00
2018-12-13 18:53:58 -05:00
match clipped.max {
Some(lower_segment) => *active_edge = lower_segment,
2018-12-13 19:22:06 -05:00
None => *active_edge = Segment::new(),
2018-12-13 18:53:58 -05:00
2018-12-13 17:04:17 -05:00
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
// Primitives
2018-12-13 17:04:17 -05:00
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
struct Primitive {
from: Point2D<f32>,
to: Point2D<f32>,
2018-12-12 17:55:53 -05:00
// Intervals
struct Intervals {
ranges: Vec<IntervalRange>,
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
struct IntervalRange {
start: f32,
end: f32,
winding: f32,
impl Intervals {
fn new(end: f32) -> Intervals {
Intervals {
ranges: vec![IntervalRange::new(0.0, end, 0.0)],
fn add(&mut self, range: IntervalRange) {
2018-12-13 20:08:47 -05:00
if range.is_empty() {
2018-12-12 17:55:53 -05:00
// Adjust winding numbers.
2018-12-13 20:08:47 -05:00
let mut index = 0;
while range.start != self.ranges[index].start {
index += 1
loop {
self.ranges[index].winding += range.winding;
if range.end == self.ranges[index].end {
index += 1
2018-12-12 17:55:53 -05:00
2018-12-13 18:53:58 -05:00
fn reset(&mut self, end: f32) {
2018-12-12 17:55:53 -05:00
self.ranges[0] = IntervalRange::new(0.0, end, 0.0);
2018-12-13 17:04:17 -05:00
fn extent(&self) -> f32 {
2018-12-12 17:55:53 -05:00
fn split_at(&mut self, value: f32) {
2018-12-13 22:50:13 -05:00
let (mut low, mut high) = (0, self.ranges.len());
loop {
let mid = low + (high - low) / 2;
2018-12-12 17:55:53 -05:00
let IntervalRange {
start: old_start,
end: old_end,
2018-12-13 22:50:13 -05:00
} = self.ranges[mid];
if value < old_start {
high = mid;
if value > old_end {
low = mid + 1;
2018-12-12 17:55:53 -05:00
2018-12-13 20:08:47 -05:00
if old_start < value && value < old_end {
2018-12-13 22:50:13 -05:00
self.ranges[mid] = IntervalRange::new(old_start, value, winding);
self.ranges.insert(mid + 1, IntervalRange::new(value, old_end, winding));
2018-12-13 20:08:47 -05:00
2018-12-12 17:55:53 -05:00
fn merge_adjacent(&mut self) {
let mut dest_range_index = 0;
let mut current_range = self.ranges[0];
for src_range_index in 1..self.ranges.len() {
if self.ranges[src_range_index].winding == current_range.winding {
current_range.end = self.ranges[src_range_index].end
} else {
self.ranges[dest_range_index] = current_range;
dest_range_index += 1;
current_range = self.ranges[src_range_index];
self.ranges[dest_range_index] = current_range;
dest_range_index += 1;
impl IntervalRange {
fn new(start: f32, end: f32, winding: f32) -> IntervalRange {
IntervalRange {
fn contains(&self, value: f32) -> bool {
value >= self.start && value < self.end
2018-12-13 20:08:47 -05:00
fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
self.start == self.end
2018-12-12 17:55:53 -05:00
2018-12-14 17:21:35 -05:00
// SVG stuff
struct SvgPathToPathEvents<'a, I> where I: Iterator<Item = SvgPathSegment> {
iter: &'a mut I,
last_endpoint: Option<Point2D<f32>>,
last_ctrl_point: Option<Point2D<f32>>,
impl<'a, I> SvgPathToPathEvents<'a, I> where I: Iterator<Item = SvgPathSegment> {
fn new(iter: &'a mut I) -> SvgPathToPathEvents<'a, I> {
SvgPathToPathEvents { iter, last_endpoint: None, last_ctrl_point: None }
impl<'a, I> Iterator for SvgPathToPathEvents<'a, I> where I: Iterator<Item = SvgPathSegment> {
type Item = PathEvent;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<PathEvent> {
return match {
None => None,
Some(SvgPathSegment::MoveTo { abs, x, y }) => {
let to = compute_point(x, y, abs, &self.last_endpoint);
self.last_endpoint = Some(to);
self.last_ctrl_point = None;
Some(SvgPathSegment::LineTo { abs, x, y }) => {
let to = compute_point(x, y, abs, &self.last_endpoint);
self.last_endpoint = Some(to);
self.last_ctrl_point = None;
Some(SvgPathSegment::HorizontalLineTo { abs, x }) => {
let to = compute_point(x, 0.0, abs, &self.last_endpoint);
self.last_endpoint = Some(to);
self.last_ctrl_point = None;
Some(SvgPathSegment::VerticalLineTo { abs, y }) => {
let to = compute_point(0.0, y, abs, &self.last_endpoint);
self.last_endpoint = Some(to);
self.last_ctrl_point = None;
Some(SvgPathSegment::Quadratic { abs, x1, y1, x, y }) => {
let ctrl = compute_point(x1, y1, abs, &self.last_endpoint);
self.last_ctrl_point = Some(ctrl);
let to = compute_point(x, y, abs, &self.last_endpoint);
self.last_endpoint = Some(to);
Some(PathEvent::QuadraticTo(ctrl, to))
Some(SvgPathSegment::SmoothQuadratic { abs, x, y }) => {
let ctrl = self.last_endpoint.unwrap_or(Point2D::zero()) +
(self.last_endpoint.unwrap_or(Point2D::zero()) -
self.last_ctrl_point = Some(ctrl);
let to = compute_point(x, y, abs, &self.last_endpoint);
self.last_endpoint = Some(to);
Some(PathEvent::QuadraticTo(ctrl, to))
Some(SvgPathSegment::CurveTo { abs, x1, y1, x2, y2, x, y }) => {
let ctrl0 = compute_point(x1, y1, abs, &self.last_endpoint);
let ctrl1 = compute_point(x2, y2, abs, &self.last_endpoint);
self.last_ctrl_point = Some(ctrl1);
let to = compute_point(x, y, abs, &self.last_endpoint);
self.last_endpoint = Some(to);
Some(PathEvent::CubicTo(ctrl0, ctrl1, to))
Some(SvgPathSegment::SmoothCurveTo { abs, x2, y2, x, y }) => {
let ctrl0 = self.last_endpoint.unwrap_or(Point2D::zero()) +
(self.last_endpoint.unwrap_or(Point2D::zero()) -
let ctrl1 = compute_point(x2, y2, abs, &self.last_endpoint);
self.last_ctrl_point = Some(ctrl1);
let to = compute_point(x, y, abs, &self.last_endpoint);
self.last_endpoint = Some(to);
Some(PathEvent::CubicTo(ctrl0, ctrl1, to))
Some(SvgPathSegment::ClosePath { abs: _ }) => {
Some(SvgPathSegment::EllipticalArc { .. }) => unimplemented!("arcs"),
fn compute_point(x: f64, y: f64, abs: bool, last_endpoint: &Option<Point2D<f32>>)
-> Point2D<f32> {
let point = Point2D::new(x, y).to_f32();
match *last_endpoint {
Some(last_endpoint) if !abs => last_endpoint + point.to_vector(),
_ => point,
2018-12-14 21:52:34 -05:00
// Trivial utilities
fn clamp(x: f32, min: f32, max: f32) -> f32 {
f32::max(f32::min(x, max), min)
2018-12-14 17:21:35 -05:00
// Testing
2018-12-12 17:55:53 -05:00
mod test {
use crate::{IntervalRange, Intervals};
use quickcheck::{self, Arbitrary, Gen};
use rand::Rng;
fn test_intervals() {
quickcheck::quickcheck(prop_intervals as fn(Spec) -> bool);
fn prop_intervals(spec: Spec) -> bool {
let mut intervals = Intervals::new(spec.end);
for range in spec.ranges {
assert!(intervals.ranges.len() > 0);
assert_eq!(intervals.ranges[0].start, 0.0);
assert_eq!(intervals.ranges.last().unwrap().end, spec.end);
for prev_index in 0..(intervals.ranges.len() - 1) {
let next_index = prev_index + 1;
assert_eq!(intervals.ranges[prev_index].end, intervals.ranges[next_index].start);
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct Spec {
end: f32,
ranges: Vec<IntervalRange>,
impl Arbitrary for Spec {
fn arbitrary<G>(g: &mut G) -> Spec where G: Gen {
const EPSILON: f32 = 0.0001;
let size = g.size();
let end = g.gen_range(EPSILON, size as f32);
let mut ranges = vec![];
let range_count = g.gen_range(0, size);
for _ in 0..range_count {
let (a, b) = (g.gen_range(0.0, end), g.gen_range(0.0, end));
let winding = g.gen_range(-(size as i32), size as i32) as f32;
ranges.push(IntervalRange::new(f32::min(a, b), f32::max(a, b), winding));
Spec {