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Raw Normal View History

// pathfinder/shaders/gles2/
2017-10-03 18:32:03 -04:00
// Copyright (c) 2017 The Pathfinder Project Developers.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
2017-08-13 16:39:51 -04:00
#version 100
#extension GL_EXT_frag_depth : require
2017-09-07 17:58:41 -04:00
#define LCD_FILTER_FACTOR_0 (86.0 / 255.0)
#define LCD_FILTER_FACTOR_1 (77.0 / 255.0)
#define LCD_FILTER_FACTOR_2 (8.0 / 255.0)
#define MAX_PATHS 65536
#define EPSILON 0.001
2017-08-13 16:39:51 -04:00
precision highp float;
2017-10-26 23:30:47 -04:00
/// Computes `ia % ib`.
/// This function is not in OpenGL ES 2 but can be polyfilled.
/// See:
2017-08-13 16:39:51 -04:00
int imod(int ia, int ib) {
float a = float(ia), b = float(ib);
float m = a - floor((a + 0.5) / b) * b;
return int(floor(m + 0.5));
2017-10-26 23:30:47 -04:00
/// Returns the determinant of the 2D matrix [a, b].
/// This is equivalent to: cross(vec3(a, 0.0), vec3(b, 0.0)).z
float det2(vec2 a, vec2 b) {
return a.x * b.y - b.x * a.y;
2017-08-22 21:25:32 -04:00
2017-10-26 23:30:47 -04:00
/// Returns the *2D* result of transforming the given 2D point with the given 4D transformation
/// matrix.
/// The z and w coordinates are treated as 0.0 and 1.0, respectively.
vec2 transformVertexPosition(vec2 position, mat4 transform) {
return (transform * vec4(position, 0.0, 1.0)).xy;
2017-10-26 23:30:47 -04:00
/// Returns the 2D result of transforming the given 2D position by the given ST-transform.
/// An ST-transform is a combined 2D scale and translation, where the (x, y) coordinates specify
/// the scale and and the (z, w) coordinates specify the translation.
2017-08-22 21:25:32 -04:00
vec2 transformVertexPositionST(vec2 position, vec4 stTransform) {
return position * stTransform.xy +;
2017-10-26 23:30:47 -04:00
/// Interpolates the given 2D position in the vertical direction using the given ultra-slight
/// hints.
/// Similar in spirit to the `IUP[y]` TrueType command, but minimal.
/// pathHints.x: xHeight
/// pathHints.y: hintedXHeight
/// pathHints.z: stemHeight
/// pathHints.w: hintedStemHeight
/// TODO(pcwalton): Do something smarter with overshoots and the blue zone.
/// TODO(pcwalton): Support interpolating relative to arbitrary horizontal stems, not just the
/// baseline, x-height, and stem height.
vec2 hintPosition(vec2 position, vec4 pathHints) {
float y;
if (position.y >= pathHints.z) {
y = position.y - pathHints.z + pathHints.w;
} else if (position.y >= pathHints.x) {
float t = (position.y - pathHints.x) / (pathHints.z - pathHints.x);
y = mix(pathHints.y, pathHints.w, t);
} else if (position.y >= 0.0) {
y = mix(0.0, pathHints.y, position.y / pathHints.x);
} else {
y = position.y;
return vec2(position.x, y);
2017-10-26 23:30:47 -04:00
/// Converts the given 2D position in clip space to device pixel space (with origin in the lower
/// left).
vec2 convertClipToScreenSpace(vec2 position, ivec2 framebufferSize) {
return (position + 1.0) * 0.5 * vec2(framebufferSize);
2017-10-26 23:30:47 -04:00
/// Converts the given 2D position in device pixel space (with origin in the lower left) to clip
/// space.
vec2 convertScreenToClipSpace(vec2 position, ivec2 framebufferSize) {
return position / vec2(framebufferSize) * 2.0 - 1.0;
2017-10-26 23:30:47 -04:00
/// Packs the given path ID into a floating point value suitable for storage in the depth buffer.
/// This function returns values in clip space (i.e. what `gl_Position` is in).
float convertPathIndexToViewportDepthValue(int pathIndex) {
return float(pathIndex) / float(MAX_PATHS) * 2.0 - 1.0;
2017-10-26 23:30:47 -04:00
/// Packs the given path ID into a floating point value suitable for storage in the depth buffer.
/// This function returns values in window space (i.e. what `gl_FragDepth`/`gl_FragDepthEXT` is
/// in).
float convertPathIndexToWindowDepthValue(int pathIndex) {
return float(pathIndex) / float(MAX_PATHS);
bool computeMCAAQuadPosition(out vec2 outPosition,
inout vec2 leftPosition,
inout vec2 rightPosition,
vec2 quadPosition,
ivec2 framebufferSize,
vec4 localTransformST,
vec4 globalTransformST,
vec4 hints) {
leftPosition = hintPosition(leftPosition, hints);
rightPosition = hintPosition(rightPosition, hints);
leftPosition = transformVertexPositionST(leftPosition, localTransformST);
rightPosition = transformVertexPositionST(rightPosition, localTransformST);
leftPosition = transformVertexPositionST(leftPosition, globalTransformST);
rightPosition = transformVertexPositionST(rightPosition, globalTransformST);
leftPosition = convertClipToScreenSpace(leftPosition, framebufferSize);
rightPosition = convertClipToScreenSpace(rightPosition, framebufferSize);
2017-08-18 23:23:45 -04:00
if (abs(leftPosition.x - rightPosition.x) <= EPSILON) {
outPosition = vec2(0.0);
return false;
vec2 verticalExtents = vec2(min(leftPosition.y, rightPosition.y),
max(leftPosition.y, rightPosition.y));
vec4 roundedExtents = vec4(floor(vec2(leftPosition.x, verticalExtents.x)),
2017-08-18 23:23:45 -04:00
ceil(vec2(rightPosition.x, verticalExtents.y)));
vec2 position = mix(roundedExtents.xy,, quadPosition);
outPosition = convertScreenToClipSpace(position, framebufferSize);
return true;
// FIXME(pcwalton): Clean up this signature somehow?
bool computeECAAQuadPosition(out vec2 outPosition,
out float outWinding,
inout vec2 leftPosition,
inout vec2 rightPosition,
vec2 quadPosition,
ivec2 framebufferSize,
vec4 localTransformST,
vec4 globalTransformST,
vec4 hints,
vec4 bounds,
float leftNormalAngle,
float rightNormalAngle,
vec2 emboldenAmount) {
leftPosition += vec2(cos(leftNormalAngle), -sin(leftNormalAngle)) * emboldenAmount;
rightPosition += vec2(cos(rightNormalAngle), -sin(rightNormalAngle)) * emboldenAmount;
leftPosition = hintPosition(leftPosition, hints);
rightPosition = hintPosition(rightPosition, hints);
vec2 edgePosition = hintPosition(, hints);
leftPosition = transformVertexPositionST(leftPosition, localTransformST);
rightPosition = transformVertexPositionST(rightPosition, localTransformST);
edgePosition = transformVertexPositionST(edgePosition, localTransformST);
leftPosition = transformVertexPositionST(leftPosition, globalTransformST);
rightPosition = transformVertexPositionST(rightPosition, globalTransformST);
edgePosition = transformVertexPositionST(edgePosition, globalTransformST);
leftPosition = convertClipToScreenSpace(leftPosition, framebufferSize);
rightPosition = convertClipToScreenSpace(rightPosition, framebufferSize);
edgePosition = convertClipToScreenSpace(edgePosition, framebufferSize);
float winding = sign(leftPosition.x - rightPosition.x);
if (winding > 0.0) {
vec2 tmp = leftPosition;
leftPosition = rightPosition;
rightPosition = tmp;
outWinding = winding;
if (rightPosition.x - leftPosition.x <= EPSILON) {
outPosition = vec2(0.0);
return false;
vec4 roundedExtents = vec4(floor(leftPosition.x),
floor(min(leftPosition.y, rightPosition.y)),
vec2 position = mix(roundedExtents.xy,, quadPosition);
outPosition = convertScreenToClipSpace(position, framebufferSize);
return true;
// Computes the area of the polygon covering the pixel with the given boundaries.
// * `p0` is the start point of the line.
// * `dp` is the vector from the start point to the endpoint of the line.
// * `center` is the center of the pixel in window coordinates (i.e. `gl_FragCoord.xy`).
// * `winding` is the winding number (1 or -1).
float computeCoverage(vec2 p0, vec2 dp, vec2 center, float winding) {
// Set some flags.
bool slopeNegative = dp.y < -0.001;
bool slopeZero = abs(dp.y) < 0.001;
// Determine the bounds of this pixel.
vec4 pixelExtents = center.xxyy + vec4(-0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5);
// Set up Liang-Barsky clipping.
vec4 q = pixelExtents - p0.xxyy;
// Use Liang-Barsky to clip to the left and right sides of this pixel.
vec2 t = clamp(q.xy / dp.xx, 0.0, 1.0);
vec2 spanP0 = p0 + dp * t.x, spanP1 = p0 + dp * t.y;
// Likewise, clip to the to the bottom and top.
if (!slopeZero) {
vec2 tVertical = / dp.yy;
if (slopeNegative)
tVertical.xy = tVertical.yx; // FIXME(pcwalton): Can this be removed?
t = vec2(max(t.x, tVertical.x), min(t.y, tVertical.y));
// If the line doesn't pass through this pixel, detect that and bail.
// This should be worth a branch because it's very common for fragment blocks to all hit this
// path.
if (t.x >= t.y || (slopeZero && (p0.y < pixelExtents.z || p0.y > pixelExtents.w)))
return spanP0.y < pixelExtents.z ? winding * (spanP1.x - spanP0.x) : 0.0;
// Calculate A2.x.
float a2x;
if (slopeNegative) {
a2x = spanP1.x;
} else {
a2x = spanP0.x;
t.xy = t.yx;
// Calculate A3.y.
float a3y = pixelExtents.w;
// Calculate A0-A5.
vec2 a0 = p0 + dp * t.x;
vec2 a1 = p0 + dp * t.y;
vec2 a2 = vec2(a2x, a1.y);
vec2 a3 = vec2(a2x, a3y);
vec2 a4 = vec2(a0.x, a3y);
// Calculate area with the shoelace formula.
float area = det2(a0, a1) + det2(a1, a2) + det2(a2, a3) + det2(a3, a4) + det2(a4, a0);
return abs(area) * winding * 0.5;
2017-09-07 17:58:41 -04:00
float lcdFilter(float shadeL2, float shadeL1, float shade0, float shadeR1, float shadeR2) {
return LCD_FILTER_FACTOR_2 * shadeL2 +
LCD_FILTER_FACTOR_0 * shade0 +
int unpackUInt16(vec2 packedValue) {
ivec2 valueBytes = ivec2(floor(packedValue * 255.0));
return valueBytes.y * 256 + valueBytes.x;
vec4 fetchFloat4Data(sampler2D dataTexture, int index, ivec2 dimensions) {
2017-08-13 16:39:51 -04:00
ivec2 pixelCoord = ivec2(imod(index, dimensions.x), index / dimensions.x);
return texture2D(dataTexture, (vec2(pixelCoord) + 0.5) / vec2(dimensions));
2017-08-16 01:09:09 -04:00
vec2 packPathID(int pathID) {
return vec2(imod(pathID, 256), pathID / 256) / 255.0;
2017-08-16 19:37:39 -04:00
int unpackPathID(vec2 packedPathID) {
return unpackUInt16(packedPathID);
2017-08-16 19:37:39 -04:00