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Getting Started

Prepare the template file

Create a new directory named templates in the same directory as Cargo.toml. Copy the following contents and paste it to a new file named templates/hello.stpl.

    <% for msg in &messages { %>
      <div><%= msg %></div>
    <% } %>

Now your project structure should be like this:

    (Source files)

Render the template

Import the sailfish crates:

extern crate sailfish_macros;  // enable derive macros

use sailfish::TemplateOnce;  // import `TemplateOnce` trait

Define the template struct to be rendered:

#[derive(TemplateOnce)]  // automatically implement `TemplateOnce` trait
#[template(path = "hello.stpl")]  // specify the path to template
struct HelloTemplate {
    // data to be passed to the template
    messages: Vec<String>,

And render the data with render_once() method.

fn main() {
    let ctx = HelloTemplate {
        messages: vec![String::from("foo"), String::from("bar")];

    // Now render templates with given data
    println!("{}", ctx.render_once().unwrap());

That's it!

You can find more examples in the example directory in the sailfish repository.