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4.2 (14/01/2023)


  • Optionnals parameters in generated URLs are no longer present if their're the default value. (#49)


  • The issuer part of the Path when using the couple Issuer:AccountName wasn't cut correctly if the : was URL-encoded. (#50)

Special thanks

  • @timvisee for their work on #49 and discovering the bug leading to #50.

4.1 (06/01/2023)

What's new

  • Add a "steam" feature which adds support for steam's non-standard totp.
  • Add _unchecked variants for TOTP::new and TOTP::from_url, which skip certain checks like key_size and digit numbers.

Special thanks

  • @colemickens for opening #45.
  • @timvisee for their work on #47 and #48, implementing an idea from #44 and working on #45.

4.0 (29/12/2022)

What's new

  • Default features have been set to none.


  • MSRV have been set to Rust 1.59.
  • Updated base64 crate to 0.20.

Breaking changes

  • This was a relic from the beggining of the library, but TOTP is no longer generic. In my opinion, while having been used in the past for some historical reasons, the generic was mostly useless as almost everyone just used bytes as a secret, prevented us from doing some work like the zeroize feature, and overall made it more complex to new users than it needed to be.

Special thanks


This is the last release for 2022. This project has thus far been a wild ride. Originally intended for a non-profit organization, it gained traction outside of it, and soon became one the projects I'm the most proud of. It has been a pleasure learning from amazing people, and getting precious feedback from real life users. The open-source community has always been a special place to me, and being able to put in the hours to finally give something back has been, is, an amazing opportunity.

The year 2023 should see a lot less of breaking changes, as the library slowly approaches a form most users can happily use. This doesn't mean the library will stop being maintained, but I (hopefully) will stop breaking your stuff so often.

As always for every new realease, please report any issue encountered while updating totp-rs to 4.0.0.

3.1 (03/11/2022)

What's new

  • get_qr() now returns a String as an error.
  • TOTP now implements core::fmt::Display
  • Rfc6238Error and TotpUrlError now implement std::error::Error


  • Add better coverage thanks to llvm-tools-preview and grcov


  • Finally cargo fmt'd the whole repo

Special thanks

  • @tmpfs for making me notice #41.

3.0.1 (13/08/2022)


  • TotpUrlError was unexported. This is now fixed. (#29)
  • base32 was reexported instead. It is now private, and will need to be an explicit dependency for the user to encore/decode base32 data.


  • Secret comparison is now done in constant time.

Special thanks

3.0 (09/08/2022)

New features

  • Secret handling is now less error prone thanks to #25
  • Totp now implements the Default trait, which will generate a strong secret, and have sane default values according to RFC-6238 like #26
  • Rfc6238 struct is exposed for easy Totp building
  • Totp.ttl convenience method will tell remaining validity time of token (not taking skew into account)

New dependency

  • [gen_secret] uses rand to generate a secret


  • TotpUrlError now contain a string explaining. Inspired by #23
  • Totp fields issuer and account_name won't be present anymore if feature otpauth isn't enabled
  • The secret and digits field will now be validated for SecretSize (>= 128 bits)

Special thanks

  • @sacovofor opening #23, from which the TotpUrlError rework was inspired
  • @steven89 for the tremendous work and back and forth provided with #24 #25 and #26


This has been, I think, the update containing the most work. While a lot of unit testing have been done, and test cases added, coverage seems to have dropped. Please report any issue encountered while updating totp-rs to 3.0.0

2.1 (16/06/2022)

New dependency

  • [otpauth] now uses urlencoding, which has no dependencies, to url-encode and url-decode values. Because doing this with the url library was kind of awkward.


  • Bug where your issuer would be incorrectly prefixed with a /, and comparison with the issuer parameter would fail.
  • Bug where the issuer and account name in path would not be correctly url decoded in path, but correctly decoded in url query.

Special thanks

@wyhaya for discovering the first problem in #21

2.0 (30/05/2022)

What changed

  • issuer and account_name are now members of TOTP, and thus are not used anymore as function parameters for methods
  • from_url() now extracts issuer and label
  • Method get_url() now needs otpauth feature
  • Method get_url() now produces more correct urls
  • Methods next_step(time: u64) and next_step_current will return the timestamp of the next step's start
  • Feature qr enables feature otpauth

Special thanks

  • @wyhaya for giving ideas and feedback for this release

1.4 (06/05/2022)

What's changed

1.3 (06/05/2022)

What's changed

1.2.1 (05/05/2022)

What's changed

  • Disabled default image features to only enable png

1.2 (05/05/2022)

What's changed

  • Bumped "image" version to 0.24
  • Removed "qrcode" library, which was abandoned years ago, to "qrcodegen", which is actively maintained

1.1 (24/04/2022)

What's changed

1.0 (15/04/2022)

What's Changed

What's coming next

  • The currently used "qrcode" library is abandonned. Preliminary work showed it was not compatible woth newer versions of the "image" library
  • I'd like to take that opportunity to rethink the way the "qr" feature is presented