
477 lines
15 KiB
Raw Normal View History

use std::sync::Arc;
use std::sync::RwLock;
2022-09-24 04:46:44 -04:00
use super::*;
use crate::ecs;
use crate::render;
use crate::shared::Position as BPos;
use crate::world;
use cgmath::InnerSpace;
2022-10-24 12:04:54 -04:00
use log::debug;
2022-09-24 04:46:44 -04:00
use steven_protocol::protocol;
use steven_protocol::protocol::Conn;
pub struct ApplyVelocity {
filter: ecs::Filter,
position: ecs::Key<Position>,
velocity: ecs::Key<Velocity>,
movement: ecs::Key<super::player::PlayerMovement>,
impl ApplyVelocity {
pub fn new(m: &mut ecs::Manager) -> ApplyVelocity {
let position = m.get_key();
let velocity = m.get_key();
ApplyVelocity {
filter: ecs::Filter::new().with(position).with(velocity),
movement: m.get_key(),
impl ecs::System for ApplyVelocity {
fn filter(&self) -> &ecs::Filter {
2016-03-27 12:45:12 -04:00
fn update(&mut self, m: &mut ecs::Manager, _: &mut world::World, _: &mut render::Renderer) {
for e in m.find(&self.filter) {
if m.get_component(e, self.movement).is_some() {
// Player's handle their own physics
let pos = m.get_component_mut(e, self.position).unwrap();
let vel = m.get_component(e, self.velocity).unwrap();
2020-06-30 22:03:59 -04:00
pos.position += vel.velocity;
pub struct ApplyGravity {
filter: ecs::Filter,
velocity: ecs::Key<Velocity>,
movement: ecs::Key<super::player::PlayerMovement>,
impl ApplyGravity {
pub fn new(m: &mut ecs::Manager) -> ApplyGravity {
let gravity = m.get_key::<Gravity>();
let velocity = m.get_key();
ApplyGravity {
filter: ecs::Filter::new().with(gravity).with(velocity),
movement: m.get_key(),
impl ecs::System for ApplyGravity {
fn filter(&self) -> &ecs::Filter {
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fn update(&mut self, m: &mut ecs::Manager, _: &mut world::World, _: &mut render::Renderer) {
for e in m.find(&self.filter) {
if m.get_component(e, self.movement).is_some() {
// Player's handle their own physics
let vel = m.get_component_mut(e, self.velocity).unwrap();
vel.velocity.y -= 0.03;
if vel.velocity.y < -0.3 {
vel.velocity.y = -0.3;
pub struct UpdateLastPosition {
filter: ecs::Filter,
position: ecs::Key<Position>,
impl UpdateLastPosition {
pub fn new(m: &mut ecs::Manager) -> UpdateLastPosition {
let position = m.get_key();
UpdateLastPosition {
filter: ecs::Filter::new().with(position),
impl ecs::System for UpdateLastPosition {
fn filter(&self) -> &ecs::Filter {
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fn update(&mut self, m: &mut ecs::Manager, _: &mut world::World, _: &mut render::Renderer) {
for e in m.find(&self.filter) {
let pos = m.get_component_mut(e, self.position).unwrap();
pos.moved = (pos.position - pos.last_position).magnitude2() > 0.01;
pos.last_position = pos.position;
2016-04-07 14:30:42 -04:00
pub struct LerpPosition {
filter: ecs::Filter,
position: ecs::Key<Position>,
target_position: ecs::Key<TargetPosition>,
game_info: ecs::Key<GameInfo>,
impl LerpPosition {
pub fn new(m: &mut ecs::Manager) -> LerpPosition {
let position = m.get_key();
let target_position = m.get_key();
LerpPosition {
filter: ecs::Filter::new().with(position).with(target_position),
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game_info: m.get_key(),
impl ecs::System for LerpPosition {
fn filter(&self) -> &ecs::Filter {
fn update(&mut self, m: &mut ecs::Manager, _: &mut world::World, _: &mut render::Renderer) {
let world_entity = m.get_world();
let delta = m
.get_component_mut(world_entity, self.game_info)
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for e in m.find(&self.filter) {
let pos = m.get_component_mut(e, self.position).unwrap();
let target_pos = m.get_component(e, self.target_position).unwrap();
pos.position = pos.position
+ (target_pos.position - pos.position) * delta * target_pos.lerp_amount;
let len = (pos.position - target_pos.position).magnitude2();
if !(0.001..=100.0 * 100.0).contains(&len) {
pos.position = target_pos.position;
2016-04-07 14:30:42 -04:00
pub struct LerpRotation {
filter: ecs::Filter,
rotation: ecs::Key<Rotation>,
target_rotation: ecs::Key<TargetRotation>,
game_info: ecs::Key<GameInfo>,
impl LerpRotation {
pub fn new(m: &mut ecs::Manager) -> LerpRotation {
let rotation = m.get_key();
let target_rotation = m.get_key();
LerpRotation {
filter: ecs::Filter::new().with(rotation).with(target_rotation),
2016-04-07 14:30:42 -04:00
game_info: m.get_key(),
impl ecs::System for LerpRotation {
fn filter(&self) -> &ecs::Filter {
fn update(&mut self, m: &mut ecs::Manager, _: &mut world::World, _: &mut render::Renderer) {
use std::f64::consts::PI;
let world_entity = m.get_world();
let delta = m
.get_component_mut(world_entity, self.game_info)
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for e in m.find(&self.filter) {
let rot = m.get_component_mut(e, self.rotation).unwrap();
let target_rot = m.get_component_mut(e, self.target_rotation).unwrap();
target_rot.yaw = (PI * 2.0 + target_rot.yaw) % (PI * 2.0);
target_rot.pitch = (PI * 2.0 + target_rot.pitch) % (PI * 2.0);
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let mut delta_yaw = target_rot.yaw - rot.yaw;
let mut delta_pitch = target_rot.pitch - rot.pitch;
if delta_yaw.abs() > PI {
delta_yaw = (PI - delta_yaw.abs()) * delta_yaw.signum();
if delta_pitch.abs() > PI {
delta_pitch = (PI - delta_pitch.abs()) * delta_pitch.signum();
rot.yaw += delta_yaw * 0.2 * delta;
rot.pitch += delta_pitch * 0.2 * delta;
rot.yaw = (PI * 2.0 + rot.yaw) % (PI * 2.0);
rot.pitch = (PI * 2.0 + rot.pitch) % (PI * 2.0);
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2016-04-08 06:08:21 -04:00
pub struct LightEntity {
filter: ecs::Filter,
position: ecs::Key<Position>,
bounds: ecs::Key<Bounds>,
light: ecs::Key<Light>,
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impl LightEntity {
pub fn new(m: &mut ecs::Manager) -> LightEntity {
let position = m.get_key();
let bounds = m.get_key();
let light = m.get_key();
LightEntity {
filter: ecs::Filter::new().with(position).with(bounds).with(light),
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impl ecs::System for LightEntity {
fn filter(&self) -> &ecs::Filter {
fn update(&mut self, m: &mut ecs::Manager, world: &mut world::World, _: &mut render::Renderer) {
for e in m.find(&self.filter) {
let pos = m.get_component(e, self.position).unwrap();
let bounds = m.get_component(e, self.bounds).unwrap();
let light = m.get_component_mut(e, self.light).unwrap();
let mut count = 0.0;
let mut block_light = 0.0;
let mut sky_light = 0.0;
let min_x = (pos.position.x + bounds.bounds.min.x).floor() as i32;
let min_y = (pos.position.y + bounds.bounds.min.y).floor() as i32;
let min_z = (pos.position.z + bounds.bounds.min.z).floor() as i32;
let max_x = (pos.position.x + bounds.bounds.max.x).ceil() as i32 + 1;
let max_y = (pos.position.y + bounds.bounds.max.y).ceil() as i32 + 1;
let max_z = (pos.position.z + bounds.bounds.max.z).ceil() as i32 + 1;
let length = (bounds.bounds.max - bounds.bounds.min).magnitude() as f32;
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for y in min_y..max_y {
for z in min_z..max_z {
for x in min_x..max_x {
let dist = length
- (((x as f32 + 0.5) - pos.position.x as f32).powi(2)
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+ ((y as f32 + 0.5) - pos.position.y as f32).powi(2)
+ ((z as f32 + 0.5) - pos.position.z as f32).powi(2))
2016-04-08 06:08:21 -04:00
let dist = dist / length;
count += dist;
block_light += world.get_block_light(BPos::new(x, y, z)) as f32 * dist;
sky_light += world.get_sky_light(BPos::new(x, y, z)) as f32 * dist;
if count <= 0.01 {
light.block_light = 0.0;
light.sky_light = 0.0;
} else {
light.block_light = block_light / count;
light.sky_light = sky_light / count;
2022-09-24 04:46:44 -04:00
pub struct ApplyDigging {
filter: ecs::Filter,
mouse_buttons: ecs::Key<MouseButtons>,
digging: ecs::Key<Digging>,
conn: ecs::Key<Arc<RwLock<Option<Conn>>>>,
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impl ApplyDigging {
pub fn new(m: &mut ecs::Manager) -> Self {
let mouse_buttons = m.get_key();
let digging = m.get_key();
Self {
filter: ecs::Filter::new().with(mouse_buttons).with(digging),
conn: m.get_key(),
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fn send_packet(&self, conn: &mut Conn, target: &DiggingState, state: i32) {
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match state {
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0 => debug!("Send start dig packet {:?}", target),
1 => debug!("Send cancel dig packet {:?}", target),
2 => debug!("Send finish dig packet {:?}", target),
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n => panic!("Invalid dig state {}", n),
match conn.protocol_version {
// 1.7.10
2022-10-24 12:08:30 -04:00
5 => conn
.write_packet(packet::play::serverbound::PlayerDigging_u8_u8y {
status: state as u8,
x: target.position.x,
y: target.position.y as u8,
z: target.position.z,
face: target.face.index() as u8,
// 1.8.9 or v15w39c
2022-10-24 12:08:30 -04:00
47 | 74 => conn
.write_packet(packet::play::serverbound::PlayerDigging_u8 {
status: state as u8,
location: target.position,
face: target.face.index() as u8,
// 1.9+
2022-10-24 12:08:30 -04:00
_ => conn
.write_packet(packet::play::serverbound::PlayerDigging {
status: protocol::VarInt(state),
location: target.position,
face: target.face.index() as u8,
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2022-10-24 12:08:30 -04:00
fn next_state(
2022-09-24 04:46:44 -04:00
last: &Option<DiggingState>,
mouse_buttons: &MouseButtons,
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target: Option<(
2022-09-24 04:46:44 -04:00
) -> Option<DiggingState> {
// Figure out the next state
if !mouse_buttons.left {
return None;
match (last, target) {
// Started digging
(None, Some((position, block, face, _))) => Some(DiggingState {
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2022-09-24 04:46:44 -04:00
start: std::time::Instant::now(),
finished: false,
(Some(current), Some((position, block, face, _))) => {
// Continue digging
if position == current.position {
return last.clone();
// Start digging a different block.
Some(DiggingState {
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2022-09-24 04:46:44 -04:00
start: std::time::Instant::now(),
finished: false,
// Not pointing at any target
(_, None) => None,
fn is_finished(&self, state: &DiggingState) -> bool {
let mining_time = state.block.get_mining_time(&None);
match mining_time {
Some(mining_time) => {
let finish_time = state.start + mining_time;
finish_time > std::time::Instant::now()
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2022-09-24 04:46:44 -04:00
None => false,
impl ecs::System for ApplyDigging {
fn filter(&self) -> &ecs::Filter {
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fn update(
&mut self,
m: &mut ecs::Manager,
world: &mut world::World,
renderer: &mut render::Renderer,
) {
use crate::server::target::{test_block, trace_ray};
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use cgmath::EuclideanSpace;
let world_entity = m.get_world();
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let mut conn = m
.get_component(world_entity, self.conn)
let conn = match conn.as_mut() {
Some(conn) => conn,
// Don't keep processing digging operations if the connection was
// closed.
None => return,
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let target = trace_ray(
for e in m.find(&self.filter) {
let mouse_buttons = m.get_component(e, self.mouse_buttons).unwrap();
let digging = m.get_component_mut(e, self.digging).unwrap();
// Update last and current state
std::mem::swap(&mut digging.last, &mut digging.current);
digging.current = self.next_state(&digging.last, mouse_buttons, target);
// Handle digging packets
match (&digging.last, &mut digging.current) {
// Start the new digging operation.
(None, Some(current)) => self.send_packet(conn, current, 0),
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// Cancel the previous digging operation.
(Some(last), None) if !last.finished => self.send_packet(conn, last, 1),
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// Move to digging a new block
(Some(last), Some(current)) if last.position != current.position => {
// Cancel the previous digging operation.
if !current.finished {
self.send_packet(conn, last, 1);
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// Start the new digging operation.
self.send_packet(conn, current, 0);
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2022-09-24 04:46:44 -04:00
// Finish the new digging operation.
(Some(_), Some(current)) if !self.is_finished(current) && !current.finished => {
self.send_packet(conn, current, 2);
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current.finished = true;
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_ => {}
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