Document key binding instances (#2640)

* Document key binding instances

* Apply suggestions from code review

Co-authored-by: liach <>

Co-authored-by: liach <>
This commit is contained in:
enbrain 2021-08-15 23:17:54 +09:00 committed by GitHub
parent 35113d5133
commit 260577f617
No known key found for this signature in database
1 changed files with 68 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -2,13 +2,19 @@ CLASS net/minecraft/class_315 net/minecraft/client/option/GameOptions
FIELD field_1814 cloudRenderMode Lnet/minecraft/class_4063; FIELD field_1814 cloudRenderMode Lnet/minecraft/class_4063;
FIELD field_1815 hideServerAddress Z FIELD field_1815 hideServerAddress Z
FIELD field_1816 keySmoothCamera Lnet/minecraft/class_304; FIELD field_1816 keySmoothCamera Lnet/minecraft/class_304;
COMMENT A key binding for toggling smooth camera.
COMMENT Not bound to any keys by default.
FIELD field_1817 chatLinksPrompt Z FIELD field_1817 chatLinksPrompt Z
FIELD field_1818 showSubtitles Z FIELD field_1818 showSubtitles Z
FIELD field_1819 forceUnicodeFont Z FIELD field_1819 forceUnicodeFont Z
FIELD field_1820 chatOpacity D FIELD field_1820 chatOpacity D
FIELD field_1822 keyInventory Lnet/minecraft/class_304; FIELD field_1822 keyInventory Lnet/minecraft/class_304;
COMMENT A key binding for opening {@linkplain net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.ingame.InventoryScreen the inventory screen}.
COMMENT Bound to {@linkplain org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW#GLFW_KEY_E the E key} by default.
FIELD field_1823 GSON Lcom/google/gson/Gson; FIELD field_1823 GSON Lcom/google/gson/Gson;
FIELD field_1824 keyTogglePerspective Lnet/minecraft/class_304; FIELD field_1824 keyTogglePerspective Lnet/minecraft/class_304;
COMMENT A key binding for toggling perspective.
COMMENT Bound to {@linkplain org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW#GLFW_KEY_F5 the F5 key} by default.
FIELD field_1825 chatHeightUnfocused D FIELD field_1825 chatHeightUnfocused D
FIELD field_1826 fov D FIELD field_1826 fov D
FIELD field_1827 advancedItemTooltips Z FIELD field_1827 advancedItemTooltips Z
@ -16,25 +22,52 @@ CLASS net/minecraft/class_315 net/minecraft/client/option/GameOptions
FIELD field_1829 mainArm Lnet/minecraft/class_1306; FIELD field_1829 mainArm Lnet/minecraft/class_1306;
FIELD field_1830 realmsNotifications Z FIELD field_1830 realmsNotifications Z
FIELD field_1831 keySwapHands Lnet/minecraft/class_304; FIELD field_1831 keySwapHands Lnet/minecraft/class_304;
COMMENT A key binding for swapping the items in the selected slot and the off hand.
COMMENT Bound to {@linkplain org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW#GLFW_KEY_F the F key} by default.
COMMENT <p>The selected slot is the slot the mouse is over when in a screen.
COMMENT Otherwise, it is the main hand.
FIELD field_1832 keySneak Lnet/minecraft/class_304; FIELD field_1832 keySneak Lnet/minecraft/class_304;
COMMENT A key binding for sneaking.
COMMENT Bound to {@linkplain org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW#GLFW_KEY_LEFT_SHIFT the left shift key} by default.
FIELD field_1834 LOGGER Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger; FIELD field_1834 LOGGER Lorg/apache/logging/log4j/Logger;
FIELD field_1835 keyScreenshot Lnet/minecraft/class_304; FIELD field_1835 keyScreenshot Lnet/minecraft/class_304;
COMMENT A key binding for taking a screenshot.
COMMENT Bound to {@linkplain org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW#GLFW_KEY_F2 the F2 key} by default.
FIELD field_1836 keyFullscreen Lnet/minecraft/class_304; FIELD field_1836 keyFullscreen Lnet/minecraft/class_304;
COMMENT A key binding for toggling fullscreen.
COMMENT Bound to {@linkplain org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW#GLFW_KEY_F11 the F11 key} by default.
FIELD field_1837 pauseOnLostFocus Z FIELD field_1837 pauseOnLostFocus Z
FIELD field_1838 chatHeightFocused D FIELD field_1838 chatHeightFocused D
FIELD field_1839 keysAll [Lnet/minecraft/class_304; FIELD field_1839 keysAll [Lnet/minecraft/class_304;
COMMENT An array of all key bindings.
COMMENT <p>Key bindings in this array are shown and can be configured in
COMMENT {@linkplain net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.option.ControlsOptionsScreen
COMMENT the controls options screen}.
FIELD field_1840 gamma D FIELD field_1840 gamma D
FIELD field_1841 ao Lnet/minecraft/class_4060; FIELD field_1841 ao Lnet/minecraft/class_4060;
FIELD field_1842 hudHidden Z FIELD field_1842 hudHidden Z
FIELD field_1843 mouseSensitivity D FIELD field_1843 mouseSensitivity D
FIELD field_1844 keyAdvancements Lnet/minecraft/class_304; FIELD field_1844 keyAdvancements Lnet/minecraft/class_304;
COMMENT A key binding for opening {@linkplain net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.advancement.AdvancementsScreen the advancements screen}.
COMMENT Bound to {@linkplain org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW#GLFW_KEY_L the L key} by default.
FIELD field_1845 keyCommand Lnet/minecraft/class_304; FIELD field_1845 keyCommand Lnet/minecraft/class_304;
COMMENT A key binding for opening {@linkplain net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.ChatScreen
COMMENT the chat screen} with the {@code /} already typed.
COMMENT Bound to {@linkplain org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW#GLFW_KEY_SLASH the slash key} by default.
FIELD field_1846 incompatibleResourcePacks Ljava/util/List; FIELD field_1846 incompatibleResourcePacks Ljava/util/List;
FIELD field_1847 snooperEnabled Z FIELD field_1847 snooperEnabled Z
FIELD field_1848 autoJump Z FIELD field_1848 autoJump Z
FIELD field_1849 keyRight Lnet/minecraft/class_304; FIELD field_1849 keyRight Lnet/minecraft/class_304;
COMMENT A key binding for moving right.
COMMENT Bound to {@linkplain org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW#GLFW_KEY_D the D key} by default.
FIELD field_1851 difficulty Lnet/minecraft/class_1267; FIELD field_1851 difficulty Lnet/minecraft/class_1267;
FIELD field_1852 keysHotbar [Lnet/minecraft/class_304; FIELD field_1852 keysHotbar [Lnet/minecraft/class_304;
COMMENT Key bindings for selecting hotbar slots.
COMMENT Bound to the corresponding number keys (from {@linkplain
COMMENT org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW#GLFW_KEY_1 the 1 key} to {@linkplain
COMMENT org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW#GLFW_KEY_9 the 9 key}) by default.
FIELD field_1853 COLON_SPLITTER Lcom/google/common/base/Splitter; FIELD field_1853 COLON_SPLITTER Lcom/google/common/base/Splitter;
FIELD field_1854 touchscreen Z FIELD field_1854 touchscreen Z
FIELD field_1856 mipmapLevels I FIELD field_1856 mipmapLevels I
@ -45,50 +78,83 @@ CLASS net/minecraft/class_315 net/minecraft/client/option/GameOptions
FIELD field_1865 invertYMouse Z FIELD field_1865 invertYMouse Z
FIELD field_1866 debugEnabled Z FIELD field_1866 debugEnabled Z
FIELD field_1867 keySprint Lnet/minecraft/class_304; FIELD field_1867 keySprint Lnet/minecraft/class_304;
COMMENT A key binding for sprinting.
COMMENT Bound to {@linkplain org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW#GLFW_KEY_LEFT_CONTROL the left control key} by default.
FIELD field_1868 guiScale I FIELD field_1868 guiScale I
FIELD field_1869 keyDrop Lnet/minecraft/class_304; FIELD field_1869 keyDrop Lnet/minecraft/class_304;
COMMENT A key binding for dropping the item in the selected slot.
COMMENT Bound to {@linkplain org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW#GLFW_KEY_Q the Q key} by default.
COMMENT <p>The selected slot is the slot the mouse is over when in a screen.
COMMENT Otherwise, it is the main hand.
FIELD field_1870 viewDistance I FIELD field_1870 viewDistance I
FIELD field_1871 keyPickItem Lnet/minecraft/class_304; FIELD field_1871 keyPickItem Lnet/minecraft/class_304;
COMMENT A key binding for holding an item corresponding to the {@linkplain net.minecraft.entity.Entity#getPickBlockStack() entity}
COMMENT or {@linkplain net.minecraft.block.Block#getPickStack(,
COMMENT net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos, net.minecraft.block.BlockState) block} the player is looking at.
COMMENT Bound to {@linkplain org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW#GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_MIDDLE the middle mouse button} by default.
FIELD field_18725 backgroundForChatOnly Z FIELD field_18725 backgroundForChatOnly Z
FIELD field_18726 textBackgroundOpacity D FIELD field_18726 textBackgroundOpacity D
FIELD field_1872 overrideWidth I FIELD field_1872 overrideWidth I
FIELD field_1873 autoSuggestions Z FIELD field_1873 autoSuggestions Z
FIELD field_1874 keyLoadToolbarActivator Lnet/minecraft/class_304; FIELD field_1874 keyLoadToolbarActivator Lnet/minecraft/class_304;
COMMENT A key binding for loading the hotbar items in {@linkplain creative mode}.
COMMENT Bound to {@linkplain org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW#GLFW_KEY_X the X key} by default.
FIELD field_1875 tutorialStep Lnet/minecraft/class_1157; FIELD field_1875 tutorialStep Lnet/minecraft/class_1157;
FIELD field_1876 useNativeTransport Z FIELD field_1876 useNativeTransport Z
FIELD field_1877 chatVisibility Lnet/minecraft/class_1659; FIELD field_1877 chatVisibility Lnet/minecraft/class_1659;
FIELD field_1878 biomeBlendRadius I FIELD field_1878 biomeBlendRadius I
FIELD field_1879 keySaveToolbarActivator Lnet/minecraft/class_304; FIELD field_1879 keySaveToolbarActivator Lnet/minecraft/class_304;
COMMENT A key binding for saving the hotbar items in {@linkplain creative mode}.
COMMENT Bound to {@linkplain org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW#GLFW_KEY_C the C key} by default.
FIELD field_1880 debugProfilerEnabled Z FIELD field_1880 debugProfilerEnabled Z
FIELD field_1881 keyBack Lnet/minecraft/class_304; FIELD field_1881 keyBack Lnet/minecraft/class_304;
COMMENT A key binding for moving backward.
COMMENT Bound to {@linkplain org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW#GLFW_KEY_S the S key} by default.
FIELD field_1882 particles Lnet/minecraft/class_4066; FIELD field_1882 particles Lnet/minecraft/class_4066;
FIELD field_1883 language Ljava/lang/String; FIELD field_1883 language Ljava/lang/String;
FIELD field_1884 enableVsync Z FIELD field_1884 enableVsync Z
FIELD field_1885 overrideHeight I FIELD field_1885 overrideHeight I
FIELD field_1886 keyAttack Lnet/minecraft/class_304; FIELD field_1886 keyAttack Lnet/minecraft/class_304;
COMMENT A key binding for attacking an entity or breaking a block.
COMMENT Bound to {@linkplain org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW#GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT the left mouse button} by default.
FIELD field_1887 resourcePacks Ljava/util/List; FIELD field_1887 resourcePacks Ljava/util/List;
FIELD field_1888 entityShadows Z FIELD field_1888 entityShadows Z
FIELD field_1889 mouseWheelSensitivity D FIELD field_1889 mouseWheelSensitivity D
FIELD field_1890 keyChat Lnet/minecraft/class_304; FIELD field_1890 keyChat Lnet/minecraft/class_304;
COMMENT A key binding for opening {@linkplain net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.ChatScreen the chat screen}.
COMMENT Bound to {@linkplain org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW#GLFW_KEY_T the T key} by default.
FIELD field_1891 bobView Z FIELD field_1891 bobView Z
FIELD field_1892 enabledPlayerModelParts Ljava/util/Set; FIELD field_1892 enabledPlayerModelParts Ljava/util/Set;
FIELD field_1893 debugTpsEnabled Z FIELD field_1893 debugTpsEnabled Z
FIELD field_1894 keyForward Lnet/minecraft/class_304; FIELD field_1894 keyForward Lnet/minecraft/class_304;
COMMENT A key binding for moving forward.
COMMENT Bound to {@linkplain org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW#GLFW_KEY_W the W key} by default.
FIELD field_1895 attackIndicator Lnet/minecraft/class_4061; FIELD field_1895 attackIndicator Lnet/minecraft/class_4061;
FIELD field_1896 narrator Lnet/minecraft/class_4065; FIELD field_1896 narrator Lnet/minecraft/class_4065;
FIELD field_1897 optionsFile Ljava/io/File; FIELD field_1897 optionsFile Ljava/io/File;
FIELD field_1900 chatColors Z FIELD field_1900 chatColors Z
FIELD field_1901 glDebugVerbosity I FIELD field_1901 glDebugVerbosity I
FIELD field_1903 keyJump Lnet/minecraft/class_304; FIELD field_1903 keyJump Lnet/minecraft/class_304;
COMMENT A key binding for jumping.
COMMENT Bound to {@linkplain org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW#GLFW_KEY_SPACE the space key} by default.
FIELD field_1904 keyUse Lnet/minecraft/class_304; FIELD field_1904 keyUse Lnet/minecraft/class_304;
COMMENT A key binding for using an item, such as placing a block.
COMMENT Bound to {@linkplain org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW#GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT the right mouse button} by default.
FIELD field_1905 heldItemTooltips Z FIELD field_1905 heldItemTooltips Z
FIELD field_1906 keySpectatorOutlines Lnet/minecraft/class_304; FIELD field_1906 keySpectatorOutlines Lnet/minecraft/class_304;
COMMENT A key binding for highlighting players in {@linkplain spectator mode}.
COMMENT Not bound to any keys by default.
FIELD field_1907 keyPlayerList Lnet/minecraft/class_304; FIELD field_1907 keyPlayerList Lnet/minecraft/class_304;
COMMENT A key binding for displaying {@linkplain net.minecraft.client.gui.hud.PlayerListHud the player list}.
COMMENT Bound to {@linkplain org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW#GLFW_KEY_TAB the tab key} by default.
FIELD field_1908 chatScale D FIELD field_1908 chatScale D
FIELD field_1909 maxFps I FIELD field_1909 maxFps I
FIELD field_1910 reducedDebugInfo Z FIELD field_1910 reducedDebugInfo Z
FIELD field_1911 chatLinks Z FIELD field_1911 chatLinks Z
FIELD field_1913 keyLeft Lnet/minecraft/class_304; FIELD field_1913 keyLeft Lnet/minecraft/class_304;
COMMENT A key binding for moving left.
COMMENT Bound to {@linkplain org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW#GLFW_KEY_A the A key} by default.
FIELD field_1914 smoothCameraEnabled Z FIELD field_1914 smoothCameraEnabled Z
FIELD field_1915 chatWidth D FIELD field_1915 chatWidth D
FIELD field_1916 soundVolumeLevels Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/objects/Object2FloatMap; FIELD field_1916 soundVolumeLevels Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/objects/Object2FloatMap;
@ -107,6 +173,8 @@ CLASS net/minecraft/class_315 net/minecraft/client/option/GameOptions
FIELD field_26677 perspective Lnet/minecraft/class_5498; FIELD field_26677 perspective Lnet/minecraft/class_5498;
FIELD field_26844 joinedFirstServer Z FIELD field_26844 joinedFirstServer Z
FIELD field_26845 keySocialInteractions Lnet/minecraft/class_304; FIELD field_26845 keySocialInteractions Lnet/minecraft/class_304;
COMMENT A key binding for opening {@linkplain net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.multiplayer.SocialInteractionsScreen the social interactions screen}.
COMMENT Bound to {@linkplain org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW#GLFW_KEY_P the P key} by default.
FIELD field_26926 hideMatchedNames Z FIELD field_26926 hideMatchedNames Z
FIELD field_28777 hideBundleTutorial Z FIELD field_28777 hideBundleTutorial Z
FIELD field_32156 monochromeLogo Z FIELD field_32156 monochromeLogo Z