
71 lines
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CLASS net/minecraft/class_1304 net/minecraft/entity/EquipmentSlot
COMMENT Provides enum types for several key slots found within an entity {@link net.minecraft.inventory.Inventory}.
COMMENT Each {@link EquipmentSlot} has a type, which represents what inventory category it is contained within.
COMMENT The {@code HAND} category covers the mainhand & offhand slots, while the {@code ARMOR} category covers the 4
COMMENT types of armor slots found in {@link net.minecraft.entity.LivingEntity}.
COMMENT Each {@link EquipmentSlot} contains information on where that slot should be located within a parent {@link net.minecraft.inventory.Inventory}.
COMMENT {@link EquipmentSlot#getEntitySlotId()} will provide the base slot index an {@code EquipmentSlot} should occupy (starting from {@code 0}),
COMMENT while {@link EquipmentSlot#getOffsetEntitySlotId(int)} will return the same value added to an offset index.
COMMENT {@link EquipmentSlot} can be used to quickly access the item held by an inventory slot in a {@link net.minecraft.entity.LivingEntity} through
COMMENT methods such as {@link net.minecraft.entity.LivingEntity#getEquippedStack(EquipmentSlot)}, which will return the {@link net.minecraft.item.ItemStack}
COMMENT held in the {@code LivingEntity}'s inventory slot pointed at by the target {@code EquipmentSlot}.
FIELD field_6167 armorStandId I
FIELD field_6168 entityId I
FIELD field_6170 type Lnet/minecraft/class_1304$class_1305;
FIELD field_6175 name Ljava/lang/String;
METHOD <init> (Ljava/lang/String;ILnet/minecraft/class_1304$class_1305;IILjava/lang/String;)V
ARG 3 type
ARG 4 entityId
ARG 5 armorStandId
ARG 6 name
METHOD method_20234 fromTypeIndex (Lnet/minecraft/class_1304$class_1305;I)Lnet/minecraft/class_1304;
COMMENT Returns the {@link EquipmentSlot} where {@link EquipmentSlot#getEntitySlotId()} is equal to {@code index} and the type of the slot is equal to {@code type}.
COMMENT If no {@code EquipmentSlot} could be found matching the input {@code type} and {@code index}, throws {@link IllegalArgumentException}.
COMMENT @throws IllegalArgumentException if no slot type could be found matching {@code type} and {@code index}
COMMENT @return an {@link EquipmentSlot} matching the given {@code type} and inventory {@code index}
ARG 0 type
ARG 1 index
METHOD method_32320 getOffsetEntitySlotId (I)I
COMMENT @return the index of the inventory slot this {@link EquipmentSlot} should occupy, plus the passed in {@code offset} amount.
ARG 1 offset
METHOD method_5923 getName ()Ljava/lang/String;
COMMENT Returns the unique name of this {@link EquipmentSlot}.
COMMENT The returned value will be a lower-case string (such as "chest" for {@link EquipmentSlot#CHEST}).
COMMENT @return the lower-case name of this {@link EquipmentSlot}
METHOD method_5924 byName (Ljava/lang/String;)Lnet/minecraft/class_1304;
COMMENT Returns the {@link EquipmentSlot} where {@link EquipmentSlot#getName()} is equal to {@code name}.
COMMENT If no {@code EquipmentSlot} could be found matching the input name, throws {@link IllegalArgumentException}.
COMMENT @throws IllegalArgumentException if no slot type could be found matching {@code name}
COMMENT @return an {@link EquipmentSlot} where {@link EquipmentSlot#getName()} equals {@code name}
ARG 0 name
METHOD method_5925 getType ()Lnet/minecraft/class_1304$class_1305;
COMMENT Returns the target {@link EquipmentSlot.Type} that this {@link EquipmentSlot} targets.
COMMENT An {@link EquipmentSlot} either targets the hand or body type, which can be used to determine whether a request
COMMENT to manipulate {@link EquipmentSlot} data on an entity should be applied to an armor inventory or general item inventory.
COMMENT @return the target {@link EquipmentSlot.Type} (hand or armor) of this {@link EquipmentSlot}
METHOD method_5926 getArmorStandSlotId ()I
COMMENT @return the index of the inventory slot this {@link EquipmentSlot} occupies in an {@link net.minecraft.entity.decoration.ArmorStandEntity}
METHOD method_5927 getEntitySlotId ()I
COMMENT Returns the index of the inventory slot this {@link EquipmentSlot} should occupy.
COMMENT In the case of {@link EquipmentSlot#MAINHAND} and {@link EquipmentSlot#OFFHAND}, this method will return 0 & 1, respectively.
COMMENT The remaining armor slots re-start at index 0 and end at index 3.
COMMENT To calculate the target index of an inventory slot for an {@link EquipmentSlot} relative to the offset index of an entire
COMMENT inventory, visit {@link EquipmentSlot#getOffsetEntitySlotId(int)}.
COMMENT @return index of the inventory slot this {@link EquipmentSlot} should occupy
CLASS class_1305 Type
COMMENT The type of body item slot an {@link EquipmentSlot} targets.