Refactor vertex format stuff (#3122)

* Refactor vertex format stuff

* Fix unpick
This commit is contained in:
enbrain 2022-05-02 01:50:50 +09:00 committed by GitHub
parent ca0291337a
commit a142b80d54
No known key found for this signature in database
7 changed files with 123 additions and 123 deletions

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@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ CLASS com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem
FIELD field_27333 increment I
FIELD field_27334 indexMapper Lcom/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem$class_5590$class_5591;
FIELD field_27335 id I
FIELD field_27336 elementFormat Lnet/minecraft/class_293$class_5595;
FIELD field_27336 indexType Lnet/minecraft/class_293$class_5595;
FIELD field_27337 size I
METHOD <init> (IILcom/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem$class_5590$class_5591;)V
ARG 1 sizeMultiplier
@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ CLASS com/mojang/blaze3d/systems/RenderSystem
ARG 1 indicesBuffer
METHOD method_31923 (Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;I)V
ARG 1 index
METHOD method_31924 getElementFormat ()Lnet/minecraft/class_293$class_5595;
METHOD method_31924 getIndexType ()Lnet/minecraft/class_293$class_5595;
METHOD method_31925 (Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;I)V
ARG 1 index
METHOD method_43409 isSizeLessThanOrEqual (I)Z

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ CLASS net/minecraft/class_291 net/minecraft/client/gl/VertexBuffer
FIELD field_1593 vertexCount I
FIELD field_1594 vertexBufferId I
FIELD field_27366 indexBufferId I
FIELD field_27367 elementFormat Lnet/minecraft/class_293$class_5595;
FIELD field_27367 indexType Lnet/minecraft/class_293$class_5595;
FIELD field_27368 drawMode Lnet/minecraft/class_293$class_5596;
FIELD field_29338 vertexArrayId I
FIELD field_29339 vertexFormat Lnet/minecraft/class_293;
@ -27,4 +27,4 @@ CLASS net/minecraft/class_291 net/minecraft/client/gl/VertexBuffer
ARG 1 parameters
ARG 2 data
METHOD method_43444 isClosed ()Z
METHOD method_43445 getElementFormat ()Lnet/minecraft/class_293$class_5595;
METHOD method_43445 getIndexType ()Lnet/minecraft/class_293$class_5595;

View File

@ -46,28 +46,6 @@ CLASS net/minecraft/class_287 net/minecraft/client/render/BufferBuilder
METHOD method_31950 writeSortedIndices (Lnet/minecraft/class_293$class_5595;)V
METHOD method_31954 buildPrimitiveCenters ()[Lnet/minecraft/class_1160;
CLASS class_4574 DrawArrayParameters
FIELD comp_749 vertexFormat Lnet/minecraft/class_293;
FIELD comp_750 count I
FIELD comp_751 vertexCount I
FIELD comp_752 mode Lnet/minecraft/class_293$class_5596;
FIELD comp_753 elementFormat Lnet/minecraft/class_293$class_5595;
FIELD comp_754 hasNoVertexBuffer Z
FIELD comp_755 hasNoIndexBuffer Z
METHOD <init> (Lnet/minecraft/class_293;IILnet/minecraft/class_293$class_5596;Lnet/minecraft/class_293$class_5595;ZZ)V
ARG 1 vertexFormat
ARG 2 count
ARG 3 vertexCount
ARG 4 mode
ARG 5 elementFormat
ARG 6 hasNoVertexBuffer
ARG 7 hasNoIndexBuffer
METHOD comp_749 vertexFormat ()Lnet/minecraft/class_293;
METHOD comp_750 count ()I
METHOD comp_751 vertexCount ()I
METHOD comp_752 mode ()Lnet/minecraft/class_293$class_5596;
METHOD comp_753 elementFormat ()Lnet/minecraft/class_293$class_5595;
METHOD comp_754 hasNoVertexBuffer ()Z
METHOD comp_755 hasNoIndexBuffer ()Z
METHOD method_31957 getIndexBufferStart ()I
METHOD method_31958 getIndexBufferEnd ()I
METHOD method_31961 getIndexBufferLength ()I

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
CLASS net/minecraft/class_293 net/minecraft/client/render/VertexFormat
FIELD field_1597 offsets Lit/unimi/dsi/fastutil/ints/IntList;
FIELD field_1600 size I
FIELD field_1600 vertexSizeByte I
FIELD field_1602 elements Lcom/google/common/collect/ImmutableList;
FIELD field_29340 elementMap Lcom/google/common/collect/ImmutableMap;
FIELD field_38984 buffer Lnet/minecraft/class_291;
@ -10,34 +10,37 @@ CLASS net/minecraft/class_293 net/minecraft/client/render/VertexFormat
ARG 1 o
METHOD method_1357 getElements ()Lcom/google/common/collect/ImmutableList;
METHOD method_1359 getVertexSizeInteger ()I
METHOD method_1362 getVertexSize ()I
METHOD method_22649 startDrawing ()V
METHOD method_22651 endDrawing ()V
METHOD method_34445 getShaderAttributes ()Lcom/google/common/collect/ImmutableList;
METHOD method_34449 innerStartDrawing ()V
METHOD method_34450 innerEndDrawing ()V
METHOD method_1362 getVertexSizeByte ()I
METHOD method_22649 setupState ()V
COMMENT Specifies for OpenGL how the vertex data should be interpreted.
METHOD method_22651 clearState ()V
METHOD method_34445 getAttributeNames ()Lcom/google/common/collect/ImmutableList;
METHOD method_34449 setupStateInternal ()V
METHOD method_34450 clearStateInternal ()V
METHOD method_43446 getBuffer ()Lnet/minecraft/class_291;
CLASS class_5595 IntType
FIELD field_27374 type I
CLASS class_5595 IndexType
FIELD field_27374 glType I
FIELD field_27375 size I
METHOD <init> (Ljava/lang/String;III)V
ARG 3 type
ARG 3 glType
ARG 4 size
METHOD method_31972 getSmallestTypeFor (I)Lnet/minecraft/class_293$class_5595;
COMMENT Gets the smallest type in which the given number fits.
COMMENT @return the smallest type
ARG 0 number
COMMENT a number from 8 to 32 bits of memory
METHOD method_31972 smallestFor (I)Lnet/minecraft/class_293$class_5595;
COMMENT {@return the smallest type in which {@code indexCount} fits}
ARG 0 indexCount
CLASS class_5596 DrawMode
FIELD field_27383 mode I
FIELD field_27384 vertexCount I
FIELD field_27385 size I
FIELD field_27383 glMode I
FIELD field_27384 firstVertexCount I
COMMENT The number of vertices needed to form a first shape.
FIELD field_27385 additionalVertexCount I
COMMENT The number of vertices needed to form an additional shape. In other
COMMENT words, it's {@code firstVertexCount - s} where {@code s} is the number
COMMENT of vertices shared with the previous shape.
FIELD field_38878 shareVertices Z
COMMENT Whether there are shared vertices in consecutive shapes.
METHOD <init> (Ljava/lang/String;IIIIZ)V
ARG 3 mode
ARG 4 vertexCount
ARG 5 size
ARG 3 glMode
ARG 4 firstVertexCount
ARG 5 additionalVertexCount
ARG 6 shareVertices
METHOD method_31973 getSize (I)I
METHOD method_31973 getIndexCount (I)I
ARG 1 vertexCount

View File

@ -1,135 +1,154 @@
CLASS net/minecraft/class_296 net/minecraft/client/render/VertexFormatElement
COMMENT Represents a singular field within a larger vertex format.
COMMENT This element comprises a data type, a field length,
COMMENT and the corresponding GL element type to which this field corresponds.
FIELD field_1612 length I
FIELD field_1613 textureIndex I
COMMENT Represents a singular field within a larger {@link
COMMENT net.minecraft.client.render.VertexFormat vertex format}.
COMMENT <p>This element comprises a component type, the number of components,
COMMENT and a type that describes how the components should be interpreted.
FIELD field_1612 componentCount I
FIELD field_1613 uvIndex I
FIELD field_1614 type Lnet/minecraft/class_296$class_298;
FIELD field_1615 dataType Lnet/minecraft/class_296$class_297;
FIELD field_1615 componentType Lnet/minecraft/class_296$class_297;
FIELD field_21329 byteLength I
COMMENT The total length of this element (in bytes).
METHOD <init> (ILnet/minecraft/class_296$class_297;Lnet/minecraft/class_296$class_298;I)V
ARG 1 textureIndex
ARG 2 dataType
ARG 1 uvIndex
ARG 2 componentType
ARG 3 type
ARG 4 length
ARG 4 componentCount
METHOD equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
ARG 1 o
METHOD method_1382 getType ()Lnet/minecraft/class_296$class_298;
METHOD method_1383 isValidType (ILnet/minecraft/class_296$class_298;)Z
ARG 1 index
ARG 1 uvIndex
ARG 2 type
METHOD method_1385 getTextureIndex ()I
METHOD method_1386 getDataType ()Lnet/minecraft/class_296$class_297;
METHOD method_1385 getUvIndex ()I
METHOD method_1386 getComponentType ()Lnet/minecraft/class_296$class_297;
METHOD method_1387 getByteLength ()I
METHOD method_22652 startDrawing (IJI)V
METHOD method_22652 setupState (IJI)V
COMMENT Specifies for OpenGL how the vertex data corresponding to this element
COMMENT should be interpreted.
ARG 1 elementIndex
ARG 2 pointer
COMMENT the index of the element in a vertex format
ARG 2 offset
COMMENT the distance between the start of the buffer and the first instance of
COMMENT the element in the buffer
ARG 4 stride
METHOD method_22653 endDrawing (I)V
COMMENT the distance between consecutive instances of the element in the buffer
METHOD method_22653 clearState (I)V
ARG 1 elementIndex
METHOD method_34451 getLength ()I
METHOD method_34451 getComponentCount ()I
METHOD method_35667 isPosition ()Z
CLASS class_297 DataType
CLASS class_297 ComponentType
COMMENT Represents a type of components in an element.
FIELD field_1618 byteLength I
FIELD field_1626 name Ljava/lang/String;
FIELD field_1627 id I
FIELD field_1627 glType I
METHOD <init> (Ljava/lang/String;IILjava/lang/String;I)V
ARG 3 byteCount
ARG 3 byteLength
ARG 4 name
ARG 5 id
ARG 5 glType
METHOD method_1389 getName ()Ljava/lang/String;
METHOD method_1390 getId ()I
METHOD method_1390 getGlType ()I
METHOD method_1391 getByteLength ()I
CLASS class_298 Type
COMMENT Describes how the components should be interpreted.
FIELD field_1630 name Ljava/lang/String;
FIELD field_20783 starter Lnet/minecraft/class_296$class_298$class_4575;
FIELD field_20784 finisher Lnet/minecraft/class_296$class_298$class_5938;
FIELD field_20783 setupTask Lnet/minecraft/class_296$class_298$class_4575;
FIELD field_20784 clearTask Lnet/minecraft/class_296$class_298$class_5938;
METHOD <init> (Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;Lnet/minecraft/class_296$class_298$class_4575;Lnet/minecraft/class_296$class_298$class_5938;)V
ARG 3 name
ARG 4 starter
ARG 5 finisher
ARG 4 setupTask
ARG 5 clearTask
METHOD method_1392 getName ()Ljava/lang/String;
METHOD method_22654 endDrawing (II)V
ARG 1 textureIndex
METHOD method_22654 clearState (II)V
ARG 1 uvIndex
ARG 2 elementIndex
METHOD method_22655 startDrawing (IIIJII)V
ARG 1 size
ARG 2 type
METHOD method_22655 setupState (IIIJII)V
ARG 1 componentCount
ARG 2 componentType
ARG 3 stride
ARG 4 pointer
ARG 6 textureIndex
ARG 4 offset
ARG 6 uvIndex
ARG 7 elementIndex
METHOD method_22657 (II)V
ARG 0 textureIndex
ARG 0 uvIndex
ARG 1 elementIndex
METHOD method_22658 (IIIJII)V
ARG 0 size
ARG 1 type
ARG 0 componentCount
ARG 1 componentType
ARG 2 stride
ARG 3 pointer
ARG 5 textureIndex
ARG 3 offset
ARG 5 uvIndex
ARG 6 elementIndex
METHOD method_22659 (II)V
ARG 0 textureIndex
ARG 0 uvIndex
ARG 1 elementIndex
METHOD method_22660 (IIIJII)V
ARG 0 size
ARG 1 type
ARG 0 componentCount
ARG 1 componentType
ARG 2 stride
ARG 3 pointer
ARG 5 textureIndex
ARG 3 offset
ARG 5 uvIndex
ARG 6 elementIndex
METHOD method_22661 (II)V
ARG 0 textureIndex
ARG 0 uvIndex
ARG 1 elementIndex
METHOD method_22662 (IIIJII)V
ARG 0 size
ARG 1 type
ARG 0 componentCount
ARG 1 componentType
ARG 2 stride
ARG 3 pointer
ARG 5 textureIndex
ARG 3 offset
ARG 5 uvIndex
ARG 6 elementIndex
METHOD method_22663 (II)V
ARG 0 textureIndex
ARG 0 uvIndex
ARG 1 elementIndex
METHOD method_22664 (IIIJII)V
ARG 0 size
ARG 1 type
ARG 0 componentCount
ARG 1 componentType
ARG 2 stride
ARG 3 pointer
ARG 5 textureIndex
ARG 3 offset
ARG 5 uvIndex
ARG 6 elementIndex
METHOD method_22665 (II)V
ARG 0 textureIndex
ARG 0 uvIndex
ARG 1 elementIndex
METHOD method_22666 (IIIJII)V
ARG 0 size
ARG 1 type
ARG 0 componentCount
ARG 1 componentType
ARG 2 stride
ARG 3 pointer
ARG 5 textureIndex
ARG 3 offset
ARG 5 uvIndex
ARG 6 elementIndex
METHOD method_22667 (IIIJII)V
ARG 0 size
ARG 1 type
ARG 0 componentCount
ARG 1 componentType
ARG 2 stride
ARG 3 pointer
ARG 5 textureIndex
ARG 3 offset
ARG 5 uvIndex
ARG 6 elementIndex
METHOD method_34452 (II)V
ARG 0 textureIndex
ARG 0 uvIndex
ARG 1 elementIndex
CLASS class_4575 Starter
CLASS class_4575 SetupTask
METHOD setupBufferState (IIIJII)V
ARG 1 size
ARG 2 type
COMMENT Specifies for OpenGL how the vertex data corresponding to the element
COMMENT should be interpreted.
ARG 1 componentCount
COMMENT the number of components in the element
ARG 2 componentType
COMMENT the GL type of components in the element
ARG 3 stride
ARG 4 pointer
ARG 6 textureIndex
COMMENT the distance between consecutive instances of the element in the buffer
ARG 4 offset
COMMENT the distance between the start of the buffer and the first instance of
COMMENT the element in the buffer; be aware that {@code pointer} is a legacy
COMMENT name from OpenGL 2
ARG 6 uvIndex
ARG 7 elementIndex
CLASS class_5938 Finisher
COMMENT the index of the element in a vertex format
CLASS class_5938 ClearTask
METHOD clearBufferState (II)V
ARG 1 textureIndex
ARG 1 uvIndex
ARG 2 elementIndex
COMMENT the index of the element in a vertex format

View File

@ -12,12 +12,12 @@ CLASS net/minecraft/class_290 net/minecraft/client/render/VertexFormats
FIELD field_1586 POSITION_TEXTURE_LIGHT_COLOR Lnet/minecraft/class_293;
FIELD field_1587 POSITION_ELEMENT Lnet/minecraft/class_296;
FIELD field_1590 POSITION_COLOR_TEXTURE_LIGHT_NORMAL Lnet/minecraft/class_293;
FIELD field_1591 TEXTURE_0_ELEMENT Lnet/minecraft/class_296;
FIELD field_1591 TEXTURE_ELEMENT Lnet/minecraft/class_296;
FIELD field_1592 POSITION Lnet/minecraft/class_293;
FIELD field_20886 LIGHT_ELEMENT Lnet/minecraft/class_296;
FIELD field_20887 POSITION_COLOR_TEXTURE Lnet/minecraft/class_293;
FIELD field_20888 POSITION_COLOR_TEXTURE_LIGHT Lnet/minecraft/class_293;
FIELD field_21468 POSITION_COLOR_LIGHT Lnet/minecraft/class_293;
FIELD field_29335 TEXTURE_ELEMENT Lnet/minecraft/class_296;
FIELD field_29335 UV_ELEMENT Lnet/minecraft/class_296;
FIELD field_29336 BLIT_SCREEN Lnet/minecraft/class_293;
FIELD field_29337 LINES Lnet/minecraft/class_293;

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@ -262,9 +262,9 @@ target_method net/minecraft/client/texture/NativeImage$Format <init> (Ljava/lang
target_method net/minecraft/client/texture/NativeImage$InternalFormat <init> (Ljava/lang/String;II)V
param 2 gl_tex_format
target_method net/minecraft/client/render/VertexFormatElement$DataType <init> (Ljava/lang/String;IILjava/lang/String;I)V
target_method net/minecraft/client/render/VertexFormatElement$ComponentType <init> (Ljava/lang/String;IILjava/lang/String;I)V
param 4 gl_type
target_method net/minecraft/client/render/VertexFormat$IntType <init> (Ljava/lang/String;III)V
target_method net/minecraft/client/render/VertexFormat$IndexType <init> (Ljava/lang/String;III)V
param 2 gl_type
target_method net/minecraft/client/gl/GlBlendState <init> (ZZIIIII)V